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The Village Witch 05.02.2021

You are not broken. . I had a magickal session of my own today, working on integrating a few conflicting beliefs back into the whole. . The coolest part of the experience though, is the discovery that they’re not actually conflicting. At a soul level, every aspect of you is working to achieve the same thing.... . Once we’re able to integrate the different aspects, and get them working in harmony, that’s when major vibrational shifts happen. . It’s the moment we tap into an even deeper well of magick, that resides within each and every one of us. . Double tap if you’re feeling ready to begin accessing your inner magick! See more

The Village Witch 28.12.2020

Yesterday I spent hours putting together a dinner to celebrate the arrival of autumn. And then I ate alone. . My son was with his bio-dad, and my partner didn’t make it home for dinner time. . There’s a whole lot of emotion around why I was eating alone, after putting so much love and energy into the meal. As I reflect, I’m reminded that my calling as a solitary practitioner can, on occasion, be a lonely one.... . That’s one of the big reasons I’ve been working behind the scenes on my new project. And I’m so excited to release it into the world. . Over the next few weeks I’ll be releasing more details about what’s to come, but in the meantime I’ll say this... . If you’re a solitary practitioner who sometimes finds herself overwhelmed by all of the information out there, and you’d just LOVE a simple, easy to integrate option for learning the craft, stick around. . If you’d like to continue to practice in solitary, but crave a little community when it comes to learning and growing your craft, stick around. . My cauldron is about to spill over with magickal goodness. . Double tap if you’re excited to find out more! See more

The Village Witch 21.12.2020

Connecting to spirit shouldn’t be complicated. It’s shouldn’t cause us to question ourselves and our knowledge, or create overwhelm with how much there is left to learn. . Connection to spirit is about expansion and ease. . I love that this card came up for me today as a little reminder of that, and as an affirmation of my path.... . The energies of this seasonal shift feel powerful right now. How are you staying grounded? See more

The Village Witch 09.12.2020

Bam! You just made yourself a powerful blend for love & protection. . I suggest you blend it with frothed milk, coffee, and a little sugar. Hey, it’s officially PSL season. I had to. . But seriously this blend is magick, in both a spell and a latte.... . Happy Autumnal Equinox! See more

The Village Witch 09.12.2020

There’s no greater teacher than Mother Nature herself. . I’ve never felt a greater connection to the divine, than I have when I’m spending time in nature. . Having been raised a Catholic, I was taught that a church is the house of God. But that never resonated with me. How could a man-made structure be the house of the divine?... . I was THAT kid. The one who questioned everything. . For me, the gateway to the divine was in the soil and the trees, with a gentle breeze blowing. . THAT’s the house that provided, and continues to provide me with the most profound lessons. . Clearly I was a witch from the get go. Finding solace and spirit from the earth itself. It’s cycles, seasons, and depth of wisdom. See more

The Village Witch 23.11.2020

Let’s be honest...she would have been the first on the witch hunters’ list, back in the day. . She was a champion, a leader, a role model, a mother, a wife. She wasn’t content with the status quo, so she worked to make the world a better place. We are all better for her having lived. . The planet lost a bright light, but that light shines on in everyone she touched. It’s our responsibility now, to ensure the work of Ruth Bader Ginsburg wasn’t in vain.... . Rest in power, RBG. See more

The Village Witch 12.11.2020

Ooh! Remote learning just got an outdoorsy enrichment program, led by this witchy mama! . My little man might not be quite as excited as I am about this, but as we come into the fall, I’m excited about squeezing out every ounce of time with the flora that I can. . Both of these books have amazing education on safety, body systems, and what you can do with your discoveries.... . What’s your favourite way to spend cool but sunny autumn days? Comment below See more

The Village Witch 29.10.2020

I bow to the Divine inner self; the teacher within. . If I had a dime for every time someone said to me, How did you know that? to which I respond, I just know, I’d be rich. . Or at least able to buy a Starbucks PSL.... . I feel fortunate to have had a strong connection to intuition my entire life. I swear it saved my life one day on vacation, when I just knew not to get in the ocean. Turned out there was a sizeable shark hanging out just offshore! . If you’d like to strengthen your connection to the Divine teacher within, try chanting this mantra 108 times while bowing to your inner self. Maintain the practice for at least 40 days. . Anyone else have strong, natural intuitive gifts? I love hearing stories about other people’s experiences! Comment below See more

The Village Witch 27.10.2020

The magick I practice is rooted in energy. It’s about manipulating and managing energy with intention, to achieve a desired outcome. . The general belief about practicing the craft, is that witches take control of things outside of themselves. But in reality the control happens much closer to home. . Powerful & effective craft-work is possible when the practitioner becomes a master of her own energy.... . I draw a lot from my yoga studies. And a big influence on my yoga approach, is the result of a deep dive into Ayurveda. . Ayurveda honours cycles and seasons and energy, and has so many intricate layers. But, having a strong Kitchen Witch affiliation, I love the role that food plays in Ayurveda. . Kitchari is a dish I could make every day. But, my little man has said he doesn’t think he can do it that often. It’s a rice & lentil dish that provides energetic balance, is full of herbs that support digestion, and it’s super yummy too. . I love taking the time to grind the herbs by hand, sending love and intention into my work. This is one of my favourite kitchen magick tools, my Himalayan salt mortar & pestle. . I’ve always been weirdly obsessed with mortar & pestles. I suppose they’ve always been like my wand & cauldron...though I do have a few actual cauldrons. . Well, witches...I’ve got a special treat for you. I’ve got 10 of these mortar & pestles available for purchase. $30 CAD (plus shipping). Just shoot me a DM if you’re interested! See more

The Village Witch 12.10.2020

I really don’t like being wrong. . Perfectionism is one of the most insidious forms of self-sabotage, and it’s something I’m transforming within myself. . One of the things that scared me most about making this shift in how I show up in the world, was the thought that I’d be judged.... . The thing is, people are going to judge me anyway. So why not just allow myself to be judged while enjoying myself, as I take all of my imperfect steps forward. . It’s okay to be wrong, and be uncomfortable with that. What’s not okay is being uncomfortable in an effort to fit some mythical ideal of right. . Where are my fellow perfectionists at? Have you been playing small & safe, in an effort to always appear to be doing the right thing? Will you take a vow with me, to embrace the discomfort and freedom of being wrong? . Comment below with an I’m in! if you’re ready to ditch the exhaustion and let’s face it, low vibes, of always trying to fit someone else’s idea of right. See more

The Village Witch 26.09.2020

What was your reputation like, back in the day? . I’ve mentioned before that I was a band geek, but that’s not the whole story. I was also a year round athlete (swimming & soccer), President of the girl’s athletic association, performer in the school musical, and member of the stage crew. . I was basically the kid from the movie Rushmore.... . Fortunately, I had an okay reputation. (We all have our haters.) But, like all schools, there were always a handful of kids with...shall we say, less favourable reputations. Which likely wasn’t very fair. . Kind of like this Flat-topped Goldenrod. . Goldenrod gets a bad reputation for aggravating allergies, but more often it’s ragweed to blame. Not always, but most of the time. . In fact, the leaves of the Goldenrod plant can be brewed up into a tea, to help ALLEVIATE allergy symptoms. Just make sure you identify it properly, as a member of the Solidago genus, as there are yellow-flowered family members in the Senecio genus that are deadly toxic. . I love learning about the magick of our natural environment, and how planned it can all seem. I mean seriously, the plant that causes allergy symptoms, and the plant that can help alleviate those same symptoms, both blooming at the same time? . Well played, Mama Nature. Well played. . Double tap if you agree! And, if you’re interested in identifying plants and wildlife in your area, check out the Seek app. I have no affiliation, I just love it so much. See more

The Village Witch 22.09.2020

My partner came home from work one day...he works at a collision repair shop...and said that someone told him he smelled like essential oils. . He didn’t seem thrilled. I laughed. . Having just cleaned up, the last step is smudging our space. But I’m not a big fan of using smoke on a regular basis. So...I use a smokeless smudge blend in the diffuser.... . When my little man was just a toddler, I would mix this up in a spray bottle. Whenever he got scared or had nightmares, we would spray it around the room. I called it Monster Spray - because it gets rid of the monsters. . Works like a charm, every time. . And, if you’ve also got a partner concerned with smelling a little too floral, this is a traditional smudge combo with a nice woodsy scent. He can just tell the guys he went trail riding. . If you’re interested in your own room spray version, DM me. I’m happy to spill my blending secrets. See more

The Village Witch 08.09.2020

Monday = Moon Day. . Take a moment to tap into the energy of the moon today. . After inventory and organizing of the oils yesterday, I’m going to spend a little time crafting today. Allowing that moon energy to guide my intuition & creativity.... . What are you up to this Moon Day? See more

The Village Witch 25.08.2020

My soul is happy, but my feet are aching. . After a full weekend of cleaning & decluttering, it’s time to enjoy the sanctuary of home with my two favourite guys. . There are a few days left in this waning moon period...the perfect time to let go of anything that no longer serves you. Whether it’s outdated beliefs, or those expired supplements you’ve been hanging onto for no discernible reason.... . What can you let go of in the next few days that’s no longer serving you? Comment below See more

The Village Witch 21.08.2020

My tidying up time on Friday escalated into a full blown, deep clean of our home. . Closets & bookshelves emptied, culled, and rearranged. . My little man just came downstairs, looked at the living room and said, the energy feels better.... . Thrilling on two levels. First, intention achieved. Second, my little judges a room by its energy. Squee! . I guess it’s time to tackle the bathroom now. Sigh. Anyone else have a room they ALWAYS leave to the end? Comment below See more

The Village Witch 14.08.2020

It seems daunting, but it’s not. . I went to high school in a predominantly Greek neighbourhood - Go Goliaths and Athenas Go! . In fact, the house from My Big Fat Greek Wedding is just down the road from my childhood home...and there was almost no additional set dec. My friends and I recognized it immediately, when we first saw the movie.... . So with that, the last names of my classmates were long, with lots of syllables. Most people think they’re really hard to pronounce, but if you take a second to look at them they’re pronounced EXACTLY the way they’re spelled. . This mantra, while long and repetitive, is no different than those daunting Greek last names. Just take a minute, don’t panic at all those vowels, and sound it out. . This beauty connects us to the divine creative flow. And what could be better than that on a late summer Saturday? . So tell me friends, what were your high school sports teams named? Let’s see your alma mater pride below See more

The Village Witch 31.07.2020

This is what magick in my home looks like. (Swipe to see the final results) . Tomatoes, garlic, and hot peppers we grew ourselves, roasted up and transformed into a beautifully rich & spicy sauce. . Served up for dinner after welcoming in a little leftover roast chicken & pasta.... . Practicing magick doesn’t have to mean complicated and shrouded by mystery. It can be the simple act of assembling ingredients, honouring where they came from, and crafting it all together with love and gratitude. . So tell me, what practical magick are you crafting tonight? Comment below See more

The Village Witch 22.07.2020

So, it’s Friday...and Friday is the day I reserve for things that bring me joy and fill my cup. . What does that look like today? It looks like Get Organized with @thehomeedit playing non-stop (yes, Netflix, I am still watching) while I empty out and organize my pantry. . Nothing makes me happier than a well organized pantry. When I can walk in and see everything I’ve got to work with, the inspiration flows. Like my own personal episode of Chopped.... . Cleaning out and organizing is also a great opportunity to practice gratitude. Appreciating the abundance of what you have, and thanking items for their service before you get rid of them. . And, as you know, it creates space for amazing new energy to flow in. . Does anyone else practice self-care by organizing? Comment below See more

The Village Witch 07.07.2020

I was a high school band geek. . I was in all the bands (and choir, and dance ensemble) and yes...I even attended band camp in the summertime. . But, one thing all of that band activity brought into my life was the opportunity to visit Japan, as an exchange student, when I was 16.... . The entire music department of my high school went, and one of the experiences we had the opportunity to take part in, was a home-stay with a Japanese family. . There’s nothing more eye opening and immersive than being dropped into the daily life of another culture. Especially when you don't speak the language. My entire time with my host family was experienced through energy and sense. . One of the things that’s always stayed with me from that experience is the reverence for energy within the home. Starting at the front door. . No shoes are allowed past the foyer, and there are very specific protocols for shoe placement. The entryway is pristine and serene, and it sets the tone for the whole home. It was amazing to experience, first hand, the result of intention, mindfulness, and ritual within the home. . If you’re struggling with stagnant energy within your home, take a look at your front entry. Is it cluttered, dark, difficult to move around in? Maybe you’ve got all of your clutter hiding out in the front closet? You can't see it, but the energy is piling up there. . To get the energy moving, take some time and tackle your foyer decluttering. Not only will it help create movement within your home, but it frees up mental energy. Because whether you realize it or not, you’ve probably been thinking about it for a while. . So...where are my fellow band geeks out there? What instrument did you play? (I played drums) Comment below See more

The Village Witch 25.06.2020

Let's face it, sometimes generating feelings of gratitude seems about as impossible as sprouting wings and flying off your roof. . Every mindset coach will tell you that the key to building a resilient mind, is embracing a gratitude practice. But what happens when you're having a down day? Because we all have those at some point. . Well, that's one of the reasons I love essential oils. They have such a huge impact on emotions, and have the magickal ability to turn your da...y around. . Tangerine can help with feelings of gladness, fulfillment, and lightheartedness. Wild Orange can help elicit feelings of abundance & joy. Spikenard can assist with feeling grateful, content, and peaceful. Douglas Fir can help keep everything grounded with wisdom, while working beneath the surface to aid generational healing. . Try the recipe in a rollerball, topped off with a carrier oil like Fractionated Coconut Oil. Before you sit down to your gratitude journaling, roll the blend over your heart centre and pulse points. Allow yourself to breathe quietly for a few cycles of breath, and notice how the energy within you shifts. . If you're looking for any of the oils listed, check out the link tree in my bio and shop doTERRA oils with me. See more

The Village Witch 13.06.2020

I’m a basic witch. And I’m okay with that...now. . I like neutrals and earth tones, with pops of colour. I like the clean lines of midcentury modern design. Yes, I enjoy me a good Starbucks PSL, and sometimes...just sometimes...I listen to Ed Sheeran because his songs make me happy. . I used to think these were all things that somehow diminished my witchy street cred. But honestly, there’s no one right way to practice.... . Crafting in my home is all about being practical. Magick is made in the kitchen, using produce we’ve grown and harvested ourselves. Potions are crafted from essential oils and herbs, to help with upset tummies and too much sun on our skin. And trips across the hedge provide the connection and inspiration to make all of that happen. . I’m not saying all homemakers identify as a witch, but I do think there’s a little witch in all of us. . If you’re curious about how you can bring a little more magick & ritual into the everyday of keeping your home, click the link in my bio and subscribe to the newsletter! See more

The Village Witch 09.06.2020

I was telling you yesterday about my struggle to balance the energy in my home, under the added strain & stress of social distancing. . I'm grateful for that challenge though. It allowed me insight into the cracks and shortfalls of my own mindset, self-care, and spiritual practices. . Obstacles are a wonderful tool. And added strain & stress? Well, that's just pressure.... . And pressure creates diamonds. See more

The Village Witch 29.05.2020

I'm definitely a homebody. I love all of the little things that go into making a home, and I love being able to work with my clients from that same sacred space. . But, if we're being honest, the energy around our home got SUPER WEIRD during this season of social distancing. It took on a bit less of a sanctuary vibe, and more of a house arrest vibe. . It was disturbing for me to suddenly be resentful of the time I spent there. And that shift in energy changed everything.... . My partner and I seemed to be on different wavelengths. My motivation was non-existent. My connection to intuition and spirit were strained. My anxiety & depression were ruling the roost. . September has always felt like a fresh start for me though. Most of our harvest has been reaped, and the fall plantings are almost ready to go in the ground. Clean slate. . So, it feels like the right time to begin clearing out the old energy in my home. Tilling the energy field, in essence. . Anyone else find their home vibes a bit janky after having it pull double...triple...quadruple duty the last few months? Double tap if you're excited to spruce things up again! See more

The Village Witch 13.05.2020

Having trained extensively as a Yoga Teacher, working with Mantra was something that always resonated with me. No pun intended...but it definitely works. . The word Mantra is Sanskrit in origin, and can be roughly translated to a sacred message or text, charm, spell. . The Sanskrit Mantra are especially powerful, as the sounds create resonance throughout the entire palate, bringing us into vibrational alignment with our intention.... . Cool, right? . So Hum translates to I Am That. It strengthens awareness of our interconnectedness with everything around us. . I am that...tree. I am that...hungry child. I am that...violent individual. . So Hum makes us mindful of the importance of caring for, and healing ourself. Because in doing so, we’re healing everyone and everything around us. . Double tap if you’re ready to begin the healing, starting at home. See more

The Village Witch 08.05.2020

Words are, in my not so humble opinion, our most inexhaustible source of magic. Capable of both inflicting injury, and remedying it. - Albus Dumbledore . I’ve got a lot of exciting new things happening, and one of them focuses on the magick and energy that comes from the words we use. . It’s the marriage of language, mindfulness, and intentionality.... . Yup, I’m getting myself NLP Certified. But I like to think of it as becoming a skilled spellcaster. You know...because spells are awesome fun. . Double tap if you agree with Professor Dumbledore! See more

The Village Witch 01.05.2020

This is like bottling up love & joy. Which is exactly what I'm feeling today, as I celebrate my baby boy's birthday. . How has it been 12 years already!?! . I guess time really does fly when you're having...well...all of the emotions. Motherhood isn't for the faint of heart.... . Another reason I'm so grateful for my little plant-powered potions. . Bergamot is pure happiness, and helps promote self-acceptance and feeling loveable. Grapefruit nourishes, and Myrrh nurtures. All together, this blend enhances the energy of love, trust, and a firm ground. . Let me know what you think of this combo - leave a comment or shoot me a DM! See more

The Village Witch 11.04.2020

What steps are you taking today, to start living YOUR best life?

The Village Witch 02.04.2020

Hey, so you maybe don't know this about me, but I kind of love tacos. . Like, I REEEEEALLY love them. . You all know how important my family are to me, and...well...both my partner and son do NOT like tacos. But I make them eat tacos anyway.... . I don't want to say I love tacos more than my two fellas, but... . Okay, it's equal. I love them all equally. . Love and joy are two of the highest vibrational frequencies around. The more love and joy we wrap our energy bodies in the more love and joy the Universe will send us. . So if you've got a passion, own it. If there's something that lights you up with pure, unfiltered joy, then gift yourself with that delight. Because that simple delightful joy will create a ripple that fills your life with more joy. . Listen to the 90s club jam, float in the lake, eat the tacos. Find your joy, and don't let anyone take it from you. . So, what lights up your life the way tacos (and my family) light up mine? Comment below See more

The Village Witch 24.03.2020

When I was deep in the muck of my own Authenticity Alignment journey, and self-worth was at an all-time low, one of my healing guides offered me this mantra. . Traditionally speaking, Lakshmi is called upon to support abundance. Most often that's associated with material abundance - money. But, truthfully this mantra supports us when there's scarcity or lack of any kind. . In my case, I was desperately lacking any sense of my own value. I had allowed myself to be conv...inced I was small, worthless, and someone whose feelings, knowledge, and opinions were completely inconsequential. . I chanted the Lakshmi mantra every day, for a full month, and by the end of it felt strong enough to step back into my authentic self. To speak up for myself, advocate for the validity of my feelings, and ultimately walk away from an unhealthy situation. . I'm not saying this mantra solved all of my problems, and I'm not saying I've never struggled with self-worth since. But I am saying this mantra was a powerful catalyst for my own healing journey, and I offer it to you with the hope it can do the same. . Give it a try and DM me to let me know how it goes! See more

The Village Witch 20.03.2020

Every week, my partner and I (along with my son if he's not with his bio-dad) head to my partner's Grandparents' house for dinner. I bring all of the food, and cook up a storm in their kitchen. . It's an opportunity for us to spend quality time together (one of my love languages), enjoying home cooked food, and maintaining connection. . Connection to family, to history, and even connection to the earth - because our meals often include food we've grown ourselves...lik...e the tomatoes in my Fried Green Tomatoes recipe! (blog link in linktree) . We don’t just make time for this every week, we look forward to it. Family, love, joy, connection, vitality - they're all values in my own Authenticity Compass. A tool that's introduced so much joy and ease into our life. . What's something you make time for every week, that lights you up from within? Comment below See more

The Village Witch 16.03.2020

Have you ever woken up feeling exhausted, and then stubbed your toe, quickly followed by the discovery of cat vomit on the couch? . How did the rest of your day go after that? I'm betting it seemed to slide even farther downhill. . How we start the day sets the tone for the day.... . Try this affirmation as part of your bedtime routine, in order to power up your morning frequency. (If you're like me maybe you'll even add your favourite essential oil into the mix.) . Anyone else love affirmations? Comment below See more

The Village Witch 12.03.2020

What came first, the fulfilling life or the joy? . In the world of Newtonian physics (stick with me), we're taught all about cause and effect. Touch the fire, get burned. Jump in the pool, feel refreshed. Hustle for the great life, be happy. . But SO MANY people have all the trappings of a "great life" and are miserable, just like I was.... . So, what if we take a Quantum approach? Work on finding the right frequency, and the great life will follow. . Light the spark of joy inside of you first, and the great life you're looking for will begin to manifest. Give it a try! See more

The Village Witch 03.03.2020

When I was studying Aromatherapy in my Holistic Health Practitioner program, I began playing with remedy recipes. And one day, crafted a balm for my dad's knees - he has crazy bad arthritis. . My dad had tried everything short of surgery at that point, so he figured my concoction couldn't hurt. . A few days after giving it to him, he called me up and said..."I don't know what kind of witchcraft they're teaching you at that school, but the pain in my knees was gone almost ...instantly after I put that lotion on." . Ho. Lee. Cow. . This was huge. And so, Aromatherapy has been one of my favourite modalities ever since. . One of the things I love is that they don't just work on the physical level, but on the energetic and emotional level as well. Which brings me to a little lady I'd like you all to meet...NEROLI! . Until now, I had taken a step back from all things business, and was feeling very uncertain about how to proceed. Neroli played a part in me finding divine guidance, with its gentle reassurance of both the crown and heart chakras. . If you find yourself in need of gentle reminders of your own magnificence, or courage and mental strength during challenging seasons, then it's time to get to know neroli. . Diluted in a carrier oil, place neroli over the heart centre (sternum) and/or pulse points. Close your eyes, allow your breath to become steady and slow, and allow yourself to come softly into alignment with your highest self. . If you'd like to give NEROLI a try, check out my linktree for access to my doTERRA shop. And if you've had some experience with this gentle beauty, I'd love to read all about it in the comments! See more

The Village Witch 20.02.2020

Well hello there! It’s been a hot minute since I introduced myself, and I’ve been seeing a bunch of new faces. So, I thought it was about time . I’m Michelle Margaret, mom to a tween-age boy, partner to the love of my life, and an Authenticity Alignment Coach. . You might be wondering what an Authenticity Alignment Coach is, so I'm going to share my story...... . Not that long ago, I was living a COMPLETELY different life than the one I have today. I was married, had a house in the city, and a fast-paced job in Film & TV production. . On paper, life looked perfect. But I was miserable. . Despite having "everything a woman could want", I felt joyless and unfulfilled. Which is when I began my journey of re-discovering my Authentic Self. . It was a journey with many ups and downs, some painful realizations, and massive change. But now, I can truly say the journey was worth it. . I'm living life on MY terms, following MY dreams, and aligning with a life that supports MY values. I'm no longer living life according to someone else's blueprint. . Ladies, can I get a HELLS YEAH for living an authentic life!?! Let's hear from you in the comments! See more

The Village Witch 03.02.2020

If there’s one thing this pandemic has affirmed in me, it’s the importance of enjoying the time we’ve got. . When I completely redesigned my life five years ago, it was with the singular thought that life was meant to be loved. . I wanted Joy to be my most important metric.... . I’m not saying every day has been a party and that there are never hard times. But since making that conscious decision, I’m able to look at my life with gratitude. . It may not be perfect, but neither am I. And this life I’ve created is MINE. . I’m not living anyone else’s blueprint. . And I want that for you too. Which is why I’m offering a FLASH SALE on a jumpstart coaching package. . For $97 you get three Zoom sessions with me. In those sessions we’ll clarify where you are, where you want to be, and identify action that can be taken to close the gap. . Are you ready to start living your best life, based on YOUR blueprint? DM me to get in on this FLASH SALE today. Offer ends this Friday at NOON. See more

The Village Witch 18.01.2020

The website is still under construction, but I did some blogging. Check it out to see the life lessons I'm learning in my garden... Namaste.

The Village Witch 11.01.2020

I needed to step up my own self-care game, but as you know if you’ve been here for a while...I hate grocery shopping. . I’m feeling pretty grateful to our new normal right now, because it made me look outside of my bubble for solutions. . Enter @goodrebelvegan! I ordered online yesterday and picked it up today. Easy peasy.... . To celebrate, I made this quick & delicious Spicy Creamy Vegan Ramen courtesy of @edgyveg. . I’m loving this bright & spicy soup on a rainy grey day. . #joy #selfcare #gratitude #vegan #whatveganseat #spicy #iloveramen #missmyramencrew #intermittentfasting #wellness #wellnesscoach #stress #overwhelm #selfcareplan #overwhelmcoach #anxiety #depression #mentalhealth #mentalwellness #findyourjoy #radiantbydesign See more

The Village Witch 30.12.2019

It’s not about being a Pollyanna all the time. . Squashing down your feelings and numbing them with busy-ness, food, alcohol...pick your poison...isn’t self-care. Pretending everything is okay, isn’t self-care. . Feelings are meant to be felt. They’re there to teach us, and show us where we need to pour our attention.... . Today I’m feeling a lot. It’s not a weakness, it’s a strength. I can sit in my tears, and have them guide me. And then use that guidance to develop resilience. . Today, I’m sad. Tomorrow, I’ll be stronger. . #vulnerability #vulnerabilityisstrength #feelyourfeelings #grow #resilience #strength #mindset #mindsetcoach #anxiety #mentalhealth #mentalwellness #mindfulness #toughdays #thistooshallpass #gratitude #findyourjoy #radiantbydesign See more

The Village Witch 16.12.2019

Gardening and self-care. . They both require patience, and consistent cultivating. Ignore either one for too long, and tiny weeds that once seemed insignificant will eventually take over. . I love this time of year in the garden - so much new growth and potential. It’s also the most exciting time for a self-care practice. Everything is new and fresh.... . A few weeks from now, the weeds will be bigger and we’ll need to put a lot more work in. We’ll be uncomfortable, and some days wonder if the effort is even worth it. . But, in the end, we’ll have potatoes, sugar snap peas, garlic, and butternut squash. (Plus tomatoes not pictured.) . The self-care is worth it too. Only it’s you that will bloom into your fullest potential. . #selfcare #gardening #gardeningyourmind #mindset #mindfulness #garden #gardening #homesteading #gardentotable #joy #gratitude #slowitdown #overwhelm #overwhelmsolution #findyourjoy #radiantbydesign See more

The Village Witch 04.12.2019

Grateful that we live at an easy access point to the valley trails. . Grateful to live with these two guys, who are never content with the beaten path. . Grateful for the calm & confidence a regular mindfulness practice has brought.... . What seems like a lifetime ago, but in reality only a few short years ago, I was anxious, depressed, and borderline agoraphobic. . Chronic stress had damaged my ability to regulate my nervous system, so everything was too much to handle. . If I hadn’t gotten that under control, I never would have stepped outside my comfort zone, and I never would have left an unhealthy relationship. I wouldn’t have met my partner, and I wouldn’t have started my own business. . I wouldn’t have the life I have today. . I owe everything I have to a single decision to prioritize a mindfulness practice for myself. . If you’re wondering how to begin reducing overwhelm and prioritize mindfulness, check out my FREE guide for Overcoming Overwhelm (linktr.ee/radiantjoyliving). . #namaste #clarity #calm #peace #ease #joy #freedom #happiness #anxiety #overwhelm #burnout #shiftwork #shiftworker #shiftworkerproblems #mentalhealth #mentalwellness #yoga #mindfulness #selfcare #selflove #healthyhabits #love #gratitude #getoutside #butkeepyourdistance #findyourjoy #radiantbydesign @ Charles Sauriol Conservation Reserve See more

The Village Witch 26.11.2019

Where is this relationship going? . Maybe you’re in a brand new relationship with yoga & mindfulness. Maybe IG or FB is your way of exploring a little. . Like Tinder...you can swipe away without committing.... . I’d love to hear from some newbies and zen-curious...what results are you hoping a yoga & mindfulness practice will bring? Let’s see those comments! . #yoga #mindfulness #beginner #yogastudio #onlineyoga #transformation #sleep #insomnia #stress #anxiety #overwhelm #mentalhealth #mentalwellness #healthyhabits #lifestyle #wellness #wellnesshabits #newbeginnings #joy #calm #happiness #gratitude #peace #ease #findyourjoy #radiantbydesign See more