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Locality: Calgary, Alberta

Phone: +1 403-973-3877

Address: Mount Royal University Campus 4825 Mt Royal Gate SW T3E 6K6 Calgary, AB, Canada

Website: summitrefcon.org

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Summit Reformed Youth Conference 11.11.2020

WHAT do we pray for on Election Day? Notice I said WHAT and not WHOM. Anyone who knows me even a little bit knows that I am a "YUGE" Donald Trump fan. My wife ...and I voted for the Orange Man and we are not the least bit ashamed. Like Al Mohler said, when it comes to voting for Trump, I am not NOT voting for who I want as my neighbor. I am voting for who I want to run the nation, and there's not a shred of doubt in my mind that Donald Trump is infinitely more qualified to be (and remain) President of the United States than the former VP, Joe Biden. Yet, what I find so hard to believe is that not everyone in America or even in Canada thinks and feels the same way that I do (yes, that was just a joke). There are citizens in the United States, and even US citizens like me living here in Canada, who are actually casting a vote for the Biden/Harris ticket. Simply mind boggling, right? LOL Over the last two months, I watched the Democrat and Republican conventions. I watched most of the debates (well, all that I could stomach). I have kept my eye on the national polls -- especially the polls in the swing-states. I have been amazed at the rise in popularity of Donald Trump and the Republican Party among black and Latino/Hispanic minorities in America -- something simply unheard of a decade ago. I even heard reports that almost 25% of the people attending Trump rallies were registered Democrats. Again, that's simply mind-blowing (insert mind-blown emoji here). Yes, there are so many reasons to be excited about today. There are many reasons to be convinced that Trump will emerge victorious and that my wife Laura and I will do what we did in 2016 -- stay up past 2 in the morning watching FOX News, and then switching over to CNN just to watch the pained reactions and to hear them say the words "Donald Trump has won the 2020 Presidential Election"! Yet, as Election Day is finally here, I must confess to my own shame and weakness that my heart is still filled with anxiety and worry and doubt and fear. Yes, I have prayed. I think I have prayed more for this Presidential election than any other election in my life. And I will continue to pray all day today. And I might have to continue to pray all week because I fear that we will not know who won this election until well into next week!! But this morning I had to remind myself that it is not the WHO that I should be praying for right now, but it is the WHAT. Yes, I have prayed for Donald Trump to win. Yes, that is still my hope. But WHAT I need to pray for is far more important. I need to pray for the peace of God to still my anxious heart and mind; to drive out all my 'pre' and 'post' election fears and doubts, anxieties and worries. I have to remind myself that the WHO of this election is not where my peace resides. The WHO of this election is not the source and foundation of my comfort and faith and hope for today, or for tomorrow or for the next 4 years. Psalm 146: 3-5 says "Do not put your trust in princes, in human beings, who cannot save. When their spirit departs, they return to the ground; on that very day their plans come to nothing. Blessed are those whose help is the God of Jacob, whose hope is in the Lord their God". Wow. That verse came to mind AFTER I prayed early this morning, and it just nailed me between the eyes. Then I had to pray again -- and ask you to pray with me: "Lord, no matter what happens on this election day, no matter the results, teach me again that my hope does not rely on the man who serves as President; or the party that controls Congress. My hope does not rely on what I think is best for America, or for me or for my family, etc. Teach me, O Lord, to put my hope in you and to find my peace in the knowledge that You are God and there is no other! And that Jesus Christ, my risen Savior, lives and reigns at your right hand; and from there Jesus shall reign -- Christ shall have dominion over all kings and princes and Presidents and Prime Ministers! From there Jesus Christ rules the nations and He continues to gather, protect and preserve his church! Lord, please help me to TRULY believe, to TRULY trust, that no matter who wins the 2020 Presidential Election, the reign and rule of Jesus Christ will not be altered or changed; and the cause of His Kingdom and the spreading of the glory of His name in all the earth will not be thwarted or frustrated in the least. May I believe this so that your peace -- the peace that passes all understanding may guard my heart and protect my mind from all earthly fears and doubts and worries and even grief -- the grief I will feel in the face of an undesirable outcome! Lord I do believe -- help me overcome my unbelief! And give me the faith to sing with the Psalmist: Hallelujah, praise Jehovah, O my soul, Jehovah praise; I will sing the glorious praises Of my God through all my days. Over all God reigns for ever, Through all ages he is king; Unto him, your God, O Zion, Joyful hallelujahs sing. In Jesus name I pray, Amen."

Summit Reformed Youth Conference 02.11.2020

Hi everyone. One of the most moving and beautiful experiences of Summit is singing together as a group. I missed that a lot this year!! Here’s a song I wanted to share with you in praise of Gods greatness and glory! Want to share your favourites here as well?? Try to remember some of the worship songs we sang and share them in the feed below. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=vSxocnIaN0A

Summit Reformed Youth Conference 24.10.2020

Hi everyone, Due to the ongoing COVID-19 travel restrictions (the US/Canada border shutdown has been extended to at least June 19) and all the social distancing requirements, we have no choice but to cancel our Summit 2020 -- "Seeing God Clearly" Conference. We know this news comes as a huge disappointment to you as it does to us, but there is something we can learn through all of this: God is in control of all things and he has a perfect plan and reason even for this. We ...hope and pray that there will be a Summit 2021, and that all of you who planned on coming this year will be able to join us then. What a wonderful and sweet conference that will be, Lord willing!! Instructions: 1. If you PAID for Summit 2020, you will get a full refund by cheque. Please send an email to Debbie Oostenbrink with your mailing address and (if you remember) the full amount we owe you (registration plus outday fee). Send your refund request email to [email protected] 2. We are very sorry to say this, but we will have to cancel all the registrations and delete all the forms and waivers which were turned in for Summit 2020. For various reasons, we are not able to transfer that information from one year to the next. We hope you understand. Thank you for your ongoing love and support of Summit. It is such a blessing for us to organize these conferences and to meet you all. May the Lord bless you and keep you, For the Summit Conference Organizing Committee Rev. Keith Davis

Summit Reformed Youth Conference 19.10.2020

SUMMIT 2020 Update (COVID-19 Alert) Hi Summit Registrants and Supporters!! These last two months have certainly been very challenging and difficult days for us all, but they have also been days in which we have witnessed God’s amazing grace and faithfulness once more. We serve an awesome God who reigns supreme over all things and has a glorious purpose even in the midst of dark and trying times. All praise and glory be to God!... Many of you have been wondering whether we will still be able to host Summit 2020 here in Calgary, Alberta on August 3-7. Here’s what we can tell you as of today: there’s both bad news and good news. The bad news: two weeks ago the Alberta Government extended the current COVID-19 restrictions on all public assemblies and gatherings (over 15 people) to the end of August. That includes conferences. So according to that restriction, Summit would appear to be cancelled. The good news: As of May 1, the government has begun to reopen the economy in a phase by phase strategy. We are currently in phase 1 and the option of relieving the restrictions on public assemblies and conferences will not be made until phase 2 or perhaps even phase 3. In addition, there is no definite timetable as to the duration of each phase. It could be two weeks or two months. At this point it seems very likely that Summit 2020 will be cancelled, BUT our organizing committee wants to wait until June 1 to make a final decision. That will give us a few more weeks to see what other COVID restrictions may be lifted, if any. So please bear patiently with us for a few more weeks. We desperately want to host our 2020 Conference and we can think of no better way to celebrate the end of the COVID-19 crisis than by being altogether on the campus of Mt Royal University in August! But then we also have to submit our will to God's will and respect our government’s decisions and safeguards. So please keep us in your prayers as we make this final decision. And please do what is necessary to keep yourself safe from harm as well. We love you all and look forward to being together again whenever that may be! Sincerely, For the Summit Organizing Committee, Rev. Keith Davis

Summit Reformed Youth Conference 29.09.2020

Summit 2020 Update: Some of you contacted me recently asking about the plans for Summit 2020. Will we still have Summit amidst the COVID-19 pandemic? I thought this would be a good time to you all an update. The Short Answer:... YES, LORD WILLING!! The Longer Answer: Two weeks ago I contacted Mt Royal University (who hosts our Summit conference). They informed me that they are making cancellations 30 days out -- which means that we probably have until mid-June before we would have to make a final decision on Summit 2020. That was a huge relief to me. I think that by mid-June we all should have a pretty good idea where we stand in relation to the COVID-19 restrictions. By then I certainly hope that much of the restrictions for worship, work, travel, and social gatherings will have been lifted, or at the very least, we will be able to see the light at the end of the tunnel. Also, I will discuss with our committee the possibility of extending our early registration period from April 30 to May 31 -- given that registrations have dropped off since the COVID-19 restrictions were set in place. I totally get it. Who wants to register to attend a week-long conference in August at a time when we're not even sure we should leave our home. So if you have friends who may still want to go, but who have not yet registered, tell them it's okay to wait. I will double check on extending the early registration deadline. In the meantime, please keep praying for everyone impacted by this virus -- for the victims, families of victims, doctors, nurses, and first-responders all over North America and our world. Please pray that God would also bless those working to find a cure and provide treatment. I know that some promising treatments are already in the works, so pray that this would all be over sooner than later. Remember that with our God all things are possible! Thank you! Rev. Keith Davis

Summit Reformed Youth Conference 23.09.2020

Hi Everyone, So far 195 people have registered for Summit 2020 -- with many more to register!! How exciting! I have a couple things to go over:... 1) Refund Guarantee in case of Cancellation: The Summit Organizing Committee is monitoring the COVID-19 pandemic and the recommendations being made to slow down the spread of the virus. As of this moment, we have every confidence that the Summit 20/20 Conference will take place as scheduled, but we also realize these things are in God's hands and not ours. If, in God's providence, the Conference is cancelled, then we guarantee a full refund of your registration fees plus Out-day fee 2) FORMS & PAYMENTS: PLEASE download your Medical Release Form and (if you want to do wall-climbing) the Mt. Royal Climbing Wall Waiver from the registration page on the Summit website http://summitrefcon.org/register.php Please send scan and email forms to [email protected] If you have not yet paid, please send your payments to [email protected] Thank you!! Rev. Davis