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Tonia Jahshan 01.12.2020

On Wednesdays we talk... Do you find yourself saying sorry all the time? Hello, I'm Tonia and I used to be an over apologizer. ... Over-apologizing for things you have little control over can make people think less of you. It can lessen the impact of future apologies. It's annoying. It can lower your self esteem. So let's become more self aware when using a " sorry" Know what you should or shouldn't apologize for. Get comfortable with saying NO. Finally, saying sorry isn't always bad, there are situations when a SINCERE apology is beneficial. Sorry, not sorry

Tonia Jahshan 23.11.2020

Yesterday I read a message about myself in a Sipology chat and it made me grin from ear to ear and ....blush " Tonia is an amazing, kind, funny, down to earth person! She is the only business owner I know that shows her true color on live videos, answers posts in our team chats, and is there for all Sipologists " I had to laugh when she said I show my true colors....ummm, yes, sometimes maybe too much color ... But I honestly wouldn't do it any differently. I truly believe being myself has allowed others to be themselves too. So I'm feeling FESTIVE AF today because why the hell not. Did the best workout in town at my favorite gym @otfancaster, it always gets my mood at a super high level. I'm in control of my happiness and so are you. Make it a FESTIVE AF day too. XO

Tonia Jahshan 06.11.2020

Its been a few years since I first met @katy_ursta and @melaniemitro from @chicinfluencer . From the moment I heard them speak, I knew we were sympatico. At our most recent leadership retreat in Charleston this year, think they revealed a lot of a ha moments for our leaders. ... With the direct selling company they belong with ( its a big one!) They mentioned they never ever depended on the company to incentivize them or their teams to sell or sponsor. Instead they treated it like their own businesses and did their own marketing and incentives, including leader retreats. Along side what the company offered. I could see many in that room look at eachother with bells going off in their heads. A few of the leaders had already figured this out on their own So this is how you grow a direct selling business #aha From that moment on, the leaders at Sipology have grown to new and exciting heights. Katy often comes up with some real hum dingers...like the quote below. She speaks from a place that hits me to my core. Both her and Melanie understand the grueling effort it takes to build a successful business. The sacrifices. Dealing with people who are entitled Dealing with people who won't be happy for you no matter how kind you are. It sucks, and it used to bother me, but now I don't give a flying bleep what people think and neither should you. People will come and go in your life, but the true ones will remain for ever. @katy_ursta and @melaniemitro you are amazeballs and I'm so happy our paths crossed. XO. #chicinfluencers #sipology #itswhoyoushareitwith #toniajahshan #steepedtea #sipsiphooray #tea #amazeballs #bombdiggity #bossbabes #entrepreneurship #leadingtheway #hustle #hustlers #matcha #eatinghealthier #fitness #matchamademedoit

Tonia Jahshan 24.10.2020

On Wednesdays we talk... Authenticity... It's the first trait I look for in leaders. Pretending to be someone or something you're not is so old school. This is why Brene Brown is one of my leader hero's. ... People want to see the real you, the authentic you, even if it's not exactly polished and deemed " acceptable". Whatever acceptable is ;-) I spent years trying to be that polished leader until I hit rock bottom in 2018. Then the gloves came off and I decided that if people didn't like me for who I am, then they weren't welcome to sit at my table anymore. I have a mental illness. I like to swear...a lot. I wear jeans and a t-shit to nearly every meeting at the office. I have a low attention span...is that a squirrel? My grammar and spelling is nothing to write home about. I'm horrible at telling jokes...horrible. I snort sometimes when I laugh I like to drink dirty martinis during the week, the dirtier the better. I reserve my time and respect for those that deserve it, it's as simple as that. If you can accept that, I will be the most loyal friend to you forever. Don't be anyone but your true self, or like Brene says, it will bring you a lot of pain and suffering. xo

Tonia Jahshan 13.10.2020

This remains as one of my all time favorite quotes. Although I would update the teabag with loose leaf tea! LOL! I'm so used to the hot water , I welcome the wrinkles it brings :) ... #hotwater #teabags #hotdogtea #sipology #itswhoyoushareitwith #steepedtea #lovinmysteeped #tea

Tonia Jahshan 28.09.2020

Teddie is so cute At 21 I was living on my own and decided it was time to get myself a companion. Enter Bailey....from the moment I met Bailey it was love at first sight. He was more like a dog than a cat. ... He played fetch, he cuddled with me every night and he rarely left my side. He passed away at 13 and it was one of the hardest days of my life. So when I saw the ad for Teddie, I didn't hesitate, it was time to get another orange tabby that looked like Bailey :-) It will be interesting to see how their personalities differ... #orangetabbycat #tabbycat #kittens #kittensofinstagram #love #cats

Tonia Jahshan 15.09.2020

One of the secrets to a great marriage...IMO is going on dates at least once a month with your significant other. Life can get busy with kids and work, but if you don't carve out the time for the person you share that life with, you may forget why you got married in the first place. Hubby and I enjoyed a beautiful dinner and stay in one of my favorite areas, Niagara on the Lake.... If you've never been, I highly recommend it #marriage #marriagegoals #lovehim #itswhoyoushareitwith #lover #niagaraonthelake

Tonia Jahshan 07.09.2020

On Wednesdays we talk... No one will argue this has been an unusual year, it's been really hard on many. And I don't know who needs to hear this, but...... You're allowed to have shitty days. Overwhelming days. Exhausting days. Amazeballs days. Even days when you think you can't go on. But everyday, please show up, people still need you, even if you're not at your best. Silence is a trap. #silenceisatrap #mentalhealthadvocate #itsoknottobeok #mentalhealth #kidshelpphone #crisistextline #camh

Tonia Jahshan 30.08.2020

One of my #1 goals in life is to never be anything but true to myself. It hasn't always been this way. I can be quirky. ... I can be naive. I can be annoying. I can be stubborn. But I'm also kind, thoughtful, smart, and hard working. This is what makes me who I am. In the last few years I've really let it all out, the good, the bad and the ugly. Its been one of the best decisions I've made because now I'm surrounded by thousands of people who feel comfortable to do the same. If someone doesn't like you for who you are, its time to rethink why that person has a seat at your table. XO

Tonia Jahshan 10.08.2020

Twenty years ago I was lost...it seemed at the time that a strong and lasting relationship was just not in the cards for me. No one could convince me otherwise. If you had told me I'd marry an incredible man like Hatem, I would have laughed at you and told you " not a chance ". " You're wrong "... I was wrong. For anyone going through the same thoughts today as I did 20 years ago, there's hope. There are good people out there, you may just need to kiss a whole Lotta frogs to get to the ONE. XO

Tonia Jahshan 26.07.2020

On Wednesdays we talk.... Keep taking time for yourself, until you're you again. It's ok not to be ok.

Tonia Jahshan 09.07.2020

Holy Cannoli! Sipology just had a RECORD BREAKING weekend. You know what that means...record breaking pay checks for our Sipologists ... Since the day I started this company, my dream was to make a difference in people's lives both financially and emotionally If you were to ask our Sipologists what means most to them, the incredible monthly paychecks or the amazing community and friendships, hands down they would say the community, but the $$ is pretty sweet too. If you're looking for a community to plug into, I encourage you to look at Sipology, you'll love what you see. XO

Tonia Jahshan 03.07.2020

The past two days have been spent laughing and reminiscing with one of my besties. @_kim_dickson We work together, but we also play hard together too She's always been there for me and me for her, even through tough times. ... I just want to spend the rest of my life laughing Laughing is good for the soul

Tonia Jahshan 16.06.2020

On Wednesdays we talk... Sicker than a dog That was me in this picture.... It was a month after we had aired on DD and they had invited me to Toronto to do a mock tea party for one of their up coming shows. To our surprise, Dave Chilton showed up and had tea with us! I had 1st stage Pneumonia and strep throat, I could hardly speak, let alone put on a smile. I popped a bunch of pills, drank a TONNE of tea all day and went to this event despite it all. My adrenaline was high, the excitement palpable, but my body was in shut down mode. Sami was only 2 months old, I was up nights feeding him, while also looking after a 2 and 4 year old. I didn’t make it to any Christmas dinners that year, missing Sami’s first Christmas. Truth bomb. I didn’t take care of myself at all. AT ALL. Everyone came before me. My kids, my husband, & Sipology. It took a big toll on my body and mental health. 7 years later, I was 110% burnt out. It was preventable, I just wasn't interested in listening to my body. A lesson in life I don’t take lightly anymore. Today, I allocate my time and energy into people who are driven, success hungry and are as ambitious as me or even more so. They fuel me, not empty my tank. I wish the same for you.