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Selina Rose, Personal-Leadership Coach 29.12.2020

My mindfulness practice has helped me take control of my thoughts and actions in a way that feels easy, not forceful. It’s helped me to Recognize when I’m hungry or full.... Respond to my body’s cues with love. Be present with feelings that come up, even when they’re uncomfortable. Release self-judgement and criticism about my body and my behaviour. Have more acceptance for the way things are. This holiday, take some time to be in the present moment. Realize that the feeling you often search for is your own presence. Do you practice mindfulness? What has it helped you with? --- P.S. Mindfulness is one of the tools I’ll be talking about in my upcoming Free video masterclass on The 3 Elements of Active Eating. Grab your spot to learn more about how mindfulness can help you reach your health goals> @selinarose.inc

Selina Rose, Personal-Leadership Coach 09.12.2020

How do you feel after eating ice cream or chocolate? If you’re looking to lose weight, chances are you’d feel guilty right after eating it You’d probably ask yourself Why the hell am I eating this?!?... Then you’d eat another scoop and take another bite. I know ‘cause I’ve been there myself. We usually eat our comfort foods when we are tired, stressed, and sad. But we feel guilty afterward because it feels like we took a couple steps back from our goal of losing weight. Which makes us sad. Which makes us eat our comfort foods more. Which takes us inside a never-ending cycle Some may call it Emotional Eating Binge Eating Cravings But you know what? These are just symptoms of a bigger problem. And if you don’t get to solve the underlying problem You’ll never get to enjoy the foods that you like. You’ll never overcome Emotional/Binge/Over Eating. You’ll never lose those extra pounds and keep them off. What is that problem? It’s because you are in a Passive Eating State. If you want to know more about Passive Eating State and how to get out of it to finally reach your health goals I’m going to share it with you in a FREE video masterclass I’m preparing. Comment Stop Passive Eating below to get the details

Selina Rose, Personal-Leadership Coach 26.11.2020

Mindful eating can improve digestion, help you manage your weight and increase your satisfaction after eating. Learn how to practice mindfulness at mealtimes with these 6 tips

Selina Rose, Personal-Leadership Coach 12.11.2020

Do celebrations trigger you because they mean facing food decisions? Try this instead.

Selina Rose, Personal-Leadership Coach 02.11.2020

We live in a culture that prioritizes our outer world over our inner world. Feeling into our needs and connecting with our bodies isn’t celebrated the same way checking things off our to-do list is. It’s ironic because this inner world is what helps us DO everything on the outside. Your experience on this planet IS your experience in your body.... Every time I get on my mat, close my eyes and breathe deep I’m reminded of what truly matters. This week, take the time to connect with your body so you can stay grounded in what matters most to you. How do you connect with your body? #mindfulness #mindfulliving #yoga #workitoutonthemat #yogalife #calm #connect #stressrelief #connecttoyourbody #youdoyou #mindset #yougotthis #momlifeishard

Selina Rose, Personal-Leadership Coach 14.10.2020

Gingerbread Smoothie Recipe Ginger is often overlooked for its anti-inflammatory and immune promoting qualities. It’s also great for winter smoothies because it’s warming qualities heat you up from the inside out. Tomorrow morning on CTV Morning Live Ottawa I’ll be live with @thejasminrose talking about foods to support your immune system. ... Here’s a great smoothie recipe to incorporate more immune-supporting ginger into your diet. 1/2 banana 1/2 cup pumpkin puree (or sub for cooked sweet potato) 11/4 cup coconut milk 2 dates (or sub for 1 tsp maple syrup) 1 tsp apple cider vinegar 1 teaspoon hemp hearts 1 teaspoon fresh ginger (ground ginger will work too) 1/2 teaspoon vanilla 1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon A pinch of mace and ground cloves 4 ice cubes Option to add a scoop of protein powder. Add all ingredients to a blender and blend together until smooth. Enjoy for breakfast or as a snack! #ctv #ctvmorninglive #ctvmorningrecipes #breakfastsmoothie #gingersmoothie #gingerbreadrecipe #immuneboost #immunehealth #ottawanutritionist @ctvmorninglive @ctvottawa See more

Selina Rose, Personal-Leadership Coach 26.09.2020

Do you believe yourself when you say you’ll start on Monday? For years, I told myself this lie When I was trying to kick gluten. ... Any time I fell off my gym routine. When I needed to take more breaks from work. There was always a promise of starting Monday but then the week would begin, I’d forget, and then I’d feel like a failure. The worst part about telling yourself you’ll start on Monday is that after a while of breaking promises to yourself, you stop believing in yourself. You’re reading this because you want to make a positive shift in the way you feel in your skin and about yourself. What are you doing about it? If you’re ready to take a stand for yourself and actually start on Monday, comment Let’s do this below. I’ll reach out to you so I can help. #eatsandasana #holisticnutritionist #Ottawanutritionist #ibs #bodypositivity #intuitiveeating #selflovetips #stopdieting #antidietculture #holistichealthcoach #momlife #lifeasamama See more

Selina Rose, Personal-Leadership Coach 21.09.2020

Let’s STOP complimenting kids solely on their looks. When a child grows up with the majority of the compliments they receive being about their physical appearance, they associate their value with the way they look. When they get positive reinforcement for something, they naturally want to do more of it. ... In this case it leads to: Being hyper aware of their appearance Trying to control the way they look to seek validation from other people Controlling food to maintain an appearance that gets complimented Our world is image-focused enough. Be the safe space your children need... Instead of giving compliments and validation for appearance, try reinforcing positive behaviour qualities. You’re so kind. Wow you have so much creativity. Great decision-making. Good job, you worked hard on that. These behaviours have nothing to do with body image or appearance, making them healthy things to reinforce and celebrate. What beliefs are you reinforcing in your kids? Let’s hear your thoughts below. #bodyimage #healthyparenting #momlife #mommingsohard #bodypositivity #bodypositive #bodyimageissues #healthyparentshealthykids #bodyimagecoach #holisticnutritionist See more

Selina Rose, Personal-Leadership Coach 12.09.2020

It’s not your fault No one taught me how to eat properly when I was a kid. My parents only knew what their parents taught them I’m guessing it was the same for you?... If you don’t know how to eat for energy, keep your blood sugar stable, manage food cravings, or maintain a healthy weight, it’s not your fault. We’re products of our education system. In school we’re taught to memorize the names of all the countries on the map, but not how to fuel our own bodies. It’s no wonder we run into health issues and struggle with food when we get older. It might not be our fault, but it’s up to us to learn how to properly fuel our bodies so we can pass the information on to our kids. If you’re ready to take the leap into learning how to fuel your body, I’m here to help. Send me a DM and let’s chat. #eatsandasana #holisticnutritionist #Ottawanutritionist #ibs #bodypositivity #intuitiveeating #selflovetips #stopdieting #antidietculture #holistichealthcoach #momlife #lifeasamama See more

Selina Rose, Personal-Leadership Coach 30.08.2020

How to make temporary changes permanent.

Selina Rose, Personal-Leadership Coach 21.08.2020

What every parent needs to know about creating a health body image for their kids... Alright parents, have you ever let a swear word slip around your kids? Then you know how quickly they pick up on things. Kids are impressionable. They’re also always watching the adults they love and taking subconscious notes on how to interact with the world. ... That means your kids are picking up on your habits with food and exercise. They’re also taking note of how you talk about your body and appearance. Read this week’s post for tips to set up a healthy body image for your kids. https://selinarose.ca/what-every-parent-needs-to-know-to-s/

Selina Rose, Personal-Leadership Coach 19.08.2020

I’m determined to be the role model for a healthy body image that I didn’t have growing up. If I could go back, I would teach myself to: Focus less on how my body looks and more on how it feels... Pay attention to how I feel when I eat because not everything agrees with me Set my own boundaries around food. My plate doesn’t have to please others Eat more mindfully and take deep breaths between bites I don’t regret the journey it took me to learn these things (and more) on my own. You see, if we don’t learn these things for ourselves we can’t ever teach our children. Are you determined to be the best healthy role model for your kids? It’s ok to admit you need a little help learning things yourself (we all do). I’m here to help. Send me a DM right now and we’ll book a time to talk more about how you can set yourself and your little ones up for the healthiest life possible. #rolemodel #mentor #healthyinspiration #askforhelp #momlife #momlifeishard #lifeasamama #healthyrolemodel #healthyliving #mindfuleating #bodypositivity #healthybodyimage

Selina Rose, Personal-Leadership Coach 30.07.2020

I don’t blame my parents for... Not teaching me how to eat properly. Emphasizing my appearance at a time when my body was changing. Not setting a good example for me around food.... It’s been a bumpy road learning all of this myself. But instead of blaming my parents, I’ve decided I want to do better. I will set a healthy example for my kids. I will teach them to love their bodies in their thoughts, words and actions. I will teach my kids how to fuel their bodies properly. I’ll show my kids how to listen to their bodies and respond with love. It’s my responsibility to pass on the teachings I wish I had when I grew up. That’s what I do every day in my work, and it’s what I’ll do for my kids. Are you setting a healthy example for your kids? Share your thoughts and questions below

Selina Rose, Personal-Leadership Coach 18.07.2020

Your body has the answers As most of us are aware, intellectual understanding is not enough to change our lives. We drown ourselves in information, hoping that we’ll hear something that will *click* and get us to change our habits. ... But it doesn’t work like that. The body is where change happens. The subconscious mind plays out in the body. That’s why stress automatically tightens your muscles, clamps your jaw shut, or sends you ravenous to the cupboards. That’s why it feels like you’re not in control. Einstein said we can’t solve problems with the level of thinking that created them. He was absolutely right... We can’t solve subconscious problems with our minds. We need to get into our bodies. Emotional eating, chronic bloating, IBS, food cravings Your body has the answers. Have you learned to listen? Curious about how you can tap into your body’s wisdom? Say BODY in the comments and let’s chat. #somatichealing #subconsciousmind #einstein #mariannewilliamson #emotionaleating #bodylove #eatsandasana #ibs #chronicfatigue #selfcaretips #bingeeating See more

Selina Rose, Personal-Leadership Coach 03.07.2020

No. More. Dieting. Part of my mission in life is to help you understand food so you feel satisfied when you eat and won't have to worry about your weight. That's what we do in the Eats & Asana mentorship. Here's what E&A grad Tammy has to say:... I was attracted to Eats & Asana because I knew it wasn’t another impractical diet. At the time, I had a lot of sugar and ‘bad carb’ cravings. Selina taught me how to eliminate these cravings with my food choices. I feel more in control of what I eat and have more energy to focus on the important things in my day. This could be you. Grab your spot in this transformational program here>> https://bit.ly/3166zaF

Selina Rose, Personal-Leadership Coach 22.06.2020

The #1 Food Rule Everyone Needs to Know

Selina Rose, Personal-Leadership Coach 09.06.2020

Food cravings can really throw you off track. That’s true whether you’re focused on weight loss, trying to maintain a healthy diet, or just trying to focus on the task at hand. Food cravings can come up when you least expect them, and they’re frustrating because they can be difficult to decode. Read this week’s post for the 7 causes of food cravings that might be coming up for you.

Selina Rose, Personal-Leadership Coach 06.06.2020

Food cravings have been the source of so much shame and frustration in my life. If you’ve experienced the inner tug of war that comes with feeling an urgent craving and trying to take the high road and not respond, then you know what I’m talking about. It can seem like your food cravings come out of nowhere, or like they exist to ruin your attempt at healthy eating... ...but there are plenty of real reasons food cravings come up. I’ve pulled together the 7 most common reasons. Show me some candy in the comments and I’ll send them your way. Two big things have changed for me over the years: I have fewer cravings, and I no longer beat myself up about them I feel so much more freedom and ease in my life because of it. And I’m much happier in my skin because my weight doesn’t fluctuate all the time based on my emotions. I’m sharing this because you can get there too! I’m ready to share the proven system that worked for me, all you have to do is ask in the comments below.