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The Story Co. 18.01.2021

Simplify. I think that might be one of the words that I remember the pandemic by (that and chocolate). Or at least today that is how I am feeling. It can be a moment-by-moment adventure! I have this persistent visual that life right now is going through a sieve and only what is essential remains. Last year I read the book Essentialism: The disciplined Pursuit of Less by Greg McKeown and I loved it and it stuck with me. The tagline for the book could not be more apt for the ...times. The crux of his work is not about doing more with less, it is actually about asking yourself if what you are spending your time and resources on is the right thing. We can remove a lot of overwhelm if we stop trying to do it all, stop saying yes every time and instead concentrate on doing the right things. Taking a less but better approach. And to get to what is essential we rely on our purpose. Our purpose becomes the sieve through which all of our options can sift. What is our genius work? What does matter to us? How can we do what matters to us and to others?. It is a mindful way to live life and to do business. Over this last month I have in many different voices asked myself what does matter? And on the more insightful days, usually when I am out walking Stella I might be able to come up with an answer. I then have to push myself further and say, okay, now that I know what does matter, do that. (Maybe it’s Stella who inspires me she always knows what matters sticks!) One of my favourite quotes from the book: Whatever decision or challenge or crossroads you face in your life, simply ask yourself, ‘What is essential?’ Eliminate everything else. As we move forward businesses will be tried, and it will not be an easy road. We will have to zone in on our essential by knowing what matters most to us, and to others, and to have the courage to do that. This pandemic has required us to eliminate much, to purge more than just our closets. Perhaps it has also helped us to embrace the simplicity of the essential. That we can manage and thrive focused on the right things, one piece at a time. If you are looking to get clear on your purpose to grow your business and enrich your life let’s chat. www.thestoryco.ca

The Story Co. 06.01.2021

WESK Uncorked WESK has always been an important organization to me personally. They were there when I started my first business and the vital importance of their good work right now in unqualifiable. Every third Tuesday of the month an incredible thing happens. Uncorked is held. ... Each month there is a different speaker and we gather, to learn from each other, to swap stories, to sip and nosh. But it so much more than just that. For an hour we breathe in the art of the possible. We are inspired and challenged, and we leave more confident (and more loved) than when we arrived. It is the warmest crowd anywhere. This month I get to be the guest speaker and of course the physical event had to be cancelled but I suggested we try it virtually. I will be inviting you personally into my home office (which is really one of my favourite places to be), and Lisa Peters and I will chat with you. It might get a little cozy all of us in there but I am ready for cozy :) We will talk about transitions and pivots and starting over and pushing through, how success is repeatable and why you (as you are) are exactly what the world needs right now. There has never been a more urgent time to have the conversations we need to have about life, business, fear, generosity and opportunity. We also plan to engage each and every one of you as much as possible and keep the chat line humming, and jam up the Q+A box because we are missing you so much!!! We want to know how you are, and what is happening with your business and how you are feeling. This event has always been free and continues to be free and this time we can open our arms wide and invite everyone!! Which is so exciting. No matter what part of the world you live in - you can join us. We are in this together and I am hoping next Tuesday, April 21, 2020 at 5:00 p.m. CST or 7:00pm EST we will all be at this virtual event together. Cuddle into the couch, put on your sweats or kick it up in your heels, order in local or grab some popcorn, or a bag of mini eggs or hmm put the mini eggs in the popcorn! Let’s make this fun. It is time to breathe in the art of the possible. Let us know in the comments if you can make it. I would be thrilled if you can :) Have any burning questions you want us to make sure we delve into? Add those to the comments too. Grab a seat right here ... right now because we can’t wait to see you. https://wesk.ca/e/uncorked-2020-april/

The Story Co. 02.01.2021

We have a puppy named Stella. She works with me, and after having her for three months I am smitten, all in, and sometimes losing my mind! I have a bag of tricks to keep us both happy but sometimes she gets annoyed and wants my full attention. And she has now literally found a way to pop up between me and my desk. She is like Houdini, and then she stares me down, all the while madly wagging her tail.... I started to laugh thinking she is the furry version of a pop up ad in a world that has been very interrupted! I wonder how many brand messages we turn off or frantically X out of in a day, maybe 500? We have so many ways to tell our stories, but interrupting isn’t the best way to do it. I mean really, who likes the interrupter who never lets you finish a thought? Do you picture your brand as the annoying person at the cocktail party (remember, we used to have those!) who, while you are in the midst of a fabulous conversation with someone else, butts in to control or change the dialogue? It is simply rude and annoying and the fastest way to get you off the invite list. The same holds true online. The pop up is a poor way to start a relationship (unless you are as adorable as Stella), yet it is the core of so many campaigns. Realize that this is the old and out-dated model. The model of unrelenting frequency and reach, because we can, is still interruption-based marketing and not what drives a purpose brand. Yes, by all means reach out to your beautiful community, reach out with empathy and reach from the very core of your values and purpose. Give them a meaningful experience. Make the shift from a transactional relationship to a transformational experience and let me know what happens. Not sure what this might look like? Check out a video on Yeti’s storytelling website called Shut Up and Paddle (https://stories.yeti.com/story/shut-and-paddle) on the Texas Water Safari. I bet you will watch the full 7 minutes and share it on. No one is screaming the Yeti brand except for a few well-done product placements. They sell very expensive coolers but what hooks us in is the inspiration and the desire to be part of the story, to join the community, the desire for us to feel transformed. Ditch the pop up for real engagement (at the proper distance of course) that goes beyond transaction and then take your dog for a walk :)

The Story Co. 16.12.2020

After 18 years of working remotely, together, Kelly and I feel like we’ve kind of got this figured out. You see I work out of Regina, Saskatchewan and Kelly works out of Alliston, Ontario. There are 2,684 kilometers between us and our working relationship is seamless, rewarding, and fun too! Not only do we zig and zag in the same creative direction we have supported each other through every zig and zag that life has thrown our way. And wow this is a big zig! Kelly has her k...Continue reading

The Story Co. 06.12.2020

Huge shout out and virtual hug to all those businesses and organizations that are allowing their teams to work remotely, doing their part to help flatten this curve. We know that is not possible for all, but for those who can, we are here (at home) cheering you on! It is a bit nuts right now trying to find our way in such uncharted waters. Yet, we still need to lead others, show up for others, and get our work done. In challenging times strong teams forge bonds that will pr...opel them forward. Below are a few ways to do just that. 1. Recognize that remote working might be perfect for some and terrifying for others. As well, many will be juggling work and kids at home. Offering a few different ways for engagement allows your team to find just what might work for each individual. 2. Encourage team members to find an accountability partner. Keeping a schedule while at home can be challenging but if you know you have an 8:30 check in with another team member, or your whole team, it sets your day up. Do you normally peek your head into an office every morning to say good morning continue to do that, just virtually. 3. Are you used to lunching with co-workers? Do a potluck Zoom lunch once a week. Everyone can Zoom in and visually share what is for lunch that day and just chat about anything or nothing, just being present and doing something you normally do (just a bit differently). It might also be a great time for your social club to support local, buy some gift cards and each team member can order in from their favourite restaurant. 4. This might sound like a crazy suggestion but I have done it and it is really effective. I was part of a group where all of us had a project we were working on that we felt we could not find the time to get completed. So we dedicated one hour twice a week for silent working. We were from all over North America but we Zoomed in and worked silently. It was a nice way to stay on task and feed off the collective energy of others doing their genius work. And projects got finished! 5. Weekly beers and cheers. Friday at 4:00 p.m. is a great time to celebrate success, or lament over tough week, and it still can be. Zoom in on Friday and have each member toast their success for the week, and share their challenges too. Watch for more team engagement tips and be sure to add your great ideas below. For more great stories, check out: www.thestoryco.ca