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Sisterhood United 02.01.2021

NEW BLOG POST!!! A few weeks ago Brittany and her family tested positive for COVID-19. In her post, she shares what her experience was like. At some point we will all have friends, family, and others we know who get COVID. It is important we reach out to them, care for them, and not avoid them. This virus has taken so much already. Let it not take our humanity.... Head to www.sisterhoodunited.ca/post/covid19 to read COVID-19 Positive. *** Then the King will say to those on his right, ‘Come, you who are blessed by my Father; take your inheritance, the kingdom prepared for you since the creation of the world. For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me.’ Matt 25:34-36 #sisterhoodunited

Sisterhood United 25.12.2020

NEW POST and it is POWERFUL! In this new post, Michelle Peters, the Director of Safe Families Steinbach, shares why she is passionate about establishing a Safe Families site in Steinbach and how Biblical hospitality is a core of the Christian faith - helping the poor, loving the lonely, giving shelter to the stranger, and inviting the hungry to share our table. I was deeply impacted by this post and I know you will be too. Head to: www.sisterhoodunited.ca/post/hiraeth... *** To give to Safe Families Steinbach, head to www.safefamiliescanada.com and make sure to specify Steinbach. Or head to www.giveosity.com/safefamilies. Let’s get that $16,000 raised so Safe Families Steinbach can become a reality! #sisterhoodunited #safefamilies #safefamiliessteinbach #give #donate

Sisterhood United 23.12.2020

Safe Families Steinbach needs to raise $16,000 to launch! If we all gave $15, we could cover the entire amount! Please make a gift so this great organization can get started in our community. Safe Families is a movement fueled by compassion to keep children safe and families intact. Through Host Families, Family Friends, and Family Coaches, they temporarily host children and provide a network of support to families in crisis. Head to www.Giveosity.com/safefamilies to gi...ve! #sisterhoodunited #safefamiliessteinbach See more

Sisterhood United 11.12.2020

There is More is changing to SISTERHOOD United and will focus on encouraging women in the areas of: Prayer, Advocacy, and Service. There is strength and courage in numbers, so if we unite together, we can have a greater impact. Follow SISTERHOOD United on Instagram at www.instagram.com/sisterhoodunited.ca to receive more posts.

Sisterhood United 01.12.2020

FINAL UPDATE: On Monday evening Justin was transferred from HSC to St Boniface. His heart tests and brain scans have all come back good. He will remain at St Boniface until he is ready to come home. He is talking and remembers pretty much everything from before the day of the incident. Right now he struggles from short term memory loss which is common. The doctors are hopeful for a full recovery! We have been there everyday trying to help him remember things and it's c...omforting knowing how much he knows. He's funny and we are seeing our Justin be himself again for the most part! Thank you Jesus! We don't take this miracle for granted! The doctors say he will not be leaving the hospital without a defibrillater, this is to make sure an incident like that does not happen again. The cardiac arrest was most likely caused by Justin having long QT syndrome. (Just to clarify he had a cardiac arrest not a heart attack, which are 2 very different things.) We have learned so much and as a family we are there everyday and we FaceTime him when my mom (or sister) goes in to see him. We are so thankful for all the support we have gotten and all the prayers. The support has been overwhelming, we are forever grateful. We have seen God's timing in this over and over, everything in His perfect timing, this is truly a testimony of God's love for us. God is so good. We will keep praying for a full recovery! God is still at work, He is restoring Justin day by day, knitting him back together piece by piece. We are forever thankful for your prayers and support. Please continue to keep him in your prayers! Thank you! From Janell *** UPDATE 1: We are in the midst of a miracle folks. As I write this, over 33,000 people have seen the original post from yesterday, which means thousands of people from around the world have been praying for Justin. Now his sister Janell just sent me this: We just got a call from the nurse! He opened his eyes!!! He responded to the nurse, he gave a thumbs up! Praise Jesus!!!!! We can't stop crying and thanking Jesus! What a miracle! We need to keep praying that he stays responsive and he keeps recovering, this is good news. Jesus is working!!! We are so thankful for all the prayers, keep praying, thank you and thank you Jesus!!!! Keep praying! *** URGENT PRAYER REQUEST! Please pray for Justin Dueck, son of Ed & Marci, brother to Janell Fast and to Carla Barkman. Justin went into cardiac arrest last night, he’s 33. He was without oxygen for 22 minutes. He is currently at HSC in Winnipeg in an induced coma and he is being cooled down for his brain to heal. Starting tomorrow, they will start warming him again. The next 3 days are critical for his survival. We know we serve a God of miracles, a God of the impossible. And we need our all powerful God to heal and restore Justin’s brain and body. Please take a moment to get on your knees in prayer for Justin and his family.

Sisterhood United 25.11.2020

Hello, my name is Antonia Kelsey and this is my story. I was four years old when I first heard the word nigger. I wanted to play with some of my neighborhood friends and to my surprise they held me down and stepped on my face and called me nigger. I didn't understand what that word meant until I got older. Then in school I got called many things like nigger, blackie, poop, dirty, and monkey. Having statements and questions like: You're pretty for a black girl. What are yo...u? Why is your nose so wide? I had people who wouldn't answer me when I spoke to them. They'd plainly turn around and walk away and ignore me. In high school I was raped because some guy wanted to know what it felt like to be with a black girl. I was so humiliated and violated. I was done! I didn't want to be black anymore. I want my hair to be straightened and my skin to be lighter. Most people don’t know this, but I am bald today because I processed my hair so much to be like my white peers, that I caused my alopecia. I hated being black. It wasn't until God got a hold of my life and put a mirror in front of me and asked me, "What do you want to change?" So I listed all the things that were told to me that others didn't like about me: I wanted lighter skin, a smaller nose, straight hair.etc. Little did I know He was going to change the way I think about myself. There was a silent pause as I was looking in the mirror and God whispered in my ear, "So what you're saying is what I made is ugly?" Oh my goodness.Did I just say that to God!? God gave me revelation in that moment that nothing He makes is ugly. That I am made in His image. From that moment on I have learned to love myself just the way I am. To embrace, my broad nose and the color of my skin and my bald head. I am a beautiful black woman! I know some people have a hard time accepting the Black Lives Matter movement. I get it. They think we are saying ONLY black lives matter, but we are not. We are saying black lives matter because there are people who think otherwise to the point of killing us. Will you be our ally and let them know that our lives matter too? Thanks for listening.

Sisterhood United 15.10.2020

New blog post! In this post, Elisa draws our attention to the cultural genocide of the Uyghur people of China. Elisa and her husband lived in Xinjiang for many years, and are passionate about exposing the truth about what is happening under China’s communist regime - in short, the eradication of an entire people group. Head to www.thereismore.ca/post/uyghurs to read #Uyghurs.