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SabriNa C.Lemay 23.02.2021

I remember the way this quote hit me when I first heard it and the importance of it - since then I have always reminded myself to say humble, to know myself and how the search for validation can yes be incredible when you get it but devestating when you don’t - even worse, shattering to those who hear the opposite of what they had hoped for. It is great to accept compliments, for people to like you, if you are a business owner, an entrepreneur- my gosh that feeling when someo...ne loves what you do - your business is highly recommended, your name is praised. You eat those compliments right up (as you should you have worked for the position you are in, who you are, what you have created) However... let me remind you to be humble. Never allow the story of who you are, what you do, what you have created and how others view you go to your head. Let me tell you if you - bank your success and who you are based on what other people’s perception of you is when it is not what you hoped it will absoloutly destroy you inside. If they can feed you - they can starve you - You must be careful who you give your power to. No one can hold the key to your success other than you. I can say this because regardless of how you measure your success - true success will be this feeling you carry inside when everyone is striped away. This does not have to apply to business owners this goes for many other situations in life - your parents, your partner, a bestfriend - whomever you connect to - whoever gives you that validation, stroke of an ego - let this be the fire beneath you that continues to push you towards you - doing things for you - being able to say Hey I’m pretty great to know yourself so well - that in the end you understand people will say all kinds of things - perceptions will change - if you stay true to you - you won’t ever be starved

SabriNa C.Lemay 07.02.2021

Did you know sadness, Depression, staying stuck is intoxicating ? There is this feeling that keeps you in the sadness loop our natural instinct as humans is to keep ourselves in a place of misery! It is much easier than choosing happiness (for anyone who has ever been depressed I know you will tell me you do not choose unhappiness) I know what your talking about (believe me) I am telling you choosing to stay unhappy is easier because it comes with all these familiar fe...Continue reading

SabriNa C.Lemay 02.02.2021

Have you ever been called by something greater than you ... some may call it - spirit guides, a gut feeling, intuition etc... - an inner calling a knowing that is telling you to slow down ... warn you of a situation that does not feel right - or - maybe to take a risk because everything inside just feels right, that divine alignment - yet despite all these feelings ... you don’t answer to the call - you keep going. Your reason for not answering the call... - Too busy - You... don’t trust yourself - It is not the right time - Fear - Procrasination - You will get to it - when you feel it is right I mean there are many reasons... as I have continued to experience life I’ve come to realize just how important it is to tune into yourself. I have experienced my entire being in such a different way - in comparison to a few years ago & the more I connect the more these feelings are enhanced. You begin to know yourself - trust yourself - knowing your body & that mind - body connect - what it needs and when. So ask yourself... - Do you know your sweet spot (if you go to bed at this time you feel fabulous the next day) - Do you know when to immerse yourself in nature? - Do you know what reactions your body has to stress ? - Do you know when to walk away from a situation/ person that is toxic (and you actually listen) - When to tune out & tune inwards - When your body needs fuel (perhaps the low slump in the day when you assume you are just fatigued when actually your glucose levels have dropped) - How about when you instantly react to a situation negatively ... do you see that it is actually about you without deep reflect do you begin to understand where the reaction came from & suddenly instead of reacting you see it & become silent. These are small things & the more you connect & listen to your inner guide the closer you become to personal alignment. It has been two weeks I’ve felt my call - I’ve heard and I know it ... and I’ve not given in - but it just keep resurfacing - see those feelings get stronger. Sooo I give This weekend I am taking a small break to tune in. No social, no back to back calls - no distractions - tuning inwards Give it a try.

SabriNa C.Lemay 24.01.2021

I want to get better - do better - make the change - you say or you don’t say it at all... because sometimes it is easier staying stuck vs taking the risk, doing the work or perhaps, you may not even realize your addicted to the dramatics - the roller coaster ups and downs of your life ... or like me once upon a time - you just don’t love yourself enough to do it, to change. Hold on a minute before you say SabriNa, I do love myself P A U S E ... Now... B R E... A T H E. If you truly love yourself, would you still be stuck? The answer to that friend is - no - you can try and justify to me all the reasons why you love yourself and whatever way you put it I can come back to you and say perhaps you do but not entirely and then you might say... No one can love themselves entirely and I will say - apart of loving yourself is working towards a better version of you no matter what it takes and when you know you love yourself you see the push, the pull and maybe it’s not LOVING everything about yourself that means you love yourself instead it is accepting yourself for who you are - yes the crinkle over your nose, the way you mispronounce the same word every dang time, the way no matter how hard you try you are not an expert in math. Self love = self acceptance. When I did not love myself to make the changes... I decided to choose a reason greater then me. My first reason: I want to help people someday (I’ll tell you every mentor told me it meant I had to do the work inside first) - My second reason: I want to the woman Jesse deserve - I don’t want to cry every damn day, not sit across from him at dinner, miss out on cuddles because I was too anxious to be close etc... I found a reason - and every time I wanted to give up (Oh yes, give up) I would remind myself of my why...and each day turned into another day and another - doing the friKen work! Hmmm see I was making it work quite literally. Then I stopped looking at it like work and more of a personal experiment - fun - (ask me if it was fun as I cried) not so much - but mindset is everything. Choose your reason friends and remember Self Love = Self Acceptance

SabriNa C.Lemay 13.01.2021

Here is something that can change your life...AND ... it is so simple ... Make P E A C E with the unknown. It seems now more than ever people have become fearful of the unknown, anxious of the unknown - dreading what’s to come and even trying to predict what is to come (when they have no friKen clue) and the reality is we have all been in a place of resistance when it comes to the unknown which by the way is so normal because we are human beings and we are problem solv...ers - our brain always wants to know more, know why, what’s next - it’s apart of our survival mechanism - the brain was literally designed to protect you and keep you alive! If you can practice making peace with the unknown you will come to see just how life changing it is. You will feel less anxious, you will stop creating narratives of what’s to come, you will stop waiting for something to happen and guess what instead of waiting - you will just take action and see what happens. How to make peace with the unknown... - Become aware of your own thoughts, what is causing you anxiety about the unknown - Evaluate the truth behind it - play the what if game... what if this, what if that - and you will see all the what if’s end up with all ending up ok. - Take action! Move towards your kind of greatness - Most important realize life is unknown - we have never really known. The knowing is a false sense of control. Breathe - Find P E A C E .