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The Marketing Medic 08.11.2020

I think most of us now expect these free "strategy" sessions to be more along the lines of a sales pitch. If you've followed me at all though, you should know that's just not my style. Listen to what Austin has to say following our 30 Minute Marketing Campaign "Primary Assessment".... Here's the link if you'd like some help marketing and making more sales in your business.

The Marketing Medic 27.10.2020

https://www.themarketingmedic.ca/36to1-casestudy Most new businesses and entrepreneurs I work with ask and worry about how much money they will have to spend on Facebook ads. That is the wrong question.... The question should be "How much CAN I spend on Facebook ads?" You see, if you do it right, Facebook ads should make you money, not cost you money. In this video I explain the difference in advice you'll get from novice and experienced Facebook advertisers. If you follow the advice in this video, you'll soon be asking "how much CAN I spend?"

The Marketing Medic 24.10.2020

If you are struggling with sales.... or if your shirt is on fire... You want to do the same thing. STOP, DROP, and ROLL!... Yup, when it comes to taking a business that is barely surviving to thriving, you want to: STOP: Stop chasing shining objects. Stop trying to improve your product. Stop trying to find a funnel to hack. Stop spending money on ads that aren't converting.... And start developing your Empathic Marketing Strategy. then... DROP your Empathic Marketing Strategy into a sales or marketing funnel. then... Roll out your advertising campaign. Many entrepreneurs believe "if you build it, they will come", but sadly, that ONLY happens in Kevin Costner movies. Will this process work for your business? If you have a legitimate business that you treat like a legitimate business, then yes, it will work! Don't believe me, then check out how I applied Stop, Drop, and Roll to a bootcamp gym on the verge of bankruptcy in Chino Hills, California. Two brothers were using their full-time job salaries to keep the gym afloat. But after creating and delivering an Empathic Marketing Message, not only were the brothers able to stop bootstrapping the gym, but they were able to QUIT their full time jobs and start working the gym FULL TIME! Here's the link if you want to check out the case study: https://www.themarketingmedic.ca/36to1-casestudy

The Marketing Medic 15.10.2020

I wrote this for my personal page, but thought it worth sharing here as well.

The Marketing Medic 30.09.2020

After 12 years working as a firefighter/paramedic, I've been a self-employed entrepreneur since 2002. And this past week was the WORST week of business I've ever had. Because of social distancing, last week I had $17,100 ripped from my pocket.... This isn't stock market money I lost, nor was it potential earnings. It was money that I thought I had securely locked in my pocket. Last week I had 3 weddings cancel and 2 high school outdoor ed camps cancel. I also had to cancel our Mad Trapper Pancake Prediction Run race. Now I'm not beefing about social distancing. I support that 100%. I'm also not going to say that I'm happy about losing $17,100 in a single week. But what I can say is that I'm "okay" with it. The reason I'm "okay" is because I learned long ago not to put all my eggs in one basket. My "brick and mortar" businesses aren't my only revenue streams. I'm fortunate in that I have 2 lines of recurring revenue that cover my monthly mortgage, truck and liability insurance payments. I also have a small "done-for-you" marketing agency where I work with my clients to craft and manage their online marketing campaigns. So, despite losing $17,100 in revenue last week, my bills are all covered and I'm actually still living a comfortable lifestyle. But the reason I'm telling you all this is that despite the monstrous differences between all of my businesses, they all have one common thread. And that is that I built each and every one of those businesses by starting with a strategy.... and Empathic Marketing Strategy. Empathic Marketing allows you to address your audiences Wants, Emotions and Beliefs and craft a message that they will both relate and respond to. If you have a business that is struggling with your marketing strategy.... If you have a legitimate business idea that you've always wanted to launch but don't know where to start.... If you want to create one or more additional streams of revenue.... If you want to "Dig Your Well Before You're Thirsty".... Then I encourage you to click the link to learn how you and I could work together, one-on-one, for a full year to get you from "Want it to Got it".

The Marketing Medic 15.09.2020

https://www.themarketingmedic.ca/dig-your-well When reading through the Scriptures you'll see we've been advised to get out of the city and go into the country. As much as that sounds like a most excellent plan, the question is "how?"... Well, living in the county alludes to being self-sufficient. Personally, I moved into our abandoned 6,000 square foot sawmill on 164 acres and renovated it to become our home and business venue. We make our own power through the sun. We heat our home with wood I harvest from our forest. We get our water from the well I had drilled. We get much of our food from our greenhouse and local neighbours. But the reality is that none of this can happen without money! So to move to the country, you need to be ready for a long commute.... or you need to be independently wealthy or you need to build your own business(es) and generate your own income as a self-employed entrepreneur. Living in the country can sometimes create a multitude of business opportunities. Personally, we host 10 trail and snowshoe races through the year. We host 5 -10 weddings here per year. We host high school outdoor education camps and we produce and sell our own "Mad Trapper Maple Syrup". But you know what happens to those businesses during times of "social distancing"???? Well they pretty much dry up completely! Luckily for me though, alongside those "brick and mortar" businesses I have also created 2 recurring revenue businesses and 2 online service oriented businesses. Despite the massive differences between each of these businesses, there is one common thread that has produced the success that each one has achieved. And that is that I started each of these business with a STRATEGY first. Most small businesses and entrepreneurs spend too much time focusing on the tactics... their website, their funnels, their ads.... Those tactics are definitely needed, but they are just the vehicles. And what do vehicles do? They deliver stuff. In this case, they deliver our message or our STRATEGY. The strategy I used to build each and every one of my brick and mortar and online businesses, and the businesses of my clients is an Empathic Marketing Strategy. So if you're thinking of getting out of the city and into the country and you have a business or a business idea, then click the link to learn how we can work one-on-one together to build an Empathic Marketing Strategy for your business. https://www.themarketingmedic.ca/dig-your-well

The Marketing Medic 29.08.2020

In this video I share with you some cool numbers that show just how the smallest of subtle changes can change our perception of our audiences and offers.

The Marketing Medic 11.08.2020

When marketing your business you have 2 choices: 1) You can "hack" your competitors and "model" what they're doing, keeping in mind that they are most likely bigger than you and have deeper pockets than you. You can blend in with your competitors where the only way you hope to beat them is by charging less.... but that's a dangerous, slippery slope that never ends well. 2) You can stand out from the competition. You can craft a message that cuts through all the noise online. ...Continue reading

The Marketing Medic 04.08.2020

https://www.themarketingmedic.ca/dig-your-well I have lived "off-the-grid" since 2002. This means that I live on 164 wooded acres in a 6,000 square foot that I single-handedly converted from an abandoned sawmill....Continue reading

The Marketing Medic 18.07.2020

People.... please use some common sense. Don't respond to these posts. They are complete, made up, ridiculous nonsense posted by people lacking a soul.

The Marketing Medic 11.07.2020

I'm asked all the time HOW I got a video testimonial from Russell Brunson? And the answer is a multi-step process.... The first step is to do something that is testimonial worthy.... You need to get RESULTS! Results trump absolutely everything. Like my grandma used to say "the proof is in the pudding". If you can results, the testimonials come easy. But getting testimonials from a "celebrity" requires a few steps AFTER you prove yourself with results. If you listen to my testimonial from Russell, you'll hear he starts the video by stating that I was a student of his and we'd been working together for some time. You see, by Russell saying how great I am, he's really saying how great he is, because he taught me! So you need to be prepared to stroke an ego or two to get those high profile testimonials. The second thing I did, both with Russell Brunson and Todd Brown, is I leveraged "Reciprocity". This is a "law" Dr. Cialdini talks about in his book Influence. Basically that law says "if I do something for you, your subconscious will want to return the act in kind". So when Russell flew me out to Boise to record a video testimonial for him, as soon as I stepped away from the camera, I asked if he'd record a testimonial for me. Given the "law" of reciprocity and the "law" of commitment and consistency, there was no way Russell could have possibly said "No". How does "Commitment and Consistency" fit in? Russell invited me to Boise because of the amazing results I had achieved for my clients and myself. He said he thought I was an awesome marketer (because of the training he had passed onto me). So #1, Russell said I was an awesome marketer and #2 I just had, seconds before, recorded a testimonial for him. So he'd look like a pretty big jerk if he refused. Similarly, I asked Todd Brown for a testimonial as I was stepping away from the camera after recording a testimonial for him. And when it comes to Survivorman.... while he might literally have died if it wasn't for me! So he definitely owed me there. Reciprocity baby!

The Marketing Medic 26.06.2020

Here's the deal.... If you are serious about making money online there is no "secret". All you need to do is:... a) have a legitimate product or service that is in demand and can create a transformation that people will pay money for. b) treat your business like a legitimate business, and not a hobby or a lottery "scratcher" c) develop an Empathic Marketing Strategy (EMS) to promote your product or service d) implement EMS using a variety of online tools THAT is what you need to do and THAT is what every successful online marketer has done. If you don't have a product/service capable of creating a transformation.... If you don't want to treat your business as a real business.... If you just want to jump from shiny object and empty promise to make quick overnight riches..... Then I recommend you stop wasting your time and money and keep to buying gas station lottery scratchers. And I'm being serious. At least with lottery scratchers, you are investing in something and taking action. Sure your odds might be one in a million, but at least you have a chance, regardless of how slim. But if you just keep typing "Info Please" in those ridiculous empty Facebook posts... If just keep hoping and dreaming that someday you'll come across a real live unicorn in your Facebook feed who will legitimately share the secret of how to make $10k/day with no product, no service, no website and no traffic..... Well... that brings me back to why you have a better chance with the lottery scratchers. Unicorns aren't real. Now, if you do have a legitimate product or service that you know can and will help people, but you don't know how to market it... Then I have an Empathic Marketing Strategy Masterclass that I know can help you achieve the success you're looking for. But be forewarned, you won't find any "unicorn magic" in this Masterclass, all you'll find is how to design and implement a strategy that will Capture the Hearts and Convince the Minds of your audience in a way that will ensure they relate and respond to you. It's not "hard", but it will take a bit of consistent effort on your part. I guarantee this path to success is more direct and quicker than unicorn hunting. https://www.themarketingmedic.ca/MasterclassReplayRegistrat