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Serbian Folklore Ensemble Kolo 31.12.2020

Zahvalni smo što smo bili deo ovog projekta. 195 folkloraša širom sveta! Iz naše grupe su pevale Angela Coric Daniela Kovacevic I Lola Prstrn Realizatori ovog projekta: Miloš Mutapi Sasa Bogunovic... Milan Mutapi See more

Serbian Folklore Ensemble Kolo 18.12.2020

Good afternoon! For those who purchased tickets to the March 2020 Raptors game/ halftime performance, please fill out the Google form below to receive your refund! For questions or concerns, feel free to message us directly on Facebook, or email us at [email protected] ... Thanks for your understanding and patience! SFE Kolo https://forms.gle/228V5vry6TfxEcXs9

Serbian Folklore Ensemble Kolo 04.12.2020

Нашим драгим присталицама, Српски Фолклорни Ансамбл КОЛО жели да изрази наше набое жее вама и вашим породицама у овим веома тешким временима. Надамо се да ете са члановима породице остати безбедни и здрави. Ансамбл КОЛО е 22. марта, планирао да наступи на полувремену утакмице у Торонту (Рапторс против Денвер Нугетса), али на жалост та утакмица е одложена. У последа два месеца КОЛО е у стално вези са Maple Leaf Sports Entertainment, а потом и НБА у вези са даим акци...ама и могуим плановима за утакмице и многим купеним картама. Безбедност авности, играча и свих кои су укучени е главни е приоритет Торонто Рапторс-а као и нашег ансамбла. НБА планира могуи повратак овог лета, али навероватние навиачима нее бити дозвоено да присуствуу утакмицама. КОЛО е ускоро обавити детае у вези са поврааем новца за продате карте за Вече Српске Баштине 2020. Свима онима кои су купили карте, изузетно ценимо и захвауемо на стрпеу током ових несигурних времена и неумоиво емо радити на томе да што пре завршимо све надокнаде за продате улазнице Молимо вас да проширите ове информацие и осталима у нашо широ заедници и будно пратите наше странице друштвених медиа (Facebook, Instagram and Twitter) као и нашу и веб страницу (www.sfekolo.ca) ради даег ажурираа. Ако имате додатних питаа или забринутости, слободно нам се авите путем е-поште на [email protected]. С поштоваем, Управни Одбор Српског Фолклорог Анамбл .... 2020 е требала да буде 10 годишица да играмо на полувремену утакмице Рапторз-а! Погледате слике са прве године на утакмици!

Serbian Folklore Ensemble Kolo 13.11.2020

To our dear supporters, Serbian Folklore Ensemble KOLO would like to extend our best wishes to you and your families during these very difficult times. We hope you and your family members are staying safe and healthy. On March 22nd, KOLO was set to perform the halftime show at the Toronto Raptors home game vs. the Denver Nuggets, but unfortunately this game was postponed. For the past two months, KOLO has been cooperating with Maple Leaf Sports Entertainment and subsequently... the NBA regarding further action for the game and the many tickets purchased. The safety of the public, players, and all involved is the top priority of the Toronto Raptors and our ensemble. The NBA is eyeing a possible return this summer but it is unlikely fans will be allowed to attend games. KOLO will soon release details regarding refunding of all ticket sales for Serbian Heritage Night 2020. To all those who purchased tickets, we greatly appreciate and thank you for your patience during these uncertain times and we will work relentlessly to complete all ticket sale refunds as soon as possible. We kindly ask you to spread the word to other members of the community and keep a close eye on our social media pages (Facebook, Instagram and Twitter) and website (www.sfekolo.ca) for further updates. If you have any further questions or concerns, you are welcome to reach us via email at [email protected]. Sincerely, Serbian Folklore Ensemble KOLO Executive Board .... P.s. 2020 would have been SFE Kolo’s 10th year performing at the Raptors Halftime show! Take a trip down memory lane from our first halftime show! #sfekolo #halftimeraptors #serbianfolklor #srpsketradicije #serbia #kolohamilton

Serbian Folklore Ensemble Kolo 09.11.2020

(English) To our dear supporters, Serbian Folklore Ensemble KOLO would like to extend our best wishes to you and your families during these very difficult times. We hope you and your family members are staying safe and healthy. ...Continue reading

Serbian Folklore Ensemble Kolo 25.10.2020

Ово е Србиа 41 ансамбла - 17 различитих земаа - 195 уди . Премиер у Недеу 17. ма . This is Serbia - 41 ensembles - 17 countries - 195 people ... . Premiere this Sunday May.17 #ovojesrbija #cuvajmotradicije #srbija #serbiantraditions #folklor #serbiandiaspora #sfekolo See more