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Locality: Surrey, British Columbia

Phone: +60 4-300 4603

Address: 10468 Whalley Blvd, V3T 4H5 Surrey, BC, Canada

Website: www.theevidencechurch.com

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The Evidence Church 24.11.2020

November 24th, 2020. Press the Reset Button Text: 2 Peter 1:3 (NIV).... His divine power has given us everything we need for a godly life through our knowledge of him who called us by his own glory and goodness. Many people with smartphones and other portable devices are familiar with factory reset. This reset enables the owner to adjust the phone to its original state when it was manufactured. It’s amazing how you can override error codes simply by pressing a button. In life you can also do the same. You can override the disappointments, heartbeat, pains and failures of the past by starting afresh. God has given us the gift of a new day, so we can correct the mistakes of yesterday, before moving forward into tomorrow. Many have built monuments on their mistakes and it’s a signpost that is leading such further and further into misery. Every day has been given a voice, and whatever you say to it, is what it will deliver to you in return. The pandemic came unannounced and it caused a switch on how we do many things. Will life ever go back to what used to be our normal? I’m not sure it will ever be the same again. We’ve evolved through this global crisis and many people are now taking advantage of opportunities of the virtual world. Your mind is the Central Processing Unit for your life. If your hard drive is corrupted, your system will likely have to be reset or it won’t work. Don’t live another day with the baggages from your past, holding your present and threatening your future. God has a lot more ahead of you than what you left behind you. Don’t be afraid to start all over again. That is the best gift you can give to yourself. After all, it’s your life and you don’t need anyone’s permission to live your life to the maximum. Everything’s in front of us. It doesn’t matter what we’ve done up to this point. What matters from now on is how you approach each day, and whether you see yourself as a victim or a victor. It’s time to come off your excuses for remaining where you are. God wants you to move forward with courage and possess the impossible. Remember this: You can never arrive safely at your destination if you keep your eyes glued to your rear view mirror. Someone said, the front view mirror is bigger than the rear view because what is in front of you is more important than what is behind you. Keep moving forward by faith

The Evidence Church 13.11.2020

November 23rd, 2020. Flip the Coin Text: Genesis 50:20 (NIV).... You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives. Someone said to me recently, you don’t look like what you’ve been through. Then, I smiled. The only reason why I don’t look like what I’ve been through is because I didn’t allow my past experiences to make me bitter but better. This is easier said than done, especially when you’ve been abused, victimized and misunderstood by people who are supposed to love and protect you. Today, many are walking around wounded and in need of healing from their past. When all you’ve heard for many years is that you are not good enough, and not qualified to do anything commendable, it won’t be long before you begin to believe it and act it out. I’ve met people who are still struggling with trust. The ability to trust others has been taken away from them by their painful experiences. Many soft hearted people have suddenly become hardened because their kindness was taken for granted. This shouldn’t be you! Today, I was discussing the scripture with my wife, that all things work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose. This is only possible as we surrender our experiences to God and allow him to use such to make us into what he has purposed. Joseph was only able to become what he saw in his dreams because he refused to allow his brother’s betrayal or the false accusation of Potiphar’s wife and his subsequent imprisonment to make him bitter. He told his brothers, what you meant for evil, God turn it around for good, to preserve a generation. Holding onto offences will hinder your walk with God and your progress in the journey of life. I remember many years ago, when I was given the opportunity to study for an aeronautical engineering program in the United States. I wasted about two years in the process and eventually, I was opposed by people that should have supported me, and I lost the opportunity. I carried that hurt for many years until the Lord showed me what he protected me from by blocking it. My complaints turned to thanksgiving afterwards. Remember this: God wants you to use your setbacks for a comeback for yourself and for others. Your message is embedded in your mess. Don’t waste your pains, because God has a purpose for it. Use your negative experiences to help others navigate through theirs. I see you rising from the ashes onto glory in Jesus name

The Evidence Church 27.10.2020

Join us online this Sunday morning at 10am. Zoom: Meeting ID: 771 035 8977 Passcode: 946269... YouTube: The Evidence Nation. Facebook: Evidence Church Surrey God bless you as you join us

The Evidence Church 17.10.2020

October 17, 2020. Change Your Habits Text: Romans 12:2 (TPT).... Stop imitating the ideals and opinions of the culture around you, but be inwardly transformed by the Holy Spirit through a total reformation of how you think. This will empower you to discern God’s will as you live a beautiful life, satisfying and perfect in his eyes. Your habits are a great part of who you are. They are the silent indicators of your priorities and focus. Habits are not only negative, some habits are positive, as they enable you to reach your full potential. But you need to change your bad habits for the good ones. Your brain does not know the difference between the good habits and the bad ones. Your brain loves habits because it doesn’t have to work as hard. Even negative habits are more comfortable than new ones. I have daily routines that has become habits. My body craves for brisk walking even on the days I decide to take a break. It is said that more than 45 percent of what you do each day is a habit. You live almost half of your life on autopilot. If you are not careful, you can become a slave to your habits, and they become a way to live life unconsciously, rather than deliberately choosing what you want and creating a path to get there. We all have habits that interferes with our goals and the process of greatness. If those habits are not changed, mediocrity will set in and we will not be able to achieve our goals. Sometimes, you may have to go through a season of life several times to learn the lessons of the processes. Valuable things do not fall down randomly on people just for showing up. Everyday is an integral part of the greatness that God wants to birth in you. Joseph developed holiness as a habit when he was in Egypt. He refused to imbibe the culture of perversion that was prevalent in the land. When his opportunity came, he was undefiled and ready. Whatever you compromise to get, you will equally compromise to keep. The good habits you form today, will be the mainstay of a glorious future that God has planned for you. What are those habits that are currently undermining your purpose and destiny? It’s time to way goodbye to them and replace such with healthy habits. Remember this: behaviour change happens one of three ways: Rarely, slowly, or never. It’s not the big changes made all at once that change a habit. It’s the little things, done repeatedly and over time that create new behaviour and thought patterns. I see you winning in Jesus name

The Evidence Church 28.09.2020

Praying With Power Powered by Restream https://restream.io/

The Evidence Church 09.09.2020

October 16th, 2020. Career or Purpose? Text: Jeremiah 1:5 (NIV).... Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart; I appointed you as a prophet to the nations. There is a huge difference between career and purpose. Many are driven by the desire to get to the top of their career and then they discover they have been driven by ambition rather than vision. Each of us is wired by God with potentials and gifts to fulfil a definite purpose. Does your career express your purpose? In our text, God told Jeremiah from the onset that his purpose was to be a prophet to the nations. What is your purpose? Your purpose is discovered in God as you seek him to know the reason why you were born. Someone says, when the purpose of something is not known, abuse is inevitable. If you don’t know your purpose, you will abuse yourself, and misplace your opportunities. You will settle for a career that is temporary, and does not bring a lifelong fulfillment. I’ve met many older folks who have their bellies filled with regrets for not going after what they were wired to do - their purpose. They wished they could turn back the hands of time. How unfortunate? There was a season in my life when I thought I was only called to pulpit ministry. As much as I tried to stay within this scope, I was always drawn to the marketplace. I was born into an entrepreneurial family, and started my first business at age nine. When I stepped out of the denomination I was pastoring under, after about twenty three years, I discovered God has called me to do more and be more. God has shown me a full picture of my purpose, and guess what? He is using me to touch more lives than I’ve ever touched with just the pulpit ministry. As you prepare for your opportunities, seek to know and go after God’s purpose for your life and not just a career. I sought the Lord in fasting and prayers, and he dropped some ideas into my heart. He guided me and he is still guiding me into the fullness of what he has called me to fulfill. Your purpose is bigger than your career, take time to find out what it is and run after it with everything you have. Remember this: you’ve got only one life to live, so make it count. You will be everything you desire to be and more, if you go hard after God and his purpose for your life.

The Evidence Church 03.09.2020

Join us this Friday evening for our Covenant Renewal service @ 7pm Vancouver time.

The Evidence Church 01.09.2020

October 15th, 2020. The Force of Focus Text: Matthew 6:22-23 (CSB)... The eye is the lamp of the body. If your eye is healthy, your whole body will be full of light. But if your eye is bad, your whole body will be full of darkness. So if the light within you is darkness, how deep is that darkness! To be the best, you must practice the discipline of focus. Focus enhances your vision. The eyes in our text is talking about focus. Focus affects what you see or not see. Focus will help you to major on the important things instead of the mundane things of life. Life is a journey with many ups and downs, but focus will help you to maintain your sanity in the midst of the chaos and confusion going on around you. I’ve discovered that wherever you focus on, you are steered in that direction. With the many distractions around, it’s important to be focused or else you will not be able to pursue any set goal. One of the most important thing for me each year is to have a word from the Lord, just for me. After receiving this word, I’m laser focused on it throughout that year. My word this year is Expansion; and even with all the challenges with my health, we’ve been able to expand our business and God has made it so effortless for us. This word kept me going even when my body was saying otherwise. Whatever you focus on will be magnified and multiplied in your life. Many are focused on the challenges posed by the pandemic, such that they haven’t seen the opportunities that this global crisis has brought with it. In every crisis, there are as many opportunities! Disillusionment is what happens when you put your eyes on the problems instead of the solutions. The wisdom of God can only prevail when your eyes are on Jesus to work everything out in your favor. Jesus was so focused that he only did things related to his purpose. When they wanted to make him a King, he escaped from there. On the cross, he surrendered to death because of the glory that he could see at the end of that experience. Paul borrowed a leaf from this, he said, this one thing I do, forgetting those things that are behind, I press forward to those things before me... Until you identify your one thing per time, your uniqueness will not be delivered to your world. Remember this: when you maintain focus, you will become a meaningful specific, and not a wandering generality. When the right opportunity comes, you will be ready to step up and take your place among greatness

The Evidence Church 12.08.2020

October 14th 2020. Develop Your Conflict Resolution Skills Text: Colossians 3:13.... Bearing with one another and, if one has a complaint against another, forgiving each other; as the Lord has forgiven you, so you also must forgive. Conflict is part of human relationships, and life in general. The Bible’s instruction to follow peace with everyone is based on the premise that conflict if not properly resolved or handled, can lead to a lot of stress. Many of the top executives are paid to resolve conflicts and help employees to maximize their efforts into productive engagements. Unresolved conflicts can be a trigger point for stress, and subsequently, low productivity. Conflict management and resolution are important skills that must be developed if you are to succeed in your life or career. Offence is bound to happen in human relationships, but unless it’s handled properly, it can an cause irreparable damage. Whether it’s in a marriage, among co-workers, neighbors, business, or clients, we must out offences in its place. David walked away from King Saul when he threw the javelin at him. Also, when he was running from cave to cave, he had an opportunity to kill King Saul, but he refused to touch the Lord’s anointed. Abraham also refused to quarrel with Lot over the land, but he gave him the opportunity to choose first. In my relationship with my wife, I’ve learnt to overlook so many things and she has done the same in the twenty three years since we’ve met. In preparing for your opportunities, managing and resolving conflict effectively will increase your stock and enhance your potential to rise. Leadership is always best tested in crisis; are you able to turn a crisis into an opportunity for growth? Remember this: you are paid to solve a problem with your experience and skills. Conflict management and resolution is vital leadership skills for effectiveness in all that you do

The Evidence Church 04.08.2020

October 13th, 2020. Protect Your Time Text: Ecclesiastes 3:1 (NIV).... There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens: Time is either invested or wasted. I’ve discovered that the greatest asset you have outside God is TIME. The way you spend your time is the way you ultimately spend your life. When you are young, you feel like you have all the time in the world to live your life, but the older you get, the more you realize that you are running against time. Man was created to dominate time, and not to be dominated or controlled by it. But I’ve also noticed that if you don’t protect your time, and invest it wisely, you can easily lose your relevance. It takes a lot of discipline to do this. We all have many things clamouring for our attention at the same time, and we allocate time to such. But the allocation of time must be done based on their level of importance and not based on what can get our attention the most. In preparing for your opportunities, you must make up your mind to say NO to some things, so as to say YES to the important things. Create and allocate time for everything, and learn to say NO without feeling guilty. The only reason why people will flock around you is because you are adding value, and the only way you will continue to add value is by spending your time wisely. If you keep giving without filling your tank also, very soon, you will have nothing more to give. King David lived a disciplined life as regards protecting his time. When he didn’t, he fell into adultery and subsequently murder. Schedule your day and keep to your schedule as much as possible. I’m very committed to my daily exercise and I use this time to keep fit, pray and also think. The daily 24 hours allocation is almost not enough for me to get things done, unfortunately, that is all I have. Productivity is enhanced when you maximize your time or how you spend it. In preparing for your opportunities, learn to protect your time from idleness, time wasters, and other distractions. If you don’t do this, when the opportunity comes, you won’t be ready. In this age of social media, smartphones and devices, it’s easy to waste your time on trivial things. Playing catch up is not God’s best for your life. Protect your time, such that you will be sought after in due course.

The Evidence Church 18.07.2020

Happy thanksgiving to you and your family from all of us at the Evidence Church. Many blessings to you in this season

The Evidence Church 15.07.2020

October 12th, 2020. Be Thankful! Text: Psalm 103:1-2.... Praise the Lord, my soul; all my inmost being, praise his holy name. Praise the Lord, my soul, and forget not all his benefits. Being thankful is a prerequisite for greatness. Gratitude pleases God and releases his uncommon favor in any given situation. God dwells in our praise, and someone with a genuine heart of gratitude can never go down. Gratitude produces an inner joy that is not dependent on material possession. Gratitude is an elevator. When you complain and are ungrateful, you remain where you are. As we celebrate our annual thanksgiving holiday here in Canada, I’ve come to realize the importance of being thankful in every situation. Some of us have people in our lives, who are genuinely thankful for anything and everything, and we are willing to do anything for such people. My maternal grandmother will always say this, If you are not thankful for a little favor, you are not qualified for the big ones. If you don’t appreciate a little help, the big help will likely elude you too. David was an addicted worshipper. He knew how to get Heaven’s attention with his lifestyle of gratitude. In preparing for your opportunities, learn to appreciate the little things. If you do, the day the big opportunity opens up, you will likely be remembered and considered. Don’t work with a non-committal attitude. Be grateful for where you are and new doors will open onto you. Joseph served with a smile on his face in Potiphar’s house and also in the prison. Little wonder why God promoted him. Like Joseph, gratitude will grant you a quantum leap promotion. Jesus always gave thanks to God for everything; and no wonder, he dominated on the earth and God gave him a name above all other names. Remember this: If you are thankful, you will not remain in the same place for too long; God will see to it that you are elevated and rewarded. What are you grateful for?

The Evidence Church 12.07.2020

October 11th, 2020. Reinvent Yourself. Text: 1 Samuel 16:17-18.... So Saul said to his attendants, Find someone who plays well and bring him to me. One of the servants answered, I have seen a son of Jesse of Bethlehem who knows how to play the lyre. He is a brave man and a warrior. He speaks well and is a fine-looking man. And the Lord is with him. The only thing that is constant in life is change. We live in a world where everything is changing so rapidly that sometimes, it’s difficult to keep up. It’s good to have ideals and principles, as these are primers to sustainable development and success, but things are not always predictable. The pandemic has opened our world to a level of instability that many of us had never witnessed or experienced. Yesterday, I visited my favourite nutrition store and as I was chatting with the store manager, she shared with me that the store is now under a new management due to the pandemic. She then shared her fears on what the new owner intends to do. He will be adding sports supplements to their stocks, and this is not her comfort zone. She will also take over the day to day running of the store as well. All this looks overwhelming to her. I advised her to calm down and learn about the new products, and use her management experience and skills or look for another job. If she wants to continue running this store, she must reinvent herself. An important part of preparing for your opportunities is learning to reinvent yourself. There is no comfort in your comfort zone. To make yourself indispensable, you must be willing to reinvent yourself. You can adapt yourself to changing job description, or learn on the job. You may need to stretch yourself a little bit more than usual. You can increase your capacity to do more and be more if you are willing and motivated to add value to your organization. David didn’t get into the palace as a shepherd boy. He was invited by the King to play the harp. An harp has no correlation with being a shepherd. But David learnt how to play the harp excellently even as a shepherd boy. When the opportunity came, he was able to take it. I’m sure other shepherds would have been surprised at David going around with a rod and harp instead of just a rod. Where you are now is preparing you for your future opportunities. Invest your time wisely and reinvent yourself in the process. Remember this: When the right opportunity comes, it’s too late to prepare. Reinvent yourself today and tomorrow will be for your taking