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Locality: Kelowna, British Columbia

Phone: +1 250-807-2244

Address: 2770 Schram Road V1P 1K2 Kelowna, BC, Canada

Website: www.thejoyoflivingcentre.com/contact.html

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The Joy of Living Centre 14.11.2020

It can be overwhelming to initiate our newly awakened self awareness into action. This is a world where economic restrictions make choosing meaningful work challenging but not impossible. It is amazing and magical how opportunities pop open when we make a commitment to act from an inner intuitive sense of purpose. There is that knowing that surrounds us when we ask for guidance and support. Many humans are beginning to discover a transformation in their life through a s...light shift in their perception, which in turn, creates a surge of creativity. It is called inspiration. Inspiration can come in so many different ways. There is no one right way. As we all come into a greater alignment with our soul’s life purpose, we realize how our own development and personal destiny are linked and inseparable from world destiny and our beloved Earth mother Terra and her cosmos. Sweet dreams Namaste aj See more

The Joy of Living Centre 26.10.2020

When The Universe has something to share with me, I am awakened around 3:00am. I watch my body language and if there is any resistance, I really pay attention. Even the way I cross my legs or cock my head is an indicator of the way my life is leaning in that moment. Recently I have been studying, Cosmic Conversations by Stephan Martin. My bookmark opens to James Gardener, who specializes in evolutionary evolution. I am always searching for truths and recently desired co...Continue reading

The Joy of Living Centre 08.10.2020

I wake up and I feel haunted. I see the face of a woman who verbally assaulted me yesterday at my local grocery store. Even as I write this I can feel my body contracting. What is wrong with people that they have to be blatantly rude. I wasn’t out of line in any way, shape, or form. Minding my own business, enveloped in a display of food choices, when I hear words cut me like a sword. My immediate reaction was shock, a split second of confusion, then wham, a fight or fl...Continue reading

The Joy of Living Centre 23.09.2020

For those of you who wish to use my Spiritual prayer of Protection and Alignment, or for those who wish to use it to create your own:- Sit in meditation - either on a flat back chair with feet on the floor; or, sit cross legged on a cushion or meditation bench. Take three deep belly breaths and relax your whole body. Feel your mind letting go of the busyness surrounding you. Watch your remaining thought circulating your brain - they will leave slowly over time as you drop... deeper and deeper into a meditative state. First:- Begin with your Spiritual Energy Cleanse. Second:- Call in Earth Mother Terra I call forth for the presence of Earth Mother Terra. I call for the presence of the elementals and all nature kingdoms, including whales and dolphins, nature spirits, devas, pan/pandora, the Tree Nation Root System, Earth guardians, Hollow Earth, plus those who have no name. Third:- Link to Earth Mother Terra I ask my Higher-self to move my Light-force from Heart Body down and through my Root chakra - through Earth Mother Terra’s crust (skin) into Hollow Earth (womb), with intent to plug into her core crystalline Akashic Record. (Visualize/feel the connection) *She will send waves of wisdom to you through this channel. Fourth:- I ask my Light-force to move back into body, - clearing and activating all 12 chakras - and move through my Crown chakra, through all 12 Dimensions, and into the divine presence of All That Is. (Visualize, feel, or sense the Third Eye of Source/Creator/God-force) Fifth:- Repeat to yourself... I align myself with God’s divine love, light, and healing (3x’s) and, I surrender to the Will of God Sixth:- You will visualize/feel/sense brilliant rays of gold coming from the Third Eye of God, surrounding you and your energy fields like a golden dome - a protective solid shield ! May I suggest writing it out then shifting it to suit your journey until your Protection Prayer becomes ingrained in your new matrix. Ps Please learn to muscle test - your body holds all the answers when it is energetically clean and protected!! Namaste aj

The Joy of Living Centre 17.09.2020

I promised a continuation of the Spiritual Cleanse & Spiritual Protect. I was very tired yesterday so I apologize for a few errors, plus (not apologizing) the numerous cliches. My mum must have been present because her old cliches were coming out of my brain. She died Spring 2016, just as the four years of Global exposure kicked started. After she died, she said to me, I wasn’t there for you then so I will always be here for you now. And she is. I hear and feel her mo...stly with music and cliches of the past. Her earth name was Muriel. Also I wrote that we were completing a 300 year cycle where it should be a 300 thousand year cycle - 12 cycles of approximately 25 thousand years. There are cycles within cycles. One cycle that I have been wrestling with comes from my first question presented to my Council of Twelve in 2004 - what was before God ? - answer - 8.5 I didn’t have the knowledge or confidence that I do now, so I never asked any more about that answer. Often the Divine wants us to figure things out on our own when the time is right. I have a funny sense of humour and responded to that answer with, eight and a half ... eight and a baby? What exactly did that mean? Now I have my answer, which most likely will change as I evolve. My story:- The divine presence of All That Is has completed eight evolutionary cycles of creative motion and is now exploring the nineth cycle of the All That Is. As bizarre as this sounds, it feels good to me because there is purpose in what is going on here on Earth. Earth mother Terra has just started her journey of a brand new cycle of 300 thousand years. But first she needed to rebirth from Winter 2012 through Spring 2014 via a series of little bang activations. Therefore she needed us all to support her in this incredible magical movement of evolution. She invited us here to be the bearers of the light - to be the torch walkers - to be the planters of the new seeds. We are the pioneers. Each generation has a collective mission and when that mission is accomplished it is time to pass through a portal to the Divine. Those born in the year 2000+ are the New World babies - children of the New Dawn. Let’s guide them with gentle hands and kind words. They are out future. Namaste aj Ps Spiritual Energy Protect still to come... See more

The Joy of Living Centre 01.09.2020

My spiritual energy cleanse that has been given to me as a lesson and a gift since 2004. I am often awakened in the middle of the night by the divine telling me I need to cleanse my energy fields, or I need to meditate to quiet my busy mind, or I need to receive insights and wisdom, or I need to study. Usually I am awake for 2-3 hours and do my best work. Here is what I promised yesterday:- I call forth for the presence of the Spiritual Hierarchy - the archangelic leagu...es of light, the angelic hosts and kingdoms, and the ascended masters, including the Great White Brotherhood, the orders of Melchizedek, the orders of Sanctus Germainus, and St Germain. I call forth for the presence of my Lord Archangel Michael, my Lord Archangel Uriel, my Lord Archangel Raphael, and my Lord Archangel Gabriel. I ask that you stand in the four corners of sacred space. I ask that you cleanse sacred space and all people in sacred space, including the land below, the air above, and all inhabitants, animals, kingdoms, and dimensions of sacred space. I ask that you cleanse my auric fields and all bodies - mental, emotional, physicsl, and spiritual bodies, - of all negative energies, negative entities, dark forces, lost souls, lower vibrational extraterrestrials, lower vibrational elementals, reptilian and serpentinian in hiding - from every level of all dimensions in the whole of this Universe. I ask that you guide these dark force lower vibrational frequencies back through their portal consciousness to their Source to be healed by God . After all has been cleansed and cleared, I ask that you seal all portals with the seal of the Great White Brotherhood ( a circle with a equal sided cross inside), and bless all portals with God love. Namaste The reason for expressing this prayer incantation every 4 hours was because the spiritual energy cleanse would begin to diminish after the 3rd hour and be gone around the 4th. I would cleanse at 8:00am, noon, 4:00pm, 8:00pm, and midnight if awake, without fail, plus internalize the prayer if I was at a public event or arena. It is now so ingrained it has become who I am. Do you have a spiritual energy cleansing prayer that has been your constant companion and strength? I would never tell anyone what to do or how to do it unless asked - it is Universal Law. But We all have been asked to share the stories of our life. Our world needs our stories for the future. Namaste aj Ps the spiritual energy protect will come tomorrow. I send love, light and healing to All

The Joy of Living Centre 18.08.2020

I committed to my spiritual journey when I turned 37. I opened to the music of my soul. I started to take my power back. I went back to college for the Healing Arts when I was 40 (after ten years of giving birth to three amazing kids), and studied part time for ten years. During those ten years I also experienced some deep healing work through various modalities. For my 50th celebration of life I travelled to Peru and explored Machu Pichu with a small spiritual group of... like-minded people. My personal life had been unravelling slowly, like a ball of yarn, setting me free from lifetimes of memory. Each roll of the dice opened a new can of worms, but some of the worms were so beautiful that I kept on going. I made a major move. I opened an organic Cafe in the tiny fishing village of Steveston, BC., began Vancouver’s Prana College’s yoga teacher training course, and open a yoga studio beside the Cafe. I started channeling for my Council of Twelve in 2004. I was in training for the next ten years with my Council. My work had begun. BUT we all need to find a way of grounding our mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual body, plus clearing dark energies from our energy body, and protecting our energy body. Remember when you go to the mall or to a party and come home exhausted? Well that is when people, places, or things use your bright light body as a milkshake. The lower frequencies of light will feed off the higher frequencies of light. My Council of Twelve began my first class with an eye popping lesson that I will never forget. I was guided to give my first channel to a meditation teacher, when a dark entity entered my body, and started to express dark words. It was shocking and scary for us both. She told me to leave, and I fled. I sat down immediately in meditation and channeled - this was your first and most important lesson - you must at all times keep your channels pure and clean and protected. So I was given this specific Spiritual Energy Cleanse & Protect prayer to repeat every four hours for the next ten years. And I did. This incantation is so ingrained, it is like wearing a prayer cloth at all times. I will give this gift to you all in my next post. It is yours for the taking if you like. It is my gift to you as it was a gift to me. You will never feel alone or lost when it becomes yours. Namaste aj See more

The Joy of Living Centre 04.08.2020

Let us stay awake. There are many ways of connecting to the divine presence of All That Is. To me the word religion means union, the same as the word yoga. If you are religious without judgement and use prayer as a means of reaching oneness, then good for you. If you are a yogi without ego and use heart as a means of connecting to spirit then good for you. If you are a nature lover without abuse and use Earth walking as a means to link to all living creatures then good... for you. If you are consciously aware of each breath moment, good, bad, and ugly, then good for you. Let us all accept full responsibility for every action that comes from our thought activity. The power of thought! Our thoughts create form and our thought choices either heal or destroy. We are individually that powerful! Thus we are collectively able to change the world - together. I remember reading about Drunvelo Melchizedek taking a group of spiritual speakers to the top of the Mexico City mountain. They sat in meditation, with the value of pure intent, and cleared the city’s massive pollution for fifteen solid minutes. The power of intention! We are a world divided just for now. Be kind to all and every living creature no matter what their belief or their action (as hard as it may be). Your light force will keep you awake and aligned to a universal experience that is still invisible. Be patient. Be kind. We are all worried but don’t let worry become your focus. I send love light and healing Namaste aj See more

The Joy of Living Centre 22.07.2020

My whole life I have been drawn to the metaphysical world. I watch my 13 yr.old granddaughter explore her life and realize only now how bizarre it was for me, as a just turned 13 yr old, to read Lobsang Rampa and the Third Eye. There are many turning points in our lives that help us to recognize who we really are and what our mission is in life. That was one of mine. But before I could read such a heavy book I first needed to fall in love with reading. That particular...Continue reading

The Joy of Living Centre 08.07.2020

I am having great difficulty posting this very very important message Please help me Namaste aj

The Joy of Living Centre 01.07.2020

EVOLUTION:- Revolve = like revolving doors, history repeats itself until we, as a collective, change the old his*story from patriarchal into the equality of matriarchal-patriarchal, and eventually into the centerpoint of neither it can and will be just IS. So far, the millennials are doing a great job. Help them to not! slip backwards into the old his-story of a patriarchal story, by supporting their mind-set of equality. Revolution = do you want to continue to f...ight?thus, supporting the existing and constant chaos. The collective mind creates. WE create the chaos - Therefore - we can create the peace. We are like phyllo pastry - full of layers. ie if each layers represents an earth lifetime, imagine how long it takes to heal each layer, starting from the uppermost layer down to the original layer (the seed). Imagine an onion - imagine peeling your onion, one skin at a time, (some easier than others) until there is nothing left to peel, and only the seed remains. Each layer represents a memory of pain and suffering - whether it be loss, rejection, abandonment, or betrayal. When triggered by current life exchanges, try to look at it as a gift! An opportunity to let go of the pain through forgiveness of self, because we are mirrors of one another. Your suffering IS my suffering. We are releasing old stories of accumulated good-bad-ugly, one layer at a time, but very very quickly right now because we are strong and brave and CAN handle it and are meant to. It IS our mission work for NOW. Stay in the power of now. Read Elkhart Tolle’s Power Of Now. Many esteemed philosophers have used similar words over the centuries to describe the ‘Oneness of the power of Now’. Ok, so, question - where does this original seed go? I have channeled wisdom expressed to me that this seed is transported into our individual Akasha - the crystalline tissue information within our soul (the akashic records), until the of time our passing, where we will review the value of each layer when received into the All That Is. The active intelligence of our god-mind is a powerful vessel of creative manifestations. Use it as a tool in your tool-box. Imagine cutting the cords of each layer (lifetime) with a gold sword - the sword of archangel MICHAEL, and visualize this cord moving out of your body through a door (portal) into the unknown of All That Is. Close the door and bless it so the memory does not return . Keep this up daily until there are no more triggers and you feel free to be your authentic self - your highest self - your god-self. If each of us has the power to be the Master of our Destiny, why would we not gather together collectively, and create peace on Earth. Namaste aj See more

The Joy of Living Centre 21.06.2020

Finding the Way. Each of us have a different Way. I have always learned the hard Way. My mind used to be too strong and my alter ego needed to be pushed out to make Way for my divine ego. My Way or the highway is a very old cliche that has no place in our new world any more. No Way! Is an expression of what? - an untruth or truth? To find your own Way is part of your journey. There are many obstacles and pitfalls in the Way right now trying to detour us off course.... The purpose of us all is, essentially, to be servants of god (god being the divine creator of All That Is). Just BE the best you can be. It is rarely easy to stay constant - to remain persistent. To get back on track requires a baby step of thought then action. Only one step is needed to find your Way h’om’e. Your heart is your way h’om’e. Home is the supreme energy force called god. Namaste Aj See more

The Joy of Living Centre 12.06.2020

Don’t be afraid of what comes out of your body as a result of your mind. When we are intuitively guided to help cleanse earth or humanity, as a whole, it doesn’t always look or feel pretty. Whether we are working with nature, in any and all ways, or howling out human pain and suffering, we are all holding healer essence for now. For myself, the release of a lower vibrational collective usually begins with an expression of ancestral shamanic sounds, often accompanied with... drums. After the initiation of the coronavirus, I was urged to help release lost souls caught in the old spider web of the Age of Pisces story. (*Don’t feel like you need to see with your physical eyes - just open your mind, relax your fear with a breath or two, and you will feel-see with your third eye, which is now bridging to your pineal gland chakra.) On March 20th/20, I saw thousands of lost souls moving like a lava flow through a portal of consciousness, as I started wailing an ugly guttural grief sound. Then the sound shifted and became a softer sadness sound of low and high pitches. When I could see-feel angelic hosts and kingdoms arrive, the sounds started to elevate into very high notes of orchestral beauty. I have a low voice and it’s hard to get to that high note, but as my voice escalates there it’s a gradual internal crescendo that comes out naturally. As always, practice is the key. Sometimes I hear a squeak and I laugh at myself (externally), and just know, it doesn’t need to be anything but the ‘BEING’ of that moment. The Divine presence of All That Is fixes and corrects all our little imperfections when our intent is pure. I suggest going to that private spot where you can’t be heard, and play with your voice - let it be an instrument of god, as was intended. Namaste Aj See more

The Joy of Living Centre 09.06.2020

Written May 3rd/20:- I feel like a large caterpillar moving slowly through and with earth mother Terra. I’m holding on tight but leaning against the backbone of the Divine connection, to the spiritual realm, that supports me and my journey where many are nested in unconditional love. There’s one branch to the past, but it looks like a wishbone giving us luck in our future endeavours. May we all feel the flower of life now as it extends and uplifts its petals (arms) into the light. Namaste Aj

The Joy of Living Centre 25.05.2020

Recently I was triggered by a rescue Hugh-dog, with doe eyes, who got into my garbage and my lid came off my pot. Like a flare, it didn’t last long, but threw me off for a breath or two. Hugh has what is called a ‘million dollar smile’. He lost a front tooth last year in a 2-dog collision at an off-lease dog park. When he smiles he literally grins with up curled lips showing off his missing tooth. It makes my heart swim. I am not triggered by humans much any more, but ...dogs and grandkids are predominant in my life due to Covid, and they have become my most treasured teachers. ie Nana, my mouth is telling me I’m tired. So much laughter and love! Yesterday while in meditation, the Frenchie named Frankie tiptoed into my yoga studio and nestled right into my cross-legged position. My post after that was slightly discombobulated. And right now... both Frankie and Hughie are sleeping in my bed while their own beds are perfectly positioned on the floor beside my bed. I just moved to another bed - grateful for their unconditional love. I grew up with more than your normal array of animals as both my parents were from Manitoba farms. We even had a lamb who would go out every day and greet the kids coming home from elementary school. But for some reason my life was too busy to appreciate them. Through channel I have been able to communicate telepathically with highly intelligent horses. An elderly llama communicated with me for a whole week about his death process before burying him in my back hay field. Animals love receiving energy healing (distant or hands on). Recently the Animal Kingdom telepathically expressed, we no longer will take on karma for humans. Many are leaving the planet - it’s their time. They also are tired of the chaos. There is an evolution happening for us all and that means animals too. Reiki Principle:- Be kind to all living creatures. Namaste. Aj See more