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Josh Côté 31.12.2020

The unfortunate reason most resolutions FAIL

Josh Côté 21.12.2020

In this brand new series, we will cover all things mindset, working on mindfulness & how these two factors can contribute to your overall success not just in fitness but in life. In today's episode, I just want to address a few things: where I've been the last couple of months, what to expect from this page moving forward & the new direction of the page, content posting schedule as well as a quick reintroduction to myself & what my purpose is with this page.

Josh Côté 02.12.2020

Save & share with a friend! Leg workouts feeling boring & lost their lustre? Bring them back to life with this LIVELY lower body routine & enjoy the new shape & tone in your glutes & thighs ... 3 sets of: A1. Single Leg Sliding Curls - 8 reps per leg A2. Lateral Box Step Ups - 8 reps per leg A3. 4-point Skier Jumps - 30 sec Rest 1-2min & repeat Then 3 sets of: B1. Runner’s Stance RDL - 8 reps per leg B2. Pistol Squats on Box - 8 reps per leg B3. Jumping Jacks - 30 sec Rest 1-2min & repeat Then 3 sets of: C1. Single Leg Hip Thrusts - 8 reps per leg C2. Stationary Curtesy Lunge - 8 reps per leg C3. Shuffling Jump Squat - 30 sec Rest 1-2min & repeat To progress this routine, either add reps to the first two exercises of either circuit, or decrease rest time between sets Music: Good Morning Musician: Philip E Morris

Josh Côté 15.11.2020

Do you find eating for fat loss to be totally miserable? This happens because we often make the mistake of taking an extreme approach when it comes to eating for fat loss To stay on the fast track to a flat tummy & your dream body, build your nutritional approach up with these 2 KEY PILLARS to make eating for fat loss effortless... Pillar #1 - Take the SUSTAINABLE approach When you embark on your fat loss journey, make small changes to your nutrition over time. Eat in a small calorie deficit, limit added sugars & so on This will keep you from crashing on the diet due to trying to do too much, too soon & reverting back to your old ways of eating Pillar #2 - Make it ENJOYABLE With the above being said, don’t eliminate the foods you enjoy. This is a sure fire way of reducing your chances of sticking to it & binge eating Keep a few of your favourite treats in your diet. This approach will not only increase your chances of success, but will make the process more enjoyable too! Keeping your approach sustainable & enjoyable, eating for fat loss becomes a breeze Drop your favourite treats in the comment section below

Josh Côté 30.10.2020

How do you keep your progress from stalling while working out? This is a question we all ponder, but first, I’ve got a question for you that may give the answer Do you track your workouts? You know, writing down what you did that day, all the sets, reps & rest periods? ... If this left you scratching your head, or avoiding eye contact with the phone for a moment, that’s totally fine! Writing everything down before or during our workouts can be time consuming, but allow me to make a case for why doing so will allow you to keep seeing results Firstly, if you don’t know where you’ve been, how do you know where you’re going? Tracking your workouts gives you insight into what you’ve done previously This allows you to know what you must do to be better today than you were yesterday (adding reps or taking less rest for example) Tracking your workouts will also let you know if, how & when to change up your program when progress slows down By consistently writing your workouts down, you can see what’s been working, what doesn’t & when something must be changed Without the knowledge tracking provides, we can often be left wondering what to do when our workouts stop producing results There you have it! Just a couple reasons to track your workouts I want to hear from you! Do you track your workouts? If not, why not? Let me know in the comments!

Josh Côté 10.10.2020

IT IS LIVE! The 21-DAY BODYFAT BLAST ACCELERATOR That's right, the secret that has been kept under wraps for a while now is finally in the open.... And the best part... it's FREE to sign up! You heard that right, FREE. I want to give you a jump start on your fat loss journey & get a feeling of what it's like to work with me while feeling & looking the way you deserve! So go ahead & click the link & get signed up! https://www.beginnerfatlosssolutions.com/optin I'll see you on the inside!

Josh Côté 30.09.2020

Want to get outside & make the most of the nice weather before winter?! Then this bodyweight park workout is PERFECT for you! Just find yourself a bench & get to work! Enjoy the fall colours while getting a sweet upper & lower body workout in ... 3 sets of: A1. Bench Pushups - 12 reps A2. Bench Step Ups - 8 reps per leg A3. Bench Mountain Climbers - 30 sec Rest 1-2min & repeat Then 3 sets of: B1. Bench Dips - 12 reps B2. Bulgarian Split Squats - 8 reps per leg B3. Bench Toe Taps - 30 sec Rest 1-2min & repeat To progress this routine, either add reps to the first two exercises of either circuit, or decrease rest time between sets Save & share with a friend! Music: Another time Musician: LiQWYD

Josh Côté 27.09.2020

You may be wondering, Why do I need a coach? Great question! I’ll answer it with 3 words; SPEED, KNOWLEDGE & ACCOUNTABILITY When you hire a coach, it grants you SPEED because we’ve already made all the mistakes so you don’t have to! ... You get to take the fast lane to your results instead of being stuck in the slow lane of trial & error because we’ve navigated these roads before You also gain access to a wealth of KNOWLEDGE when you hire a coach Not sure how to perform an exercise? We got you. Question about your nutrition? Let us help! This saves you time that would’ve been spent searching for the answers yourself. Remember what I said about granting you speed? Lastly, ACCOUNTABILITY. We’re all human, we don’t always want to do the workouts or aren’t always able to stick to our nutrition 100% On the days you’re not feeling motivated, your coach will be there to fire you up. When you slip up & fall off track (we all do), your coach will guide you back Do you see why just having these 3 things can get you faster results? A good coach is worth their weight in gold if you ask me! What do you think - what is the most beneficial reason for having a coach? Let me know in the comments

Josh Côté 09.09.2020

Are you only using a scale to determine the success of your fat loss progress? This can be problematic for two reasons: It can leave you feeling discouraged when the number doesn’t move in the direction you want it to (aka down) ... It also doesn’t take into account that you may be losing fat & building muscle, leaving your weight the same So instead of ONLY using the scale, consider these two metrics as well: #1 - Your body measurements & how your clothes fit This one is SUPER important for fat loss, because while the scale may stay the same, if you’ve lost inches & your pants no longer fit snuggly, then you’ve dropped body fat! #2 - How you FEEL in your own body & your energy day to day This is a more subjective metric to track, as it’s not easily quantifiable. But if you’re like me, when I was carrying around an extra 15lbs, I didn’t feel great in my body & my energy was super sluggish But as the body fat started to come off, I noticed an improved sense of confidence, as well as more energy throughout the day! These metrics are just as important, if not more so, than the number on the scale Because at the end of the day, while we all want to look good & lose some body fat, how we FEEL also matters Throw some in the comments if this was helpful

Josh Côté 05.09.2020

Short on time but still want to get a great workout in? Then this FABULOUS Full-body Workout is exactly what you need! Upper body! Lower body! Abs! Arms! It has it all!... Plus the metabolic resistance circuits will get your heart beating, have you breathing a bit harder & you know what that means... FAT LOSS What’s not to love here?! Grab some dumbbells, a stopwatch & a bench then let’s get to work! 3 sets of: A1. Dumbbell Bench Press - 12 reps A2. Dumbbell Neutral Grip Rows - 12 reps A3. Alternating Lying Leg Raises - 30 sec Rest 1-2min & repeat Then 3 sets of: B1. 1 sec Pause Goblet Squats - 12 reps B2. Dumbbell RDL - 12 reps B3. Plank Jacks - 30 sec Rest 1-2min & repeat Then 3 sets of: C1. 90 Hold Dumbbell Curls - 12 reps per side C2. Double Dumbbell Kickbacks - 12 reps C3. Leg Up Toe Touches - 30 sec Rest 1-2min & repeat To progress this routine, either add reps to the first two exercises of either circuit, or decrease rest time between sets Save & share with a friend! Music: Feel Musician: LiQWYD

Josh Côté 30.08.2020

All you need for MAXIMUM results is 3 WORKOUTS PER WEEK Trust me, I’ve done it all. 4, 5, even 6 workouts a week! And 3 always seem to be where the magic happens But why is that? Why is 3 workouts per week KING for fat loss, especially in the long term? ... Allow me to explain When we workout, we break our bodies down. Not in a bad way, mind you, but in a way where we need TIME to recover in order to come back stronger It can take anywhere from 24-48hrs for muscles to fully recover. So hitting workouts every day, just isn’t ideal Working out also affects our appetite. The more you workout, the hungrier you will become Now I’m sure you can see how this would be a detriment to your fat loss goals, right? By only working out 3 times per week, not only do we allow our bodies to fully recover between sessions, but we increase the likelihood that we stick to our fat loss nutrition plan as well This improved recovery, along with increased dietary adherence, basically GUARANTEES results over the long term Did this post make you reconsider how often you might be working out? Let me know in the comments

Josh Côté 17.08.2020

When getting started on your fat loss journey, it can be easy to make some choices that won’t serve you in the long run I know I’ve made my fair share of mistakes along the way I’ve actually made each of the ones below! Here are 3 beginner fat loss MISTAKES & how to correct them:... Mistake #1: Doing too much, too soon You commit to changing you diet, exercising regularly, getting more sleep & making better choices for your health With all the changes, it’s easy to get overwhelmed & overwhelm often leads to stopping all together Instead, focus on ONE area of your life to improve & make small changes over time. Many small changes over time equals BIG results Mistake #2: Expecting results overnight Hoping for fast, instantaneous results is just setting yourself up for disappointment & failure Because when you expect the results to come quick & they don’t, you’re more likely to get discouraged & quit This’ll be a process that takes some time. Losing 1-2lbs per week is fantastic! So be patient. If you stick with it, HUGE results will come! Mistake #3: Only focusing on the scale For most people who pursue fat loss, the number on the scale is the be all, end all The problem here is that the number on the scale doesn’t always reflect the changes in your body You should also pay attention to how you feel, how your clothes fit, your energy levels & inches lost. This way you have several markers for success Which mistake have you made in your fat loss journey? Let me know in the comments & let’s get you back on track

Josh Côté 10.08.2020

Who wants a pair of nice, toned looking thighs? If you said I DO, then you’re not alone! The pursuit of good looking, nicely shaped legs is one we can all relate to To get you started on the path to some lovely legs, give this routine a go!... 3 sets of: A1. Bodyweight Squats w/ half rep - 12 reps A2. Sliding Hamstring Curls - 12 reps A3. Jumping Lunges - 30 sec Rest 1-2min & repeat Then 3 sets of: B1. Bulgarian Split Squat - 8 reps per side B2. Single Leg RDL - 8 reps per side B3. Alternating Jumping Side Lunges - 30 sec To progress this routine, either add reps to the first two exercises of either circuit, or decrease rest time between sets Save & share with a friend! Music: Night out Musician: LiQWYD

Josh Côté 05.08.2020

HIIT VS LISS: WHICH IS BETTER FOR FAT LOSS?! The age old debate settled below High intensity interval training (HIIT) or low intensity steady state (LISS)? This question comes up time & time again when looking to maximize fat loss Time to finally put the debate to bed ... When it comes to efficient & effective fat loss training, HIIT is the obvious choice & clear winner Here’s why: * You burn more calories DURING your workout (or at the very least the same as you would in a LISS workout!) * You continue to burn calories for up the 24hrs AFTER your workout (up to an extra 250 calories!) * You can actually MAINTAIN muscle while doing it (allowing your metabolism to stay sky high!) * And all in HALF the time of a regular LISS workout (allowing more time to enjoy your life outside of the gym!) Because of these benefits, along with the high intensity of the workouts, you will also perform less workouts than if you followed a traditional LISS workout plan Which if like most people, cardio is a dreaded activity & you’d rather just get it over with, is a bonus benefit There you have it! The debate is finally settled but I want to hear from you; which form of cardio do you turn to for fat loss & why?

Josh Côté 31.07.2020

Has your fat loss come to a grinding halt? You, my friend, have found yourself in a PLATEAU Now, before you got dramatically cutting more calories or doubling your exercise time, here are 4 things to consider FIRST when you’ve hit a plateau:... Are you getting enough SLEEP? Our body recovers from our workouts while we sleep So if your sleep is lacking your progress will be lacking as well! How’re your STRESS levels? Stress affects everything, from our eating patterns, to our sleep, to our bodily functions If your stress is high, it could explain why your results have come to a grinding halt! Are you EATING enough? Now this may seem counter intuitive, but if you’re not eating enough, your fat loss will stall. This is because your body will hold onto all it can to make up for the lack of nutrients. So temporarily bump up your calories & watch the results come back! Outside of your workouts, what’re your daily ACTIVITY levels like? Workouts at most take up 3-5hrs of your week, which leaves 112hrs outside of sleeping time If you spend all that time sitting, no wonder results have stopped! Get outside, go for a walk, clean the house. Just get moving! Let me know in the comments which of these you turn to when results slow down!

Josh Côté 21.07.2020

It’s time to curl baby, curl! While sweater season is soon upon us, doesn’t mean we forget about working our arms No bingo arms here ladies, just some downright AESTHETIC arms with this quick arm blasting routine... Get ready to feel the burn! 3 sets of: A1. Dumbbell Curls - 12 reps A2. Dumbbell Overhead Extensions - 12 reps A3. Thrusters - 30 sec Rest 1-2min & repeat Then 3 sets of: B1. Seated Hammer Curls - 12 reps B2. Dumbbell Skullcrushers - 12 reps B3. Diagonal Knee Raise & Touch - 15 sec per side To progress this routine, either add reps to the first two exercises of either circuit, or decrease rest time between sets Save & share with a friend! Music: Faded Musician: Not The King.

Josh Côté 08.07.2020

Say goodbye to your old circuit training routine And hello to Metabolic Resistance Circuit Training - the more EFFECTIVE way to build lean, sexy muscle & torch unwanted body fat When most people think of circuit training, they picture 5-10 exercises, typically bodyweight movements, moving through them with little to no rest ... While this sounds all good & dandy, it’s not as beneficial as you’d Sure, you come out the gate hot, giving maximum effort. But as time goes on, your effort levels drop, along with the quality of your movements till it’s little more than a few repetitions of each exercise How much fitness & results can be truly gained when your effort is unfocused & dwindling? Not much Now with Metabolic Resistance Circuit Training, we strategically pair weighted movements (which aid in the building of that lean, sexy muscle mentioned earlier) & a cardio movement (which raises your heart rate, burns calories & torches fat) Throw in a rest period of 60-90sec & voila! You’re able to give every set your maximum effort & will reap the rewards for your hard work Not sure how this actually works? Check out any one of the workouts on my page & let me know what body part you’d love to see me workout next!

Josh Côté 29.06.2020

Fat loss myth busting time! let’s get into it #1 - Cutting out macronutrients is not the answer to your fat loss goals. Your body needs a balance of all 3 (protein, fats & carbs) to function properly Your body uses carbohydrates predominantly for energy & fats for regulation of hormonal functions. Moderation is so keep your carbs & fats in check, then you’re good to go!... #2 - Hours of cardio is not the answer. 1lb of fat is equal to about 3,500 calories. So you’d need to burn 3,500 calories to lose 1lb of fat; 1hr of jogging burns roughly 600 calories. So you’d have to jog 6hrs/week to lose 1lb of fat Instead, do HIIT. You burn upwards of 300-500 calories during your workout & an additional 250 calories afterwards. Most HIIT workouts also don’t last more than 30min, so you’re cutting your exercise time in half. Win-win #3 - Cutting your calories too drastically is setting you up for failure. The hunger & cravings will be gnawing at you constantly, which usually leads to periods of overeating Which means you won’t lose any fat. Instead, a small calorie deficit of 300-500 calories will allow you to steadily lose body fat without killer cravings or crazy hunger pangs #4 - If you believe every single one of these myths, it’s no wonder fat loss is miserable! But it doesn’t have to be If you eat in a small deficit, fill your caloric needs with a balance of foods you enjoy & do high intensity workouts, the experience can actually be quite enjoyable! #5 - Just because you’ve tried in the past to lose body fat & failed, doesn’t mean you aren’t meant to achieve the body of your dreams Find a sustainable plan, don’t buy into the common myths plaguing the fat loss industry, stick with it & you’ll be well on your way to fat loss SUCCESS Which myth have you personally bought into? For me, it was the endless cardio let me know in the comments!

Josh Côté 14.06.2020

Ladies! Are you sick & tired of being tired? Has the quarantine weight been sticking around longer than you’d like it to? ... Are you READY to take action towards your dream body? Then you’re in luck! We’ve still got a few spots open for my 12-week coaching group! If you meet the criteria below, send me the word DRIVEN & lets get started on your dream body today! So if you: 1. Want to lose 10-20lbs of body fat in the next 90 days 2. Have time to train for an hour, 3 days per week 3. Are friendly and coachable 4. Have access to a pair of dumbbells/kettlebells, a bench, a skipping rope & some floor space 5. And are ready to tone your legs, arms & glutes while slimming down your midsection

Josh Côté 05.06.2020

IT’S THE MOMENT YOU’VE BEEN WAITING FOR FINALLY, a glute focused workout. Cuz let’s face it, everybody wants a nicely shaped, round And I’m here to get you started! So grab a dumbbell & legs BOOST that BOOTY! ... 3 sets of: A1. Hip thrusts - 12 reps A2. KB deadlift - 12 reps A3. Jump squats - 30 sec Rest 1-2min & repeat Then 3 sets of: B1. Single leg glute bridge - 8 per side B2. Wide stance squats - 12 reps B3. Skater jumps - 30 sec To progress this routine, either add reps to the first two exercises of either circuit, or decrease rest time between sets Save & share with a friend! Music: Pill R/B Musician: Not The King.

Josh Côté 31.05.2020

STOP SPENDING SO MUCH TIME IN THE GYM Most of you spend FAR too much time in the gym, doing your weight training then your cardio just to repeat it the next day You think the more you workout, the faster your results will come... I get it, I’ve been there WAY more times than I’d like to admit But the opposite is actually true! Let me explain You see, we break our bodies down (in a good way!) when we workout but the adaptations we want (fat loss, muscle toning, etc.) actually happen when we are RECOVERING outside the gym So when we workout every single day, our bodies never get the chance to recover from the workouts, which means SLOW or NO results When it comes to working out, less truly is more! 3 days per week is the sweet spot Put in the hard work 3 days per week while providing enough recovery time and you’ll see the results you’re after, guaranteed Are you tired of spending all your time in the gym getting nowhere? My 12-week Bodyfat Blast Blueprint was designed around 3 workouts per week, takes out all the guesswork & delivers RESULTS Want to see if you’re a good fit? Send me a DM with the word RESULTS & let’s get you back to enjoying life outside the gym!

Josh Côté 25.05.2020

Having a hard time maintaining your fat loss? You are not alone! This is a struggle we’ve all encountered at some point So here are 4 steps you can take to make sure you can maintain your fat loss!... Step #1 - Choose a routine you enjoy: you could do the best workout in the world, but if you don’t enjoy it, you won’t stick to it or see results So at the end of the day, make sure your routine keeps you interested & you have fun while doing it! Step #2 - Follow a nutrition protocol that suits your lifestyle: not a big fan of breakfast? That’s fine. Prefer many small meals, as opposed to fewer, big meals? Not a problem! The main point is as long as you’re in a calorie deficit, it doesn’t matter how you fit the foods into your day. Just make sure it fits with your life Step #3 - Make small, incremental changes: doing too much, too fast is a recipe for disaster & disappointment Instead, make small changes to your exercise, nutrition & lifestyle choices gradually. Once you’ve nailed down one change, add another! Before you know it, you’ll be several steps ahead Step #4 - Track your progress: what gets measured, gets managed. And what gets managed, gets results Plus if motivation ever wanes, you can just look back at your tracking numbers & see how far you’ve come! Tell me in the comments, which step has been missing from your fat loss routines in the past?

Josh Côté 06.05.2020

DON’T AVOID WORKING YOUR SHOULDERS And here’s why: Lets face it, you’re all working your lower body (I don’t blame you, we all want a good looking ) but by also focusing on your shoulders, it’ll give your waist the appearance of being smaller... EVEN IF ITS NOT So don’t neglect those shoulders ladies, especially if you’d like to make your waist look smaller! Here’s a quick shoulder SIZZLER to get you started towards sculpting some beautiful shoulders 3 sets of: A1. Dumbbell Push Press - 12 reps A2. Dumbbell Side Raise & Holds - 8 reps/side A3. Dumbbell Swings - 30sec Rest 1-2min & repeat Then 3 sets of: B1. Arnold Press - 12 reps B2. Dumbbell Rear Delt Flyes - 12 reps B3. Jumping Jacks - 30sec Rest 1-2min & repeat To progress this routine, either add reps to the first two exercises of either circuit, or decrease rest time between sets Save & share with a friend! Music: Da Funk Musician: Not The King.

Josh Côté 03.05.2020

ACCOUNTABILITY is the KEY to almost guaranteeing your results! Being accountable to yourself when pursuing your goals is great & all, but how often do you find yourself justifying certain actions that may not exactly get you closer to your goals? Putting off that workout till tomorrow, or having one extra donut than you should sound familiar? ... BUT when you become accountable to someone else, like a coach, a friend, a family member or anyone really (could even be the people on your social media!), you are less likely to justify these sorts of things Why is that? Well when you’re accountable to someone outside of yourself, you don’t want to let them down or disappoint them This means your ability to stick to the plan will be so much higher! And when you stick to the plan, results will come. Can you see how this nearly GUARANTEES you’ll reach your goals? So if you’re READY to commit to a plan & have a coach that’ll keep you accountable all throughout the process, send me a DM with the word COACH & let’s get started!

Josh Côté 14.04.2020

Nutrition can be the hardest part of your fat loss journey! But it doesn’t have to be! Here are 3 quick tips to help you REVAMP your nutrition for immediate results 1. Eat MORE whole foods - now this one can be tricky for most, but as long as 80% of your food choices come from whole food sources (think fresh foods with short shelf lives), you’re good to go ... Not only will you feel more satiated but it’ll reduce possible inflammation & bloating too. Win-win! 2. Restrict yourself LESS - this may seem counterintuitive, but actually allowing yourself to eat the foods you enjoy will allow for better nutrition overall by reducing cravings So go ahead, have that cookie! Enjoy that ice cream! But keep in mind the final point... 3. Everything in MODERATION - this goes for everything you eat. Even too much whole food can screw up your fat loss progress if you’re not in a calorie deficit As long as you’re taking in less calories than your body burns, you WILL lose body fat. Period And there you have it! Let me in the comments, what’s your biggest struggle when it comes to nutrition?

Josh Côté 05.04.2020

Save & share with a friend Ever seen your favourite actress, singer or model rocking a backless dress & thought Wow, I wish I could pull off that dress... Well this 30min BEAUTIFUL BACK routine will take you a step in the right direction!... The first two movements of each circuit are designed to shape & tone the muscles of your back while the third movement gets your heart rate up to help promote fat loss It’s a win-win! Follow the routine below & prepare your wardrobe to show off your hard earned results 3 sets of: A1. Wide Dumbbell Rows - 12 reps A2. Band Reverse Pull-downs - 12 reps A3. X-body Mountain Climbers - 30sec Rest 1-2min & repeat Then 3 sets of: B1. Single Arm Dumbbell Rows - 8 reps/side B2. Band Face Pulls - 12 reps B3. High Knees - 30sec Rest 1-2min & repeat To progress this routine, either add reps to the first two exercises of either circuit, or decrease rest time between sets Music: Ice Tea Musician: Not The King.

Josh Côté 25.03.2020

There is STILL time to grab your spot in the next round of the 12 week Bodyfat Blast Blueprint coaching group! Send me the word MOTIVATED & lets get started on your dream body today! So if you: 1. Want to lose 10-20lbs of body fat in the next 90 days ... 2. Have time to train for an hour, 3 days per week 3. Are friendly and coachable 4. Have access to a pair of dumbbells/kettlebells, a bench, a skipping rope & some floor space 5. And are ready to tone your legs, arms & glutes while slimming down your midsection DM me with the word MOTIVATED and we’ll see if you’re a good fit! #fatloss #weightloss #transformation #newyou #fatlossmotivation #fatlosscoach #fatlosstransformation #fatlosshelp #healthgoals #healthbenefits #motivatedmindset #motivationdaily #motivationalcoach #coachinglife #nutritiontips #supportsystems #fatlossgoal #motivatedwomen #helpingwomen #confidentliving #confidenceisbeautiful #healthyeatingtips #thisisalifestyle #helpmehelpyou #onlinefatlosscoaching #onlinefatlossprogram #transformyourselftoday #thejourneystartsnow

Josh Côté 05.03.2020

But I’ve got good news for you... ITS NOT YOUR FAULT It’s the shitty dieting advice you keep reading or seeing online. The ones that have you cut out all your carbs, sugars & fats but promise 30lbs of fatloss in 30 days... While this seems fantastic upfront & sure, you’ll lose weight... You’ll probably gain it all back faster than the Road Runner outrunning that silly coyote And like that coyote, we need to stop buying into these crazy schemes. They are not SUSTAINABLE, which means your results won’t be either I’ve been there. I’ve done the extreme approach. Cut out all the junk & sugar...only to binge on weekends when the cravings got bad Extreme measures result in extreme disappointments So instead of cutting out everything you enjoy & depriving yourself, let’s start by finding out what your maintenance calorie needs are From there, go into a slight deficit, 200-300 calories will do. Then fill those calories with foods you enjoy Simple as that. And simple is sustainable Not sure how to calculate your calories? Send me a DM with the word DIET & I’ll help you figure it out!

Josh Côté 22.02.2020

Workouts just not giving you the same results or aren’t feeling as challenging as they used to? Maybe it’s time to spice things up with these 2 SURE-FIRE workout intensity boosters Intensity booster #1 - shorten your REST periods ... Are you used to taking 1-2min of rest between your exercises? Try cutting that rest time in half! Not only will this increase the intensity of the workout itself, but it’ll actually DECREASE the time spent working out as well. Two for one bonus! Intensity booster #2 - supersets/giant sets/circuits Only doing one exercise at a time then resting is the way of the past. Instead, do 2 exercises, 3 exercises, hell, even 4 exercises in a row! Do this & see your workout intensity sky rocket! Again, you’ll also be getting more done in LESS time Let me know in the comments which of these intensity boosters will you try in your next workout to step it up a notch?

Josh Côté 10.02.2020

Save & share with a friend! Only have 10 minutes & want to tone, flatten & keep your midsection looking tight? Then this routine is perfect for you! ... Throw it into your daily workout routine or do it as a stand-alone routine if time is short Follow the directions below & keep those abs looking AMAZING 3 sets of the following circuit: Slow bicycles - 20sec Legs Up Crunches - 20sec Reverse Crunches - 20sec Heel touches - 20sec Rest 90-120sec Too easy? Then try: 3 sets of the following circuit: Slow bicycles - 30sec Legs up Crunches - 30sec Reverse Crunches - 30sec Heel Touches - 30sec Rest 60-90sec

Josh Côté 08.02.2020

Regular cardio is killing your progress! That’s right...it’s killing it. Stopping it right in it’s tracks. Your poor progress didn’t even see it coming The reason this happens is three-fold: ... 1. You aren’t burning nearly as many calories as the (insert cardio machine here) says you are 2. You STOP burning calories the moment you get off that mechanical monster 3. And let’s face it, it isn’t fun Slaving away on a treadmill, elliptical or bike for hours on end in hopes of achieving your dream body simply isn’t the answer How can we save your progress from the steady state cardio menace? HIGH INTENSITY INTERVAL TRAINING Not only does this form of training burn more calories during exercise, but you actually KEEP burning calories post workout According to one study done by the Department of Food & Human Nutrition at the Colorado State University, you can burn up to 250 calories after you’ve stopped exercising Plus, you can get it done in half the time, which means more time spent enjoying life OUTSIDE the gym And that’s how it should be, right? Let me know in the comments where you fall on cardio: steady state or H.I.I.T ?

Josh Côté 27.01.2020

I’m starting another training group this month and I’m looking for some women who are ready to make a change! So if you: 1. Want to lose 10-20lbs of body fat in the next 90 days ... 2. Have time to train for an hour, 3 days per week 3. Are friendly and coachable 4. Have access to a pair of dumbbells/kettlebells, a bench, a skipping rope & some floor space 5. And are ready to tone your legs, arms & glutes while slimming down your midsection DM me with the word DEDICATED and we’ll see if you’re a good fit!

Josh Côté 16.01.2020

Are you ready for this?! If so, read on The only thing you TRULY need for fat loss is...to be eating less calories than your body burns throughout the day In other words, you need to be in a caloric deficit. That’s it. That is all you need... No fancy, restrictive fad diets, crazy workout plans where you live in the gym or hours of cardio If all you did was eat fewer calories throughout the day than what your body needed, you’d lose body fat - GUARANTEED Now don’t go cutting all your calories in hopes of losing all the weight fast. You want to start in a small deficit, no more than 200-300 calories This allows you to lose the weight gradually, which in turn means long term sustainability for your results & it also lessens the chance of regaining all the weight you lost & THEN some Not sure where to start when it comes to your nutrition? Send me a DM with the word FATLOSS & we’ll get you setup on the right path

Josh Côté 28.12.2019

You ever stop to smell the roses? Gratitude, like anything worth having, is something we need to cultivate The world is so fast paced these days & everyone is so focused on the NEXT thing that we forget to appreciate what we have... Being grateful doesn’t mean you shouldn’t pursue your goals or look for betterment in every area of your life Being grateful means you do all those things, but still take the time to appreciate what you have, where you’re at & who you are NOW Because if we aren’t grateful for what we have now, what’s the point in gaining more possessions, status or things? If we don’t appreciate what we have now, we certainly won’t appreciate what we will have then Gratitude starts with you in the present. So take some time, 5min at the end of the day, & make a list of all the things you’re grateful for Once you do, rejoice in your abundance & enjoy the feeling of joy wash over you. Stop & smell the roses #sundayvibes #gratitude #grateful #sunday #practicegratitude #soulsunday #gratefuleveryday #mindsetreset #appreciatewhatyouhave #appreciatelife #dailygratitude #gratefulthankfulblessed #goodforthesoul #goodenough #practicedailygratitude #stoptosmelltheroses #enjoylifetoday #gratefulfortoday #roses #soulsundays #lifeofabundance #cultivatejoy #whatyouthinkaboutyoubringabout #bringmoregratitudein #restrechargerealign

Josh Côté 20.12.2019

Today we’re talking about cultivating gratitude; why most of us skip this essential step for a happy life, why we should practice gratitude daily & what happens when we constantly flex our gratitude muscles.

Josh Côté 14.12.2019

Have you ever heard the saying Show me your friends & I’ll show you your future? What this quote is getting at is that our success can be linked to who we surround ourselves with Wouldn’t it make sense then, to surround ourselves with positive, like-minded & supportive people?... These qualities are what make a good success team & here’s why we need a team to help take our lives to the next level: Having a team inevitably makes us better. Everyone working together & pushing each other to maximize their potential means everyone improves Along our journeys, we’re bound to get down on ourselves. Having team members who can pick us back up in these times is critical to ensure we don’t give up And let’s be honest, we tend to have more fun together. When working in a team, boring tasks suddenly become interesting, as each member brings new energy & life to the project So where do we find these kinds of people? All around us! They can be family, friends, coworkers, from networking events or social functions As long as they’re willing to help us get better & we’re willing to do the same, we’ve got a team Tag your team members in the comments #success #team #teamworkmakesthedreamwork #beginner #successfulmindset #successtip #helpeachother #worktogether #teammate #roadtosuccess #improveyourself #teameffort #surroundyourselfwithgoodpeople #positivepeople #successteam #helpotherssucceed #growtogethersuccesstogether #successbreedssuccess #makingpeoplebetter #onewinsweallwin #groupsuccess #togetherwesucceed #pickeachotherup #morefuntogether #toyoursuccess

Josh Côté 24.11.2019

Today we're talking about building your very own success team; why we need a team of people around us to help us succeed, what to look for in potential team members & where to go about finding these people.

Josh Côté 11.11.2019

This is me at 3 years old. Back then I would get my parents to pull over every single time I saw a cow No matter how many cows there were, I had to stop & see them. It just brought me so much joy! Too often we get caught up in the craziness of life, that we forget to step back & enjoy the little things that make us happy... So take the time to find that sense of joy in your day to day life. Find your side of the road cow moments & enjoy them Tell me: What’s something little that you just have to stop and enjoy, no matter what? Also, I will neither confirm nor deny whether I still pullover to look at cows...

Josh Côté 27.10.2019

Today we're talking about making time to enjoy the little things in life; why we should do this, what happens when we don't & how it makes our lives better when we do.

Josh Côté 18.10.2019

What do you really need in order to lose body fat fast? Here’s some hints: - It’s not the fancy pills... - It’s not the shiny, new fitness equipment - It’s not some crazy new supplement - And it’s definitely NOT an expensive surgery All you truly need to be successful along your fat loss journey are these next 3 pillars applied with CONSISTENCY & results will be yours: - a training plan you enjoy - a nutritional protocol you can stick with - enough recovery For you to stick with your TRAINING, you gotta enjoy it. If you don’t, you won’t want to do it Same goes for your NUTRITION. If it’s over complicated or too restrictive, you won’t be able to maintain it long enough to see results Plus extreme measures always result in extreme disappointments Lastly, you need to be giving yourself enough time to RECOVER from all your hard work. This is where the money is, if your recovery is on point, results come even faster If your recovery is lacking however, all your hard work may have been for nothing! Then you just have to be CONSISTENT So when looking at your own training & lifestyle, ask yourself Am I giving each of the pillars the consistency they need to achieve my desired outcome? Not sure if your plan is addressing all 3 pillars? Shoot me a DM & let’s take a look at what you’re doing! #beginner #fatloss #program #results #fatlosstips #fatlosstransformation #truthbomb #changeyourmind #consistencyiskey #trainingforlife #eatbetter #trainsmarter #eatsleeprepeat #enjoyyourself #propernutrition #properrest #properrecovery #propertraining #enjoyyourworkout #beconsistent #eatsleeptrain #fatlosstraining #fatlosscoaching #onlinefatlosscoaching #onlinefatlosscoach

Josh Côté 14.10.2019

Today we're going to talk about the 3 pillars of a good training plan & the journey I took to finally get all 3 sorted out.

Josh Côté 04.10.2019

Tag, like & share with a friend you’ll hit this with Chest & back, the old school duo. The pairing that has stood the test of time Show your upper body some love with this quick & simple workout... Quick & simple doesn’t mean easy though Start at 10 reps, then 9, 8, 7...all the way down to 1 rep of: Single Dumbbell press Single dumbbell row Make sure as you’re doing each movement to squeeze the hands inward against the dumbbell Music: Good Morning Musician: Philip E Morris #workout #armday #wednesdaymotivation #workoutoftheday #outdoorworkout #backyardfun #dumbbellworkout #chestworkout #upperbodyworkout #everydayisarmday #fatlosscoach #fatlossmotivation #thepump #backdayworkouts #upperbodypump #chestpump #sunsoutgunsout #summerworkout #followalongworkout #motivationfortheday #tnessmotivation #motivationforsuccess #onlinefatlosscoaching #tagsharelikefollow

Josh Côté 25.09.2019

Today we're going over the DO's & DON'T's of the Sumo Deadlift

Josh Côté 14.09.2019

All 3 of those statements are WRONG. I know what you may be thinking: But Cosmo said you can’t eat carbs while trying to lose fat Eating fat won’t make me fat? But it’s right there in the word! ... But I saw this girl on Instagram & she told me to cut my calories in half. I’m losing so much weight already! I said it once, so I’ll say it again, that way of thinking is WRONG. You have been misinformed But it’s not your fault. There is so much MISinformation out there, it’s easy to get all turned around Especially when it comes to fat loss I’m here to BUST through all the propaganda & tell you that eating for fat loss isn’t difficult. It’s quite simple actually You ready for this? I’m going to show you just how simple it is. This is ground breaking stuff: Eat in a slight calorie deficit & BE CONSISTENT That’s it. Really. These two things have stood the test of time & come through time after time If you stick to your calorie deficit, over time not only will you lose body fat, but you’ll KEEP it off because it’ll be sustainable No more losing it all just to gain it back plus 5lbs. That’s the way of the past, follow my advice to a better future & a better YOU If you have any questions about your nutrition, feel free to message me! I’d love to help you out #fatloss #eating #health #healthyfood #fatlosstips #fatlosscoach #fatlosshelp #eatingwell #eatingright #healthfirst #beginners #sustainablelifestyle #nutritiontips #consistencyiskey #beginnerfatloss #onlinefatlosscoaching #foodmyths #commonmistakes #eatingforfatloss #healthfitness #eatingforhealth #sustainableeating #consistencyequalsresults #fatlossmadeeasy #dontovercomplicateit

Josh Côté 09.09.2019

Today we're going to be discussing some common eating/food mistakes; where they come from & why they're WRONG.

Josh Côté 05.09.2019

Does this sounds familiar: you go to do something important, be it a presentation, a conversation with a loved one or even a nice jog You finish up & you’re feeling good about it, then that little voice in your head chimes in Your presentation was awful... They must hate you after that Why didn’t you run faster? That’s your inner critic talking. We talk to ourselves upwards of 50,000 times per day & nearly 80% of that self talk is negative What if I told you there was a way to make the criticism stop? Replacing it with actionable steps you can take to better yourself, without the belittlement or judgement This is what happens once you turn your inner CRITIC into an inner COACH & this change starts with YOU You must tell yourself that you won’t accept judgement anymore, only clear steps to make yourself better for next time Because on the deepest level, your inner critic wants you to do the things you do better, but you need to tell it HOW to do that So work with yourself to better yourself, replace the negative self talk with positive, goal-oriented dialogue Throw some in the comments if this resonated with you #monday #mondaymotivation #mindset #mindsetmatters #mindsetshift #mindsetmonday #selftalk #positiveselftalk #selflovejourney #helpyourself #betteryourself #changeyourmindset #changeyourmind #innervoice #positivemindset #helpyourmind #coachyourself #preachselflove #nomorecriticism #helpingpeoplelivebetterlives #motivationforabetterlife #yourmindmatters #yourmindispowerful #becomingyourbestself #betteringyourself

Josh Côté 23.08.2019

Today we're talking about how to turn your inner critic in to an inner coach; why we get down & how to turn all that negative self talk into positive, daily affirmations.

Josh Côté 12.08.2019

Today we're talking about letting go of the past to allow for a better future; why we have such a hard time letting go, how to make your way to doing so & what happens when you're able to move on.

Josh Côté 30.07.2019

Today we're talking about limiting beliefs; why we have them, how to eliminate them & what happens once you do.

Josh Côté 13.07.2019

Often times, we carry the things from our pasts into our present day to day life. It could be past hurts, past incompletes, past anger or fear We let our past follow us around, like a giant anchor, it weighs us down & prevents us from living in the moment & embracing our future In order for us to become fully present & able to build a better tomorrow for ourselves, we must first forgive that which hurt us in the past... While forgiveness can often be difficult, especially when there’s some level of personal hurt involved, it’s the necessary last step to moving on Once we’re able to forgive whoever or whatever hurt us in the past, we will have freed up our mental energy to pursue more positive, goal-oriented actions And with this new direction & mental focus, we can shape a better tomorrow not only for ourselves but all those around us, today Share this with someone who may need help moving on to build a better future #sunday #mindbodysoul #forgiveness #lettinggo #soulsunday #mindsetshift #liveinthenow #betterfuture #starttoday #beinthemoment #forgiveyourself #dontholdback #moveonquotes #livinginthemoment #letgoofthepast #buildingabetteryou #buildingabetterfuture #buildingabetterlife #letgoofpain #learningtomoveon #forgivepasthurts #embracetoday #livefortheday #forgiveandmoveon

Josh Côté 03.07.2019

Do you ever find success to be just outside of your grasp? Have you ever considered YOU were the one limiting your reach? We often limit ourselves without even realizing it, hindering our own progress towards reaching our goals ... This is completely normal, you are not isolated in doing this. But to succeed, you must overcome your limiters! Here’s how: 1 In order to overcome your limiting beliefs, you must first acknowledge what they are. Making a list is the easiest way to do so. You can even do it with a couple friends! 2 Now pick a belief you want to change & determine how it’s limiting you. In order to change it, you need to first figure out how it’s holding you back 3 Once you’ve figured out how the belief limits you, it’s time to decide how you would rather be feeling or acting if that belief no longer existed 4 Finally, you must create a statement that gives you permission to feel, be or act in this new way! When you’ve figured out your statement, repeat it to yourself daily for a minimum of 30 days After a month, you’ll have replaced the limiting belief with a new, affirmative belief that will allow you to reach any goal you set upon Share this with someone who needs to stop limiting themselves #success #mindset #saturday #believe #nodoubt #believeinyou #successfulmindset #mindsetshift #lifemotivation #dailyaffirmations #limitingbeliefs #positiveselftalk #selfdoubt #selfbelief #removedoubt #nolimitations #achieveyourgoal #achieveyourdreams #releasethebrakes #proceedwithconfidence #affirmationpositive #positivebeliefs #tipsforlife #yourbestlifenow

Josh Côté 26.06.2019

I dress & act like I’m on vacation, because I can’t actually go anywhere on vacation Where’s your first trip going to be when we can travel again? I’m definitely going back to Mexico when this is over!

Josh Côté 08.06.2019

Today we're talking about finding your passion in life, or your life purpose: why you should do this, how to go about figuring it out & what happens when you're living in line with your passion/purpose.

Josh Côté 29.05.2019

Stuck feeling like you’re living in the gym, desperately trying to get some sort of results? I used to be like you too. I’d spend hours each day lifting weights, doing cardio & literally living in the gym Unfortunately, this got me nowhere fast. Unless the desired outcome was burn out, no social life & constant soreness that is... It’s only once I started spending LESS time in the gym that my results truly took off. Here are the 3 tips I personally used to take me from living INSIDE the gym to finally living OUTSIDE the gym 1. This ones tough, I know. But we’re all guilty of it, myself included. The social media posts & texts will have to wait. For now, focus on what you’re doing, which is working out. Your phone will be there when you’re done, I promise 2. This tip will keep you on track during your workouts. We tend to sit around too much between sets, so pick a rest time & stick to it. You’ll be surprised how fast time flies 3. Supersets, giant sets & circuits. All of these force you to move at a quicker pace than you would normally, which means more work done in less time. Added bonus, you’ll get some cardio in without ACTUALLY doing cardio Implementing these 3 tips has allowed me to MINIMIZEmy time in the gym while MAXIMIZINGmy results & life outside the gym. Which at the end of the day, is what we all want, right? Give them a try & share/tag someone who’s been spending all their time in the gym. Let’s get them outta there & back to enjoying a life outside the gym #tips #thursdaythoughts #gymtime #time #resttime #supersets #circuits #makethemostofit #enjoylifetothefullest #liveinthenow #fatlosstips #fatlosscoach #fatlossmotivation #timemanagement #timemanagementtips #circuittrainingworkout #beginnerfitness #tnesstips #maximizeyourtime #maximizeyourresults #lifeoutsidethegym #timeyourrestsbetweensets #putthephonedown #onlinefatlosscoaching #onlinefatlosscoach @ Ottawa, Ontario

Josh Côté 24.05.2019

This week I'm going to be talking about the way I used to train with weights, the impacts it had on my life & my body, as well as how what I'm doing now in terms of resistance training, compares.

Josh Côté 10.05.2019

Tag, like & share with a friend Tank top season is upon us ladies & gentleman! Let’s make sure we’ve got something to show off when the sleeves come off Tight & toned shoulder workout ... 10-yard DB overhead carry 10 DB push presses 10 DB side raises w/ hold 10 DB reverse flyes Beginners set a timer for 5min & advanced trainers set a timer for 10min, be sure to select a weight that’ll be appropriate for all exercises (I used 20lbs) The goal: try to keep moving the whole time & don’t drop the dumbbells! Your shoulders will be ON FIRE But you’ll be turning heads walking down the street afterwards when you don your favourite tank top Music: Sycamore Tree Musician: Philip E Morris #workout #armday #wednesdaymotivation #workoutoftheday #outdoorworkout #backyardfun #dumbbellworkout #shouldersworkout #upperbodyworkout #everydayisarmday #fatlosscoach #fatlossmotivation #thepump #shoulderday #upperbodypump #shoulderpump #sunsoutgunsout #summerworkout #followalongworkout #motivationfortheday #tnessmotivation #motivationforsuccess #onlinefatlosscoaching #tagsharelikefollow

Josh Côté 03.05.2019

Today we're going over the DO's & DON'T's for the push-up, as well as the bench press.

Josh Côté 14.04.2019

Have you, or are you, weighing out your food for every meal? Are you unsure how much food you should be eating at each meal to reach your goals? If so, you’re not alone... There’s so much information & MISinformation out there, it’s easy to get overwhelmed & confused Let’s get one thing straight: you DON’T need a scale to measure out your portions All you need is something you have with you at all times, and it’s super easy to use Your HAND You don’t have to do any math or spend tons of time getting the measurements just right You can use it anywhere, with any meal & in any venue to ensure proper portions And best of all, it’s the most sustainable way to better & monitor you’re eating habits If you found this helpful, share it with someone who may be struggling with food portions It’ll make eating, as well as your life, a whole lot easier #fatloss #eating #health #tips #fatlosstips #fatlosscoach #fatlosshelp #eatingwell #eatingright #mindfuleating #healthfirst #healtheating #portioncontrol #beginners #fatlossfood #eatingforfatloss #eatingforlife #onlinefatlosscoaching #fatlossmeals #mealplanningmadeeasy #portionsize #proteinsources #carbsaregood #fatsaregood #healthyeatingtips

Josh Côté 04.04.2019

Today we're going to talk about what makes up a good meal; what most people's plates are looking like when they sit down to eat & how much protein, carbs & fat you should be putting on your plate to accomplish your goals.

Josh Côté 31.03.2019

Have you ever doubted yourself? I know I most certainly have Hell, I used to doubt myself almost daily Doubted my ability to make connections with people ... Doubted my ability to do start a business Doubted my ability to reach my fitness goals The list could go on. I was filled with self doubt & I’m sure some of you might be as well You don’t think you’ll be able to stick to the diet You don’t think you’ll be able to lose the weight AND keep it off this time You don’t think you’re worthy of your dream body Whatever your doubts may be, we all struggle with self doubt in some way But we don’t need to live with doubt inside us. We don’t need to stop living our lives because we think we can’t Believe in yourself. Believe in your abilities. There was a time in your life when the sky was the limit Reach for it. As the saying goes, shoot for the moon and if you miss, at least you’ll fall amongst the stars Stop limiting yourself with phrases such as I can’t or I wish I could Instead, say I can! & I will!, no longer allowing yourself to be doubtful Before you know it, you’ll be beaming with confidence & the willingness to try. Doubt will still be there, but now you can fight it Share this with someone who’s been struggling with doubt. It’s time to bring them back to a place of confidence #mondaymotivation #mindset #mindsetmatters #mindsetiseverything #doubt #selfdoubt #selfbelief #confidenceiskey #selfconfident #fliptheswitch #cultivatewhatmatters #youreworthit #believeinyou #youcandoanything #selfconfidenceboost #boostyourconfidence #removedoubt #shootforthestarsaimforthemoon #proceedwithconfidence #believeinyourselfalways #lifemotivational #motivationfortheday #motivationforsuccess #crushtheweek

Josh Côté 28.03.2019

Hey everyone! Sorry for the lack of Live video this morning, Facebook & my internet decided to be a real pain in the ass. So here's the video on my Instagram, technical difficulties & all! Outside of those, it was a great video. Today we talked about another limiter of greatness: DOUBT. We discussed why we doubt ourselves & how to remove doubt and replace it with confidence! Enjoy

Josh Côté 18.03.2019

Have you ever heard the saying Where the mind goes, the body follows? Well this couldn’t be more true than when it comes to your fat loss journey If you’re doing everything in your power physically to lose body fat, to eat well & become a better version of yourself, but your mind isn’t on board... You’re fighting AGAINST yourself ... So here’s how to make sure your mind is on the same page so you can accelerate your progress First, write down all your goals Nice & big so you can hang it up somewhere for you to see each day Next, add some pictures This’ll add power and substance to your goals for your mind to draw from Now that you’ve got your goals written down & have some great pictures to accompany it, look at it Every. Single. DAY Morning. Afternoon. Night. What’re you doing? You’re conditioning your mind to work to make your goals a reality! By constantly exposing it to vision of your best self, your mind will work to make the dream you into the REAL you Jim Carrey, Oprah, Will Smith. These are just a few people who used visualization to achieve great things. It worked for them, it’ll work for you & your goals too When you realign your body & mind towards your goals, progress becomes inevitable Tag a friend who’s needs to start working with themselves instead of against themselves #sunday #visualization #mindbodysoul #sundayvibes #mindsetshift #visualize #goalsetter #visionboard #focusonyourself #focusonyourgoals #refocus #makeyourdreamscometrue #dreambelieveachieve #mindsetreset #visualizesuccess #makeyourbestlifenow #dreamsbecomereality #visionsbecomereality #remindyourselfdaily #chaseyourgoals #realignyourmind #achieveyourdreams #makeyourdreamcometrue #livingyourbestlifenow

Josh Côté 28.02.2019

Today we're talking about visualization, specifically visualizing where you want to be in life; why most, if not all successful people use visualization & how you can easily implement visualization into your day to day life.

Josh Côté 22.02.2019

When things get difficult in life, do you quit? If so, you’re not alone. It’s hard to persevere in the face of struggles I’ve been there myself. But I’m here today to help make sure next time life gets tough, you can look it in the eye and say Not this time, pal 1 Often times we quit because we allow doubt to creep in & convince us we won’t be able to accomplish what we set out to do ... This is where you must remember all the times you’ve been successful in the face of adversity & crush the doubt so you can move forward 2 When things get tough, we often start thinking or wondering how things will turn out, or if we made the right move beforehand STOP You can’t change the past, or predict the future. So focus on RIGHT NOWThis is where you can actually have an impact. So keep calm & remain present 3 Finally, remind yourself WHY you started. It’s sometimes easy to forget the whole reason you began the journey in the first place when all the odds seem against you So solidify your resolve by remembering why you started and use that motivation to stay strong & stay on track Remember you got this believe in yourself, stay present & remember why you started How do stay committed when things get tough? Let me know in the comments #success #mindset #saturday #commitment #nodoubt #believeinyou #staypresent #whatsyourwhy #successfulmindset #keepgoingforward #mindsetshift #mindsetofgreatness #commitmenttoexcellence #selfbelief #staytough #keepthedreamalive #gottobelieve #lifemotivations #motivationfortheday #motivationforsuccess #focusonthepresent #believeinyourselfalways #rememberwhyyoustarted #successcomesfromwithin #motivationforabetterlife @ Ottawa, Ontario

Josh Côté 17.02.2019

Today we're going to talk about time management; why it's important, what happens when you fail to manage your time effectively & how to use "Time Blocking" to make your day's more productive.

Josh Côté 02.02.2019

If I could ride this thing through life, I would What’re you doing this weekend? #weekend #friday #pooltime #goodvibes #fridayfunday #weekendoutfit #justchilling #goodvibesalways #goodvibesonly #funinthesun #chilling #weekendgoals #happinessbegins #sunbathng #suntime #ss #summervibesonly #chillinginthesun #youllfindmebythepool #poolsideforlife #justfloatingaround #floatingthroughlife #allabouttheweekend #summertanning