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The Life-preneur 03.02.2021

So you are stressed out? Lost your job? Get a divorce?... Lose a boyfriend? Lose a girlfriend? Whatever you lost is just an illusion! You are okay and worthy... GOOD ENOUGH! The best thing you can do is go back to your core foundation and your life purpose... What you came to earth to do and that you can never lose. Here are three things I know for sure, it has helped me, and it could help you. The Universe (and all we see) is a safe and friend place. We are spiritual beings having a human experience. Our pain and suffering is our purpose Know thyself and how you fit into the universe; I am Spiritual Being, Sigma Man, Have passion and purpose, and Absolutely surrounded with abundance. Enjoy the unfolding of life, or you spend the rest of life manipulating and forcing it, and that is tiring sh!t after a while. Gratitude Gratitude Gratitude and Repeat, repeat and repeat. Stay in the sweet spot of the life wave or get crush by it! #goodlife #thegoodlifeinc #yourtrophylife #menscoach #menshealth #menswellness #healthandwellness #mindset #unforgettablelife #lifestylecoach #passioncoach #purposefilledlife #youfirst #healthymen #mindshift #passiondriven #yourbestlife #mindsetforgreatness #unforgettableday #outdoorlifestyle

The Life-preneur 31.01.2021

2021 is nothing but execution and action. But it has nothing to do with changing the outside world. Most experts and spiritual teachers will say "Your outside world and relationships are a direct reflection of what is going inside you" Do you want a different life?... "Concentrate not so much on what needs to be changed in the world as on what needs to be changed in me and in my attitudes" - Prayer of acceptance Here are three easy things you can do... 1. Connect with the Universe, God, Source, Great Mind, Higher Power. Let go of all Pre-conditioning from religion 2. Know thyself. You are a spiritual being having a human experience. There is no separation between you and the Universe, God, Source, Great Mind or Higher Power. You don't need "salvation", you just need to wake up! 3. Connect, Create, Collaborate and Embrace all. And that is how you will become unforgettable. #truesuccess #spiritualconnection #sigmamale #menswithclass #menshealthandwellbeing #unforgettablemen #unforgettablewomen #absoluteyou

The Life-preneur 23.01.2021

Reward? Ultimate power of manifesting the future, Endless power of energy and the power to LIVE FOREVER. I spend most of my life living as a wounded man, ignorant and gripped in the trance of mere humanity, evil shackles of religiosity and the misleading narratives from religion. I was really lost in my pain and suffering and felt there was no way out. All the amazing things this world thatthe universe gives us every day, I thought I was unworthy of and undeserving of, beca...use I thought I was a bad human... a bad person (thanks to religion) I am not afraid to speak about my experience in life thus far... Wounded man? I was abused sexually at 7-8 years old. Once, twice or years!? It does not matter, ONCE IS TOO MANY! Ignorance? I came into this world ignorance, but yet geniuses at heart, in this theater and drama of life. I truly believe that before we were born, we all knew the script, purpose, our parts and all the players (actors and actresses) of this PLAY called LIFE. However, when we are born into this reality we absolutely forget everything and spend the rest of our lives... searching (for meaning ), remembering (our part and purpose to life), discovering (who we are and the amazing lessons of life) and coming home to our own embrace of NO JUDGMENT AND ABSOLUTE UNCONDITIONAL LOVE OF SELF. I came from a generation of winners and losers, alpha males and betas (weak and worthless masculinity), blessed and cursed, power and powerlessness, haves and havenots. Can you see the sick two dimensional world most men can find themselves in? I know this was the trap and the lower level consciousness living I found myself in. But then came Pain and Suffering, which eventually I stopped running from. This led me on a multidimensional journey; of The Hero's Journey, Spirituality and the ultimate journey from ignorance to enlightenment. Finding who you are, what the true nature and purpose of the universe is and how you fit into the THEATRICAL PLAY of life, will be the most challenging thing you will do in life. It involves let go of everything - Ego, position, love, money, power, preconditioning, pain and suffering, EVERYTHING! Only then will you see.

The Life-preneur 08.01.2021

My office today! Just beautiful. Finishing up my affirmation script before record and video work/editing. Just thinking about the couple of lines I read in the book - The magic of believing. "Your very life is your thinking and the result of your thinking process"... And ... "Your thoughts, those that predominate, determine your character, your career, indeed your everyday life" There are so many gold nuggets in the book. However the majority of us suffer from a mild to extreme form of nagitivity bais, which can cloud our outlook in life and limit of quality of life and our life impact. The only way to over come it is two fold... 1. By hijacking the mind and reprogramming with positive affirmations. Preferably with you own voice like I am doing. Your voice is the sweetest sound on earth 2. Connecting with the Super Consciousness for recoding at a subconscious level (more on that later....learning this amazing technology - mind stuff Man! This Life Adventure, this Heroes Journey is amazing!!! No regrets, on unforgettable experiences. #mindwork #mentalhealth #healthandwellness #leaveyourlegacy #mindthoughts #poweraffirmations #positivewords

The Life-preneur 04.01.2021

Are you feeling confused, afraid, worried, concern about your mental health and wellness, your future and everything else under the sun! We are living in crazy time!!! Most people are wondering who, and in what should I trust?... How will I get deep unshakable peace in crazy times like this? You will find love and lose love! You will find riches and lose riches! You will have possession and lose possessions! You will find peace, but then wake up the next day out of sorts. Life's demands and burdens are not fun at times, but are used by the universe/God/source/the great mind (An Entity doing works and wonders for you) or your higher self and super consciousness (You co-creating with higher self and higher Entity) to help you as a Spiritual Being. Now that is a universal truth. We are Spiritual Beings having a human experience! That being said, this is what I have come to believe is true ever since I embarked I my spiritual journey to enlightenment of ever expanding consciousiness and life of endless unconditional self love and self compassion - leaving behind traditional religious pre- conditioning that we are bad people and deserve nothing but fire, justice and punishment (FJP) - Note: Review all Pre-conditioning in your life to see if those old believes and truth serve you today. But here is some solid truths that was revealed to me in my Spiritual journey and I want to give you to explore the ideas and possibly find peace there for yourself as well in this crazy world of illusions. Here we go Truth 1. The universe is a safe and friendly place with a God, Mind, Universe, Higher Power and or 'IT' - that cannot be named that wants you to have peace and your success Truth 2. We are Spiritual Beings having a human experience - meaning there is no separation from God, Mind, Universe, Higher Power and or 'IT' - that cannot be named. Truth 3. All the answers, peace and enlightenment to life's problems, challenges and dark moments of utter aloneness, lay within us. ALL answers and solutions, not some... But ALL. I suggest and encourage you to explore these truths to help find your peace in your life, like it is giving me. #enlightenedminds #journeywithin