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Brent Phillips 17.10.2020

3 Tips to Defeat Craving Chips In Isolation... ’ repeats over and over till you end up starring at an empty bag as you watch re-runs of Friends...That is one of the biggest things that can hold you back from accomplishing your fitness goals. Yes it is possible to do that and not become obese by busting your ass in the gym BUT it also only takes gyms being closed and you sitting on your ass for a few months scar...fing bag after bag back before you realize a 10-15-20 pound weight gain!!! Do you really want to come out of this isolation obviously looking heavier, looking like you choose to do nothing and when your friends, family & co-workers make mention you validate the by blaming it on isolation? (even tho deep down you know what they are thinking) OR Would you rather come out of this isolation a few pounds lighter and heavier mentally you chose to take action, build strength and be a fucking warrior? Who would you rather be? 3 ! !!! Stop using it as a fucking excuse to eat like shit and not give a shit. It’s hurting you more than it’s helping you. When you stop using isolation as an excuse you’re going to find you’ll have more energy, which will allow you to focus on step #2 ! This does not have to be complicated and does not have to be a BIG thing you take action on. Success is built off of constructive habits, so when you start doing taking action daily you empower yourself and are able to get your results FASTER and it will last LONGER. ! Tell a friend, hire a mentor, or post it on your social media, get involved with a community like . Talk about how you’re going to tackle mindless eating during isolation, why it will last forever and you’re absolutely committed to solving it for good!

Brent Phillips 11.10.2020

Want TONED arms... !!! Progress takes TIME and we have MORE now than ever before!!! Time that as a mother or father you feel like you never have because of:... -dirty diapers -screaming kids -bath time -more dirty diapers -nap time becomes either catch up or nap time for you -level of focus goes from that of a human to a rodent to...POOF...what was I talking about again? NOT BY CHOICE -dropping them off at daycare or school or friends house or soccer or football or endless list... Now time is on your side...NOT EXCUSES 3 !!! here is how you can rep it out with screaming kids: 30 seconds on 30 seconds off it will look more like this... 1) kids screaming.....30 seconds ON GOGOGO....kids screaming..................................................(1 hour later) 30 second ON GOGOGO..........kids screaming...........kids still screaming...............(30 min later) 30 seconds ON GOGOGO....... You get the gist it doesn't need to be perfect it NEEDS to be consistent!!!! If this sounds like you, and you’d like to learn how to workout from anywhere with minimal equipment, and lose weight in away that isn’t restrictive... comment below with a emoji. Let’s see if I can help you lose weight and keep it off! . . . #dadswithdaughters #parentproblems #dadfitness #tonedarms #armworkouts #armworkout

Brent Phillips 02.10.2020

3 Mindset Hacks To Overcome ISOLATION Being in form of isolation is both mentally and physically. with little ones running around that usually use most of their energy outside or at school!!!!... The thought of will this every end? the walls feeling closer together feeling like you are constantly picking up toys and cleaning messy messes the feeling of uncertainty the longer you stay inside when we go outside because of necessity you still feel like you are in a bubble because of social distancing, having to wear gloves and a mask, not being able to socialize and when you do the only thing you can think of is ? These 3 below when done with consistency will change the way you think when you start to feel the effects of . 1. Spend the first and last 60 seconds before waking up and going to sleep practicing GRATITUDE 2. Put on motivational audio while moving your body for 2 minutes. Movement both mentally and physically causes state change that will change the way you feel. 3. Write a self affirmation that states you are a warrior that is getting stronger everyday you are in isolation. I am a WARRIOR that in times of isolation I become stronger because I get to work on my body and mind daily so that I can HUNT and provide for my family! I believe the more you work on your mindset during this pandemic, the more you take action on your health, the more you work on improving your relationship with your family, THE STRONGER YOU BECOME! ... get to come out of the isolation with strength that break through any barriers that are left to reaching your full potential. YOU have a choice: DO NOTHING OR TAKE ACTION DO NOTHING only leads to more of NOTHING and being stagnant does what? As time passes moves you backward instead of forward! ... TAKE ACTION AND GAIN MOMENTUM, GET RESULTS, BECOME THE PERSON YOU DEEP DOWN WANT TO BE!!! . . . #dadswithdaughters #parentproblems #dadfitness

Brent Phillips 12.09.2020

The #1 Necessity That Needs To Be Strong In Isolation Is... In times of adversity and uncertainty would you rather be a lion or a gazelle? YOUR MENTAL AND PHYSICAL STATE!... The two necessary things I do daily that impacts my mental and physical state... 1) MOVE MORE THEN I SIT, make it fun include your kids! -obstacle course through the house -pushups with kiddos -bust a move and get jiggy with it -a daily challenge X amount of squats, lunges, burpees, pushups 2) CHOOSE what to listen to in the morning to prime my mindset for strength instead of listen to worry! - go to youtube type in morning motivation there is endless choices from Tony Robbins, to Eric Thomas, To Les Brown. START YOUR DAY HOW YOU WANT TO END YOUR DAY!!! Again... In times of adversity and uncertainty would you rather be a lion or a gazelle? I don't know about you but as a father of 2 baby cubs and a husband to my beautiful wife...I AM A FU$!ING LION AND WE GOTTA EAT Don't get me wrong the gazelle can run, they are fast, cut corners quick, very efficient at getting away. BUT WTF does that do for you right now in isolation? BECAUSE the reality of it is we now more then ever have temptations to: BE LAZY SLEEP IN NOT GIVE A F&$! EATING YOUR FACE OFF WHILE... BINGE WATCHING TV OR you can GTFU take action, take control improve your mental state, your relationships, your HEALTH, your BODY! . . . #dadswithdaughters #dadswithdaughters #dadfitness #mindsetmatters #mindsetiseverything #mindsetofachampion #mindsetshift #mindsetofgreatness #mindsetofexcellence #parenthoodvibes

Brent Phillips 24.08.2020

Will You Hunt For Your Cubs? What your MINDSET should be going into Monday ? What your MINDSET NEEDS to be going into Monday!!! ... Are you a lion or a Gazelle? Will you or be chased out of your home? The second I became a father my inner beast said ’ &! , !!! Now I HUNT, don’t get me wrong I hunted before BUT I did not understand my deep internal driver, NOW IM A LION THAT SMELLS BLOOD! ? That means an opportunity comes knocking at my door, I already got my attire on and hitting full throttle on the gas to open that door!!! That means I WILL NOT lay down, I WILL NOT wait or sit and contemplate, I WILL stand and fightHUNTERS MENTALITY DON’T sit and wait for a miracle, that is LUCK. Luck only comes in two ways ONE it comes for the lucky leprechaun, YOU ARE NOT green and this is NOT a f&$!king fairytale! and TWO What you are fighting for, your deep internal driver is what will determine whether you act like a LION or run like a GAZELLE. SO my question to you is WHAT ARE YOU FIGHTING FOR? . . . #dadswithdaughters #parentproblems #parenthood #goalsetter #fitnessgoals2020 #goals #letsdothis #letsdothistogether #huntergatherer #mindsetofgreatness #dadfitness #fatherhoodislit #fatherhoodrocks #fitparent #fitparenting

Brent Phillips 21.08.2020

... First before I tell you WHO... Inspiration is contagious. And each of us have that one person we look to for inspiration, motivation, and insight.... We can be inspired by PEOPLE, we can be inspired by PLACES, and we can be inspired by THINGS! For me, I have a few different inspirations I could write about. My Grandpa, my Wife, my ear surgery for cholesteatoma, a benign tumor or extra skin growth, my clients Rose, Jenn, Siobhan, Lenisa Each one of these things tell a different story. Each one of these things provide inspiration. Today I want to tell you about one of the 3 most important women in my life... Catherine Ann Shaver-Gallinger. First I must tell you, I AM A MOMMAS BOY THROUGH AND THROUGH! At the age of 16 my Mother had lost both of her parents, her dad passing from a brain aneurysm and her mother from breast cancer that spread. Left alone with her older brother at an age when you should be worrying about what to wear to prom my mother had to step up and become an adult. My tall physique, muscular look and sternness can be attributed to my Dad, my kindness, caring for others well-being, love and boundless energy ALL from my Momma! I am inspired to tell you this story because my mom is the BIGGEST reason for my optimistic thinking, for my positivity, and my deep desire to be the best that I can be in life. My mother instilled this in consciousness from a young age by telling me that I can do, be and achieve anything I want in life. She would say things like: anything is possible when you put your mind to it Go for it You can do it I know you were meant to do something special I share this with you for TWO reasons... ONE because I know not all of us grow up with the LOVE we truly need as kids to become thriving adults BUT I also know that YOU CAN ALWAYS CHANGE AND THERE IS ALWAYS TIME TO PLANT YOUR OWN SEEDS!!! TWO because my fellow parents!!! WE HAVE A CHOICE, WE HAVE CONTROL & WE HAVE THE ABILITY TO IMPACT OUR KIDS!!! By ! #dadswithdaughters

Brent Phillips 19.08.2020

& 7 Can’t resist chipscookieschocolate? It’s hard when it’s a family unit and your kids like certain foods that you know you should avoid BUT...... It is NORMAL to feel out of control BECAUSE marketed processed foods are DESIGNED to make us overeat! Here is how it works and what YOU can do about it: Genius marketers are masters at making processed foods seem good for you From specific bright colouring patterns, to cartoon characters, to celebrities forming positive associations. They use subliminal phrases like: take a break bet you can’t have just one You’re worth it OR buzz words like: -organic -vegan -gluten free ALL of these although some options good for your health are words marketers KNOW will create the illusion of health, keeping YOU coming back for more! TRUTH in reality there is VERY LITTLE difference between organic treat and conventional treat THAT IS THE POWER OF GREAT MARKETING!!! BIG portions convince us we are getting a good dealthink BIG MAC. VARIETY and multiple flavours at once makes us want more! A bag of chips with variety of flavours and textures vs a bag of apples. Trust me you will eat MORE chips in calories than you will with apples. 7 : 1) Notice your chewing 2) evaluate your pantry 3) look for habit patterns 4) find feel-good habits that support your goals 5) put quality above quantity 6) slow down 7) be nice to yourself Ps I put the video of my lil man eating because he LOVES to eat . . . #overeating #dadlife #parentproblems #parentlife #overeatersanonymous #weightlossfoods #bingeeating

Brent Phillips 02.08.2020

The Mindset you NEED to get your Parent Bod Back for the summer while in QUARANTINE! .Most people focus on the HOW and not the MINDSET behind the how. . FACTS: -Corono Virus has impacted EVERYONE no matter where you live! We are ALL IN QUARANTINE! May be slightly different depending on where you are reading this from BUT the fact is that at one point or another it makes sense to control the outbreak... -Being quarantined does NOT mean eat some doritos, fill up on junk food while binge watching Netflix(although that is a choice you have) -Being in quarantine does NOT mean you have no way to stay healthy, workout, and keep your fitness goals on track for the summer. . Do you want to be sitting on the beach or at a pool party thinking to yourselfboy I wish I could go back OR fucking right I keep my shit in check. I am good to go! .The truth is that you can have a PERFECT roadmap to get you from where you are now in your fitness journey, to where you want to be in your fitness journey, and it can be a complete waste of time if you’re not in the right mindset to succeed. .What I’ve seen NOT work in clients is when they think of a problem as a setback instead of a challenge to learn and get stronger because they end up ruining their progress creating self sabotage listening to the ANTS crawling around in their head. .In fact, one of my clients Kate H went through this exact same thing until we REALLY got Crystal Clear on her MINDSET and this is the switch we made . I told her you need to think that life happens for you instead of life happening to you BECAUSE over time your mind will look for the optimism in the roadblocks and find the solution that makes you stronger VS. when life happens to you your mind thinks SH!* why me continuing to look for more things to happen to you!.STOP thinking that life happens to you woe is me and start thinking that life happens for you because when you MAKE that switch you’re able to experience more happiness, more energy, more drive, more abundance which ultimately leads you to the getting back that summer parent bod that you want! . . . #parentproblems #dadswithdaughters #dadfitness #struggleisreal #mindsetmatters See more

Brent Phillips 24.07.2020

REGRETS ONLY LEAVE YOU WITH WHAT IF'S INSTEAD OF SHOULD OF'S Do look back wonder about the 'what ifs' or all you'll have is regrets ... ... ... Tag four friends who need to see this It's easy to waste a lot of our energy on 'what if' scenarios. What if we hadn't broke up with our partner. What if this event hadn't of happened. Remember that, the 'what ifs' don't matter, because they are just 'what ifs,' they aren't reality. Focus on the facts of life. The things you can control. You will not allow yourself to heal if you can't let go of what could've been. Learn to be happy with the unknown, to get excited with whats ahead. See more

Brent Phillips 09.07.2020

FUN FACT OF THE DAY . SERVING SIZE FOR A WHOLESOME MEAL . What doesn't get measured doesn't get managed. I believe this concept applies to knowing how much food you're consuming. .... For those who aren't keen on measuring/weighing your food or learning to count the amount of calories for your food, this is a quick hack to keep you on track. . Simply ensure above portion is achieved during your main meals. Do note actual portion is relative to your hand size. . Lastly, suggested portion above is more suitable for individuals trying to maintain a healthy diet in the long run. Scale portion according to your fitness goals too! . Tag And share . . Credit @nutritional_factz . . . . . . . . . . #healthyfood #foodie #smoothiebowl #fruit#glutenfree #healthylifestyle #healthy#slimmingworld #beforeandafter#weightlossjourney #balance #veganfood #vegan#bbg #transformation #eatclean #diet #nutrition#wholefoods #vegetarian #macros #snack#weightloss #fitfam #fitnessmotivation #plantbased#veganlove #rice #bread #carbs See more

Brent Phillips 30.06.2020

The 80/20 is the best rule because there's NO way you're going to avoid carbs for the rest of your life. -- Keto. IIFYM. Paleo. You name it...nowadays there are way more diets than food groups, and even though they all have their own benefits for weight loss, sometimes they are REALLY HARD to maintain. Don't you think? That's why the 80/20 rule works for so many people! Basically, you eat clean, whole foods for about 80 percent of your calories of the day, and you ...treat yoself for about 20 percent of the calories for the day. Even though this sounds simple, it is still very important to practice moderation and portion control with the 80/20 rule. Your indulgences need to be a reasonable portion rather than an i do what i want type of thing... Just because 20 percent is for "treats", it doesn't mean you can go binge chips...it's just some wiggle room to live life a little bit! . Tag and share . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . RP @mealpreponfleek #healthyfood #foodie #smoothiebowl #fruit#glutenfree #healthylifestyle #healthy#slimmingworld #beforeandafter#weightlossjourney #balance #veganfood #vegan#bbg #transformation #eatclean #diet #nutrition#wholefoods #vegetarian #macros #snack#weightloss #fitfam #fitnessmotivation #plantbased#veganlove #rice #protein #carbs See more

Brent Phillips 20.06.2020

' acting real because YOU choose to let others tell you different than what you Type yes if you agree with @successfoundation that before you truly move on you have to let go of the past. Like 5 Pics, Double Tap If You Agree and Tag Friends!... Turn On Post Notifications So You Don’t Miss A Single Post! #quote #lifequotes #inspirationalquotes #motivationalquotes #quotestagram #quotesoftheday #successquotes #dailyquotes #quotesdaily #thegoodquote #entrepreneurquotes #instaquotes #dailyquotes #quotestag #businessquotes #successquotes #dailymotivation #grind #hustle #inspirational #inspiredaily #hustlehard #successful #mindsetquotes See more