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SGM Canada 20.11.2020

Christians must be all and only about Jesus. He must be first. He must be our focus - the centre of everything. For the moment our view of Jesus is obstructed our faith is reduced to something less than what it’s meant to be. Satan is well aware of this. He does everything in his power to get our eyes off Jesus. One of the ways he does this is to get us sweating the small stuff, to get us focused on less important issues, on the details, and on the things God’s Word calls di...sputable matters Romans 14:1. There are countless subtle ways in which Satan crowds Jesus out of the picture. When people start complaining about the style of worship, the pastor’s sermon, or the Sunday School program, then Satan has managed to dupe them into doing his work for him. For the moment we get steamed up about people bringing a cup of coffee into the service, or the way people dress, or whether the sanctuary was too hot or too cold, or any other petty matter, then church quickly becomes all about me instead of all about Jesus. So be on your guard. Get a grip. Train yourself to keep your eyes on Jesus. Refuse to be self-absorbed. Rise above the tyranny of the lesser. Repent of any lesser things that you’ve allowed to become preeminent. Choose to have attitudes that reflect His attitudes, to care about the things He cares about, and to love as He loves. For if you don’t, if Jesus isn’t your be all and end all, you’ll quickly become divided and discouraged. Reinforcing the point: Whatever was to your profit you must now consider a loss for the sake of Christ (cf. Philippians 3:7). He must be more important than your denomination, your theological persuasion, your Bible College education, your philosophical inclination, your political persuasion, your social interaction, or your family connection. This will only be possible if you come to the end of yourself. You must stop looking in and start looking up. His personality must become your personality, you must obey His Word even if it doesn’t make any sense, and you must want His will and not your own. That’s a big step. It’s easier to talk about making Christ your focus than putting it into practice. But don’t let that stop you. Seize the day. Acknowledge the emptiness of your vanity. Appeal for forgiveness, especially for any selfishness and pride in your life. And ask the Holy Spirit to give you the inclination and strength to be totally centred on Christ, to seek His face always.

SGM Canada 18.11.2020

It’s reported that codfish is a big commercial enterprise in the Northeastern United States. However, the industry battled to transport the fish to the markets. When they froze the cod, they discovered the freezing took away much of the flavour. When they shipped the fish alive in great tanks of seawater they found the cod still lost their flavour, and, in addition, became soft and mushy. The problem was finally solved when some innovative person placed the codfish into the t...ank of seawater along with their natural enemy the catfish. From the time the codfish left the East Coast until it arrived at its westernmost destination the catfish chased the codfish all around the tank. And, you guessed it, when the cod arrived at the market, they were as fresh as when they were first caught. There was no loss of flavour and no loss of texture, if anything they were better than before. In a similar sense, each one of us is in a tank of particular and inescapable circumstances. It’s painful staying in the tank. We don’t like the fact that God has allowed certain catfish into the tank because they bring tension into our lives. But let’s remember, the catfish are there to keep us alive, alert, and growing. The catfish of adversity are shaping our character, causing us to swim closer to Jesus. Then, as this happens we gain a greater flavour and a superior texture, becoming better than we were before so that when the marketplace of the world encounters us they taste and see that the Lord is good. So don’t ask God to remove the catfish in your life. Keep swimming for Him. For after you have suffered a little while the God of all grace, who called you to his eternal glory in Christ will himself restore you and make you strong, firm and steadfast. To him be the power for ever and ever. Amen 1 Peter 5:10-11.

SGM Canada 15.11.2020

In 1978, my sister-in-law, Elaine Jarvis, was turning at an intersection when another motorist ran a red traffic light and plowed into her car. In the months that followed Elaine developed migraines, coupled with pain down her left shoulder and arm, due to whiplash. Ten years later she was still suffering from headaches and pain and sent to a neurosurgeon for tests. He discovered a pinched nerve and several herniated discs in her neck but wasn’t prepared to operate. In May 19...Continue reading

SGM Canada 10.11.2020

What a wonderful inheritance we have in Christ. Even though we deserve the wrath of God due to our sin we have the liberty to enjoy a relationship with Him. Now I don’t know about you but knowing that I can approach God with freedom and confidence is a reality that short circuits my little brain! It’s incredible! Sinners can approach the throne of grace with confidence (Hebrews 4:16) because the result of one act of righteousness was justification that brings life for al...l men Romans 5:18. The abolishment of slavery in Jamaica on August 1, 1838, is a fitting illustration. On July 31 a large number of slaves gathered on a beach to celebrate the eve of their emancipation. It was a solemn, yet joyous occasion and they had constructed a large mahogany coffin which they had placed on the sand next to a large hole that had been dug earlier that day. Through the evening they placed, with some ceremony, the symbols of their slavery into the coffin. There were chains, leg irons, shackles, whips, padlocks, and other items involved in their enslavement. Just before midnight, the lid of the coffin was closed and the coffin was lowered into the hole. Sand was thrown over the coffin and then they joined together to sing, "Praise God from whom all blessings flow, praise Him all creatures here below, praise Him above ye heavenly host. Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost." They were finally and irrevocably free from slavery. How much they were like Christians, who, through Christ’s death are free from their slavery to sin. And how like them are Christians, who in heaven will be free from the very reminder and presence of sin. Yes, because of all that Christ accomplished on the cross of Calvary we are no longer slaves to sin and in him and through faith in him we may approach God with freedom and confidence Ephesians 3:12. Praise the Lord!

SGM Canada 29.10.2020

Focuses on God’s love and care. For children facing family breakdown, bullying, loss and other hardships. Comes with a user guide.

SGM Canada 23.10.2020

One day a teacher asked her students to write down the names of their fellow students with enough space between each name for the students to write down the positive things they appreciated about one another. It took the whole period for the assignment to be completed and when the bell rang for the next class each student handed in their papers. Then, on separate sheets of paper, the teacher compiled a list of everything that was said about an individual. The following day th...e students were given their lists. Before long the entire class was smiling. Really? she heard whispered. I never knew that I meant anything to anyone! Do they like me that much? The exercise had accomplished its purpose. For the remainder of the year, the class was happy and harmonious. Several years later one of the students was killed in the Vietnam War. The teacher attended Mark’s funeral. The church was packed with many of the young man’s former classmates. At the reception that followed Mark’s parents came over to speak to the teacher. We want to show you something, said the father as he took a wallet out of his pocket. They found this on Mark when he was killed. We thought you might recognize it. Two worn pieces of paper that had obviously been folded and refolded repeatedly, were removed from the wallet. The teacher knew immediately what they were. The papers were the ones on which she’d listed all the good things Mark’s classmates had said about him. Mark’s teary-eyed mother said, Thank you so much for what you did. As you can see, it was a treasured possession. As if on cue Mark’s classmates had gathered around the teacher and parents. Charlie smiled sheepishly and said, I still have my list. It’s in the top drawer of my desk. Chuck’s wife said, Chuck asked me to put his in our wedding album. I have mine too, Marilyn said. It’s in my diary. Then Vickie, another classmate, reached into her purse and took out her worn and frazzled list to show it to the group. I carry this with me all the time. That’s when the teacher sat down and cried. She cried for Mark and for all his friends who would never see him again. Life comes to an end for all of us. We don’t know when it’s our time to go. A few days before my father-in-law died, he phoned Elaine (my sister-in-law) trans continentally to say, I love you, my girl. Dad knew the importance of telling his family that they were treasured. Make sure you do the same. Tell the people you love and care for that they are special and important. Maybe you could take the time to tell them now. Whatever you do, tell them before it’s too late.

SGM Canada 21.10.2020

Patrick Laundy was lost. He was on a school excursion in the Drakensberg Mountains, had wandered away from his classmates, and couldn’t find his way to the campsite. As dusk came and went he was stumbling around in sub-zero temperatures with clothing that was inadequate against the biting cold. But he tottered on, and as he did he realized that he didn’t feel quite as cold as he had before. In fact, he felt strangely euphoric and there was now a tingly warmth to his body., one of Patrick’s friends opened the door of their mountain hut and discovered Patrick sitting outside and blathering away. He was quickly brought inside and it was obvious he was suffering from severe hypothermia. Fortunately for Patrick, he attended a school that offered outdoor pursuits as part of the curriculum. The young men in the hut were trained for such an eventuality. Without wasting time they stripped off his damp clothes, pushed him into a thermal sleeping bag and established a regimen of treatment. Throughout the rest of the night, they took turns undressing, climbing in with Patrick, and holding him tightly in order to facilitate the transfer of their body heat. They also kept him awake and urged him to stay focused and hang in. The next day qualified medical assistance arrived and the doctor confirmed that their efforts had saved Patrick’s life. It was special. Because of the efforts of his fellow students, Patrick’s desk in the Geography class was once again filled as I attempted to coach him through his final year of high school. Not many of us are likely to get hypothermia. But it is possible for believers to wander away from intimacy with the Lord and succumb to spiritual hypothermia. The symptoms of this spiritual hypothermia are described in the final book of the New Testament where it records how the ailing person has deeds ... that are neither cold nor hot (but) lukewarm Revelation 3:15-16. Furthermore, the person has a distorted euphoria for she or he does not realize that (she or he is) wretched, pitiful, poor, blind and naked Revelation 3:17. But the good news is that no one needs to suffer from spiritual hypothermia. If you need treatment, turn to the Word. Be earnest and repent Revelation 3:19. That’s the cure. No more, no less. Spiritual hypothermia is overcome when a person repents.

SGM Canada 19.10.2020

In order for the work of the local church to advance, believers must pray regularly and specifically. Here are some suggestions to help guide you as you intercede. For the worship time, pray: For the power and presence of the Holy Spirit to be manifested and to fill the place of worship.... For God’s anointing to be on the musicians, singers, sound engineers, and worship leaders. For spiritual discernment to flow with the leading of the Holy Spirit. For angels to come as ministering spirits to serve those who will inherit salvation Hebrews 1:14. For a sacrificial and joyous spirit when the tithes and offerings are collected for the Lord’s work. For people to humble themselves before Almighty God, to worship in spirit and in truth, to seek His face, to be healed of their infirmities, to be strengthened in their faith, set free from demonic spirits, filled with the Holy Spirit, and revived again so that they might rejoice in Him. For the teaching/preaching time, pray: For the anointing of the Holy Spirit on the speaker. For compassion, conviction and clarity in the preaching of God’s Word. For boldness to preach and teach the truth in love. For the Holy Spirit to use the preaching of the Word to convict people of sin, to draw people to Christ, to minister salvation to non-Christians, to rebuke and correct those who have gone astray, to encourage the downhearted, to strengthen the weak, to heal the sick, to set the captives free, to train in righteousness, and to equip believers for every good work. For the ministry time, pray: For the Holy Spirit to powerfully refresh, renew, and revive believers. For the gifts of the Holy Spirit to be manifested in a way that brings honour and glory to the Lord Jesus Christ. For life-changing transformations to take place that will be evidenced by increased holiness, reverence and devotion to God. For a conviction of sin, righteousness and judgement to come so that the lost will be saved and the saved will not be lost.

SGM Canada 12.10.2020

About sin, forgiveness, and God’s love through the death of His son.