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Tadamon! 29.01.2021

Today a webinar organized by Labour 4 Palestine

Tadamon! 18.01.2021

A great and timely interview of Brian Aboud, one of the co-founders of Tadamon!, by Stefan Christoff for Free City Radio about how the COVID-19 pandemic will impact the vulnerable communities, particularly Syrian and Palestinian refugees. Read on...

Tadamon! 29.12.2020

Suite aux développements autour de COVID-19, nous avons décidé de reporter cet événement à une date ultérieure. Prenez soin de vous, soyez prudents et veillez les uns sur les autres. Nous vous tiendrons tous informés de la nouvelle date quand ce serait possible. In light of recent developments around COVID-19, we have decided to postpone this event to a later time. Please take care, stay safe and look out for each other. We will keep you updated as to when it will be rescheduled.

Tadamon! 24.12.2020

SAVE the date: Solidarity dinner with Omar and Dabke night! Sunday, March 22nd --- Omar will be offering a report-back from his recent visit to the region and share reflections on ongoing resistance to occupation, colonialism, and apartheid. RÉSERVER la date: Solidarité avec Omar : dîner de collecte de fonds et soirée Dabke ! Dimanche 22 mars --- Omar fera un compte-rendu de sa récente visite dans la région et partagera ses réflexions sur la résistance actuelle à l'occupation, au colonialisme et à l'apartheid.

Tadamon! 11.12.2020

"Administrative detention is a practice with colonial roots, where we find the similarity between the two colonial entities that are Israel and Canada. In both Israel and Canada, the manner in which bodies are policed leads to practices of detention, mass incarceration, systemic racism, apartheid, and genocide of indigenous peoples and marginalized populations. It is therefore a question of noting the similarities between these two colonial entities, following an anti-abolitionist, anti-colonialist, anti-racist, anti-imperialist and anti-capitalist approach." Check out the upcoming event in collaboration with Solidarité pour les droits humains des Palestiniennes et Palestiniens at UQAM

Tadamon! 29.11.2020

Coming up on Wednesday the 22nd: A panel discussion on colonial roots of detentions in Canada and Israel. See you there!...