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Susan Marks: Counselling, Training & Consulting 18.01.2021

Some things that have been on my mind lately. Happy Reading, xox

Susan Marks: Counselling, Training & Consulting 30.09.2020

NAVIGATING DISAPPOINTMENT, ONE CANCELLATION AT A TIME It’s been a rough few weeks in my house, and I am certain that households around the world are sharing similar experiences. The wonderful news is that my kids and I are healthy and managing to stay safe during this crazy time in our world. We practice being grateful every day for everything that we have and recognize how equally fortunate we are for many things that we don’t have. So, as I write this, I am careful to n...Continue reading

Susan Marks: Counselling, Training & Consulting 26.09.2020

It’s okay to not feel okay We are now over a month into the social distancing and sheltering at home and I must say that I never actually imagined that there would still be so many unanswered questions. This is such a new experience and I think we can all take comfort in the fact that we are all in it together. It may be different for us as individuals, but we are all sharing in the experience of living through a pandemic. So often we are observers watching what is going... on around us in the world but this time while watching the rest of the world we are also intimately experiencing the fear, frustration and loss of control collectively. To be honest, the days that are good are great and the ones that are bad are very difficult. It’s pretty simple actually, and often there aren’t any particular triggers that can help us to explain why one day is better than another. We all have struggles and no one can or should judge our struggles. I think we need to remember that the imperfections and messiness of life right now are to be celebrated. Instead of beating ourselves up for having a messy kitchen or for not putting away the laundry, or not completing every piece of online homework with our children, or not having the energy to organize every closet in our homes, why not celebrate the fact that we are all doing the very best that we can, and focus on remembering that things don’t need to be perfect. For me a very important part of this journey has been to try to take things one day at a time and to seek comfort in everything that I feel so grateful for. I think that all of us need to spend less time being angry at the situation that we are in accept the discomfort that this is bringing to us. Anger keeps us stuck and unable to celebrate the many amazing things that are happening around us. We all talk about positivity we post pictures on social media of our sweet pets, our family members, our kids, the amazing volunteering that is being done.this is the important stuff that we need focus on, especially at the end of the day before we go to bed. So I guess what I’m hoping for all of us is that we can continue to find ways to celebrate the good days, ride out the hard ones, ask for help when we need it, reach out to those we love, keep following the guidelines that are mandated, find the strength to be patient in the midst of the unknown, practice kindness at all times, find comfort and beauty in the imperfect, and most importantly to remember that this is temporary. See more

Susan Marks: Counselling, Training & Consulting 15.09.2020

BREATHE, This is Temporary I honestly don’t think that any of us ever imagined a time when we would be part of a world-wide medical crisis which would require us to be practicing social distancing or sheltering in place. This is a time where schools and businesses are closed, families are being asked to remain home and isolate themselves from others, and the levels of stress, fear and anxiety are growing at a rate that is hard to understand. Over the past weeks, I have tri...ed to wrap my head around what I could do to provide comfort and support to others virtually of course. I think that we all have to practice being a whole lot kinder and gentler to ourselves and recognize that what is happening is part of our new, but temporary normal. We can’t necessarily control when this will end or even how it will unfold. What we can control is how we navigate this uncomfortable time. Rather than looking at the imperfect, how about recognizing how beautifully we are all coping. The constant social media craze can create a feeling amongst parents that they aren’t doing as much or as well as others. Please remember that this is not a competition to determine who is doing things best. This is simply a time to take a breath, and to celebrate each day and feel proud of what we are all doing to keep things normal, consistent and kind in our own homes. Every family and every home will have their own routine and structure during this time don’t allow anyone to make you feel less than who cares if the tv is on during a meal, or if the regular limits and rules are changing in your home. This is TEMPORARY, and it will pass, and we will all be able to go back to what worked before this time of social isolation. Take some time every day to celebrate something beautiful that has happened it can be a simple as the fact that the sun was shining and that everyone agreed on the meal for dinner. Do something each day that brings a smile to your face. Laughter and silliness certainly help! Just try to bring some positivity into your day. Stay connected virtually with those that you love. Reach out when you need support and NEVER feel that asking for help or support is a sign of anything other than strength. We need to recognize that this is actually a time of physical distancing but not of isolation. I guess it all depends on which lens we choose to use right now. For me, I will choose to try to not get caught up in the what if or the how long but rather in the how to stay positive. Let’s all focus on being kind, patient, & hopeful. Breathe, this is temporary. xox, Susan

Susan Marks: Counselling, Training & Consulting 30.08.2020

A little Sunday morning music from the great Neil Diamond. Enjoy!!!! #washyourhands

Susan Marks: Counselling, Training & Consulting 24.08.2020

Tune in to CJAD 800 Montreal this Sunday December 15@ 4 pm!

Susan Marks: Counselling, Training & Consulting 08.08.2020

Please tune-in in to CJAD800 radio this Sunday August 25. I will be chatting about the very important and relevant topic of "How to Cope with Back to School Anxiety." Stay tuned.......

Susan Marks: Counselling, Training & Consulting 30.07.2020

Had an amazing weekend training the staff at Camp Massad & Camp B’nai Brith of Montreal. I’m so excited for this summer!!!! #camptraining #campmassad #cbbmontreal #summer2019

Susan Marks: Counselling, Training & Consulting 20.07.2020

And so it begins...... Camp training 2019 is underway! Just spent a great weekend with supervisors from Camp B’nai Brith of Montreal & the Y-Country Camp. Summer 2019 is looking great already!!! #camptraining #summer2019

Susan Marks: Counselling, Training & Consulting 05.07.2020

Who has started packing their duffle bags for camp? It’s certainly that exciting time of year!!!!! #camplife #packyourbags #summercamp #fun

Susan Marks: Counselling, Training & Consulting 15.06.2020

Here is the video of my latest appearance on Breakfast Television Montreal. I sat down with Catherine Verdon-Diamond to discuss the importance of keeping our teens safe. Happy watching!!

Susan Marks: Counselling, Training & Consulting 12.06.2020

Tune in at 8:10 am this morning for Mom Talk on Breakfast Television Montreal.......

Susan Marks: Counselling, Training & Consulting 26.05.2020

Excellent Video! Please watch and share. Happy Tuesday

Susan Marks: Counselling, Training & Consulting 16.05.2020

Always choose kindness!! Happy friday!!