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Shayleen Ruby 22.12.2020

Good Afternoon, Here is this week's Oracle card reading. Please pick a number 1through 3 and read the description below. Card 1: Athena (Knowledge) - with the start of this new year we always make new year's resolutions. This card is telling you to expand your mind. There has been something that you have been interested in learning for some time and it is time to take the step toward some new knowledge. Knowledge is power so why not bring some more more power to yourself at t...he start of this new year. Everytime we grow in life it is time to learn something new so we can continue this growth. Card 2: Saraswati (Mastery) - this card did come in upsidedown. The message I am getting is that you do not need to master everything you try before showing the world what you know. If everyone waited for everything to be mastered then we would not be living in the world we know today. We would be decades behind in everything. So why do you feel you need to make yourself wait when what you know right now could truly be helping someone else. You do not need to be a master at anything as long as you are passionate about it and want to share it with the world. Card 3: Elen (Patterns) - have you noticed any strange or coincidental patterns happening in your life before? Those are the ways your guides are trying to get your attention. They are sending you these patterns to help you learn a lesson and to grow in life. Do not ignore the patterns you have been seeing because they are truly happening for a reason. When something really good happens or something really bad happens take a look back and see what the pattern is. It may be subtle or it may be something significant. This reading is brought to us from the Goddess Power Oracle deck by Collette Baron-Reid #oraclecards #readings #motivation #mystic #mysticmessenger #intuition #intuitive #lightworker #spiritualawakening #gypsysoul #collettebaronreid

Shayleen Ruby 09.12.2020

Good Afternoon Everyone, I decided to pull a card for everyone as yesterday was the last full moon of 2020 and I must say it is simply perfect. For the next two weeks before the new moon comes around you should be focusing on releasing.... This has been a tough year for everyone and it is time to release all the bad feelings and emotions and go into the new year on a more positive note. Focus your energy on releasing things that are no longer serving you or will no longer be serving you in the new year. Release any negative energies and don't let yourself take the bad from this year into the new year. Write out all the negative things that happened directly to you this year and once you write them down read through them all and then burn that piece of paper. Release all that to the universe and don't hold onto any of it. Let's start the new year out on positive vibes only. #fullmoon #fullmoonritual #readings #oraclecards #intuitive #intuition #lightworker #spiritualawakening #moon #motivation #mystic #mysticmessenger #gypsysoul

Shayleen Ruby 30.11.2020

Hello Everyone, This week's pull was done a little late today but here you go. Pick a number 1 to 3 and read below on which one is for you this week. Card 1: Love - now is the time that we need to start putting more love towards ourselves. We have been focusing our love towards everyone so much lately with the holidays just happening and the pandemic this past year. You need to start putting yourself first again and really do some self care this week. Have a nice long relaxin...g bath, take some time to sit and read a book or even just meditate a little bit each day. Your body and mind need this recovery time right now and it's time you start listening to it. Card 2: New Beginnings - of course this card will come up right in the last week of December. We all know that everyone is excited for the new year and the new things 2021 will bring us but don't wait for the new year to start. Start making the plans now and start implementing the new habits you want for the new year. There is no set rule that new beginnings have to wait until January 1. Get a kick start on them now and start seeing the changes begin faster in 2021. Card 3: Life Purpose - have you been feeling stuck in life this past year and especially after the great conjunction? Things have definitely changed for a lot of people this year and I'm sure you are looking at things a lot differently now. Take this is as a sign that you are coming to a time where you need to make the change you have been feeling inside. Everyone has a life purpose and sometimes they figure it out at a young age and sometimes it may not come up until you are 50 or 60. This feeling of knowing you are meant for more is not going to go away anytime soon so start to think about what it could be and maybe even take the leap and try it out. #motivation #mystic #mysticmessenger #intuition #intuitive #spiritualawakening #lightworker #readings #oraclecards #gypsysoul

Shayleen Ruby 27.11.2020

One thing that I know a lot of people deal with is fear. Dear about almost everything and anything can come up out of nowhere and affect us in ways we don't really understand. Fear is pretty much controlled by our ego. Our ego wants us to be scared of things so that we can keep ourselves safe from hurt and pain. And so that we can stay small. We all have big huge dreams for our lives but we end up sticking with the things that have worked out for us so far. We stay at a job w...e hate for way to long, we stay in a bad relationship or we just don't do anything different and stick to the same routines. We do these things because they are all in our comfort bubbles. These things have worked out well in our past so we will continue with them instead of taking a chance on the unknown. We stay in our comfort bubbles and that means we are staying small instead of letting ourselves grow. One of the bravest things you can do is take a chance on yourself and what you truly want. You won't be perfect at a new job on day one, you won't know if the new relationship will work out but you get to learn what you truly want from a partner or just do something crazy that you always thought about but where to scared to try. No one is perfect and there is no reason for you to let these fears control your life. Be brave and take that leap and put yourself out there. The worst that can happen is it doesn't work out and now you know for sure that this wasn't meant for you and you can try something else. Start out with something small if you want or start out with a huge leap but just start and don't worry about the outcome. #motivation #mystic #mysticmessenger #intuition #intuitive #lightworker #gypsysoul #spiritualawakening

Shayleen Ruby 24.11.2020

Good Morning, Here is our weekly card pull. Please look at the first picture and pick which number you connect to the most. All three cards will have meaning for you but the number you pick is the one that is going to have the biggest impact. Card 1: Good Luck - this have been tough lately and you may have found yourself looking back at the past lately but right now you need to focus on looking forward. There is some good luck coming your way soon but if you are not focused o...n moving forward you may miss the opportunity that this good luck is bringing your way. Watch for the signs and be open to receiving and the luck will flow easily to you. Card 2: Family - this time of year we are always focused on family and spending time with them during this holiday season but with everything going on, this Christmas might be a bit different for everyone. Not being able to see your family and celebrate with them I'm sure is going to be tough for everyone but do not let this pandemic or the lockdowns keep you from still celebrating. Spend some quality time with the people you live with and do video chats with everyone while you are opening presents. You are still able to connect with your loved ones but not seeing them now will allow you to be able to spend so much more time with them later and this will also help your family dynamic to grow stronger once this all over. Maybe this is a time to start some new traditions that you will continue to take into each new year. Card 3: Grieving - everyone is grieving right now for the loss of something. The loss of a family member, the loss of a job or income, the loss of being able to visit family and friends or even feeling the loss of yourself. This year has been very hard on everyone and has been a true test on all of society. But after the loss and grieving is over there are new opportunities that will come up and help us to start growing again. It is so easy for us to get lost in the pain and suffering and even more so in the anger that is surrounding this situation but we must look past this or we will not move forward. #intuition #intuitive #spiritualawakening #mystic #mysticmessenger #motivation #oraclecards #readings