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Sarah Joseph, MSW 10.10.2020

This series is still going and it's drop in - registration required to get the zoom link but free to families on the Sunshine Coast. We are on week 4 but you can catch the previous sessions on my YouTube channel: [email protected]

Sarah Joseph, MSW 03.10.2020

Have you ever noticed that people don’t grow out of sand play? Doesn’t seem to matter how old you get, sand play is always enticing. Today I watched as kids from 1-14 where drawn towards these sand toys and was once again reminded of the importance of play. #play #sandplay #getoutside #sand #buckets #colour #amaturephotography #momlife #kids #parenting #counselor

Sarah Joseph, MSW 27.09.2020

Register for free: https://early-learning.sd46.bc.ca//20/Parenting-Circles-4.

Sarah Joseph, MSW 25.09.2020

I recently had a client who was having a hard time with her emotions. She was worried about how her reactions were affecting her relationship with her husband and children. I gave her this step-by-step for handling her emotions and she came back the next week telling me how well it was working for her. She said it was amazing how quickly it made her feel better and how easy it was to handle her emotions now that she knew what to do. It is making a big difference in her relati...onships because now she is able to calm herself down to communicate more clearly what she is feeling and ask for what she would like. I thought it might be helpful to make up a graphic to share. Many people struggle with knowing what to do with their feelings, especially big ones that aren't easily pushed away. It's empowering to know what is happening in our brain, so I always start by explaining that. Our emotional brain is easily triggered into action when we are under stress, don't have good coping skills or feel intense emotions. When our emotional brain's alarm system kicks into action it quickly takes over and our intellectual (rational) brain is almost completely off-line. Meaning we have little ability to control impulses, think logically or rationally, plan, problem solve or communicate clearly. Once the alarm system kicks into action our flight, fight or flee response takes over and we often act fast without thinking. This step-by-step will help you slow down, calm your emotional brain and nervous system, so you can get back on track. Learn the steps, practice them and then model for and teach them to your children.

Sarah Joseph, MSW 23.09.2020

This happened every day for the 6 months when my son started kindergarten. As soon as he got off the school bus he would start a fight with his younger sister who was so excited to see him after spending the school day at home with me. He didn't want any part of her playfulness. He just needed time to release and land after the transition. A few things we did that helped him; 1. Time outside, we would often go to the beach before walking home from the bus stop, we were luck...y to live 5 min walk from the beach. 2. Balance Essential Oil Blend - I would apply it to myself before I picked him up and be a diffuser for him. This had the added benefit of helping me stay grounded and not get triggered from his emotional meltdown or mood. If he would allow me, I would apply some to the back of his neck. Steady from the kid's collection would work well for this too. 3. Connection time with me, cuddles, hugs, sitting together, etc. 4. Snack, something yummy but healthy. Often popcorn and a smoothie. Creating a ritual of connection when you come back together is very helpful for calming the nervous system and creating that sense of safety again. A ritual of connection is simply something your child can depend on to happen every time they return to your care. A short time where they get your undivided attention helps them land more grounded through the transition from school to home or daycare/after-school-care to home and will reduce the length of restraint collapse. Try diffusing this blend in your home; 2 drops Myrrh - for safety 2 drops Marjoram - for connection 3 drops Wild Orange - for calming mind & body, uplifting mood

Sarah Joseph, MSW 14.09.2020

Do you have a teen? You might like to watch this video from my 6 week series on Parenting Adolescents Through Difficult Times. Understanding the Adolescent Brain - https://youtu.be/y8_PrxIKeHc

Sarah Joseph, MSW 03.09.2020

I love how graphics like this can get people thinking! Yes! So much of "our instinct" (or conditioned response) as parents is rooted in being raised in homes w...herein we effectively had no voice to say "no." Being manipulated, shamed, and dominated allows for such behavior to be seen as "normal." This helps explain why people find themselves repeating such shadows in future partnerships/relationships. Yet... there's hope! Because well-researched, compassionate, and mindful paths exist wherein we can support the development of our own healthiest selves ~ and a healthier next generation. We can embody empathy, curiosity, diversity, self regulation, and healthy boundary setting. We can model how people can disagree without being disrespectful. We can work with children to meet higher level development goals.

Sarah Joseph, MSW 29.08.2020

These wheels provided much entertainment and learning this week. Curious hands explored motion, gravity, balance, speed, shape, size and more. As part of my new job (Family Resource Navigator with SD46) I get to visit the Strong Start centres on the lower Sunshine Coast. I’ve so enjoyed watching the wonder and excitement on little faces. We are certainly blessed with an amazing team who run this thoughtful program. #strongstart #kids #parenting #momlife #entertaining_kids #play #playislearning #blessed #sunshinecoastbc #earlylearning #earlylearningcentre

Sarah Joseph, MSW 29.08.2020

Setting Limits/Boundaries is important. Setting clear consistent limits helps children feel safe and helps prevent repetitive misbehaviour. As Brene Brown says: "Clear is Kind". Make Limits respectful, related, reasonable and helpful. Try setting limits in advance; state what you will do, instead of what you will make the child do. Ask for the child's understanding of what you have stated. Then follow through, without warnings, coaxing or threats. Some Essential Oil suggesti...ons for helping you set boundaries: Clove: gives us the courage to set clear boundaries, thus aiding us to set limits even when it's challenging or in situations where we've previously caved. Spearmint: assists us in setting clear boundaries by providing us with inner clarity and helping us communicate clearly. Usage: Parents and kids can use these oils topically by applying diluted on the back of neck, inhaling deeply, or diffusing a drop of each together. When your child is upset by the boundary - See Empathy Tool Card! Kids are allowed to be disappointed or upset when we say no or set a boundary. Allow them to have their emotion and empathize their feelings. "wow you sound really disappointed, that I said no to a playdate today and you wish you could just play with your friends". Sometimes, kids just need to feel heard and empathy is a great way to communicate that you get them and what they are feeling. Plus, it shows that we are not completely heartless like they think we are when we say no - lol This was a parenting tool from my Parenting Essentials Deck. If you'd like to have your own tool deck, you can purchase one from: My Website: https://sarahjoseph.ca/product/parenting-essentials-deck/ or Oil Life: https://www.oillife.com/pro/parenting-essentials-card-deck

Sarah Joseph, MSW 27.08.2020

Pro D Day Training - it's something I do. If your school is looking for a Pro D Day Workshop please reach out. We can do it on Zoom or I'm willing to travel within BC to provide workshops to school staff. Workshops can be just a couple of hours or full day. Topics include: ... - Intro to Positive Discipline for the Classroom - Teaching Self-Regulation & Emotional Intelligence - Understanding the Message behind Misbehaviour - Building Classroom Community; Creating Connections that Matter in the Classroom Raise your hand if you are a teacher and think that one of these workshops would be helpful. See more

Sarah Joseph, MSW 21.08.2020

Rudolf Dreikurs taught, "A child needs encouragement like a plant needs water." In other words, encouragement is essential. Children may not die without encouragement, but they certainly wither. Since encouragement is so essential, it would be good for parents to know what encouragement means and how to do it. Children who were praised for being smart when they accomplished a task chose easier tasks in the future. They didn’t want to risk making mistakes. On the other hand, c...hildren who were encouraged for their efforts were willing to choose more challenging tasks when given a choice. As Dreikurs said, Encourage the deed [or effort], not the doer. In other words, instead of, You got an A, I’m so proud of you, try, Congratulations! You worked hard. You deserve it. A subtle difference, but it will change the perception you have of your child and they have of themselves. A couple essential oils that can support you are: Green Mandarin: helps us tap into our pure potential and see past our limiting beliefs. Blue Tansy: inspires us to take action and teaches us that action is required to become our best selves and fulfill our full potential. Usage: Parents can help kids use these oils topically by applying them diluted to the bottoms of the feet, or diffusing a drop of each together. I'd love to hear how it works, so comment below with your stories of trying today's tip from the Parenting Essentials Card Deck. You can pick up your very own Parenting Essentials Card Deck from: my website: https://sarahjoseph.ca/product/parenting-essentials-deck/ and Oil Life: https://www.oillife.com/pro/parenting-essentials-card-deck

Sarah Joseph, MSW 08.08.2020

This pumpkin cookie recipe is the perfect thing to welcome in fall! Follow the link to get instructions for the recipe: https://www.doterra.com/US/en/blog/recipes-pumpkin-cookies.

Sarah Joseph, MSW 04.08.2020

Has this ever happened to you? You're at the store with your child and all of a sudden they break into a major meltdown? You try to quiet them, you try to reason with them, but nothing you do is successful in getting them to stop this public display. You feel the judging looks from others in the store and wish there was an easy way to change this scene quickly. Well there is! My 3 Step Guide to Calming an Upset Child is here to change this scene completely.... Are you ready to be more confident and calm in the face of your child's meltdowns? Then download my FREE Guide today: https://mailchi.mp/sarahjos/free-parenting-essentials-guide

Sarah Joseph, MSW 23.07.2020

Parenting School Age Kids Through Difficult Times; Why Parenting is So Hard These Days - https://youtu.be/NzqCl2MTP1M

Sarah Joseph, MSW 17.07.2020

The kids have been back in the classroom for exactly 2 weeks and now they both have a runny nose. I guess it's to be expected. Here's what we are doing to support their immune response and kick that runny nose to the curb. Me and my 11 year old son are taking On Guard Softgels 4x a day. My 8 year old daughter is taking On Guard beadlets instead. We are using Stronger topically. Up and down the spine 4-6 times a day. ... And On Guard is in the diffuser basically 24 -7! I don't need, nor have time for a bloody cold! When you are fighting a cold or flu, you are going to want your oils in, on and around you. We have found the key, is using them early and often. Hit those germs as soon as you notice them and hit them in all the ways. Everyone is feeling better already and we had a 3 day weekend to take these germs down thanks to the ProD Day on Monday, so we won't even need to miss any school. Yay! Essential Oils to the rescue again.

Sarah Joseph, MSW 04.07.2020

This is Friday night self-care! Feeling excited about christening my new bathtub. As part of the renovations I made sure I up graded my tub into one I could actually take a bath in. The previous one was ridiculously small. It’s been at least 3 years since I’ve even tried to take a bath. Epsom salts with Clary Sage, Copaiba and frankincense to aid my body, mood and spirit. A bottle of Screw It wine and a good book get get lost in. This should do nicely. ... #fridaynight #selfcare #bath #goodbook #readinginthebath #wine

Sarah Joseph, MSW 12.06.2020

Struggle is important, here's why...

Sarah Joseph, MSW 10.06.2020

I’m working on my presentation for tonight’s Parenting Through Difficult Times Zoom call for @sd46sc Tonight marks the start of a six week series. Monday nights at 8pm is focused on parenting elementary school aged kids and Wednesday’s are focused on parenting secondary school aged kids. Registration is required but free. Head over the the school district website at sd46.bc.ca click on Education During Covid19 Pandemic header, scroll down to Parenting Resouces, click on tha...t and scroll down to see Registration for Fall Parenting Series - Parenting Through Difficult Times - How to Thrive Rather Than Just Survive. Click to register! You’ll receive the Zoom link after you register. Hope to see you there tonight! #parenting #sunshinecoastbc #parentingsupport #parentingtips #kids #freeresources