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Sara Kelly 26.02.2021

What do you LOVE doing in your business? How can you do more of that? What do you not love doing in your business?... How can you do less of that? Simple, but profound. See more

Sara Kelly 13.01.2021

I’m on a mission to kick the hustle + grind culture to the curb in favour of more ease + flow in business. Your business isn’t one-dimensional and your approach to business shouldn’t be either. While I love a good spreadsheet and pouring over numbers, we need to go a little deeper in order to nurture and grow a business that not only LOOKS good on the outside but also FEELS good on the inside.... Introducing... The Ease + Flow Biz Framework: My signature approach to helping you flow through your business with ease. I’m not your typical business mentor and my approach to business isn’t either: Instead of focusing on GOALS GOALS GOALS, I guide my incredible clients through the Ease + Flow Biz Framework by helping you: 1 Tune into your INTUITION. 2 Gain CLARITY around what lights you up. 3 Create offerings that are in ALIGNMENT. 4 Strategize and scale with INTENTION. This approach will help you build a business that: Feels fun, exciting and peaceful. Highlights what you love doing. Prioritizes your values. Helps you work smarter, not harder. Makes money and supports the life you truly want to live. I’d love to know: what would more ease + flow in your business look like for you?

Sara Kelly 02.01.2021

TEN lessons I’m carrying with me from 2020 1 Try new things but don't chase shiny objects. 2 Outsourcing can feel scary at first, give-and-take in the middle and incredibly freeing after that.... 3 Always listen to your gut. 4 In most cases, you need to spend money (invest in your business) to make money. 5 Give yourself enough time to be prepared but don't get stuck in perfectionism. 6 Treat your business like a business and it’ll pay you like a business. Treat your business like a hobby and it’ll cost you like a hobby. 7 Instead of "How can I do more?" try "How can I do less, but better?" 8 Selling 101: serve, connect, share. 9 Ask for referrals but also do your own research. Everything flows better when you take care of your own needs first. Which one hits home for you?!

Sara Kelly 16.12.2020

Hands up if you’re dropping the hustle like a hot potato and going with the F L O W in 2021. Let’s break down the difference between Hustle & Flow in our businesses (and life!): Hustle: doing something because you feel like you should.... Flow: doing something because it lights you up. Hustle: trying to keep up with what everyone else is doing. Flow: tuning in to what feels right for you in this moment. Hustle: chasing shiny objects. Flow: chasing your dreams. Hustle: focused only on building a rich bank account. Flow: focused on building a rich life (bank account included). Hustle: saying yes to every single opportunity. Flow: saying yes to opportunities that feel aligned (and no to those that don’t). Hustle: showing up as others expect you to. Flow: showing up as your self. Hustle: looking for answers from everyone around you. Flow: finding your answers within. Bonus points if you drop an emoji below that represents how you’re FLOWING into 2021.

Sara Kelly 27.11.2020

Last year I set an intention to read 52 books. While I fell a little short at 39 (a few of which I read twice); this intention amplified my love for reading and brought it to a whole new level. I used to think that audiobooks weren’t for me, but I realized that I was just listening to the wrong ones.... For audiobooks, I discovered that I love listening to memoirs (read by the author!) and light personal growth books. For physical books, I prefer to read mostly non-fiction, more in-depth personal growth (like things I’d want to highlight or re-read to really absorb) and sprinkle in a novel here or there. I usually listen to audiobooks while driving or walking and read books during my morning quiet time, in the bath or before bed. And since I’m sharing all my tips, this is an important one: I give myself permission stop reading a book (or listening to an audiobook) if I’m not into it! Life is too short (and there are too many good books!) to force yourself to read one you’re not into. (Pro tip: did you know you can return books on Audible if you’re not into them? Game changer!) I still have SO many books on my to read list (and shelves!), so I guess I’ll aim for 52 again this year - but no matter where I end up, I’m looking forward to the journey! Swipe for the list of books I read last year. I’d also love some recommendations - I still have lots of room on my to-read list.

Sara Kelly 21.11.2020

Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. ... We ask ourselves, 'Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous?' Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It's not just in some of us; it's in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others. - @mariannewilliamson Hello 2021. Who else is ready to let their light shine?