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Locality: Prince George, British Columbia

Phone: +1 250-617-8200

Address: 4388 15th Avenue Prince George, BC, Canada

Website: www.sprucelandbaptist.ca/

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Spruceland Baptist Church 10.05.2022

Spruceland Baptist Church

Spruceland Baptist Church 28.04.2022

THE MEEK WILL HE TEACH HIS WAY EVENING DEVOTION by James Smith... MAY 19 Psalm 25:9 The meek he will guide in judgment: and the meek will he teach his way. The meek are conscious of their ignorance. They feel the need of teaching. They are desirous of being taught. They especially desire to be taught of God. They feel unworthy of the least mercy at God’s hand; and yet, because he has promised, they seek and expect the greatest. Meekness is especially pleasing to God; and the meek may have favour at his hands. Blessed are the meek: for they shall inherit the earth. The Lord will teach them his way. They way in which he pardons, justifies, and saves sinners. The way in which he would have them walk through this world. The way of escape which he opens in seasons of danger and temptation. They way in which he confounds the crafty, overturns the devices of his foes, and crushes the oppressors of his people. He will teach them the way of peace, and they shall walk in it-the way of salvation, and they shall persevere in it. He will unfold to them his word, confer on them his blessing, walk with them in fellowship, and make them to possess durable riches and righteousness. The meek are heaven’s favorites, the churches’ ornaments, and the world’s truest friends. Make me, Saviour, as thou art, Poor in spirit, meek in heart: Then thou wilt my teacher be, And my soul shall cleave to thee. James Smith

Spruceland Baptist Church 21.04.2022

MY BELOVED BRETHREN, BE YE STEADFAST EVENING DEVOTION by James Smith... MAY 18 1 Corinthians 15:58 Therefore, my beloved brethren, be ye steadfast, unmoveable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, forasmuch as ye know that your labour is not in vain in the Lord. How affectionately the Apostle writes, even to those who had grieved him, and dishonoured his Master’s cause. He not only calls them brethren, but beloved brethren. In this he is our example. But it is to the exhortation he delivers, to which we wish to call your attention. Many of us are unstable, as were many in the Apostle’s day. Instability is a great evil. It is injurious to our own souls, it is a stumbling-block or a grief to others, and it gives Satan an advantage over us. He is never unstable, his purpose is fixed, his aim is steady, his efforts are persevering. Destroy if possibledistress if notis his motto. Brethren, let us be steadfast in our efforts to promote the glory of Christ. But if we are to be steadfast let us be sure that we are building on the right foundation that we hold the truth of Christ that we are vitally untied to him, and are entirely consecrated to his praise. Let us take nothing for granted here, but let us prove all things. To the law and to the testimony. Compare everything with God’s Word. Then steadfast let us still remain, Though dangers rise around, And in the work presecrib’d by God Yet more and more abound. James Smith

Spruceland Baptist Church 11.04.2022

HE KNOWETH OUR FRAME EVENING DEVOTION by James Smith... MAY 17 Psalm 103:14 For he knoweth our frame; he remembereth that we are dust. This is such a sweet and encouraging thought. Others may fancy us strong when we are weak, healthy when we are diseased, out of temper when we are suffering; but he knoweth our frame. But it is not bare knowledge, but knowledge united with love. Knowledge that awakens sympathy knowledge that takes the will for the deed. He knows the weakness of our constitutions, the exact nature of our temperament, the shattered state of the nerves, the secret disease which causes irritability, or depression. He can distinguish between what proceeds from physical causes, and what flows from the depravity of our hearts. He knows every avenue by which temptation can enter and the effects which external objects, or material images have upon us. He knows and makes allowance, saying, The Spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak. Beloved, you may not know the cause of your depression, but your heavenly Father knows,and Like as a father pitieth his children, so the Lord pitieth them that fear him. He knows the frailty of our frame, Weakness and vanity our claim: But as the parent’s bosom moves, In pity, o’er the child he loves, So will the Lord his servants view, He loves his pity to renew. James Smith

Spruceland Baptist Church 03.04.2022

HE SHALL CHOOSE OUR INHERITANCE FOR US EVENING DEVOTION by James Smith... MAY 16 Psalm 47:4 He shall choose our inheritance for us, the excellency of Jacob whom he loved. Selah. Can you honestly and heartily say this? Are you so fully persuaded of the Lord’s wisdom, have you such steady faith in the Lord’s love, are you so resigned to the Lord’s will, so you sufficiently desire that the Lord’s glory should be advanced, as to say cheerfully, He shall choose my inheritance for me? Do you approve of his general conduct in choosing for you? Are you jealous of your own judgment? If not, you cannot adopt this language to-night. It includes an entire surrender to the Lord. A desire to be wholly at his disposal. Acquiescence in all his appointments, as to trials, comforts, gifts, place of residence, time and circumstances of death. You may be sure if this, that if the Lord choose for you, he will do for you as Joseph did for his father and brethren, he will choose the best. It is therefore your wisdom to commit all to the Lord, and leave him to manage your affairs. It is a great privilege to have a God to choose for us, one who knows all persons, things, and events; and knows all perfectly. It is your duty to be content with the choice that God has made for you, you would not have chosen better, you would not have chosen so well. Now as on rising ground I stand, Reviewing what is past, I see that love and wisdom plann’d My path from first to last. James Smith

Spruceland Baptist Church 24.01.2021

JANUARY 18 EVIL IS PRESENT WITH ME. Romans 7:21 I find then a law, that, when I would do good, evil is present with me.... But what a mercy that it does not reign in you and over you; it did once, and would now but for free and sovereign grace. If sin makes you groan, leads you to the throne to plead with God, and the fountain of the Saviour’s blood to be cleansed from it, it does not, it cannot reign. It may disturb your peace, distress your mind, hinder you in duty, mix with all your efforts to do good; and even make you cry out, O wretched man that I am, who shall deliver me? But even then you would not doubt; Jesus still loves you, grace will reign in your experience, and you shall be more, than a conqueror. Paul had know the Lord many years, he had been in the third heaven, and daily triumphed in Christ; yet he felt just as you feel, when he would do good evil was present with him, and he could not do the things that he would. If sin annoys you, is you burden, and causes you grief; holiness lives in you and the present painful conflict will end in everlasting peace. You may even now sing. Thanks be unto God, who giveth us the victory, through our Lord Jesus Christ. Live upon Christ, and you will live down all evil. Crosses and changes are our lot, Long as we sojourn here; But since our Saviour changes not, What have the saints to fear? James Smith

Spruceland Baptist Church 19.12.2020

https://kahoot.it/challenge/0293698 Enjoy the fun with our 2020 Scripture Memory

Spruceland Baptist Church 25.11.2020

JANUARY 17 I WOULD DO GOOD . Romans 7:21 Romans 7:21 I find then a law, that, when I would do good, evil is present with me. Every believer has experienced the renewing of the Holy Ghost; sin has not dominion over him. ... He perceives the beauty of holiness, and loathes himself on account of sin. He would be internally holy, and externally conformed to the precepts of the Bible. He would pray with fervour; praise with gratitude; believe with confidence; war against sin, Satan, and the flesh, with courage; and glorify God by every feeling, thought, word and action. Thus He feels, and for this he prays in his best monuments, but he finds that he needs the frequent renewing of the Holy Spirit, for the prone to sink into coldness, deadness, darkness, and stupidity, and he is obliged to cry out, My soul cleaveth unto the dust; quicken thou me according unto thy word. The Lord must work in us to WILL as well as to do; for by nature we are unwilling, and the desire after holiness, proved by effort to obtain it, is from God. Beloved you must be coming to Jesus daily for fresh supplies of the Holy Spirit, or you will find yourself not only weak, but careless; not only will the power of godliness decline, but you will become indifferent. Watch against temptation. Watch unto prayer. Watch over you own heart. O Lord, assist me through the fight, My drooping spirit raise; Make me triumphant in thy might, And thine shall be the praise. James Smith

Spruceland Baptist Church 08.11.2020

Good morning, just a reminder there is NO in-person church services today. You can join us this morning for Spruceland Baptist Church service at 10:45 here on Facebook or YouTube. There is a ZOOM for Children’s Church at 10am, just send an email to [email protected] for link, or check your email from SBC.... Love ya, Pastor Hallmark

Spruceland Baptist Church 08.11.2020

Jeff Hallmark - live Powered by Restream https://restream.io/