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StrengthWOD 01.01.2021

Week34 Day1 Strength: 3sets:... Seated on floor strict press X10 (keep legs straight and feet together!) 30m Single Arm Overhead KB/DB Walk per arm Lying on floor band pull aparts X15 Rest as needed 3sets: Incline DB Bench X10 Rest 30-45s DB Row on bench X10 Rest 1:30 3sets: 10 Ring Rows Rest 20s 3 Chest to Bar Pullup negatives Rest 20s Max Pushups Rest 1-1:40 WEIGHTLIFTING: 3sets: 10-15 PVC pipe overhead Squats 10 Behind the Neck Sots press with the PVC 10 Lying Pass throughs Rest 30s-1:20 5sets: Muscle Snatch X1 + Hang Power Snatch X1 + Overhead Squat X1 Snatch Grip Deadlifts 6-6-6-6 Tempo=4020 3sets: Lying Prone Trap Raise Hold X30s(weighted is optional) Straight Arm Plank(weighted) X45s Kneeling Banded Paloffs Hold X35s/side Rest 45s-1:20 CONDITIONING: Ever 2min for 20min 30 Double Unders/15 DU/75 Skips 10 Devil Presses(45/25) 1 Wall Walk *Scale reps/weight as you see fit **You're aiming to have the majority of round with at least 20s of rest

StrengthWOD 30.12.2020

Week33 Day2 STRENGTH: 3sets:... 10 Hanging Scap Circles/direction 10 Jefferson Curls(weighted) 10 Bird Dogs per side Rest as needed after each set 3sets: 8 Double KB Front Rack Split Squats per side Rest 45s JB Plank(weighted) X30s-1min Rest 45s-1:30 3sets: 10 V-ups 15s Hollow Body Hold 20 Leg Raises Rest30-45s between sets ...then 2sets: side plank/side *Pick a time you can do both sets each side without resting! WEIGHTLIFTING: 3sets: Squat hold(weighted anyway) X1-2min Hip CIrcle Walk X10 steps each directions Rest 45s-1:20 4sets: Find a moderately challenging weight that allows you to still hold great form 1 Clean Pull +2 Hang Power Cleans + 1 Push Press + 1 Power Jerk + 1 Split Jerk 3sets: 12 Band Pull aparts 8-10 Glute Ham Raises Plank(weighted) X45s-1:30 Rest 45s-1:20 CONDITIONING: AMRAP 15 12 Box Jumps(24/20) 9 Shoulder to Ovheread@115/75 6 Toes to Bar Knees to Chest 3 Chest to Bar Pullups Rest 2-3min Tabata Hollow Body Rock/hold

StrengthWOD 25.12.2020

Week33 Day1 Alright everyone, we're going to do something a little different... Starting today, all 3 of the options will take max 20-25min each.... These will just be extensions of your regular training programs. Mainly decidingon something that will help you towards more of a short term goal or if you feel like you just want to add a buit more volume to youre regular routine. STRENGTH: 3sets: 12 Pullups(weighted) Tempo=11X1 Rest 1min 12 Ring Dips(weighted) Tempo=11X1 Rest 2min *Be honest with your tempo. Use the neccessary assitance to help you achieve all your reps as well as full range of motion 3sets: Seated Barbell Press with legs straight&together 12-12-10 Rest 2-3min 3sets: 12 Band pull aparts Rest 30s 10 prone trap raise Rest 45s-1:20 WEIGHTLIFTING: Snatch Balance 3x5 Rest as needed *Hold each rep at the bottom for 10s! Hip Snatch- 5x5 *Light weight and the bar stays in the hip pocket Rest as needed Snatch Pulls- 3x5^ *Take 2s to get to the bottom of your knees Starting with the weight you finished at with your hip snatch or something slightly heavier Rest 2min CONDITIONING: EMOM 12 0-1 20 KB Swings(pick an appropriate weight) 1-2 10 Pullups 2-3 6-8 Burpee Box Overs (pick the number based off of 35s of work or if you get to 8 before that)

StrengthWOD 10.12.2020

Week32 Day1 STRENGTH: 5sets:... Find a Heavy 5rep Flat DB bench over the 5 working sets... Rest 30s after each set of bench 10 DB rows on bench per arm(slower on the way down) Rest 1:30 4sets: Barbell Floor Press X10 Rest 30-45s DB Renegade Rows X8/side Rest 1-1:30 3sets: 10 Back extensions Rest 45s 10 Jefferson Curls(weighted) Rest 1:30 WEIGHTLIFTING: Snatch Balance- 5x5^ Rest as needed *This is more to warmup and prep for the snatch following this exercises. Put some weight on the bar but it should be far from challenging in terms of the load 4sets: Build from your last snatch balance weight... Muscle Snatch X2 + BTN Snatch Grip Push Press X3 + Overhead Squats X4 Rest as needed 3sets: Seated DB Press X15 Rest 30s Standing DB Shoulder flysX12(until hands touch at top) Rest 30s Straight Arm Plank(weighted) X1min Rest 45s-1:20 CONDITIONING: EMOM6 0-1 12/8 Cal Row 1-2 10 No Jump Burpees Rest 3-5min 4 Rounds for Time: 10 Burpees 30/24 Cal Row 20 Wall Ball Shots(20/14)

StrengthWOD 29.11.2020

Week31 Day1 STRENGTH: 4SETS:... Yoke Walk OR Heavy BB Walk X20m Rest 30-45s Farmers Carry X40m Rest 2-3min *Choose whatever objects you want to farmer's carry with 3sets: Double KB Front rack stepups X8/side *Use a box that isn't higher than your knee Rest 30s Double KB Front Rack Wall-sit X35-45s(same DBs) Rest 45s-1:30 3-6sets: Side Plank X25-45s/side Plank X30-45s Rest 45s-1:20 *You will not rest your hips on the ground until all 3 planks are held WEIGHTLIFTING: 3sets: Overhead PVC Duck Walk 20m *Only go overhead if the duck walk is very easy Rest 30s 10 Muscle Snatches 10 BTN Snatch Grip Strict Press Rest as needed 6sets: Power SnatchX1 + Overhead SquatX1 Rest 30-45s 5-6 Strict Chest to Bar Pullups Rest 1:30 3sets: DB Death March X12 steps Rest 30-45s Double DB Front Rack Good Mornings X10 Rest 30-45s Side Hip thrust(weighted) X12/side Rest 45s-1:20 CONDITIONING: AMRAP 10 15m Burpee Broad Jump 20 Wall Ball Shots(30/20) Calorie Row(20/15) KB Swings for 45s(24/16) Walking Lunge X20m