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Shanti Hot Yoga 31.01.2021

Pelvic Floor Health is now available with Liv on Shanti Online! Increasing pelvic floor strength will help to actively support the bladder and bowel, prostate (in men) and can increase social confidence. Incorporating some slight back bends and core work, practitioners can expect a slow integration, building to a fiery vinyasa, before a cool down and pranayama.... Start your two week free trial today and take your practice home with you. Go to shanithotyoga.ca/shantionline Share your practice with us by tagging @shantihotyoga See more

Shanti Hot Yoga 27.01.2021

Pose of the Week: Dragon pose can be an intense hip opener and can create some intense sensation. Lizard pose is a great way to practice steady and full breathing and being present in the body, allowing the pose to slowly do its work. Like Pigeon, it’s a pose you can spend minutes in and allow gravity to further increase your flexibility. This pose is certainly a versatile posture that can be both an active pose and at the same time offer a passive stretch. It’s not at all un...common to see the pose used in either Yin or restorative yoga classes as a deep stretch. On the other end of the spectrum, this posture can even be considered as a prep pose for some arm balances. Dragon pose stretches the groin area, opens the hips, hamstrings and hip flexors and quads while strengthening the inner thigh muscles of the front leg. This pose also opens and releases the chest, shoulders, and neck. Dragon pose may help with sciatic pain and can relieve tightness in the legs in hips. It can also be a mild backbend. If you sit for long periods of time, the hip flexors which are referred to as iliopsoas can be shortened and place stress on the spine and lower back. Opening the hips and lengthening the iliopsoas can help to counteract this process and provide balance within the hips. There are two basic variations or modifications of Lizard Pose including an outer hip variation and a simple quad stretch variation. For a little more stretch in the outer hip, position yourself in the pose fully, gently allow the front knee to move outwards while allowing the front foot to lift onto its outer edge. Remember to flex the front foot with the toes raising toward the shin. In the quad stretch variation, start in the outer hip version with the left knee lowered and the right foot forward, gently reach back with the right hand to grab your left foot, pull the foot toward your glutes while opening your chest. Hold the pose and then gently release the foot back to ground. As for cautions, be aware of knee and hip injuries while practicing this posture. Be sure to allow any injuries to fully heal before returning to your practice and consult a doctor. Stretches: Groin, Hips, Hamstrings, Hip Flexors, Quads, Shoulders, Chest, Neck Preparatory poses: Child’s Pose, Low Lunge or Runner’s Lunge, Bound Angle Pose Follow-up poses: Down dog, Child's pose Also known as: winged dragon, lizard Sources: https://www.yogamerge.com/yoga-poses/lizard-pose/ https://www.ekhartyoga.com/resources/yin-poses/dragon-pose https://www.tummee.com/yoga-poses/winged-dragon

Shanti Hot Yoga 24.01.2021

Around the Hips in 30 Minutes is now available with Taylor on Shanti Online! Your hips are made up of many different muscles, but yet we still refer to our hips as if they are just one thing that is either stiff or flexible. The truth is the hips are a collection of almost 20 muscles. Some of them might be stiff, and some might be quite open. In this class we're going to make our way around the entirety of the hips and find out what's what.... Start your two week free trial today and take your practice home with you. Go to shanithotyoga.ca/shantionline Share your practice with us by tagging @shantihotyoga

Shanti Hot Yoga 10.01.2021

We wanted to send out a HUGE shout out to all of our amazing Shanti cOMmunity for your incredible support of the Strong With Her campaign in December to raise money for the YWCA December 6th Fund. Our original intention was to offer a By Donation class in person, but with closures had to pivot online, and you all still supported the class and showed up! We raised over $1900 collectively!! Megan Campbell taught a powerful class online and we released her Lunar Flow through ou...r virtual studio platform afterwards for those who couldn't attend live and wanted to support this amazing cause. We want to recognize and thank @megancampbell.yoga for donating her time and energy, and offer utmost gratitude to all of our students for, despite a pandemic and possible tough times, contributing time and money to make a difference in the lives of women right here in Halifax. If you would like to know more about the December 6th Fund through the @ywcahalifax visit: https://www.ywcahalifax.com/programs/violence-against-women/

Shanti Hot Yoga 07.01.2021

Pose of the Week: Extended hand-to-big-toe pose (Utthita Hasta Padangusthasana) Utthita hasta padangusthasana (oo-TEET-uh HAWS-tuh POD-ung-goos-THAWS-un-nuh), also known as extended hand-to-toe pose, is a challenging and invigorating posture that stretches and strengthens while calming the mind and improving focus. Extended Hand to Big Toe Pose is an intermediate yoga posture that stretches the backs of your legs while challenging your balance. It is a great preparatory pose ...for deeper hamstring stretches, such as Standing Split (Urdhva Prasarita Eka Padasana) and Monkey Pose (Hanumanasana). Utthita Hasta Padangusthasana strengthens and stretches the legs and ankles. It deeply stretches the hamstrings (the back thigh muscles), while gently opening the hips, shoulders, and arms. This pose challenges and improves your sense of balance, which in turn develops greater concentration and focus. Utthita Hasta Padangusthasana is a deep stretch when practiced in correct alignment. If you have tight hamstrings, this pose may seem impossible and unrealistic! But with patience and dedication, your flexibility will improve. Just remember to take it slowly and never force the pose. Try these simple changes to find a variation of the pose that works for you: If you have tight hamstrings, keep the lifted knee bent instead of straightening the leg out. This is also your option if your back rounds when you straighten the leg. If you cannot straighten your lifted leg while keeping your spine straight, try using a strap instead of your fingers. Wrap a yoga strap around the ball of your foot. Hold the strap in your same-side hand and then straighten your leg. Utthita Hasta Padangusthasana will stretch your legs and boost your balance! This powerful pose will provide your practice with a mental and physical challenge. Remember to take it slowly, and be sure to modify the pose as needed. With practice, your flexibility and your ability to balance will improve. Strengthens: Ankle, Leg Stretches: Backs of the legs Preparatory poses: Uttanasana, Supta Virasana, Supta Padangusthasana Follow-up poses: Adho mukha svanasana, Bhujangasana, Uttanasana Pose type: Balance, Standing Also known as: Extended hand-to-big-toe pose, Standing big toe hold, Utthita Hasta Padangustasana Sources: https://www.yogaoutlet.com//how-to-do-standing-hand-to-big https://www.gaia.com//extended-hand-toe-pose-utthita-hasta https://www.ekhartyoga.com//extended-hand-to-big-toe-pose- https://www.yoganatomy.com/utthita-hasta-padangusthasana/

Shanti Hot Yoga 05.01.2021

Now that the holidays are over, you are back to your routine, and the colder months are in full swing; You may be craving a little getaway, but with travel restrictions in place that getaway may not be a possibility. What would your dream yoga retreat look like? Share @shanthotyoga! How to have your own personal yoga retreat... You can create an at-home retreat that feels like a mini-vacation. The key is to make some time that is dedicated to being indulgent. A long weekend dedicated to yourself and your practice can feed your soul. You can truly be there for others if you are in the right place physically and emotionally. Here's how: 1. Do your chores in advance. Prepare for your yoga retreat at home as if you were going away. 2. Become inaccessible. This is a hard one for a lot of people. Turn off your phone, don’t check your e-mail, hide your car, and avoid interruption. This time is for you! 3. Plan to follow a schedule, but allow some free time. This is important, because the structure of a retreat optimizes the experience. I suggest 1-3 hour blocks of time. 4. Do at least 2 yoga practices each day. Hit your favourite studio or try a new one. Your yoga retreat at home can also include yoga practice at home. Self-guided practice and online yoga videos are both great. 5. Cook healthy meals, or don’t cook at all. If you love to cook, then feel free to cook your own food, spending time to research recipes and gather ingredients in advance. Or healthy takeout will be well worth the investment. 6. Take long walks. If you have access to local parks, beaches, trails or nature preserves, go to those places. While you’re there, find a quiet place to meditate or do a few yoga poses. A change in scenery doesn’t have to be far from home. 7. Take time to write. I recommend journaling, but any type of writing, music, or art that allows you to express your feelings and emotions is appropriate. All of this yoga and quiet time can bring out things that may need to be expressed. 8. Curl up with a good book. This should feel like a little getaway, not like a chore. 9. Take a nice bath or two. Light candles, play soft music, and use scented oils or bubble bath. 10. Consider spa time. Schedule a massage, mani-pedi, or facial. This can be done at home or at an actual spa. If you’re staying at home, play music, light scented candles, and set up a relaxing environment. Source: https://www.doyou.com/10-steps-to-have-a-yoga-retreat-at-h/

Shanti Hot Yoga 02.01.2021

Building Up-Extended Hand to Toe pose is now available with Annette on Shanti Online! Build an opening through the front body, while lengthening and strengthening the back body-ankles, quads, hamstrings and everything in between. To Find our peak pose Utthita Hasta Padangustasana (extended hand to big toe pose). Start your two week free trial today and take your practice home with you. Go to shanithotyoga.ca/shantionline ... Share your practice with us by tagging @shantihotyoga

Shanti Hot Yoga 25.12.2020

Pose of the Week: Hanumanasana Hanumanasana (hah-new-mahn-AHS-anna) also known as Splits Pose is a challenging seated pose that requires the work of the hips and hamstrings, while balancing the upper body on the pelvis. With the hips and the legs moving in opposite directions, the hip flexors and hamstrings need to be strong and flexible to attain the required balance and stability. Hanumanasana stretches the hamstrings, groin muscles, and hip flexors. You will also feel a qu...adriceps stretch for the back-facing leg. If you enjoy cardio exercises such as running, cycling, and skiing, this will help you maintain flexibility for those activities. Hanumanasana is dedicated to Lord Hanumanand is quite possibly one of the most intimidating postures in the yoga practice. This asana requires lots of opening, acute understanding of body alignment, and a great deal of compassion for the body. An accessible approach towards the Splits Pose is to practice easier variations of the splits like, Hanumanasana Variation At Wall (Standing Splits Pose Variation At Wall), Ardha Hanumanasana (Half Splits Pose.) Stretches: Inguinal region, Thigh, Hamstring Preparatory poses: Virasana, Paschimottanasana, Janusirsasana, MORE Follow-up poses: Paschimottanasana, Upavistha Konasana, Eka Pada Rajakapotasana, Natarjasana Pose type: Seated Also known as: Monkey pose Sources: https://www.verywellfit.com/monkey-pose-hanumanasana-3567083 https://www.tummee.com/yoga-poses/hanumanasana https://www.gyanyogbreath.com/hanumanasana-lord-hanuman-po/

Shanti Hot Yoga 24.12.2020

Winter is coming, and with it comes the many excuses to stay inside. But don’t let the cold keep you from your yoga practice! Your yoga practice can help reduce your winter fatigue as well as help support your mind and body as you move through the coldest season of the year. How your practice can help support you in the winter?... Seasonal affective disorder elevate the mood The brain produces a hormone called melatonin, responsible for balancing the sleep/wake cycles during seasonal changes and stimulated by darkness, and may lead to a condition known as seasonal affective disorder (SAD). This condition is also known as the winter blues and carries symptoms specific to winter, such as low mood, tiredness not alleviated by rest, need for more sleep, low energy and a significantly increased appetite. SAD has been directly linked with a deficiency of melatonin due to the increased dim light during the winter months. An effective way that yoga may help to alleviate these symptoms is through practicing asana (postures) to build heat and increase cardiorespiratory integrity, they will also elevate the mood, provide a greater feeling of energy and endurance as well as contribute to rebalancing the circadian rhythms. Supports chronic joint pain Research consistently highlights that symptoms of chronic joint pain are exacerbated in winter. In general, practicing asana (postures) in a Vinyasa (flowing form) style maintains joint mobility and increases circulation while loosening stiffness within the joints. An essential part of easing pain during this time is to ensure that the body stays warm, as heat also helps muscles to relax and, therefore, asana as a therapy is a soothing way of decreasing joint pain. How does yoga help you in the winter season? https://www.naturalhealthmag.com.au/co/benefits-winter-yoga

Shanti Hot Yoga 16.12.2020

Class Spotlight: Yin Yoga Why do we practice Yin? To learn how to exercise the deep connective tissues of the body.... Yin yoga focuses on exercising the deep connective tissues of the physical body the ligaments, joints, bones, and deep fascia networks. While also seeking to release blockages in the energetic body. A Yin class usually consists of a series of passive floor poses held for up to 5 minutes or more, that mainly work the lower part of the body the hips, pelvis, inner thighs, and lower spin as these areas are especially rich in connective tissues. On an energetic level Breath focus & body awareness are heightened as you work into a meditative state. Benefits of a regular Yin yoga practice: Calms and balances the mind and body Reduces stress and anxiety Increases circulation Improves flexibility Releases fascia and improves joint mobility Balances the internal organs and improves the flow of chi or prana This style of practice is a great compliment to more active and vigorous classes and is conducted in a slightly heated room to maintain comfort. Want to try a Yin class? Come check us out: Bedford: Monday at 7:30pm Friday at 7pm Dartmouth: Tuesday at 8:30pm Thursday at 7pm Halifax: Tuesday at 6:30pm Sunday at 5pm

Shanti Hot Yoga 09.12.2020

20 minute Yin for Sleep with Emilie is now available on Shanti Online! In this 20min practice you will be guided in poses that help stimulate the parasympathetic nervous system, the system that encourages a rest & digest state, ending in a little yoga nidra to help you prepare for a deep, restful sleep. Start your two week free trial today and take your practice home with you. Go to shanithotyoga.ca/shantionline ... Share your practice with us by tagging @shantihotyoga

Shanti Hot Yoga 04.12.2020

Ever heard of our energy exchange program? If you love practicing yoga and immersing yourself in community, our EE program could be perfect for you. In exchange for basic cleaning duties at our studios, receive an unlimited membership in return. ... Go to shantihotyoga.ca/energyexchange to submit your application today

Shanti Hot Yoga 29.11.2020

Teacher Spotlight: Meet Megan Campbell! We asked Megan "What inspires her in her practice during this time of year?" see what she has to say! What inspires your practice? ... Share @shantihotyoga

Shanti Hot Yoga 27.11.2020

Our regular schedule is back at Shanti! With the start of a New Year comes the beginning of new routines and a return to our normal schedules after the holiday season. Starting Monday, January 4 find our regularly programmed classes available at all 3 Shanti Studios. You can also find information on workshops and events available in January online at shantihotyoga.ca or in studio.... Welcome back to your practice, we can’t wait to see you in the studio!

Shanti Hot Yoga 25.11.2020

Each new year offers an exciting opportunity for a fresh start and new beginnings, which is probably why we all look forward to New Year’s Eve so much. As we begin to roll towards January, many people begin to think of New Year’s resolutions and many have other traditions to celebrate a new year. No matter whether you are a new year’s resolution maker or what your goals are for the year, ringing in the new year is a moment to acknowledge. It’s one to celebrate your experienc...es over the past year ( good or bad) as well as a moment to welcome a new year full of new possibilities. Whether you plan on greeting 2021 with hope, determination, a good meal, a champagne toast or anything in between we hope you take time for yourself and have a great new year. How do you ring in a new year? Share your traditions with us @Shantihotyoga

Shanti Hot Yoga 19.11.2020

Hey Halifax! You've got two more chances to practice with us each week at Shanti Halifax starting Monday, November 23. Come check out our new classes:... Monday 3:30 - 4:30pm, Core & Flow Thursday 3:30 - 4:30pm, Vinyasa Book your spot up to 7 days in advance. See you on your mat!

Shanti Hot Yoga 09.11.2020

Our Fall Membership Promo rolls on for a limited time! For a very long time, our premium membership has come with a commitment of 4 months. During these strange times, we understand the even a couple of weeks down the road can be clouded with uncertainty. That's why we're cutting out your commitment while still offering a committed you a price. Go to shantihotyoga.ca/fall for full details and to purchase your membership today.

Shanti Hot Yoga 03.11.2020

Join Megan Campbell for a very special class to raise funds and awareness for the YWCA Halifax December 6th Fund. Megan is a women's yoga expert, women's empowerment advocate, and long time humanitarian, who has raised over $300,000 for organizations that work towards empowering women and girls. The December 6th fund provides non-interest-bearing micro-loans and individualized support to women who wish to flee domestic violence but are compelled to stay for reasons of financi...al instability, life skills, and barriers to sufficient housing and/or self-sustainability. It reduces the number of homeless women and families in Halifax Regional Municipality (HRM) while working to end violence against women. December 6th marks Canada’s National Day of Remembrance and Action on Violence Against Women and commemorates the anniversary of the 1989 Ecole Polytechnique massacre in Montreal. Halifax YWCA works to end violence against women through critical support services that educate women and young women on the root cause of violence while providing financial support and assistance to women and their families fleeing abusive homes. Donation suggested $15 or $20 with all proceeds going to YWCA Halifax Dec 6 Fund. Please pre-register and donate online to save your spot. When: Sunday December 6TH Time: 630PM-7:45PM Where: Bedford location https://clients.mindbodyonline.com/classic/ws

Shanti Hot Yoga 16.10.2020

We're holding a Fall Membership Promo, on now! Right now, for a limited time, you can get a monthly membership for a committed price, with no commitment. For more details, go to shantihotyoga.ca/fall

Shanti Hot Yoga 02.10.2020

Are you craving time to connect with yourself? Do you find yourself questioning your vibration, lack of balance or not having peace within or around you? Watch This!... Learn about Anette's Vin-Treat mini-retreat Sunday, December 6 in Halifax. Take the opportunity to get nurtured, create balance and to find that feeling of inner peace. If this sounds like an event that would soothe your soul, find more information and register here: https://clients.mindbodyonline.com/classic/ws