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Kali Yuga Yoga 11.05.2022

Happy Easter to all my Brothers and Sisters celebrating today. A reminder of the significance of today's Holy Day. Let not this body be your tomb. For it is wonderous. Nor allow the mind to be the boulder of obstruction. For it can be a great servant. Unexplored one is dull and dead even though living. Dive Within this tomb! Uncover and discover within its cave the Aliveness Present. Touch within the Hearts Torch. Lighting up the way to ones Resurrection. Bles...sedness Abundance Flow With the Wave of Divinity ~~~A~U~M~~~ Peter Giannaris (Yogi Pgian) Spiritual Upgrader Facilitator Kali Yuga Yoga Institute of Excellence for Soul Science Engineering

Kali Yuga Yoga 30.04.2022

Merry Christmas Facebook Family Bless You All Yes, I'm still around. Just keeping anchored to the below mentioned on a daily versus the narrative.... May today be a reminder of our Christ Consciousness within us ALL. Truly the only gift we need to give us EVERYTHING. Through Jesus do we find the way to the Father. His birth is in fact the Light of Hope. The beacon in the night shining so bright back to the shorelines of our Salvation. Love for God is love for ALL. A crucial necessity among our world so divided in these challenging times. Let not this situation we face build anger and hatefulness. Togetherness is key to proceeding successfully towards overcoming whatever challenges we are facing. Forget not. Find the compassion and inner-standing through the depth of your heart. Let not the mind cloud the CLARITY your Heart knows so well of our Union with one another through Source. Flow With the Wave of Divinity ~~~A~U~M~~~ Peter Giannaris (Yogi Pgian) Spiritual Upgrader Facilitator Kali Yuga Yoga Institute of Excellence for Soul Science Engineering

Kali Yuga Yoga 27.12.2020

Happy New Year Dear Friends Enjoy this special video message for 2021. BLESSINGS to ALL. Take care of yourselves and each other. Stay RESILIENT. Much LOVE and DEVOTION, for this vast DIVINE OCEAN of motion, among ALL the commotion.... Flow With the Wave of Divinity ~~~A~U~M~~~ Peter Giannaris (Yogi Pgian) Spiritual Upgrader Facilitator Kali Yuga Yoga Institute of Excellence for Soul Science Engineering

Kali Yuga Yoga 07.12.2020

Happy Holy Days Everyone HOLY DAYS, HOLY TIMES for a HOLY NEW PARADIGM. THE KINGDOM OF GOD IS WITHIN each and everyone of us. ~This was the true and only message Jesus Christ reminded us of~... Stand Tall Mighty Warrior. Have you forgotten your SELF? Come quickly to remember. Know thy SELF. Recognize who you are moves beyond anything mind may project at you. Stop roaming around in search outside your SELF for what is to be found inside. This world of names and forms bears many distractions easily tantalizing the palette of the mind from our "Majestic Disposition" inherent through our Divine Nature. Climb up out from the world of affairs and despair. What seems to be real is not and what is real can't be seen from what seems to be real. Rise on out from this slumber. Wake up from this sleep induced through the human concoctions and games being played. They do not define you nor befit you dear Mighty Warrior. REMEMBER NOW! Claim your stature NOW. Lift yourself by your SELF on to the peak of your innate potential NOW. And gaze through the SOUL beyond the horizon. Where eyes cannot reach and mind cannot think. From this space one walks in the world untainted. An Angel walking through hell untouched. Merry Christmas Everyone Flow With the Wave of Divinity ~~~A~U~M~~~ Peter Giannaris (Yogi Pgian) Spiritual Upgrader Facilitator Kali Yuga Yoga Institute of Excellence for Soul Science Engineering

Kali Yuga Yoga 24.11.2020

In Meditation...I do not doubt that these experiences of visions some mention are occurring. Though one must come to acknowledge what is experiencing (mind) these occurrences with which pleasure or distaste arises. It is so easy to fall in this trap of entertainment the mind produces from the various ideas, notions, beliefs, opinions, preferences and concepts (conditioning) formed through the narrative of the Identity Crisis (ego). Masters through the ages have greatly empha...sized quite clearly the distraction these experiences of visions create on ones practice of Proper Meditation and Consciousness Expansion. After all it is quite easy to understand why this would be so once it is properly dissected. Meditation occurs once the cessation of the mind stuff ceases. Along the sessions of Meditation Practice mind produces many mental tendencies known and unknown. A purging in fact... This purging must be allowed to happen gracefully from a witness standpoint unbiased (soul). Passing by and by like frames of a film rolling out consecutively without interruption. Any where along the way the participant creates a stop and lingering among the frames of thought and sensations from a bias (mind). One has fallen victim to the minds lure of attraction and repulsion, set up as a trap through the Identity Crisis (ego) to end meditation and the purging necessary for mind stuff cessation. Understand the mind stuff is aware of what is happening in meditation. Its end! And will pull out every trick it knows the participant will fall for. For it contains the thoughts and emotions it knows well which will create an interruption to the purge needed for ULTIMATE FREEDOM. When we are lured into the attraction of these visions and remain like a deer caught in the headlights. The more time invested in the continuation of attention to these visions. Only strengthens the tendencies of the Identity Crisis (ego). Flow With the Wave of Divinity ~~~A~U~M~~~ Peter Giannaris (Yogi Pgian) Spiritual Upgrader Facilitator Kali Yuga Yoga Institute of Excellence for Soul Science Engineering

Kali Yuga Yoga 15.11.2020

Our Natural State can never be conformed. Forgetfulness of who we are makes it appear so, though. We each are responsible in remembering again. It is the only reason we are here. Most fail to do so, caught up by the razzle dazzle of conformity. ... Fearing of being cast out. And rather follow along denying the very feeling from deep within reminding us to return home. Flow With the Wave of Divinity ~~~A~U~M~~~ Peter Giannaris (Yogi Pgian) Spiritual Upgrader Facilitator Kali Yuga Yoga Institute of Excellence for Soul Science Engineering

Kali Yuga Yoga 13.11.2020

Special Note: This is dedicated to EVERYONE. Particularly Yoga Teachers, Spiritual Healers and Lightworkers. BE it political agendas. BE it conspiracy theories. BE it new world order. BE it world war lll. BE it judgement day. BE it outer space collision. BE it aliens. BE it environmental destruction. BE it 666. BE it reptilians. What ever will BE, will BE!... To BE requires Proper Practice. Proper Practice brings one to BE. To BE brings on SELF(Soul) - TRUTH. To BE in SELF(Soul) - TRUTH brings on ULTIMATE FREEDOM. To BE ULTIMATE FREEDOM is the ULTIMATE and no longer one engages in matters of the mind of the above worldly possible possibilities. For what ever will BE, will BE, so just BE! BE with your Practice and LET GO of the entanglement of worldly affairs the webs of mind have binded you in. Debate after debate. Endless hours of text to prove you are correct of what the true agenda is. For what? You have lost your map to the heart. Lost your SELF to mind stuff. BE quick or BE dead. Get out of your head. SELF(Soul) - TRUTH can not BE found there. You are wasting your time. Your awarenesses becomes blind, when you are in the mind, tackling topics of the worlds designs. Ego trap so please WAKE UP and get back on track. Your mission is greater than that. Made of SOUL stuff. ULTIMATE FREEDOM in fact. No fact checker can touch! To BE is to BE, it sets you free from the minds wants, to do's, to calculate and evaluate from a conditioned space the world has placed from a sleep state of entangled tastes. So what ever will BE, will BE, so just BE! ULTIMATE FREEDOM is key. For it gives you the eyes to see from The Most High capacity. To know how to lead with what ever may BE happening. From a space of DIVINE CLARITY. Que sera sera Flow With the Wave of Divinity ~~~A~U~M~~~ Peter Giannaris (Yogi Pgian) Spiritual Upgrader Facilitator Kali Yuga Yoga Institute of Excellence for Soul Science Engineering