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Celestial Synergy 19.09.2020

Card for Today - THE CALL - Honor the whisper of your soul. "And the day came when the wish to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom." Anais Nin MESSAGE: What is your true calling in life? What special gifts have you been given? What is the unique niche that only you can inhabit? What situations bring out your bliss? What do you typically get complimented on and shrug off because it comes so naturally? These important questions can help you r...ecognize what Aristotle called entelechy - the great, one-of-a-kind potential you've been encoded with. Aristotle also said, " Entelechy is when the soul is actualized in the body." Dreams are important because they speak the language of the soul. They are a compass, always pointing you in the right direction, helping correct your course when needed, and letting you know (sometimes loudly) when you've fallen asleep and need to WAKE UP! MANTRA: I wake up and everything I do moves me toward the fulfillment of my greatest dreams. The Hero's Journey Dream Oracle - @kellyswalden @rassouliart

Celestial Synergy 17.09.2020

Card for the week of 09/14/20 - SEVEN BLESSINGS OF EVE. A spiritual gift shall enter your heart and manifest as a blessing in your life. You have innate talents and abilities which will support your soul into full, glorious manifestation. You have been blessed with a beautiful divine destiny to fulfil. You have natural healing ability. Choose your thoughts and words so they reflect what you truly wish to put out into the world because your influence is stronger and further re...aching than you realize. Certain numbers have a sacred significance that crosses religious and cultural boundaries. Seven is one such number with significance in Hinduism, Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Jainism, Buddhism, Baha'i and the New Age. The spiritual power of seven includes a natural charisma and capacity to be an influential channel for higher wisdom. The presence of seven is a sign from the Universe to reconnect to the sacred. The oracle of the Seven Blessings of Eve is a reminder that you are a sacred being and have no need to hold yourself hostage to shame, blame, guilt, anger, judgement or fear. Acknowledge your connection to spiritual knowledge. Pray, and your prayers shall be answered. White Light Oracle - @alana_fairchild @artistandrewgonzalez #cardoftheweek #cardoftheday #weeklyguidance #dailyguidance #divination #oracle #whitelightoracle #alanafairchild #andrewgonzalesart #tarot #tarotreadersofinstagram #september2020

Celestial Synergy 07.09.2020

Card For Today - THE DRUM THE INVITATION: The Drum invites you to take the next bold step in your journey. The forces of heaven and earth are aligned behind you, supporting effortless action. This is not a time to push against the river - the current will take you exactly where you want to go, once you jump in! Collect your power tools and summon your courage, because it is going to be a wild and glorious journey. Allow yourself to be carried by the rhythm of what is really e...ssential in your life. THE MEDICINE - You travel to the beat of a different drum. It's time to acknowledge you do not fit a mold or role or relationship that is not in tune with you. Find your rhythm; respond to the heartbeat of the distant drum. The price you pay for lingering becomes higher with each passing day. Now is the time to move on! Mystical Shaman Oracle - @albertovilloldo0386 @colettebaron_reid @marcelalobosmystic @jena_dellagrottaglia #cardoftheday #dailyguidance #oracle #divination #mysticalshamanoracle #colettebaronreid #albertovilloldo #marcelalobos #jenadellagrottaglia #tarot #tarotreadersofinstagram

Celestial Synergy 22.08.2020

Card for Today - SACRAMENT OF EXTREME UNCTION Your heart knows how to let go so you can find peace. It is time for you to experience spiritual closure. A beautiful new reality is opening up for you. Entering it requires you to release your attachment to the past. You have been inwardly preparing for a powerful rebirth. Now is the time to trust in what is meant for you and move toward it with an open, trusting heart and peaceful mind. In an ideal world, we would finish our inn...er work, be completely healed, check it off the list and move on without any issues from the past intruding into our present life. In a more realistic view, we do our best to muddle through, gaining enough understanding and healing to attain some degree of closure and move on as best we can, flicking off remnants of the past which can arise, even whilst we are doing our best to let go. In an even more challenging turn of our growth spiral, we may know something has run its course and no longer belongs in our world and yet have trouble exorcising the past and its pains, confusions or attachments, so it bleeds through into the present - even though we know it doesn't belong there. To avoid the taint of the past causing unnecessary issues in the present, the oracle of the Sacrament of Extreme Unction brings powerful spiritual last rites so you can be cleansed and liberated into the fullness of your next phase. In the Catholic tradition, extreme unction is performed at the time of physical passing to cleanse the soul and allow it to gracefully leave the body and enter the afterlife. In the context of this oracle, the symbolic equivalent of the sacrament is the powerful intervention of Spirit to free you from the grip of what has been. It is a liberation from habit and the compelling lure of the familiar. It is divine forgiveness and healing. White Light Oracle - @alana_fairchild @artistandrewgonzalez #cardoftheday #dailyguidance #oracle #divination #tarot #tarotreadersofinstagram

Celestial Synergy 19.08.2020

Cards for Today - THIRD CHAKRA ARCHANGEL CHAMUEL - STORM WARNING. You have the angel of power by your side now, instilling you with confidence and keeping you focused on your goals. Although turbulence, difficulties, and storms may be imminent at this time, you will handle whatever comes your way like a pro. You are not the same person you were even a few months ago. You have changed. You are standing in your own power with Spirit by your side, there is nothing to fear. View... the situation with calm clarity as you investigate deeper, and be ready to stand up for yourself. Although these situations can be challenging, you are learning to trust both Spirit and yourself with ease, more and more these days. Hold on to your vision of the future, be confident in knowing that what you desire is already yours, get excited. As this storm will most definitely pass. Keep your faith and stand in your strength. Once this storm passes the sun will shine upon you as you claim your rainbow and pot of gold. Blessings, Tania. #cardoftheday #dailyguidance #oracle #divination #energyoraclecards #sandraanntaylor #jenadellagrottaglia #tarot #tarotreadersofinstagram

Celestial Synergy 10.08.2020

Card For Today - HIGHER POWER ORACLE'S MESSAGE: This card reminds you that you are more than a person trying to get ahead and make things happen for yourself and others. You have an immortal soul and are gifted with a human life through which a Higher Power can express itself. At this time, you need to be conscious of your connection to Spirit and foster it through prayer and meditation. Ask: What is the highest good for all? How can I serve? Then get out of your own way and ...trust that there is a plan for your life more wondrous than you can ever know. You are always protected and Divinely directed. PROSPERITY MESSAGE: Sometimes your work just flows through you - ideas come rushing in, and inspiration bubbles up from a wellspring you didn't even know you could access. When you enter agreements, begin projects, and negotiate deals with Spirit as your partner, you will always succeed. Let your Higher Power lead.The synchronicities and intuitive nudges you feel will help you see which way you are being pointed, giving you confidence to move forward in the right direction. Don't forget to give credit where it is due. You wouldn't be a success without Spirit's guidance. Humility will serve you well when this symbol appears. Wisdom of the Oracle - @colettebaron_reid @jena_dellagrottaglia #cardoftheday #dailyguidance #oracle #divination #wisdomoftheoracle #colettebaronreid #jenadellagrottaglia #tarot #tarotreadersofinstagram

Celestial Synergy 27.07.2020

Card For Today - THETA OF VENUS Attune yourself to higher consciousness by choosing to access the purest frequencies of love within. Acknowledge lower frequencies such as judgement, fear, doubt or shame when they arise within or around you, but do not give them a foothold in your heart. You are ready for higher understanding, to see things in a new and more positive light. Allow your inner knowing to guide you on a unique, beautiful and highly spiritual path. The souls of Ven...us, her sons and daughters upon this earth, are not spiritually bound by the mass consciousness of the human collective. They naturally vibrate at a more loving frequency. They can be genuinely astonished by the cruelty, meanness and displays of dominance that typify the dark side of human nature. Yet they have chosen to incarnate and bind their souls temporarily to the laws of nature. As they grow alongside their beloved earthly brothers and sisters, they share their heart light, opening up the way for human evolution. The spiritual sons and daughters of Venus belong here, yet at an inner level they know they are not from here. This oracle reminds you that you are not bound by the ways of this world and that part of your higher purpose is to help heal, soften and awaken humanity. Even if you find it hard to feel at home on the earth, perhaps sensing you are from the stars - Venus or otherwise - know that you are meant to be here, and that you belong in a very special way. There is a home here for you with the Earth Mother. You are loved and needed and will attract whatever support you require to fulfill your destiny. Venus souls have a particular talent for creating beauty, working with light and spiritual energy, and calling to them whatever they need. You have your own healing journey, and part of that journey is your spiritual training in the ways of the earth at this time. This will teach you what is needed to heal yourself and others. You don't need to be afraid of the ways of the world. You are part of a spiritual team that is here to help transform mass consciousness. #cardoftheday #oracle #whitelightoracle #alanafairchild #andrewgonzalesart #tarot #tarotreadersofinstagram

Celestial Synergy 13.07.2020

Card For Today - PACHAMAMA THE INVITATION: You are a child of the Earth. Now is the time to eat right, love right, and be joyous, regardless of the circumstances you may find yourself in. Be grateful for your life, your body, and all that nourishes you. Pachamama invites you to relish each breath, embrace your joy and your pain equally, and discover love through both. Let Pachamama know how much you appreciate all her blessings with an act of service such as planting a tree, ...helping save an endangered species, or protecting the ocean. THE MEDICINE: You still believe that you have been cast out of the Garden of Eden, that you are Motherless and homeless. You suppose that you need to work very hard to survive or thrive. It is time to stop suffering - let go of that old myth - and realize you were given the Garden to rejoice in and to become a steward. Your melancholy is really a longing to return to the heart of Pachamama. Listen deeply to the Mother who is always there for you. Walk in beauty, and honor all life! Mystical Shaman Oracle - @albertovilloldo0386 @marcelalobosmystic @colettebaron_reid @jena_dellagrottaglia #cardoftheday #dailyguidance #divination #oracle #mysticalshamanoracle #albertovilloldo #colettebaronreid #marcelalobos #jenadellagrottaglia #pachamama #tarot #tarotreadersofinstagram

Celestial Synergy 30.06.2020

Card For Today - ABUNDANCE - Success! Abundance awaits you now. Be patient. To harvest a plentiful bounty, we must wait for the cycle of growth to be complete. Patiently nurturing and removing obstacles as they arise will allow the fruit to ripen to achieve the best yield as possible. After the harvest, we begin to see the rewards of our efforts flow back to us in abundance. You are about to achieve success! You have been working hard of late and you are going to be rewarded... for your efforts. Acknowledge your achievements! It is important to remember that worry only creates distance between you and your success. It is only when we begin to trust the universe and the creator, that everything is received in divine timing. Hand your concerns about money directly over to source and the universe. You will receive assistance to remove obstacles that may be inhibiting your ability to access abundance in all forms. Planning and organizing your finances and assets are essential during this harvest period. Settle financial matters while you have the opportunity, setting aside a portion of your income to assist you through the winter months and prepare you for the season ahead. It is your birthright to live an abundant life! The harvest reminds you that while you are waiting to receive, you must acknowledge and show gratitude for the opportunities presented to you. The celebration of a season brings the completion of events. It is time, now, to sew new seeds and begin the next growth cycle. The universe and/or creator will always provide you with what you need, not always what you want. Reconsider your values. AFFIRMATION: I AM now willing and able to receive the golden flow of universal abundance. I allow my soul to be aligned to my divine birthright, accepting and integrating this energy with love and gratitude. Sacred Power Reading Cards - @annastark_official @louisdyer #cardoftheday #dailyguidance #oracle #divination #sacredpowerreadingcards #annastark #louisdyer #tarot #tarotreadersofinstagram

Celestial Synergy 23.06.2020

A Course in Miracles - Chapter 5: Healing and Wholeness - VI. Time and Eternity. 12. Now you must learn that only infinite patience produces immediate effects. This is the way in which time is exchanged for eternity. Infinite patience calls upon infinite love, and by producing resultsnowit renders time unnecessary. We have repeatedly said that time is a learning device to be abolished when it is no longer useful. The Holy Spirit, Who speaks for God in time, also knows tha...t time is meaningless. He reminds you of this in every passing moment of time, because it is His special function to return you to eternity and remain to bless your creations there. He is the only blessing you can truly give, because He is truly blessed. Because He has been given you freely by God, you must give Him as you received Him. #acourseinmiracles #acim #timeandeternity #healingandwholeness #divinetiming #infinitepatience #results

Celestial Synergy 15.06.2020

Card For Today - KARMA OF KUTUHALA. Kutuhala is a Sanskrit term that translates as 'that which excites wonder.' Even if it doesn't seem like it will lead us anywhere practical, following our bliss can allow for something beautiful and deeply fulfilling to unfold. We often pursue what is sensible and secure. Yet, what could be more appropriate (or divinely and delightfully inappropriate) than pursuing a path so intoxicating, so fascinating, so utterly mesmerizing to the spirit...Continue reading

Celestial Synergy 27.05.2020

Card For Today - BREADCRUMBS OF BLISS - Heed your pleasure principle. "Follow your bliss and doors will open for you that you never knew existed. Follow your bliss and the universe will open doors for you where there were only walls." Joseph Campbell. MESSAGE: It is no accident that you are on this planet at this time, in this place, with these people.... It's no accident you've been endowed with unique gifts. Your gifts and talents are within you for a purpose. It's not your job to know how your life is to unfold. It is only your job to be attuned to the bliss that moves you, guides you, and underlies every interaction, moment by moment. When you honour your dreams, your inner guidance, and the promptings of your soul, you are rewarded every step of the way with a resurgence of soul juice - aka bliss. This is not a temporary high that leaves you crashed and burned out. The breadcrumbs of bliss will lead you to the best place to be, in divine right order. MANTRA: I follow breadcrumbs of bliss that lead me, step by step, toward a most fulfilling life. The Hero's Journey Dream Oracle - @kellyswalden @rassouliart #cardoftheday #dailyguidance #divination #oracle #theherosjourneydreamoracle #kellysullivanwalden #rassouli #tarot #tarotreadersofinstagram

Celestial Synergy 15.05.2020

Card For Today - ASCENSION. Your energetic field is in a state of change and expansion. You have begun to vibrate at higher levels as your consciousness moves more in alignment with your Higher Self. You are one of the fore runners working towards Ascension to raise the consciousness of the planet. The changes you are experiencing are not always comfortable, but they are necessary for your continued growth. The true beauty of your soul is beginning to show and it has a positi...ve and uplifting effect on others. Path of the Soul Destiny Cards - @cherylleeharnish #cardoftheday #dailyguidance #oracle #divination #pathofthesouldestinycards #intuitivefractalenergyart #cherylleeharnish #tarot #tarotreadersofinstagram

Celestial Synergy 10.05.2020

Weekly Reading - THUNDER - 7 OF WANDS. The full moon in Aquarius today sets the tone for the week ahead. We have a culmination of Aquarian values. Humanitarianism, community, freedom, rebellion and change. There is a desire for personal freedom and freedom for the greater good of all. However, although Uranus the planet of sudden shock and surprise rules Aquarius, its original ruler is Saturn. Here we begin to understand that real and lasting change comes with hard work and d...edication. This is true on both personal and worldly levels. We must put in the work if we wish to see results. Thunder with the 7 of Wands indicates that we must be vigilant and ready for anything now. Being prepared for the unexpected does not mean we should allow anxieties of the unknown or unseen to flourish. Instead we stand in our power by being flexible and alert, turning our thoughts away from self-doubt and toward self-confidence. With travel and communication planet Mercury changing signs from Cancer to Leo this week, people's voices will be heard. The lion will roar. Drama may be headed our way and dramatic events may try to pull us off our center. How we react to both personal and outer events will determine how we will experience them. We need not entertain drama and distraction. This is a time to stand up and speak our truth, we are in a good position to defend what we passionately believe is just and true. The 7 of Wands indicates being challenged but not backing down. We may be taken by surprise however our strength and determination will not falter. This week we have an opportunity to establish and defend our boundaries. As we develop and cultivate greater self-awareness we also grow in our own self-confidence. This not a time for selfishness, but rather it is a time to recognize that the work we do on ourselves will ultimately project outwardly into our realities. We protect this inner work by remaining vigilant in our thoughts and not allowing negative perceptions to sway or alter our determination. Stay strong this week! You've got this! Blessings, Tania. #weeklytarotreading #tarot #tarotreadersofinstagram #oracle #cardoftheday #fullmooninaquarius #August #August2020 #mercuryinleo #LeoSeason

Celestial Synergy 29.04.2020

Cards For Today - 9 OF CUPS - NEW LIFE. Wish-fulfillment and contentment are in the cards. That which has been asked for is granted. An opportunity is in store, a new beginning, a new pathway reveals itself. Even if attainment has not quite yet occurred, we anticipate it with joyful patience. Keeping with the law of attraction we must be vigilant in our thinking. A focus on lack will only project more of it. The cards today ensure that we have much to be thankful for, and muc...h to look forward to. By practicing gratitude, remaining ever present in our awareness and by focusing on the simple joys in our everyday lives, we position ourselves to a state of grace where everything becomes possible. Get ready for this surge of new fresh energy. Creative projects get a boost, and the heaviness of the world gets a little lighter to bear for awhile. We have every reason to believe that we are headed in the right direction and that we are worthy and ready to receive now. And so it shall be. Blessings, Tania. New Palladini Tarot Deck - David Palladini. Wisdom of the Oracle - Colette Baron-Reid, Jena DellaGrottaglia. #cardoftheday #dailyguidance #divination #oracle #tarot #newpalladinideck #davidpalladini #wisdomoftheoracle #colettebaronreid #jenadellagrottaglia #tarotreadersofinstagram

Celestial Synergy 22.04.2020

Weekly Reading - QUEEN OF WANDS - COSMOS OF THE HEART. This week starts off with a second new moon in the water sign of Cancer, however this time it isn't an eclipse. Then both the moon and sun move into the fire sign of Leo. The nurturing new moon energy is embraced warmly by the fiery and passionate energy of Leo. This is a time to lead with the heart. There is renewed optimism and courage in the face of adversity, where we reclaim our power and fight for the greater good.... The compassionate and caring Cancerian energy reminds us that self-assurance need not mean arrogance. When we trust in Spirit and our own divine inner-guidance we empower ourselves while still respecting others. Understanding that the others we appear to see, are but a reflection of ourselves. Now we feel confident in our way forward. As we express ourselves in new ways we discover new paths open up to us. And yet all we really changed was our inner landscape. Gratitude and joy attracts ever more of it. Be mindful of negative attachments and thoughts. The power is within us to create the lives we imagine. Although others may not always agree, we can but only send them loving thoughts as we allow our hearts to direct our way forward. Blessings for a beautiful week ahead. Tania. Nicoletta Ceccoli Tarot - @nicoletta.ceccoli Path of the Soul Destiny cards - Intuitive Fractal Energy Art - @cherylleeharnish #weeklyguidance #weeklyreading #tarot #oracle #divination #newmoonincancer #leo #nicolettaceccolitarot #pathofthesouldestinycards #intuitivefractalenergyart #tarotreadersofinstagram

Celestial Synergy 12.04.2020

Card for Today - JUMP IN - Andromedan energy. Say yes to change. Andromeda is a spiral galaxy, the closest galaxy to the Milky Way. It is believed that Andromedan Starseeds are a group of beings who love their freedom. Very adaptable, they have a strong willingness and ability to change and go with the flow. To find calm in the chaos. To swim with the tides. This card is here to encourage you to do the same. Perhaps you have a significant goal or opportunity ahead of you? If ...so, you're being guided to jump in. Don't wait for permission. Don't stall until you feel ready. Take a deep breath, a good old run up, and jump right in. Life bends for the courageous, and courageous is what you're being called to be. You're already facing the right direction - the only thing left to do is leap. You'll figure out the details as you go along. Things may not always be smooth sailing - life on Earth rarely is. However, it is the rougher seas that teach us how to sail with glory, and once you know that, you can navigate any sea, ocean or storm. The Andromedans want you to fall in love with surfing the waves of life. To seek more adventures. To embrace your own adaptability and find a way to be the calm in the chaos. You didn't come to Earth to be passive. You came to Earth to truly live. Now take a good run up and leap. The Starseed Oracle - Rebecca Campbell, Danielle Noel. #cardoftheday #dailyguidance #oracle #divination #thestarseedoracle #rebeccacampbell #daniellenoel #tarot #tarotreadersofinstagram

Celestial Synergy 27.03.2020

Oracle Spread For Today - ACTIVATING THE THIRD EYE - POISED - BETWEEN WORLDS - NEW LIFE. Mars in Aries wants to move full steam ahead. Yet speed of forward movement is frustrated by all the retrograde planets at the moment. The air of uncertainty has now become too stifling for many, worrying thoughts tend to creep in now and remaining positive can be a challenge. However the cards today offer messages of hope. Although we may not know what lies ahead, instead of becoming an...xious and fearful, we can allow ourselves to surrender to the unknown and accept that we are moving into a wonderful new phase of life. Many of us feel poised and ready to quickly get there, yet more patience is called for now. This can feel somewhat disappointing because our patience may be wearing thin. However while we stand between worlds we have the opportunity to cultivate trust in spirit and in divine timing. Activating our third eye means seeing each moment as an opportunity for growth and as an expansion of our awareness. This allows us to move past our own ego-based judgments and conclusions. When we move out of our own way and remove the need to control situations and events, we get to relax into an elevated state of divine patience. Where we confidently know and expect that the best is yet to come and that we will be led there with ease. Easier said than done. Yet practice makes perfect. The oracle today assures us that although we may feel stuck, we are merely between the old and the new. Now we can ready ourselves with confidence. Knowing that this time of uncertainty and doubt will come to pass. In the meantime we strengthen the encouragement of ourselves, we dissolve negative thoughts and judgments, we release control, and we expect only the best! And so it shall be. Tania. The Healing Mantra Deck - @mattkahn1 Wisdom of the Oracle - @colettebaron_reid @jena_dellagrottaglia #cardoftheday #dailyguidance #oraclespreadoftheday #tarot #tarotreadersofinstagram #thehealingmantradeck #mattkahn #wisdomoftheoracle #colettebaronreid #jenadellagrottaglia #oracle #oraclecards #divination

Celestial Synergy 22.03.2020

Card For Today - ANAPAUSIS. Do not give up, but allow your heart to disengage from your struggles. Give yourself much-needed rest. You are in a phase of recovery. If you have been off your path, you are going to come back strong. You will regain your spark of passion, inspiration and devotion. A certain order of events needs to take place for your soul path to come to fruition. Commit yourself to your sacred journey trusting that the right thing will happen at the right time.... The Latin word anapausis refers to the cessation of work so one can regain strength, renew vitality and heighten creative productivity. It is a rest for success. The oracle of Anapausis advises physical, emotional and psychological rest to reset yourself. That might mean switching off without fear or guilt. It is likely to mean giving up worries and the constant replay of anxiety-ridden speculations. Find some spaciousness and pleasure within and around yourself so you may experience healing and renewal. If you have been considering working with a healer, this is confirmation to pursue such a path. The oracle also recommends finding spiritual rest, even if you are still working hard. Spiritual rest happens when we take sanctuary in the sacred. We give up trying to become something or other and instead tend fully to the task at hand, completely engaged in the moment. When we do so we are trusting that the Universe knows what it is doing and that we are part of a greater unfolding plan. In modern culture, we can aspire to become 'someone' - someone visible, someone influential, someone powerful, someone important. Yet, no matter how much worldly or even spiritual power a person may appear to have, the idea that one person is more important than another belongs to the realm of the ego. Spirit loves and respects all beings equally. White Light Oracle - @alana_fairchild @artistandrewgonzalez #cardoftheday #dailyguidance #oracle #divination #whitelightoracle #alanafairchild #andrewgonzalesart #tarot #tarotreadersofinstagram

Celestial Synergy 04.03.2020

Cards For Today (Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Capricorn) - SOVEREIGNTY - TRANSFORMATION - EXPLORATION. LUNAR ECLIPSE - SOVEREIGNTY: The Lunar Eclipse marks an end to an eclipse cycle that begins with a Solar Eclipse. You have the power to complete and integrate deep changes within your karma and soul during this time. It is time to step into your fullness. What would it feel like and look like to embody your power? You are responsible for your actions, reactions, and the situa...tions you place yourself in. TRANSFORMATION: Emotional freedom brings growth and positive change. The Phoenix, much like the caterpillar, transforms into new life after experiencing the end of an earth cycle. Just as the phoenix rises from the ashes, what you have perceived to be a negative outcome is actually filled with positivity. Now is the time for rebirth and rejuvenation. You have come so far on your journey and have reached the end of this cycle in your life. The sacred fire bird is a conscious creator, choosing to accept inevitabilities and using them to produce positive experiences. EXPLORATION: Explore new territory. Create your own path, with purpose. Be brave! Exploring new ground and territory is essential to moving forward. Once we overcome our fear of the unknown, we often find the journey towards our new destination is rewarding and filled with personal growth. While exploration of the soul is required to move through the next phase of your life, travel is also a main feature now. Adventure awaits, so pack your bags and make some plans! Short or long trips are likely. Your soul is requiring new scenery. Spirit de la Lune Oracle - Marissa Rankin, Rachel Caringella. Sacred Power Reading Cards - @annastark_official @louisdyer #cardoftheday #dailyguidance #oracle #divination #fullmoonlunareclipseenergy #sacredpowerreadingcards #annastark #louisdyer #tarot #tarotreadersofinstagram

Celestial Synergy 21.02.2020

Cards For Today - FEATHERS (Restoration) - SOUTH (Abundance). FEATHERS: Feathers has fallen on your path. This card comes to you as a spirit teacher or guide. As a message from nature, Feathers asks you to be gentle with yourself right now. You have recently endured a rough ride and are still a little ruffled. However, Feathers brings assurance that you have or will soon land softly. Allow yourself to rest among comforting plumage, whilst Feathers gently strokes away any doub...ts and worries you have collected along the way. Feathers recognizes your bravery, as a warrior who has returned from battle and needs to rest. There is a three-way connection between you, the Great Spirit and the bird from which the feather came. Feathers brings you connection, support and perspective. SOUTH: Sunshine, love and laughter are sometimes all you need and all you crave. When they come in plentiful supply, it is time to enjoy! Good financial fortune, your dream job or your dream partner may be heading your way. Anything is possible when the passion for life burns brightly within. You will be seen in the best possible light by those around you. Niggling aches and pains will fade. This card denotes a time of plenty - so take all you need from it. Be sure to take only what you need as overindulging or greed can quickly flip the good times you are having to the opposite pole. Take care of the material gains that come your way. Be generous, give away surplus or put funds aside for the future. You are being urged to think ahead, so that you can manage better in leaner times. Remember, others will be attracted to your riches. Be wary of those who promise you the world for a share in your spoils as they seldom deliver. Shamanic Medicine Oracle Cards - Barbara Meiklejohn-Free, Flavia Kate Peters, Yuri Leitch. #cardoftheday #dailyguidance #divination #oracle #shamanicmedicineoraclecards #barbarameiklejohnfree #flaviakatepeters #yurileitch #tarot #tarotreadersofinstagram

Celestial Synergy 14.02.2020

HAPPY CANADA DAY 2020!!! This Canada day will be unlike any other we have ever had before. Although there won't be big gatherings and festivities, today we are grateful and proud to be Canadian and we will find our own ways to celebrate. Big love to all the countries in the world struggling with Covid-19, and especially to our American brothers and sisters. We are all in this together! #canadaday #canada #july12020 #proudtobecanadian #celebrate #gratitude #love #weareallinthistogether

Celestial Synergy 07.02.2020

Cards for Today - YESHE TSOGYAL 333 - TELEPATHY OF TERRA MATER. While shuffling these 2 cards fell out together for today's daily guidance. I love how they are gazing at eachother. There is powerful reassurance from Spirit in these cards. YESHE TSOGYAL 333 - You shall overcome all obstacles. Success is imminent, so stay connected to your path no matter what and continue to apply yourself. Allow your spiritual path to support you in all areas of your life. Live by your s...piritual beliefs. Seek out the support of your spiritual brothers and sisters for help when needed, but also trust that you are intimately and directly connected to the powerful divine light within. There can be a dramatic healing breakthrough when you rely upon your spiritual connection. TELEPATHY OF TERRA MATER - The pathway for your spiritual fulfillment and the sacred manifestation of your purpose is not logical and will evolve organically. The skillful and unpredictable workings of the Earth Mother are supporting your soul journey unconditionally. Following up on inspired ideas and allowing for unexpected shifts in direction are integral to the manifestation of your soul purpose. Commit to an idea that feels good to your heart. Even if it seems improbable or unattainable, it will manifest successfully. White Light Oracle - @alana_fairchild @artistandrewgonzalez #cardoftheday #dailyguidance #oracle #divination #whitelightoracle #alanafairchild #andrewgonzalesart #tarot #tarotreadersofinstagram

Celestial Synergy 27.01.2020

Card for Today - BOUNDARIES - Chase your dreams. Opportunities are endless. Throughout our lives, we sometimes feel our movements restricted. Whether it's our career, finances, relationships, travel or living arrangements, we need to grow as individuals. But we can only do that by breaking old moulds and creating new experiences. There is so much potential within you, but you must be willing to be bold and brave. Breaking barriers is only possible when you overcome your anxie...ty about moving past physical and emotional boundaries. While it may be comfortable and less risky to stay where you are, you have more opportunities on the other side of the wall. Having confidence to step forward onto a new path might be a frightening or an exhilarating prospect. Have faith! For moral support, discuss these avenues and your emotions with friends and family before making any decisions. Right now, your soul is asking you to break away from traditional thinking, and to step outside the box to find solutions to the issues you are facing. The universe is encouraging your growth right now by giving you gentle nudges to explore new ideas. Healthy emotional and physical boundaries are encouraged now. Establish your personal power by creating new boundaries to balance the give-and-take in relationships and personal connections. AFFIRMATION: I AM able to create healthy boundaries, supporting my personal growth and potential. Sacred Power Reading Cards - @annastark_official @louisdyer #cardoftheday #dailyguidance #divination #oracle #sacredpowerreadingcards #annastark #louisdyer #tarot #tarotreadersofinstagram

Celestial Synergy 17.01.2020

Cards for Today - LIGHT (THE SUN) & OBSTACLES & CHALLENGES (5 OF WANDS). Although there may be challenges at this time you are refusing to let them get you down. In fact what at first seems to be a conflict may very well turn out to be a blessing. A sense of competition is implied with the 5 of Wands, and/or minor arguments in your relationships or career. The Sun illuminates these issues to show you the truth of the people around you and their intentions. You will not allow ...the negativity of others to sway you from pursuing your own personal happiness and joy. There is double fire energy here, indicating passionate optimism coupled with restless energy. You want to get moving with your desires and goals at this time. However a bit more time may be needed. As long you as remain positive, you will transform any negative energy into a positive result. This card combination also indicates a surge of creative energy, making you stand out from everyone else. Stay true to yourself, own your confidence and don't allow any perceived competitiveness steer you away from your main objective. With the Sun here, you want to see everyone make it. In sharing your divine light with others you expand your own spiritual growth. These small worries are rather insignificant when sitting next to an almighty powerful Sun. Shine brightly! You've got this! The Psychic Tarot - @johnmedium - Artist - John Matson. #cardoftheday #dailyguidance #divination #thepsychictarot #johnholland #johnmatson #tarot #tarotreadersofinstagram

Celestial Synergy 15.01.2020

Card for Today - STOP AND TAKE IN THE VIEW - Take stock of the treasures you've earned. MESSAGE: You might notice you get stuck in 'strive/drive' mode, and forget to pause from time to time, look around, and take inventory of the blessings and treasures you've learned and earned along the way. Regular stops to take in the view are a must for sustaining steady progress over the long haul. You have accomplished a great deal. But, the real test is whether you can accept the bles...sings that are a result of your hard work. Can you stop and be filled with appreciation for all you've accomplished thus far? It is now time to be showered with blessings, whether you are deep in the valley, or on the mountain peak. Revel in the rewards of your journey, thus far. Quell your worries about the false notion that a reverie will make you weak, complacent, or an ego-maniac. In fact, take heart knowing that delighting in love and appreciation will give you strength to journey further, thus multiplying the gifts you can share with others. MANTRA: There is no there, there. There is only here, here. The Hero's Journey Dream Oracle - @kellyswalden @rassouliart #cardoftheday #dailyguidance #oracle #divination #theherosjourneydreamoracle #kellysullivanwalden #rassouli #tarot #tarotreadersofinstagram

Celestial Synergy 07.01.2020

Endeavor always to conquer myself rather than fortune, and change my desires rather than the order of the world, and in general, accustom myself to the persuasion that, except our own thoughts, there is nothing absolutely in our power; so that when we have done our best in things external to us, our ill-success cannot possibly be failure on our part. Rene Descartes. From The Imperfectionist Blog: Do you act for internal growth or external approval?... Is your life so controlled that you dont live at all? How stressed do you get when little things start to slip out of your control? Do you focus on changing others behaviors instead of your own? Do you understand that much of what happens to you is completely out of your control? In reality, almost everything in our external environment is completely out of our control. Once you begin to understand that, youll make more room in your heart and mind for the things that really matter. Image Credit: Tsukiko-Kiyomidzu #descartes #powerofthoughts #changeyourthoughtschangeyourlife #growth #innerpeace

Celestial Synergy 04.01.2020

Card For Today - 528Hz MANDALA OF THE HEART. Sometimes aspects of our life fall apart or don't go to plan. This is so they can come back together in a beautiful new way. Trust in the goodness, in the inevitable blessing of your destiny falling into place. Do not trust your fears. Put your faith in the love of your heart. A heart-felt wish is going to manifest. The heart has access to a wisdom more powerful than logic and which can overcome any obstacle. To enter into that wis...dom, we have to trust in something greater than our own opinions and our allegiance to our history. Your heart is more than connected to the Universal Heart, it is a holographic emanation, part of the sacred mandala of the divine feminine heart and, as such, holds divine genius and power. It wants to manifest that which is evolving, new, inspired and beautiful. To believe that history must repeat itself, or that what we imagine is the limit of what can happen, is to deny the power of the heart and the generosity of divine grace. We need radical lovers and inspired dreamers who dare to invite in the most outlandishly blessed interventions of the Universal Heart for all beings. You have it within your heart to be one of those prayer alchemists for humanity. White Light Oracle - @alana_fairchild @artistandrewgonzalez #cardoftheday #dailyguidance #oracle #divination #whitelightoracle #alanafairchild #andrewgonzalesart #tarot #tarotreadersofinstagram

Celestial Synergy 25.12.2019

Summer Solstice Shamanic Ceremony. Working with the 4 elements, releasing all that no longer serves me, letting go, and inviting in a new cycle of love, peace and empowerment for all living beings. Thank you Alberto Villoldo and Marcela Lobos for a beautiful ceremony! #shamanicceremony #summersolstice2020 #thefourelements #midsummer #solareclipse #shamanism

Celestial Synergy 21.12.2019

Sign up and join in on this summer solstice ceremony at noon today, with Alberto Villoldo and Marcela Lobos it's free to join. Happy Solstice! https://www.facebook.com/351831124465/posts/10160306532029466/

Celestial Synergy 06.12.2019

HAPPY SUMMER SOLSTICE! This weekend the summer solstice comes with a new moon solar eclipse in Cancer. We can delve deep now into self-care, healing old emotional wounds, recharging and readying ourselves when the time to move arrives. Soak up the light! Write down or meditate upon your wishes and goals for the future. This is a potent time for healing and manifestation. During this standstill, gather the lost or disparate parts of the self. Play and have fun! Before you kno...w it, life we become hectic, make good use of this time, celebrate and be grateful! Send your light and loving thoughts out into the world, your inner landscape creates the outer one. STANDSTILL: When things seem to stall or stagnate, or when you feel stuck, this symbol appears as a reminder that constant action isn't going to get you where you want to go. Perhaps it's time to gather more information or just wait until the universe makes the next move. No matter what, this moment is a beautiful gift orchestrated in your favor. Enjoy it. Let the universe bring all the parts together for the highest good. Go and play, recharge, and take the focus off whatever has stalled. Life will get busy again for you sooner than you think. SOUL RETRIEVAL: You are no longer fragmented; you are one with Creation. You have healed the cause of pain you feel, so you do not need to dwell on it any longer. Really, it's true! If you are still hovering over an old wound, find a new flight path. Don't be distracted with the little stuff you've already mastered. Go for the big one, the journey back to Eden. Mystical Shaman Oracle - @albertovilloldo0386 @colettebaron_reid @marcelalobosmystic @jena_dellagrottaglia #weekendreading #summersolstice2020 #solareclipse #cancer #newmoon #oracle #divination #tarot #tarotreadersofinstagram

Celestial Synergy 24.11.2019


Celestial Synergy 12.11.2019

Happy Juneteenth to all of our American brothers and sisters! A day of reflection for everyone. #juneteenth #freedomday #emancipation #makejuneteenthanationalholiday #blacklivesmatter #reflection

Celestial Synergy 08.11.2019

Card For Today - CREATION. You are a creator! When this card appears, it signifies a strengthening in your energetic field to bring those things which you require into physical manifestation. Creation is happening quickly, from thought into form. Be conscious of what thoughts you are having. The time between the thought and its appearance in the physical will be quick. Now is the time to get clear about what you desire in your life. The universal energies are working with you... to bring your desires to fruition. Path of the Soul Destiny Cards - Cheryl Lee Harnish. #cardoftheday #dailyguidance #oracle #divination #pathofthesouldestinycards #intuitivefractalenergyart #cherylleeharnish #tarot #tarotreadersofinstagram

Celestial Synergy 02.11.2019

Card For Today - FREEDOM - Free your spirit. Take control of your life now. You may feel that you are not in control of your life right now. In fact, you are. You can decide at this moment how to react to the circumstances within your environment. Observe your surroundings and discover what your soul really wants. You already have the power and freedom to choose within you. The question is, what direction do you wish to run? Honour your free will by choosing to acknowledge yo...ur desire for a break and a change, even if it is only temporary. Right now, your soul desires freedom. By removing restrictions, you can move in any direction. Feeling trapped or burdened by family affairs, responsibility, finance, relationships and/or career choices can sometimes make us feel suffocated. Your soul is trying to release you from commitments as you yearn for the freedom to make your own choices. Breaking away from old attachments and responsibilities, your soul is asking you to be playful and to have some fun! The horse asks you to simplify your life and expand your knowledge. Seek more information before you make future decisions. It is essential through this growth period that you find the freedom that you need to allow yourself to flourish. You have the power to change the direction of your life. AFFIRMATION: I AM moving forward in the direction I choose, bringing me closer to achieving my goals and my divine life purpose. Sacred Power Reading Cards - @annastark_official @louisdyer #cardoftheday #dailyguidance #oracle #divination #sacredpowerreadingcards #annastark #louisdyer #tarot #tarotreadersofinstagram