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Tiny Tots Consulting 30.09.2020

How To Dress Baby For Bedtime Heres a chart (screenshot this!) showing how to dress baby based on temperature of the room! The ideal room temp is between 68-72 degrees Fahrenheit. If you have any questions about sleep sacks TOG rating, Im happy to help!... What does your baby typically sleep in? See more

Tiny Tots Consulting 19.09.2020

Early morning waking! Do you find your baby is waking between 4-6am? Our bodies naturally fall into lighter sleep during the second half of the night. As we get closer to morning, melatonin (our sleepy hormone) starts to drop, and cortisol (our awake hormone) starts to increase. So what can you do to fix it?... Make sure babys room is pitch black. Our bodies have a natural dip in temperature between 3-5am, so make sure baby is dressed appropriately. Give baby about 10 minutes before you go in to see if theyll settle and go back to sleep on their own. You presence may only wake them up more. 6:00am is a perfectly acceptable time to hold baby to for morning time. Furthermore, babys that are able to connect sleep cycles, will be able to cruise through those early mornings easier. Book your 15 minute call today to get you sleeping again! See more

Tiny Tots Consulting 01.09.2020

Bedtime Routines Today Id like to stress the importance of routines. Having a solid bedtime routine helps children wind down after a busy day, and cues their brain for bedtime. Children thrive on structure and schedules. Keep bedtime short, 20-30 minutes is perfect. Heres an example of Eastons bedtime routine.... 1. Bath 2. Lotion & clean jammies 3. Two books 4. Snuggle & song 5. Into crib & zipped into sleep sack with a smooch. I help parents teach their littles to sleep WELL. All families deserve to get quality rest. What is your kiddos bedtime routine? See more

Tiny Tots Consulting 29.08.2020

Appropriate Bedtimes By Age Let me start by saying that sleep = sleep. Later bedtimes do not equate to a later wakeup time. Typically a child will wakeup at the same time every morning, regardless of when they went to bed. So if youre wondering about age & bedtimes, heres a chart to follow. As always I offer a complimentary consult to discuss your current sleep situation and how I can help!

Tiny Tots Consulting 24.08.2020

In case anyone needs a laugh this evening. I had one heck of a day with my toddler today, and this basically summarized it

Tiny Tots Consulting 07.08.2020

Hi friends! I realize Ive been far too quiet these past couple of weeks and theres a reason for that. I wanted to pop on here and let you all know whats been going on. A couple weeks ago now, my familys house and shop burned down in the middle of the night. Thankfully everyone is okay, and possessions can be replaced.... I wanted to make sure you know I havent abandoned you, and am still available to answer any sleep questions you may have. I might not be posting regularly, but Im still here! See more

Tiny Tots Consulting 18.07.2020

Why We Need Sleep Did you know that the human body can go longer without food than sleep? Sleep is not a luxury, it is a necessity. Sleep is the function that helps the body restore itself. So when youre sleeping, your body is growing muscles, repairing tissues, synthesizing proteins, and excreting growth hormones. Many of these only happen during sleep. Studies suggest that the link between sleep and brain plasticity is becoming more apparent, and that sleep depriva...tion inhibits a person from performing certain tasks well and their learning capability. So, if youre struggling with getting healthy sleep for your family, just know that youre not alone. I offer a complimentary phone consult, where we discuss how I can help solve those sleep issues youre dealing with and answer any questions you may have about the sleep training process. Lets get you sleeping again! See more

Tiny Tots Consulting 11.07.2020

Calling all EXHAUSTED moms! This one is for YOU! Does your child... 1 Need to be fed to sleep?... 2 Need to be rocked to sleep? 3 Waking multiple times a night? 4 Taking crap naps? 5 All of the above? Id love to hear what youd like to change about your current sleep situation. Tell me below! See more

Tiny Tots Consulting 06.07.2020

How To Give Up The Thumb So your child started sucking their thumb, and now youd like the habit to stop, but arent sure where to start. First off, heres a few myths about thumb sucking. 1 My kid will still be sucking their thumb at 12 years old. This is unlikely. Generally kiddos stop between the ages of 2-4, & if it continues into age 5, most kids will stop due to their peers not sucking their thumb.... 2 It will ruin his teeth. This is only true if it continues once your child has his adult teeth. 3 Hes using it as a crutch. While its a method for self soothing at a young age, as your child gets older hell find new ways to cope with stress. 4 A pacifier is better. Usually parents will end up letting a pacifier stick around longer than the thumb sucking would. Now here are my 5 steps to kick that thumb sucking habit For 1 week, write down every time you see the thumb in his mouth. Identify what the payoff is. (Pain relief, tired, idle) Remind & distract offer something in exchange for no thumb sucking Use a reward chart offer a treat or small toy @ the end of the day if successful For nighttime thumb suckers, tie a ribbon on his thumb, or a bandaid to remind child of the goal. A new sleep toy would also be a good reward. Habits are hard to break, so make it clear to your child why you want it to stop. Stay consistent, and keep reminding your child to keep his thumb out of his mouth. Eventually hell stop before you know it! See more

Tiny Tots Consulting 28.06.2020

Capping Naps I realize that this goes completely against the saying never wake a sleeping baby. While this is true, sometimes it is necessary to wake a baby/toddler from their naps. Especially when their sleep starts to fall apart in other areas. Heres some signs that you might need to start capping your childs nap. Baby is waking for extended periods throughout the night... There is protesting at bedtime and child is taking longer than 30+ minutes to fall asleep. Early morning waking (child has maxed out on total daily sleep needs). Of course there are other reasons why the above things could be happening, developmental milestones play a factor. However, if these are happening consistently for 2 weeks, it might be time to look at shortening those naps. A good rule of thumb to follow is if baby is on 2 or more naps, make sure that 1 nap doesnt exceed the 2-hour mark. If baby is on 1 nap/day, that nap shouldnt exceed 3 hours. If youre looking to make a change with your childs sleep, send me a message! My 1:1 Sleep Program sets you AND your child up for success to get the rest your whole family deserves. See more

Tiny Tots Consulting 17.06.2020

Screenshot this If youve ever wondered what your babys sleep cues are, heres a list to keep naps and bedtime on track! A baby that is overtired is a BEAST! Its important to follow awake windows and babys sleep cues to make sure you avoid overtiredness!... Need some help with babys sleep? I offer a complimentary consult to go over your current situation & how I can help See more

Tiny Tots Consulting 11.06.2020

How Long Should It Take To Fall Asleep? Have you ever wondered how long it is supposed to take your baby to fall asleep? Let me break it down for ya. Anywhere within 5-20 minutes is normal. Usually baby will move around to find that optimal sleeping position before settling in for sleep. This means youve nailed down that sweet spot of awake time.... If baby is taking longer than 20 minutes to fall asleep, they are likely just not tired enough or havent built up enough sleep pressure (extend awake time by 15-20 minutes.) If baby is falling asleep in less than 5 minutes, than you have an overtired baby on your hands and it is best to shorten her awake time. If youre struggling with your babys sleep and need some guidance on how to get things on track, Id love to help! See more

Tiny Tots Consulting 03.06.2020

Have you ever heard of the T.I.C.K.S Guidelines for Safe Babywearing? It is a great resource to make sure youre babywearing correctly. Heres a little summary of what its all about. 1 T is for TIGHT Slings & carriers need to be snug enough to hug your baby close as this will be the most comfortable, as well as not allowing your baby to slump which can inhibit their breathing. 2 I is for IN VIEW AT ALL TIMES... You should always be able to see your babys face just by a quick glance down. The fabric of a carrier should never cover a babys face where you must pull it back to see them. In the cradle position, babys face should point up, not into you. 3 C is for CLOSE ENOUGH TO KISS Your babys head should be high enough that you can easily look down and kiss you babys head or forehead. 4 K is for KEEP CHIN OFF CHEST A baby should never be in a position where their chin is forced onto their chest which restricts breathing. You should always be able to fit a finger between their chin and their chest. 5 S is for SUPPORTED BACK Upright baby carriers should always hold babies comfortably close to the wearer, so their back is supported & their chest is against you. (Test this by putting a hand on babys back and pressing gently they should not curl or move closer to you.) Baby in a cradle pouch or sling should have their bottom at the deepest part, so the sling doesnt fold them in half pressing their chin to their chest. I used a Lillebaby carrier (and loved it) with my little guy. What is your favorite baby carrier? See more

Tiny Tots Consulting 31.05.2020

Ever wonder when the right time is for your baby to drop a nap? Above are some general age guidelines to follow but watch for these signs as well. Your baby is nearing or within the appropriate age group to drop a nap. Baby doesnt seem tired at naptime. Which means baby is building up stamina as she gets older and needs a longer awake time to be tired at naptime. Early morning wakeups, which can be caused by too much daytime sleep. However, there are several reaso...ns why early morning wakeups occur, so make sure several of these signs are checked off as well before dropping a nap. Short naps. These are due to simply going down for a nap too early, and not building up enough sleep pressure to have a nice, long nap. Bedtime becomes a struggle, or baby is fighting that last nap of the day. Are you gearing up to drop one of your babys naps, or already in the middle of it? Is there anything I can help you with? See more

Tiny Tots Consulting 29.05.2020

Developmental milestones Have you ever watched your baby learning how to crawl? Their little brains are hardwired to master a skill; rolling, crawling, sitting up, walking, talking etc. Did you know that mastering these skills and sleep are connected? If your once great sleeper is suddenly fighting bedtime, waking early, or having short naps, pay special attention to see if theyre working on a new skill. Stay consistent and generally the disruption will resolve itsel...f in about a week or so. Another thing you can do is be patient and help baby practice their new skills during the day, so bedtime can go smoothly. What new skill is your baby working on? See more

Tiny Tots Consulting 26.05.2020

Newborns. Lord have mercy they can be difficult. There is always the question of whether theyve eaten enough or slept enough, because lets be honest thats basically all newborns do for the first several weeks of their life. Newborns can only handle about 45 minutes to an hour of time awake between sleeps. Heres a list of signs your baby will likely exhibit if theyre exhausted. Crankiness: this can look very similar to hunger Rubbing eyes, ears, and nose: this typ...ically doesnt stat until around 3 months Red rimmed eyes Seven-mile stare: where baby is completely zoned out, shutting out things around him Arching back or twisting Turning head into something: like your chest, neck, the couch, anything to block out stimulus. An overtired newborn is likely a cranky/irritable newborn. Watch that clock and get baby down for a nap before you see any of these tired signs. If youre in the trenches with your newborn, send me a DM! Id love to chat with you! See more

Tiny Tots Consulting 08.05.2020

Hi mommas! Im curious! On a scale of 1-10 how well did you sleep last night? 10 being INCREDIBLE, and 1 being THE WORST. Tell me below!

Tiny Tots Consulting 20.04.2020

Ill be available all day answering your sleep questions! Post your question below!

Tiny Tots Consulting 10.04.2020

Hi! Ill be available ALL DAY tomorrow answering your burning questions about your kiddos sleep! Keep an eye out for the Master Post to drop your questions under.

Tiny Tots Consulting 04.04.2020

Hahaha if this isnt the truth, I dont know what is. I love putting my kiddo to bed at night and confidently knowing I wont hear from him until morning. I desperately need those couple hours in the evening to regroup and recharge. If youre wanting to have a few hours before bed every night for yourself, and not sure how to get there, Id love to help

Tiny Tots Consulting 22.03.2020

Does it feel like your baby has been teething for months on end and their sleep is suffering because of it? While it often seems like teething is the cause for those sleepless nights, studies have shown that pain associated with teething only happens on the day the tooth erupts and 24 hours afterward. Independent sleep skills are the key to getting your little one sleeping through the night. Once your baby can make the journey from awake to asleep on their own, thats when theyll start consolidating those hours during the night. Want to get your baby sleeping better but dont know where to start? Send me a DM, lets get you sleeping again.

Tiny Tots Consulting 15.03.2020

Are you #tiredasamother ? Sleep deprivation is a nasty feeling to put it straight forward. Unfortunately, there is a stigma around moms constantly being tired, and somewhere along the lines, people now think it is funny or a competition to see who is the MOST tired. Cmon now youre certainly not out there winning awards for being sleep deprived. So, what does sleep deprivation look like? 1 Irritability... 2 Depressed mood 3 Forgetfulness 4 Lack of motivation 5 Increased appetite & carbohydrate cravings 6 Reduced sex drive If youre reading that list and checking off the majority of the boxes, youre likely lacking in the sleep department. Thankfully, theres people like myself that can help get things back on track. If youre ready to take your bed back, and/or get your child sleeping well so EVERYONE can get the rest they need, please reach out. Id love to help! Lets get you sleeping again. See more

Tiny Tots Consulting 10.02.2020

Toddler Tips Struggling with your toddler these days? Heres some tips to help understand these very challenging little humans better. - Toddlers are born boundary pushers and born manipulators. They LOVE structure and routine, and they like the world to be black and white.... - Even though they push, theyll be insecure if boundaries shift. - They can be extremely persistent if their behaviour has worked in the past. As always, I help you teach your child to sleep through the night. If you have a toddler thats pushing all the boundaries, DM me. Lets get things back on track. See more

Tiny Tots Consulting 05.02.2020

Newborn Nap Tips! It is important to remember that newborn sleep is not well organized. It takes some time to establish a good routine. Use daytime light to your advantage. During awake times be in a bright area of the house. During naps, make sure its DARK in their room. Be aware of time awake. Newborns can only handle about 45 minutes to 1 hour of time awake.... 1/2 hour to 45 minute naps are common. So dont sweat it if baby isnt napping for extended periods. Once youve put baby to bed, give him a few minutes to settle. Theres no shame in asking for help if you need it. All of us here know what its like to have a newborn. Reach out! Let me help See more

Tiny Tots Consulting 31.01.2020

Happy Easter from my family to yours!

Tiny Tots Consulting 13.01.2020

Routines & Schedules With everyone being home and kids out of school, its easy to deviate from your well-oiled routine. While its easy to approach bedtimes and naps with less urgency, pushing bedtime too late and bending the rules can be very disruptive for children. Toddlers and babies especially still need those boundaries, so they know exactly what to expect, regardless of whats going on. Toddlers love testing boundaries and rules, but they heavily rely on them ...being exactly the same. Its incredibly hard for them when rules change, or certain boundaries are there one day, and different the next. Bedtime should be on that non-negotiable list. How are you dealing with isolation and whats your biggest struggle these days? See more

Tiny Tots Consulting 11.01.2020

How Can A Sleep Consultant Help You? Times are hard with all this uncertainty, isolation, and changes in routine. It seems like the whole world has turned upside down. I took a hiatus from my business, and well basically life lol. Spent some much-needed down time with my family, relaxing, and enjoying the quiet (as quiet as it can be with kids amiright?). But Im back now and wanted to put out a quick reminder of what I can do for YOU! If youre home with your kids ...and realizing that you need to make a change to their sleep, now is the time to do it! People hire experts all the time for different things, so wouldnt it make sense to hire an expert to get your childs sleep back on track? Lets get you sleeping again! See more

Tiny Tots Consulting 31.12.2019

So youve read all the books, scoured Google looking for answers, yet you still have questions and dont know where to start. I get it. Ive been there! Those resources dont really cover EVERYTHING, and they dont offer a full, comprehensive plan to get you started. Thats what Im here for. I answer all your questions, and create a plan completely tailored to you and your baby. Plus, I answer your questions in real time so youre never wondering if youre on the right... track. This guarantees a level of success books and the internet cant. Wanting to get started but needing more info? Claim your complimentary consult! Id love to get you sleeping again See more

Tiny Tots Consulting 21.12.2019

Daylight Saving Time Youre all probably rolling your eyes reading this because this whole fall back, spring ahead stuff straight up sucks. I mean, at what point will people smarten up and be done with it?! However, for A LOT of families this time change can wreak havoc on their little ones sleep. So, here are a few tips to ease the transition. Start on Sunday, so for naps put babe to bed 30 minutes later than normal and same goes for bedtime. So if kiddo goes down f...or a nap at 12pm, push it to 12:30pm and then if bedtime is typically at 7pm, push it to 7:30pm. Follow this schedule for 3 days following daylight saving. On Wednesday, resume your normal schedule for naps/bedtime. See more

Tiny Tots Consulting 19.12.2019

Testimonial A friend from college contacted me about her sons sleep. He went from sleeping like a champ to getting sick and waking during the night. I gave her a few tips to try and hes back to sleeping like a champ! I love being able to help families get the rest they need and deserve!

Tiny Tots Consulting 01.12.2019

I keep seeing these ads/articles promoting these enormous beds meant specifically for co-sleeping, or thats how theyre being advertised anyways. Which got me thinking. When do parents have time for each other anymore? Let me be clear. I do not judge if you chose to co-sleep because I VERY STRONGLY believe that each and every family needs to do what is best for them. However, let me say it again. WHEN DO PARENTS HAVE TIME FOR EACH OTHER?! If your kid/s are sleeping in you...r bed how do you possibly have time to be intimate? Your kids are important, absolutely. But isnt your relationship just as important? When was the last time you and your partner slept in the same bed? When was the last time you got to cuddle your man at night? So often I hear about mom being in their bed with baby and dad having to sleep with the toddler. Then resentment rolls around because youve barely spent a minute with the love of your life and before you know it things are falling apart. YOUR RELATIONSHIP DESERVES ATTENTION TOO! A good portion of what I do is fixing your childs sleep. But the other portion is helping familys erase the resentment and fighting due to lack of sleep and make them whole again. If youre unhappy with your familys sleep situation, please get in touch. Id love to chat with you! See more

Tiny Tots Consulting 20.11.2019

Melatonin What is it? Melatonin is a hormone that is secreted from the pineal gland that helps to settle your body and mind down when its time to sleep. Will giving your child melatonin help them sleep through the night? Nope. It might help them fall asleep, but not stay asleep through the night. Of course, nobody actually sleeps completely through the night. We all wake up multiple times a night when we cycle into the lighter stage of sleep. Kids are no exception. I... believe in being fully informed and doing all your research. Melatonin is a hormone which can have serious side effects. So, when it comes to young kids, I 100% believe that it is important for us to teach them the skills to fall asleep and stay asleep on their own. All they need from us is a little guidance. There is no supplement for learning to play a sport or instrument, and in a way, sleep is the same. It is a skill that needs to be developed. The best way to do this is have a consistent bedtime routine, powering down all those blue light, melatonin inhibiting screens a couple hours before bed, and encourage your kiddo to fall asleep without any rocking, feeding, bouncing, or any other form of external help. Is your child waking multiple times a night and youre fed up? DM me! Id love to chat with you about how I can help. See more

Tiny Tots Consulting 18.11.2019

There are so many negative connotations towards sleep training. People automatically jump to the "cry it out" or the Ferber method when they hear about it. But let me lay it out for you plain and simple. 1I DO NOT believe in the "cry it out" method, nor will I make you do it. Of course, there will likely be tears because lets be honest, change is hard. However, with my method the crying is minimized over a VERY short period of time. 2I develop a sleep plan based on... your parenting style, and the needs of your child as an individual. 3I'm better than any of the sleep related books you've read, because I answer your questions in real time to guide you towards success. If you've been on the fence about hiring a sleep consultant, I urge you to ask me questions. I offer a complimentary consult to discuss your current situation, and how I can help. See more

Tiny Tots Consulting 08.11.2019

Hi mommas! Here at Tiny Tots we when all of you incredible women spread the love. If you have worked 1:1 with me to get your little one sleeping like a champ, or this page has helped get your kiddo sleeping better, I would be forever grateful if you could show your support by tagging a friend, or sharing my page! I APPRECIATE ALL OF YOU!

Tiny Tots Consulting 29.10.2019

Age Appropriate Schedule If youve been following my page for a while, youve probably seen this written somewhere. So, what the heck does it mean? Ive mentioned before that awake windows are part of the magic when it comes to getting your baby sleeping on their own. Its important to follow a schedule that coincides with your babys age, so you can get her down for a nap at the right time. Overtired/undertired is your enemy when it comes to infant sleep. Why? Both can ...be causes for short naps and multiple wakeups throughout the night. Following a schedule that matches your babys age will help you get your baby down for sleep in that sweet spot. Not overtired. Not undertired. JUST tired enough to go to sleep without difficulty. Psst. The other magical part of getting your little one sleeping on their own is going into bed awake, so baby can make the journey from awake to asleep on her own. Questions? Im a DM away. Id love to hear from you, and as always I offer a complimentary consult to discuss your situation and how I can help. See more