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The Theodore Thergood Arthur Collection 29.09.2020

Chief Editor's public log, Stardate: 24012014 We are currently accepting poems and short stories for our 1st edition of The Collection's Yearly Pint-Sized Anthology! Because beer and art go so well together I've been told. This year's theme is The Art of Obscurity, either for or against or in exploration of the idea, however you interpret it. Submissions must be no more than 25,000 words and no less than 2.5, as always must be edited by two of your peers, and must be submi...tted before 15Jan2015 to be considered. Visual artists are also encouraged to submit their work as well, though all files must be less than 5mb to be considered. On a different note: the staff of the Collection have been on a bit of a long-term DS9 marathon lately, and as such have not made any progress with many of our current projects (headhunting authors and staffmembers, building a server and a site, and something which I like to call Operation: Midori Mousetrap which will remain mysterious until the website's up and running). However we are working on securing additional funding in order to further our goals, as it seems that buttons and free digital copies of Basilisk aren't taken as currency these days. In the spirit of transparency, our current assets are as follows: -0$ currency -a heap of ruined laptops preparing to be reborn as the server for our site -a Nook HD+ with a faulty battery (on loan) Keep warm this fridged winter, people. Can't make good art if there's more ice in your veins than passion

The Theodore Thergood Arthur Collection 20.09.2020

General update ...I don't know if the updates should be a General. We only have three people and a cat on staff, so wouldn't that make the highest rank possible a Master Corporal, or a Lieutenant or something? 2Lt. Update... As the weather cools, (and then heats up, and then cools, and then heats, and threatens Autumn again), we here at The Theo Collection find ourselves growing more pensive and less apt to update the facebook page. Oh, don't think that we wont ; it's just that the days of a "one a day" style update are simply behind us for now. Our goal of one day having a fully armed and operational website come closer to fruition with each passing hour ; and with autonomy will come progress and industry! So yes : this is another "Be Patient With Us" post. You'll be glad you did. Our chosen server-builder has gone off to school again in order to become more adept at his practical sci-fi awesomeness, our board of directors have made a verbal agreement to sign on and lend their support (but are holding out until we throw some moneries their way), our temporary web design mentor has started school again and is planning to flee the country (was it something i said?), and our financial advisor is ignoring our calls but that's alright as both he and I work at the same unit and are bound to march into each other sooner or later. Ah, the shambles of a not-for-profit company starting without a profit in their pocket. At the very least our in-house ninja is well-fed and resting happily for the evening (bastard gave me a new scar, though ; ah, the dangers of employing a ninja...). But the big news of the evening is... We have a new twitter account! If you're a twit, you can follow us @theotarthur. If you're not, we're going to be funneling all of our tweets through this page on the book of faces. Shunting one outlet of social media through another... Yes! We truely are living in the future ^_^) I hope you're all having a good early-autumn. Stay awesome, have fun, and keep making whatever art you love to make! ~Theo

The Theodore Thergood Arthur Collection 08.09.2020

General update One large shift in the technological setup of the Collection later, and here we are pestering our Facebook friends again! Ok, let's see where we're at... We've shifted from a Linux system to a modded-android one thanks to our lovely facebook admins Dub and Lilia: instead of an old HP 2311 netbook The Collection is now being run off of a Nook hd+. The shift to an e-reader was made to more easily read and edit submitted work, and also because the netbook no lon...ger reccognizes it's own battery (the battery is an important feature to have for a computer, apparently). The cover for the first book of Basilius is in it's final stages of production, and once it's done that'll be the first work distributed through Amazon.ca. Once we have an actual site to call our home we can begin a truely free distribution of art and collection of donations, but free art has to be sustainable and most enterprizes these days cost some moneries to start up. Don't worry; we have a plan... And it involves building our own in-house server system, so the plan also involves teaching our current staff how to use a computer without setting it on fire (reports of our staff unintentionally setting technology aflame are greatly exaggerated - it's only happened once!) We're still in talks with two new authors about adding their most recent work to the collection, but besides that there is no new info to give. If you know of anyone who might be interested in getting their work edited and distributed let them know about us. Once we can afford a proper online presence we hope to get things rolling like some sort of similie that involves rolling things. Aside from that there's not much more to report. Updates will be semi-frequent as the news comes in, and we hope for there to be much news in the coming months. All we want for our non-denominational-winter-holiday season is a working website, and fortune smiles upon those who are willing to work for their wishes. ~Theo

The Theodore Thergood Arthur Collection 28.08.2020

12aug13 - Update on Product Even though negotiations with various artists have proven fruitless, we are currently working on the production of our first book cover. One service we hope to provide through the Collection is an index of visual artists who are willing to take commissions for book/album covers, as well as posters for film and television.

The Theodore Thergood Arthur Collection 18.08.2020

06aug13 - Update on Contact Information A temporary email address has been set up (don't know why we didn't think of that before o_O) There wasn't enough space to spell the name out in full, however. If you wish to contact the Collection, please feel free to use the following address: [email protected] ... As we currently have no webmaster please be patient with our reply time.

The Theodore Thergood Arthur Collection 05.08.2020

05Aug13 - Update on Status A special research division has recently been assembled with the intent of expanding upon the Collection's current knowledge of similar projects. It's goals are to gather publicly accessible information on organizations and individuals promoting the Creative Commons licences or similar ideologies, to investigate the Kopimi movement and decide the Collection's current stance on their policies and activities, to further investigate the possibility of grants and other funding sources, and to seek out artists who may be willing to contribute to or otherwise support the aims of the Collection. If you'd be interested in participating in this elite division of research ninjas please feel free to post on our wall or to contact either of our page's administrators (either Dub or Lilia).

The Theodore Thergood Arthur Collection 16.07.2020

26jul13 - Book Release We're very excited to release our first novel to the public! "Basilius: The Desert, and Hellfire" (PDF); written by Theo Thergood Arthur; edited by Brother Danen, Meaghann Royal, and LS.... Please message to receive your free copy, and please note that once the book is given a proper cover that everyone who had requested a copy will be sent ANOTHER free e-book, free of charge. For free! This is a work of genre fiction (sci-fi) running 164 pages and approximately 79,000 words. This text is not suited to readers under the age of 17 due to harsh language, sexual content, drug use and reference, violence, mature subject matter, and horror themes. The work, as always, is provided to you at no cost - our only request is that you share the text with your friends should you enjoy it, and consider making a welcomed (but in no way necessary) donation to the Collection.

The Theodore Thergood Arthur Collection 14.07.2020

25jul13 - Mission Statement Updated After consulting with various individuals and in order to shift the Collection to a more focused direction, we have changed our short-description to "[A] collective dedicate to cultural shifts in the accessibility and production of Canadian art and genre fiction", and have modified our mission statement to include the phrase "[To promote] awareness and understanding of genre art". It is our intent with this new wording in place to more readily pursue the development and promotion of works of art that fall under genres and subcultures that would otherwise be overlooked by the mainstream artistic community in general, and publishers/producers in particular.

The Theodore Thergood Arthur Collection 03.07.2020

24jul13 - No Update Today Uneventful day, no direct progress towards our structural goals. Today was spent editing pieces of writing, and preparing for this Friday's release. 50% of our staff then went off to watch a performance of MacBeth in High Park, while the other 50% watched Burn Notice with our mascot

The Theodore Thergood Arthur Collection 13.06.2020

22jul13 - Update on Status Initial consultation on the viability of constructing and maintaining a website very promising! Our goal is to have a preliminary site set-up by no later than Aug 30th. Currently researching viability of registering as a not-for-profit organization, speaking with legal advisers on the process of incorporation

The Theodore Thergood Arthur Collection 03.06.2020

22jul13 - Update on Status Meetings are being planned with legal and financial representatives to properly establish various aspects of The Collection. We are currently looking into grants and funding to establish and maintain a website and a means of distribution of digital texts and photographs that will not infringe upon our artist's rights to their work, to employ a number of part-time individuals in various rolls (marketing, editing, digital maintenance, ect), and to pay for various administrative fees involved in the formation of a not-for-profit company. In the interest of transparency all funds directed towards The Collection will be publicly accounted for. Current funds = 0$. All is currently accounted for ^_^)

The Theodore Thergood Arthur Collection 27.05.2020

22jul13 - Notice of distribution The Theo Thergood Arthur Collection is excited to announce the impending distribution of our first work, "Basilius: The Desert, and Hellfire" Written by Theo Thergood Arthur himself, this 157 page science-fiction PDF will be pre-released on Friday, July 26th. Though the text is prepared, we are still working to find a visual artist to produce the cover (and that is the only reason it is a pre-release and not a full-fledged launch).... In The Distant Future... The Earth has been rendered uninhabitable, and a cold war rages between the genetically augmented inhabitants of the Venusian Empire and the technologically advanced Martian states. Our protagonists aren't concerned with the political state of affairs, however, as they're too busy fighting off artificial zombies, techno-vampires, the legions of demonic entities clawing at the fringes of reality, and poor wi-fi connections to notice. This is a work of genre fiction (sci-fi) running 157 pages and approximately 79,000 words. This text is not suited to readers under the age of 17 due to harsh language, sexual content, drug use and reference, violence, matter subject matter, and horror themes. The work, as always, is provided to you at no cost - our only request is that you share the text with your friends should you enjoy it, and consider making a welcomed (but in no way necessary) donation to the Collection. As we have yet to have set up a stable means of distribution, please message The Collection to receive your free copy - Theo has also agreed to provide a personalized inscription on individual copies upon request

The Theodore Thergood Arthur Collection 14.05.2020

21jul13 - profile pic changed, taken from: http://www.kopimi.com/kopimi/

The Theodore Thergood Arthur Collection 12.05.2020

19Jul13 - Cover photo and profile pic donated by Lilia Sosedova

The Theodore Thergood Arthur Collection 01.05.2020

18Jul13 - Facebook page is up and running! Please bear with us while we renovate our new home