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Coach Tara 14.05.2022
I ugly cried. I couldn't hold it in. Not because I'm concerned about losing any

I ugly cried. I couldn't hold it in. Not because I'm concerned about losing any "gains", not because I don't know how to workout at home etc,etc... It's all about the community and people I care about. I care very deeply about EACH one of my clients. ... I care about the Core Fitness family. I care about the gym owners. I care about mental health and what this could mean for many-many people. I totally get the reason behind this, that's not the issue here and that's not up for debate. We will all be ok. We are in this together. Stay tuned for more details.

Coach Tara 11.05.2022
4 years ago I started on an amazing journey. Turned my passion into a career. I wasn’t sure where it would go, all I knew was I wanted to walk along others in their fitness and healthy lifestyle journey! I wanted to encourage, inspire, and be their biggest cheer leader. It’s been crazier than I could have ever Imagined, and I’m thankful I took that step even though I couldn’t see the whole picture. Is there is something you are passionate about? I encourage to take that step towards living that passion out in your everyday life.

4 years ago I started on an amazing journey. Turned my passion into a career. I wasn’t sure where it would go, all I knew was I wanted to walk along others in their fitness and healthy lifestyle journey! I wanted to encourage, inspire, and be their biggest cheer leader. It’s been crazier than I could have ever Imagined, and I’m thankful I took that step even though I couldn’t see the whole picture. Is there is something you are passionate about? I encourage to take that step towards living that passion out in your everyday life.

Coach Tara 21.04.2022

What if you didn’t give up? Keep walking that race. Keep doing the small steps, for many small steps equal big achievements. Failure is a part of the journey, but it’s not the end.

Coach Tara 09.02.2021

This year has been a different and challenging one for many. With the gym being closed for a few months it has been hard for many to stay active and live a healthy lifestyle. AND let's face it...we've all be baking more than we usually do! Remember the yeast shortage? With that said, we've never lived through a time like this. We all have different ways of coping with it, and we need to give ourselves grace. This healthy living life isn't a 100M race, its a lifelong There isn't a time where we hand the baton off and say, yup, that's it, I did my part. So wherever you find yourself right now, pick that baton up and keep going. One day(hopefully soon) when the gym opens again and we can all get back to our normal everyday life, I hope that we won't take things for granted the way we often do. May we smile extra much to those around us, may we take the time to ask how are others are doing(and really listen to the reply!) May we not take friendships and family for granted. May we lift something heavier than we ever have!! May we be thankful for the little things. May the everyday things be extraordinary! Christmas Blessings from our Family to yours!

Coach Tara 03.02.2021

Being home the last 55 days(not that I’m counting) has given me some more time to work on things such as mobility. Since I do not have a squat rack at home I’ve been working on a lot of single leg exercises. Front loaded reverse lunges, walking lunges, Bulgarian split squats and pistol squats! A few days before the gym was ordered to close I was chatting with another trainer and telling them how I just could not do a pistol squat, that I’m not even close to being able to do! My ankle mobility needed a lot of work! The very next week my program had pistol squats added to them and I begun working on them. I still haven’t achieved an unassisted pistol, but I’m getting close. When I started I needed to hold on to my weight bench otherwise I’d fall over. This week I completed 12 weight assisted pistol squats. They still aren’t pretty, but so much closer to an actual pistol. I encourage you to challenge yourself with something! Don’t expect it to come easily, most things don’t. Persevere. What new thing have you started or worked on during these past 55 days? Keep going. #personaltrainer #pistolsquat #persevere #mobility #stillnottherebutgettingcloser See more

Coach Tara 31.01.2021

I’m not sure how you all deal with stress....I like to put the earbuds in, lift something heavy, and just workout the stress. That, and prayer! Hope you are all doing well.

Coach Tara 29.01.2021

I ugly cried. I couldn't hold it in. Not because I'm concerned about losing any "gains", not because I don't know how to workout at home etc,etc... It's all about the community and people I care about. I care very deeply about EACH one of my clients. ... I care about the Core Fitness family. I care about the gym owners. I care about mental health and what this could mean for many-many people. I totally get the reason behind this, that's not the issue here and that's not up for debate. We will all be ok. We are in this together. Stay tuned for more details.

Coach Tara 09.01.2021

4 years ago I started on an amazing journey. Turned my passion into a career. I wasn’t sure where it would go, all I knew was I wanted to walk along others in their fitness and healthy lifestyle journey! I wanted to encourage, inspire, and be their biggest cheer leader. It’s been crazier than I could have ever Imagined, and I’m thankful I took that step even though I couldn’t see the whole picture. Is there is something you are passionate about? I encourage to take that step towards living that passion out in your everyday life.

Coach Tara 20.12.2020

What can you say to people who say they can’t? There is only one thing to say when you come to the gym, it is to say I can try, as long as you can say I can try that is the start of you being healthier and happier Love it!

Coach Tara 17.09.2020

Being home the last 55 days(not that Im counting) has given me some more time to work on things such as mobility. Since I do not have a squat rack at home Ive been working on a lot of single leg exercises. Front loaded reverse lunges, walking lunges, Bulgarian split squats and pistol squats! A few days before the gym was ordered to close I was chatting with another trainer and telling them how I just could not do a pistol squat, that Im not even close to being able to do! My ankle mobility needed a lot of work! The very next week my program had pistol squats added to them and I begun working on them. I still havent achieved an unassisted pistol, but Im getting close. When I started I needed to hold on to my weight bench otherwise Id fall over. This week I completed 12 weight assisted pistol squats. They still arent pretty, but so much closer to an actual pistol. I encourage you to challenge yourself with something! Dont expect it to come easily, most things dont. Persevere. What new thing have you started or worked on during these past 55 days? Keep going. #personaltrainer #pistolsquat #persevere #mobility #stillnottherebutgettingcloser See more

Coach Tara 11.09.2020

Im not sure how you all deal with stress....I like to put the earbuds in, lift something heavy, and just workout the stress. That, and prayer! Hope you are all doing well.

Coach Tara 30.08.2020

I ugly cried. I couldnt hold it in. Not because Im concerned about losing any "gains", not because I dont know how to workout at home etc,etc... Its all about the community and people I care about. I care very deeply about EACH one of my clients. ... I care about the Core Fitness family. I care about the gym owners. I care about mental health and what this could mean for many-many people. I totally get the reason behind this, thats not the issue here and thats not up for debate. We will all be ok. We are in this together. Stay tuned for more details.

Coach Tara 19.08.2020

4 years ago I started on an amazing journey. Turned my passion into a career. I wasnt sure where it would go, all I knew was I wanted to walk along others in their fitness and healthy lifestyle journey! I wanted to encourage, inspire, and be their biggest cheer leader. Its been crazier than I could have ever Imagined, and Im thankful I took that step even though I couldnt see the whole picture. Is there is something you are passionate about? I encourage to take that step towards living that passion out in your everyday life.

Coach Tara 08.08.2020

What can you say to people who say they cant? There is only one thing to say when you come to the gym, it is to say I can try, as long as you can say I can try that is the start of you being healthier and happier Love it!

Coach Tara 19.07.2020

What if you didnt give up? Keep walking that race. Keep doing the small steps, for many small steps equal big achievements. Failure is a part of the journey, but its not the end.

Coach Tara 01.07.2020

Happy New year!! The new year is here. Ill be honest, Im not a big New Year resolution person. I find often people just flippantly throw out and idea, without giving it much thought of what it may cost them? Then they fail because they had no plan and just go back to old ways. Change WILL cost you.... It will cost you time. It will cost you effort. It will cost you discomfort. It may even cost you a piece of humble pie. It could also cost you money. Change is uncomfortable. We are creatures of habit. If you want real change, you will need to re-train yourself. You will need to undo old habits. You will need to learn to be disciplined and turn off the autopilot. I will be honest. Its hard work!! Its not easy, but it is definitely worth it and definitely doable. There will be bumps in the road, and there will be times you want to quit. Ive been on the struggle bus myself the past few months, but because of habits that have been built over time I have managed to struggle my way through. I know it will get better again! We are 5 days into 2020. Its a new year, and new decade, and tomorrow is a Monday! What better time to start with one new habit?!? Which habit will you start with? Dont overwhelm yourself with too much, start with one thing. Build from there once youve nailed down that habit! There is no better time than now to start. See more

Coach Tara 27.06.2020

Thank you clients and friends for another amazing year. When I embarked on this journey I had no idea where it would go or how well it would go? I stepped out in faith, feeling like this was my passion and my love. Walking together with others to improve their health and wellness. I say health and wellness, because its not only about the physical, but emotional and mental health as well. Working as a personal training has exceeded anything I had dreamt or imagined. I tha...nk each one of you for trusting me, for supporting me, and for encouraging me. It has been the best year yet! I really do have the best clients Looking forward to see what 2020 will bring. Merry Christmas from us to you, and wishing you a blessed new year! See more

Coach Tara 20.06.2020

Enjoy those Christmas treats with no guilt or remorse involved. Ive spoken to many who are all out anxious about the food that is around during the Christmas gatherings and get togethers. My advice to you.... EAT, ENJOY, and then after the holiday season is done, go back to making better choices. MERRY CHRISTMAS!

Coach Tara 13.06.2020

CHILD MINDING HOLIDAY HOURS We hope all the children have a wonderful Christmas and stay healthy! We look forward to many more hours of playtime in 2020!

Coach Tara 02.06.2020

I remember. Thank you.

Coach Tara 19.05.2020

Stole this from James Wilson... its like he took the words right out of my mouth! If Aesthetics are the goal then certain aspects of fitness are going to take priority. The pyramid below will help emphasize this. 1. Regardless of fat loss, muscle gain, performance or general health, nutrition is king! If we truly want to see changes, we cant just guess, we need to plan out and be specific with our energy balance. ...Continue reading

Coach Tara 15.05.2020

Gratitude Day 14 Music I looove music. I can listen to Almost every genre of music. ... It moves me. It can bring me to tears, and also pick me up when I feel down. It makes me want to dance! There is something deep inside of me that connects to it. For this I am thankful. Comment below and lets start focusing on our blessings. Where your mind goes, your heart will follow. So even if youre finding it hard to see blessings around you, often by speaking it, our hearts will soften and change and also become grateful.

Coach Tara 25.04.2020

Gratitude Day 13 Clients I am so thankful for my clients! Without them I wouldnt be able to do what I love. ... I do not take lightly the fact that they have trusted me with their physical health. My clients often become friends. I care deeply for each one, and I pray for them (yes each one has been in my prayers) and I always want and hope the best for each of them! I love seeing them achieve things they never thought possible. I love pushing them beyond the limits they seem to set for themselves. I love seeing their confidence grow. I love seeing them invest in themselves. I love it when training becomes a part of their routine. I love seeing the skip in their step when they walk out of the gym knowing they crushed their workout! I am so thankful for each one of you. Comment below and lets start focusing on our blessings. Where your mind goes, your heart will follow. So even if youre finding it hard to see blessings around you, often by speaking it, our hearts will soften and change and also become grateful.

Coach Tara 12.04.2020

Gratitude Day 12 Freedom to Worship I am so thankful I am free to go to church and worship. I am thankful for our church and our church family. It is a place where I can come after a hard week, or an easy week and just meet with other believers and worship our God. We can encourage one another. I often leave feeling challenged through the message, which is something I appreciate!... For this I am thankful Comment below and lets start focusing on our blessings. Where your mind goes, your heart will follow. So even if youre finding it hard to see blessings around you, often by speaking it, our hearts will soften and change and also become grateful.

Coach Tara 23.03.2020

Gratitude Day 11 Weekends As much as I like routine and have grown to love Mondays, I also have an appreciation for the weekend! A time to Step away from the grind of the week, and recharge. Its a time to rest. ... Last year I fell into keeping myself busy all weekend. Often I would work on client programming on Sundays. Because I was never stepping away from work I was beginning to feel burnt out. It was brought to my attention that I needed to rest. Rest is important, not only for the body but for the mind as well. Since July I have worked to change that. It hasnt been perfect, but its been better. I have to say I also feel much more rested and ready for Monday when it comes. I am thankful for a day of rest. Comment below and lets start focusing on our blessings. Where your mind goes, your heart will follow. So even if youre finding it hard to see blessings around you, often by speaking it, our hearts will soften and change and also become grateful.

Coach Tara 05.03.2020

Gratitude Day 10 Physical Health I am so grateful for my health. ... I have not always had great health. I used to get every virus that came around and I would be out of breath just walking up a flight of stairs. 16 years ago I decided to make a change. I dont take my health for granted. I know that it could change at anytime. So while I am able, I will do what I can do to live a healthy lifestyle. For this I am grateful. Comment below and lets start focusing on our blessings. Where your mind goes, your heart will follow. So even if youre finding it hard to see blessings around you, often by speaking it, our hearts will soften and change and also become grateful.

Coach Tara 26.02.2020

Gratitude Day 9 Vacations I love being able to get away from the everyday hustle. ... It could be camping, a weekend at a hotel or a hot holiday in winter(which is my favorite!) I dont take any of this for granted, and I am thankful each time I can get away. I think its the time away with others that is the most special to me. There is just something different about getting away to a place where the everyday pressures are gone. For this I am thankful. Comment below and lets start focusing on our blessings. Where your mind goes, your heart will follow. So even if youre finding it hard to see blessings around you, often by speaking it, our hearts will soften and change and also become grateful.

Coach Tara 06.02.2020

Gratitude Day 8 Jesus I am so thankful for Jesus and His grace. He is not angry or disappointed in me, He is full of Grace and love. His love is not dependent on what I do or dont do. ... He will never leave me. To me this picture depicts Him so truthfully and honestly. He always has room for me to sit and rest in Him. Hes never too busy, hes never annoyed by all my words For this I am thankful. Comment below and lets start focusing on our blessings. Where your mind goes, your heart will follow. So even if youre finding it hard to see blessings around you, often by speaking it, our hearts will soften and change and also become grateful.

Coach Tara 02.02.2020

Gratitude Day 7 Friends I am so thankful for people in my life that I can call friends! ... I am a people person... but to be honest friendship hasnt always come easy to me. I would meet new people, go only so far with the friendship, then kinda put up a wall. It took me years to be able to trust people enough to continue friendships past the superficial stage. I have learned to trust, I have learned to be open and honest, I have learned to just be myself, and I have also learned that friendship is worth fighting for. It may have taken me years to trust, and years to find my people(there are more of ya! I just dont have pics of you!) but I know now that friends are important. God didnt mean for us to do this life alone. For this I am thankful Comment below and lets start focusing on our blessings. Where your mind goes, your heart will follow. So even if youre finding it hard to see blessings around you, often by speaking it, our hearts will soften and change and also become grateful.

Coach Tara 14.01.2020

Gratitude Day 6 Food I love food and I am thankful we can eat it for the nutrition it has but Im also thankful I can enjoy the taste of it! I enjoy almost every kind of food, and I feel blessed that we are able to enjoy so many different types of food. The possibilities are almost endless! ... For this I am thankful. Comment below and lets start focusing on our blessings. Where your mind goes, your heart will follow. So even if youre finding it hard to see blessings around you, often by speaking it, our hearts will soften and change and also become grateful.

Coach Tara 04.01.2020

Gratitude Day 5 My Hubby I am thankful for this man. ... I am thankful that he chose me, and continues to choose me. In a day and age when it feels like marriages are being attacked in every way and they seem to be failing at record numbers, I dont take him for granted. We have worked hard for this marriage, and we will continue to. I believe marriage is something worth fighting for, and I am thankful he believes that too. He is mine, and I am his. For this I am thankful. Comment below and lets start focusing on our blessings. Where your mind goes, your heart will follow. So even if youre finding it hard to see blessings around you, often by speaking it, our hearts will soften and change and also become grateful. Ps.- I am happier than I look in this picture! Haha! I was fighting tears as I was walking down the isle of our sons wedding

Coach Tara 02.01.2020

Gratitude Day 4 Sunshine Oh how I love the Sun!... Like seriously, LOVE. It. This morning as I was contemplating which item on my list I was going to post I was thinking I should do Sunshine but as I sat at my dining table looking outside at the dark, foggy morning it just felt wrong. Later on in the morning as I was training a client I yelled the sun, the sun is shining! I honestly try not to let the lack of sunshine change my mood for the day, but often it does. So today I am extra thankful that the sun is SHINING! See more

Coach Tara 31.12.2019

Gratitude Day 3 Shelter Our house is nothing big or fancy, but its our home. ... Its where memories have been and are being made. We have lived here 19 years, so most of our familys memories happened in this house. Its the place we relax and lift our feet up when we are tired. Its the place we gather around the table and connect with each other. Its the place where we have had disagreements and shed tears. Its also the place where we have hid a time capsule in the walls in hopes that some day another family will find it. Its our safe place. Its home. For this, I am thankful. What are you thankful for today? Comment below and lets start focusing on our blessings. Where your mind goes, your heart will follow. So even if youre finding it hard to see blessings around you, often by speaking it, our Hearts will soften and change and also become grateful.

Coach Tara 16.12.2019

Gratitude Day 2 Coffee. Im thankful that someone, somewhere, realized you can roast these little beans, grind them up, pour hot water over them to make a cup of gold! ... This is my wake me up every single day. For this, I am thankful. What are you thankful for today? Comment below and lets start focusing on our blessings. Where your mind goes, your heart will follow. So even if youre finding it hard to see blessings around you, often by speaking it, our Hearts will soften and change and also become grateful.

Coach Tara 13.12.2019

Gratitude Day 1 Family. I often feel like its sounds cliche to say Im thankful for family but the honest truth is these people are top on my list when I think about what Im thankful for. 23 years ago, after we had buried our firstborn, I wasnt so sure wed be able to have a family. God has truly and richly blessed us! ... What are you thankful for today? Comment below and lets start focusing on our blessings. Where your mind goes, your heart will follow. So even if youre finding it hard to see blessings around you, often by speaking it, our Hearts will soften and change and also become grateful.

Coach Tara 24.11.2019

Happy Thanksgiving! So much to be thankful for! Family, friends and a job I absolutely love! ... Even though I could grumble about the snow... Ive worked hard at not allowing myself to. In my head, yes... Ive grumbled a lot. Like, I cant do winter for 6 months again! Why? Why? Why? Today Im choosing thankfulness and realizing I have been blessed beyond measure. For the remainder of October I will be listing one thing each day I am thankful for. Will you join me? Lets focus on gratitude! Each person that participates will be entered to win a prize pack worth $50(supplements and goodies, must be bale to pick up in Winkler) Lets focus on the blessings we do have.

Coach Tara 14.11.2019

Starting next week! Still a few spots up for grabs... follow the link to set up a consult. Nutrition Group workouts Accountability ... All in an encouraging environment! See more

Coach Tara 27.10.2019

Officially on holiday time! See yall July 30, if you need to change/schedule a session you can contact me July 29. Time to enjoy some sunshine, family and friends

Coach Tara 08.10.2019

We had accidentally blocked off Child Minding for tomorrow (Tuesday) Child Minding IS available on July 9th! Book away #corekids #corefitnesschildmindin...g #momsmentalhealth #momswholift #fordadstoo #itsfree! See more

Coach Tara 30.09.2019

Dear clients! Not sure if I tell you this often enough... but you are all rocking it! Every single one of you is getting stronger, Im pushing you harder, and even though you may not want to do what I ask you to..... you get it done. I LOVE my job-thanks to you!

Coach Tara 16.09.2019

Lets talk about the push-up! I have a lot of people say they cant do a push-up, but theyd love to learn how... here are a few tips! Such a great, versatile exercise you can do pretty much anywhere.... The push-up takes a lot of core strength. Its not just chest strength you are working on with the push-up! When doing a push-up you should Work on Keeping your core tight. Align your body so it moves in unison from head to toe. Tuck your core tight. Dont flare your elbows, tuck those as well.( to keep your shoulders healthy) If you find your hips are sagging or they are up too high it means your core is not engaged.(I demonstrate what this may look like at the end of the video) I encourage you to do modified pushups until you have gained enough strength to complete a full push-up. Work on gaining core strength and keep at it-it will come! I hope this is helpful, keep working towards your goals!

Coach Tara 01.09.2019

Change If you are working at making better choices in the kitchen getting to the gym consistently AND working hard... digging deep and being disciplined But you are feeling like this is just HARD!! You need to remember that just because its a struggle, it doesnt mean you are failing! Keep going. Keep building good habits, one choice at a time. I believe you can.... and now its time for you to believe you can as well

Coach Tara 30.08.2019

Leg day is a comin Do you love it or hate it?

Coach Tara 28.08.2019

Congratulations to Charissa Friesen , you are the winner of 3 training sessions! Thank you to everyone for entering! Remember to pay it forward in some way this May #pifmay #personaltrainer #tarastraining

Coach Tara 17.08.2019

Tip #2 If the unhealthy food is not within reach, you are less likely to eat it! The easiest tip for keeping your eating on track is - Dont buy it! I am speaking from experience. If I dont have it in the house, it wont tempt me.... Buy the good choices. Have them easy to grab and eat. I had to practice exactly this concept this afternoon. I went to the grocery store to pick up a few items for supper. I walked by the chips (because they always seem to have a display near the front door ) and thought to myself I should pick up some dill pickle chips. I thought it a few times, and then I told myself-no. If its not in the house I wont have to resist it. Create habits that will get you to your goal.