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Shop Mildmay's Main Street 11.02.2021

OK. BRING IT ON! VACCINES- 1/ The mRNA vaccines that are being distributed in this country and the viral vector vaccines from AstraZeneca and Johnson and John...son which have yet to be approved for use in Canada do not have any aborted human fetal tissue in them. In order to mass produce a vaccine against a virus, the virus needs to be replicated. A virus cannot replicate unless it enters into a host's cells. In order to understand how a virus replicates so that you can create technologies for a vaccine, vaccine makers need living cells in which to grow the virus. Using living humans is obviously not an option ( you would have to infect them with the virus) and using other living animals has it's concerns and set backs too. So, vaccine makers often use historical fetal cells that have been grown and maintained in labs from two aborted fetuses from the 1960's and 1970's; abortions that were performed electively and by choice of the mother and not for the purpose of vaccine development. These two cell lines have been grown and maintained for decades in the lab and have been used to develop vaccines that many of us have already received: Hepatitis A, rubella ( in the measles, mumps, rubella vaccine or MMR) and rabies. Early development of the mRNA technology which started decades ago used fetal cells from cells lines grown in the lab that started from fetal cells discussed above. Pfizer and Moderna used the technology, not the cells. The mRNA COVID-19 vaccines produced by Pfizer and Moderna do not require the use of any fetal cell lines or fetal tissue of any kind in order to manufacture their vaccines. FULL STOP Cell lines from fetal tissue captured decades ago and grown in labs for decades then used to create technology that now makes vaccines is a far cry from the direct use of fetal tissue from recent abortions in these vaccines. The Pfizer and Moderna vaccines were found to be ethically uncontroversial by the pro-life organization the Charlotte Lozier Institute. Further, Brian Kane, senior director of ethics for the Catholic Health Association of the United States, said this, In terms of the moral principles of being concerned about the use of any pharmaceuticals that were developed from aborted fetuses, that is certainly an issue that we all want to be cognizant of and try to avoid their use. With that in mind, the Pfizer and Moderna COVID vaccines that are coming out are not even tainted with that moral problem". So, you are entitled to have a moral concern about taking a vaccine that used technology that used cells grown in a lab that started with two aborted fetuses that were aborted by choice 50 years ago. But to be morally concerned that the mRNA vaccines contains fetal tissue from new abortions is not based in fact at all. And please, let's not make this a pro-life, pro-choice discussion. I am talking science, not religion or faith or human rights or gender rights or right-winged opinions vs left-winged opinions. Just the science. You can decide for yourself whether there is a moral issue here but base your decision on the science not false information. 2/ The mRNA vaccines from Pfizer and Moderna have polyethylene glycol as one of their ingredients or PEG for short. PEG does not cause cancer. Ethylene oxide is a known human carcinogen ( can cause cancer in humans). Easy to mix up, right? Easy to use to spread mis-information even if unintentionally. PEG- polyethylene glycol. This is it's chemical structure: C2H6O2 It is made up of 2 carbon atoms, 6 hydrogen atoms and 2 oxygen atoms in a really cool configuration held together by things called bonds. Ethylene Oxide- This is it's chemical structure: C2H4O It is made up of 2 carbon atoms, 4 hydrogen atoms and 1 oxygen atom. That may not sound like much of a difference and it may not look like much of a difference but from an organic chemistry point of view, a world of difference. Totally, totally different. PEG does not cause cancer. Ethylene Oxide can. PEG is an ingredient in the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines. ETHYLENE OXIDE is not!! FULL STOP I think I am ready to take on all of the false information about these vaccines in these posts. If you are hearing information about these vaccines that is causing fear or mistrust, ask your questions in the comments section of these posts or private message me. If I can't reassure you, I will find someone who can. Anne-Marie Please share. Guelph Community Foundation has published a series of Vital Briefs that focus on Secondary Pandemic Effects on our health. The link to the report is: https://www.guelphcf.ca/LinkClick.aspx. Food Insecurity, Alcohol and Substance Abuse, Employment, Families and Children.....great info. Please read! For non-Facebook users, you can find this post here: https://braceletofhope.blogspot.com/ And if you'd like to help Bracelet of Hope work towards making sure that Lesotho has access to these vaccines, donate here: https://www.braceletofhope.ca/ways-to-

Shop Mildmay's Main Street 30.01.2021

COVID Negative Well, there ya have it. Worked from home for the last few days with cold and flu symptoms. Had a COVID test done yesterday at the amazing COVI...D Assessment Centre in Guelph. Results back in less than 24 hours. I was in the clinic for less than 15 min. You guys are amazing. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. Back to work tomorrow. Thank goodness. Medicine involves seeing and examining patients. I am grateful to have continued working from home during this, thankfully, minor illness but I look forward to getting back into the fray tomorrow. Under 3,000 new cases in Canada today. From a peak of almost 9,000 on January 8th, that is simply amazing. And, Ontario, you folks are outstanding. 745 new cases today Toronto numbers not included. ( My prediction was under 1,000 by Sunday but if we want to do better than that, I am all in). Just look at these 7 day rolling averages: Jan. 10 3945 Jan. 11 3555 Jan. 12 3523 Jan. 13 3480 Jan. 14 3452 Jan. 15 3273. Jan. 18 3035 Jan. 22 2703 Jan. 23 2359 Jan. 26 2346 And today.....1888 Look at the first graph on this page. https://newsinteractives.cbc.ca/coronavirustracker/ The most recent stay at home order started on Jan. 8th and look how far we have fallen....in a very good way. Staying home, essential trips only, social distancing and mask wearing works. No question about it. Not easy by any means but certainly effective. So many lives saved. Even better, new cases are down by 19 %, active cases are down by 17 %, deaths are down by 20 % ( close to tears now), hospitalizations down by 14% and ICU admissions down by 7 %. We are on a roll. Don't stop now. I attended an online meeting last night hosted by a very prominent and prestigious provincial medical group and attended by 1300 physicians and the medical leaders of your COVID 19 health care response. Here is what we learned: The fact that effective and safe vaccines were developed in less than a year when vaccine development usually takes up to 5 years is a modern day miracle. ( Remember, the process was not rushed. Every approved COVID- 19 vaccine has followed the rigorous standards of vaccine development. The world threw it's financial and resource might behind these vaccines. That is why they were developed so quickly. There were no short cuts.) Now we need the miracle of a massive, rapid, vaccine roll out. Despite the gloom and doom in the press, THERE WILL BE a major ramp up of vaccine delivery and distribution by April in seven settings. The 19 existing provincial sites Public Health Units Mass vaccination clinics Primary Care Community Health Clinics Pharmacies and Mobile Outreach This province will receive 5 million dose of vaccines per month starting in April and a complex, integrated roll out plan is being rapidly developed. The entire health care system is being mobilized to deliver 8.4 million vaccines in Ontario from April to September. A marathon of vaccinations is about to happen. Ah yes. The naysayers say it can't be done and the anti-vaxers would like to put a stop to all of these vaccine shenanigans but fear not. I have worked in this profession for 31 years. Your medical professionals (nurses, doctors, nurse practitioners and administrators) are a smart, serious, dedicated bunch. We will get this done. We are trained to put our lives, our well-being on the line for you. Say a little prayer for this team. We are exhausted and we just received marching orders to do what would appear to be next to impossible. The strength of an army is what we need. Good news about the variant strains. The present vaccines are 95 % effective against the B1.1.7. strain ( UK variant). But, even though the vaccines are effective, widespread vaccinations are 2 months away which leaves too much time for these new variants to do significant damage and reverse all the good work we have done. Hang on for 2 months. Wear masks and stay six feet apart even when the present emergency orders are loosened. We are almost there. Anne-Marie Please Share!! February is a very tough month at the best of times. Please reach out if you are feeling depressed or unable to cope. For mental health support here: https://familyserviceguelph.on.ca/ For local assistance with anxiety and depression: www.here4help.ca CMHA WW Website: www.cmhaww.ca Here 24/7 at 1-844-HERE-247 or www.here247.ca. And for post-secondary students, Good2Talk https://good2talk.ca/ For non-Facebook users, you can find this post here: https://braceletofhope.blogspot.com/ And if you'd like to help Bracelet of Hope work towards making sure that Lesotho has access to these vaccines, donate here: https://www.braceletofhope.ca/ways-to-

Shop Mildmay's Main Street 18.01.2021

Let’s create awareness! Could everyone share this logo. It indicates that the person who wears it is deaf and, in some cases, wears a hearing aid. In these time...s, it's also impossible to read lips, which makes it very difficult There's no point in carrying the sign if half of people don't know what it means... Deaf and hard of hearing people will be grateful to you... Thank you Please note. this is Not my design I am sharing to create awareness!!!!!! Stay safe and be kind

Shop Mildmay's Main Street 06.01.2021

January Carrots! I just read a nasty rant from one of my followers. I would really prefer that people who disagree with me would have the courage to speak to m...e personally. Private message me please, troll or not, defamation is wrong and some day, there will be checks and balances in place on social media that protect us against such defamation. I have asked this person to reach out to me privately. I guarantee she won't. To make it clear, I am not speaking out against the government, as this person suggests I do. She suggested it would be cowardly if I did not. I think it's cowardly to defame someone online where you can remain safe and anonymous. She believes there are internment camps that infected people are being forced to stay in and she believes that the government's new policy to have returning travellers stay in a government chosen hotel until they know their COVID status is evidence of more nefarious activities by our government. I agree with this new government policy. Did you know that Melbourne Australia had their COVID 19 pandemic under control until people who were staying in similar government supervised hotels infected employees of the hotel who then took the virus home to their families? This caused a huge outbreak which lead to the the entire region being locked down for the rest of the summer. And this was before the new variant, which is much more transmissible and dangerous, was detected. I need to remain professional, even on line, and keep my anger in check but this kind of misinformation that attacks science and intelligent, science-based government decisions fills me with rage. Thanks for letting me rant. On a lighter note and with a spring-like perspective: The 7 day rolling average is now below 2000! Hospitalized: 1273 down by 18 ICU: 353 down by 7 Ventilator: 216 down by 55 R value: 0.86 - still below 1.0 We are doing it. Despite the mis-information and the mis-steps over Christmas, we are succeeding in controlling this second wave. So, what's the next step? This is a very interesting graph: https://covid19.healthdata.org/canada As of today, we have surpassed 20,000 deaths from COVID-19 in this country. The first graph projects how many deaths will occur by May 21 in three different scenarios: The worse case scenario, 34,000 deaths, rapid variant spread, 31,000 deaths and universal mask wearing, 29,000 deaths. Still far too many deaths but I think we all agree that a prolonged lockdown like the one we are suffering through right now is not sustainable. People need to get back to work. Schools need to re-open. I am not part of any provincial or national decision making but I highly respect and support all of our leaders and decision makers. Preventing more cases of the new variant from entering our country with supervised quarantine upon arrival just makes sense. Ten more days of the present emergency order will drive the numbers down further and re-build the capacity in our ICU systems. We have avoided the horrific projection of 40,000 new cases a day. Well done. I believe that any re-opening should come with a universal mask order. Yep, out on a limb again. It is much easier to wear a mask at all times outside of your bubble than it is to stay locked in that bubble. Let's wait and see. For now, wear two 2- layer cloth masks, a level 2 surgical mask or a good quality three layer cloth mask with a middle layer of polypropylene. That's how we defeat any new variant. Dispelling some myths: There will be rare cases of people testing positive for COVID-19 after being vaccinated. It takes two doses and a full 2 to 4 weeks after the last dose of the vaccine before you are immune. That's lots of time to be exposed to and infected with COVID. Continue wearing masks and social distancing even after you have been vaccinated. We are not safe until 70 % of us are immune. There are six doses in each vial of Pfizer vaccine. No conspiracy here. To get all six doses requires a person experienced in giving vaccines who is using a 1 cc syringe. You will never receive an incomplete dose. There are international delays is vaccine deliveries, everywhere. We have never tried to vaccinate 8 billion people before. There will be many glitches moving forward. What the makers of these vaccines and the scientific community is trying to do is next to impossible but, guess what? It was next to impossible to create a vaccine and we have many, many vaccines that will be available in short order. Be patient and confident. We will end COVID 19. Newer vaccines, like the Astra Zeneca and the Johnson and Johnson vaccine are made with different technology than the messenger RNA vaccines. This technology makes them less effective up front but they work and they require only one dose. They prevent 100 % of deaths and serious illness form COVID 19 and that is what counts. Canada is about to approve one of these new vaccines......a new tool in our fight. That is great news. This picture was taken yesterday when I was actually happy and not furious. Yes, this is one of my summer carrots, picked on January 30th, under a foot of snow and a thick layer of leaves, still green on top. A carrot that has been under ground for 7 months!!!! Hope springs eternal. Thank you to the folks at the Guelph seed bank who gave me these carrot seeds during my summer carrot fiasco. Beautiful carrots. There is nothing, absolutely nothing we cannot accomplish when we work together for the good of all.....and even better with a little prayer sprinkled in the mix. Stay strong and keep good sense in the forefront. Anne-Marie Please share. PS. I was wrong. She did reach out privately. Now we can have a healthy discourse. It's OK to disagree but defamation is not cool. For local assistance with anxiety and depression: www.here4help.ca CMHA WW Website: www.cmhaww.ca Here 24/7 at 1-844-HERE-247 or www.here247.ca. And for post-secondary students, Good2Talk https://good2talk.ca/ For non-Facebook users, you can find this post here: https://braceletofhope.blogspot.com/ And if you'd like to help Bracelet of Hope work towards making sure that Lesotho has access to these vaccines, donate here: https://www.braceletofhope.ca/ways-to-

Shop Mildmay's Main Street 21.12.2020

Why you might want to start wearing better masks even outdoors https://www.cbc.ca//masks-coronavirus-variants-canada-1.58 It's nice to be ahead of the CBC b...y a couple of weeks. Your medical community is. Wear a mask anytime you are out of the house. Wear a good quality three layer mask or a level 2 surgical mask. Hides in Hands Rockwood or make your own with a polypropylene middle layer. This will reduce the risk of transmitting the new variant. No new variants of COVID -19 have been detected in our public health region or in Waterloo region, yet. Put these masks on now and stop the transmission. Let's do this folks. Anne-Marie