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Soulwind 27.01.2021

GUARDIANS OF TRUTH The real essence of anything is its Truth. Anything added to that, contrived or fabricated, may cover over the Truth, but nothing can ever remove or replace the Truth. The Truth of your being is the most sacred reality. Its liberation inside you is the whole meaning of your life and all the events that happen for you. The Truth of what you are wants to wake up in you and know itself. When Truth knows itself in you, it is called Love and what it feels like, ...Continue reading

Soulwind 25.01.2021

YOUR ESSENTIAL LIFE Stop stressing about your life. There is more to your Story than an ego. Your life isn’t actually you"; it is Christ. What you call you" is a story of a persona; your true identity is in the Great I Am and the fullness of the Cosmic Son. Your experienced life in the world is just a small part of a deeper, more complete and infinite Life much larger than your ego could ever imagine. Everything you know and experience in this material world is just the ...tip of the iceberg; the larger part of you exits in unseen dimensions. Your truer identity is never in question. Its everything else that is. You are not what happened to you. You are not what you have gone through, had happen to you, or had imposed upon you. You are not your behavior, your struggle, your worst mistake, where you have been or where you are going. You are not what you decided, attained, gained or lost. Those may be your experiences in life, but they are not really you. What you ARE is prior to all you experience and infinitely beyond them. Who you are is mingled with the Divine and forever will share its history, story and destiny. Its impossible to define the real you without taking in the whole divine milieu. Your Essential self can only be defined with Christ and in God by the power of the Spirit. Everything else is just something happening in the peripheral of your real life. Moving into the essential essence of what you are and living by that, is the whole of spirituality. The path of awakening is to travel into the center of what you thought was you and then pass THROUGH and BEYOND that and into the deeper center of God as your Real Life. Until you find your life there, in this compelling and shining Mystery, you haven’t even begun to live what is Essential to you. Living as an ego is the malady of modern life, the delusion of our psyche and the root of all our suffering. Waking UP is a loving journey WITHIN not within the ego, the personality or the framework of a physical life, but a WAKING UP WITHIN the center God as our real Source. Its time to put off a disposable life and let go of the material accumulative self-ing we think we are. Its time to get to ESSENTIAL LIFE. The essences and energies of God are your Essential propriety. Its not an Inheritance to claim in some afterlife, but a birthright to live into in this very moment. May our lives be reduced to the essential and there to find a real experience in the extraordinary enjoyment of the eternal life we are. ~sOulwind

Soulwind 07.01.2021

TRUTH WAKES UP Truth has an intimate secret. It will whisper to your heart -- if you will quiet your mind long enough to where it becomes overgrown by your spirit's intuition. The secret unveiled is that the face of God is found within your own blueprint of sonship. The Absolute is your own unrealized depths, ... which abides uninterrupted, in unalterable and undiminishable union, with the Son of God's Love. It’s easy to reference that Reality: it is found within, in those hushed silent moments when the mind becomes still, when the me-story is put aside, when our spirits awareness relaxes into its own infinity, and when inner communion expands into One shared Life with God. This is when the uncontrived clarity comes. It is when faith becomes as easy as breathing and vision becomes an absolute certainty. Truth has its own testimony in you, as you. It's voice is within everyone’s deepest conscience. It doesn’t need or ask for any other proof other than itself. It doesn’t need our dogma, clever ideas, novel approaches or tidy theology. It only ever asks for our happy surrender to its enormous Love. Its in those quietly open and deeply surrendered moments of sincerity, that a subtle luminosity, a serene radiance, a brilliantly transparent clarity shimmers in us as the true nature of what we are. All the visible and invisible manifestations of the world inside and outside us vibrate as One unmistakable and familiar Presence. Here we are lost in Truths own loving subjectivity, of which we are its spectacular testimony. Resting here we erupt, every now and then, like a geyser, as a brilliant expression and compassionate Radiance before whom all egoic delusions dissipate, with a love so fierce that it embraces everything in us and around us in an alchemy of personal transformation. Stop searching for the Truth. It’s only the mind that thinks it’s separate. Truth is already breathing, loving, holding and embracing your essence and form into existence in this, and every moment. We don’t find the Truth. It wakes up in us as us. You recognize that it emanates as you, and yet more than you indeed, more than everything -- in every moment. You learn, at last, that all there is to do is to love the truth you are. ~rOn

Soulwind 31.12.2020

LIGHT EXAMINING LIGHT Self-examination is a vital part of any genuine spiritual path. It is a finesse art, and largely abused in many religious traditions. Self-examination is not self-flagellation; it’s not beating ourselves up nor inflicting strenuous moral regulations upon a hard-to-appease conscience. Self-examination is the compassionate art of self-loving and spiritual refinement of character. Its an investigation into our interior condition to find where the Light of ...Continue reading

Soulwind 24.12.2020

EVERY PIECE REPRESENTS A WHOLENESS Every piece represents a Wholeness. Every piece of your being is part of a grand and glorious Whole. This is perhaps the greatest truth in discovering your personal healing and transformation. Our lives often feel very fragmented. The world has its way of cutting us up into pieces. Our identity gets shredded into many separate self-forms we identify with as me": sad pieces, hurt pieces, angry pieces, disappointed pieces, jealousy pieces, ...Continue reading

Soulwind 19.12.2020

PRACTICES FOR AN ENLIGHTENED WORLD Are we really willing to loosen up the habits of selfishness, fear and small mindedness? We can grow comfortable in the safe feelings that ego-habituated patterns offer to us. They are the path of least resistance but also the path of being stuck with very little transformation. Transformational living is essential to forge an enlightened society. ...Continue reading