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Village Mystic 31.12.2020

The energy of the past few days has been overwhelming for some of us and downright frustrating for most. I feel like I’ve been living in a fog, not sure what I’m feeling, what I’m doing or if any of it is right. The change and growth we are going through is tremendous and it is easy to get caught up in the waves right now. So to help us all focus in the midst of this swirling confusion, I thought I would do a card pull. Please take a moment, breathe in deep and connect to you...r heart. Then ask yourself, ‘ where do I focus my energy at this time, to find clarity and a calm mind?’ Then choose one of the cards and in the comments below write the number you have chosen, 1-6. I will reveal the cards tomorrow morning and provide supporting messages for each as to how specifically it relates to focus and clarity. The Universe supports us, always. We just need to ask. Much love, Sarah The Village Mystic (I am using one of my new favourite decks, ENERGY Oracle Cards by Sandra Anne Taylor)

Village Mystic 30.12.2020

INTO THE GREAT UNKNOWN WE GO It is said over 2000 years ago, a messiah was born under a star so bright that it led three strangers, all Kings to this child, bearing gifts of devotion. This they say begin a new era in time. Today begins a second. Tonight in our sky the ‘Star of Wonder’ or the ‘Christmas Star’ will be visible (in Ontario between 4pm and 6pm). But this star isn’t what you think. It is actually the meeting of our two largest planets in the sky. Today Jupiter and ...Saturn will unite to shine. Jupiter, the planet of expansion and wisdom, is connecting with Saturn, the planet of contraction and authority. This has not been seen in the sky in over 800 years, and never during the Solstice. And all of this takes place in the part of the sky assigned to the energy of Aquarius, the sign of community, futuristic visions and enlightenment. Envision this The Winter Solstice, an energetic doorway opens between ‘heaven and earth’. On one side the darkness, on the other light. As we step through the doorway, we can see the shine, the brilliant star on the other side lighting our path. You are excited, yet unsettled and nervous but your energy is focused on the future. On that light. Step through, there is about to be a birth. Are you ready for the future? On the other side of the door, in Aquarius there is hope. There are limitless possibilities and over the next year we will begin to step into them. We will come together to create our new world. But just as in a human birth, as we wait the expansion of family and community (Jupiter), contractions (Saturn) are needed to guide us along and keep us focused and healthy. Over the next year we will find beauty in discipline. We will find the light in hard work. We will find we are more similar than we are different. There is a new dimension of truth upon us. So bring your awareness and your attention through the door today. Bring your curiosity and patience. Bring your perspectives and ideals. Together we will redefine what it means to live on earth TOGETHER

Village Mystic 25.12.2020

Almost an exact year ago, the Sun, Saturn and Pluto connected in the sky. Saturn, the planet of Patience, Perseverance and Hard Work, met Pluto the planet of the Purge and Release. All astrologers were awaiting this meeting in the sky. We knew what happened at that time would set our whole world into a new Era. I personally thought it was going to be war. I couldn’t figure out how all of our lives, across the world, were going to come to a stop. And just as Saturn and Pluto m...et, bombs flew over the Middle East, but quietly surfacing were stories from China about a virus growing out of control. Why do I bring this up? Because today, in our skies we hit that exact same spot, 23 degrees of Capricorn, but what is different? This time instead of a planet of Purge, the Universe presents us with a NEW MOON. A New Moon is a new beginning, a New look, a New perspective. And because it is in the exact same spot in which 2020 blew up, this one is powerful! We are at the same spot in the sky as last year, but now we are wiser, smarter and more authentic with ourselves. So, think to yourself, what permanently changed for you in 2020? What did you purge or release? What did you learn about your own needs, wants and desires? There is no going back to our previous ways of life or our past selves for that matter. It is time to take what we learned over the past year and finally start to apply it! So before we get our garden going, before we start the action, we must choose what seeds we will plant. Take what you have learned, changed or released and SET INTENTIONS for where you now want to take it. And just like last year, what happened at 23 degrees of Capricorn set the tone for 2020, it will do the same for 2021. Dream big. Set Intentions High. There are no limits anymore. Welcome to the beginnings of a New Era. Welcome to the first New Moon of 2021. Much love, Sarah The Village Mystic

Village Mystic 19.12.2020

The ONLY goal of 2020 is to CHOOSE YOURSELF. I spoke about this in a recent post as well as many of my clients, and what comes up time and time again 'how do I do that?' First off, please recognize, chances are YOU WERE NEVER taught how to do this. The majority of us have ancestries of abuse and addiction. We come from lineages that were purely based in survival. Pay the mortgage to survive. Keep working to survive. Keep your mouth shut, so he doesn’t get upset and keep survi...ving The time has come to end this cycle of powerlessness, co-dependence and survival. It is time we lift our heads towards light and love and flourish!! What 2020 did was show you where you feel a lack of power, freedom and/or choice. This will show up differently for everyone. Some of us will feel we have no say in the weight our bodies carry. Others will see that their employers hold all power and continually demand more of you even when on empty. And yet others will feel that their depression or drug addiction puts them in a constant state of dependence. Each of our journeys is unique in the details, but the frequency we all carry is the same. We are the first generation tasked with learning how to accept ourselves. So how do I choose myself? I choose 2 things I choose to welcome in HEALTH and JOY. It’s not easy, but it’s time. Let’s choose us, and let’s teach our kids that being healthy and happy is not only achievable, it is a priority because if we can accept ourselves, we can then accept our neighbours. And that vision of world peace, may one day become a reality.

Village Mystic 19.12.2020

COMPASSION: sympathetic consciousness of others' distress together with a desire to alleviate it. As Christmas approached each year, my mother always reminded me that it was the most difficult time of year for many. She said loneliness and pain grew easily in the cold and dark. 'Sarah check on your friends' she said. Just touch base and let people know you are there. This year, more than any other, my mother's lesson of awareness, and compassion are a MUST. Many of us are st...ruggling in darkness no one else is aware of. Many of us are at our wits end being mothers, fathers, students, employees, caregivers and humans. It hasn't been easy on anyone. So as we bring this year to and end slowly, check in on those near and dear to your heart. Just a simple message of 'Thinking of you' does more for someone who is lost than most of us realize. And most importantly, please SHOW YOURSELF COMPASSSION. How? 1) recognize you are struggling, stressed and tired. 2)Be gentle on your heart, understand the limits of time and space and a pandemic. Shut the self criticism down. 3) Connect to others in any way possible, over Zoom, Facetime, over text or a wave out a window. Just connect. YOU ARE NOT ALONE... I'm thinking of you

Village Mystic 06.12.2020

Welcome to the last big bang of 2020. This next week will end the darkness and return the light to us, all beginning with the New Moon Eclipse. Today we have a New Moon (new beginnings) in Sagittarius (the hunter for joy, truth and compassion). The moon is also placing itself directly in front of the Sun, resulting in a Solar Eclipse over South America. What does this mean? Well the Sag Hunter is asking you to aim your arrow at whatever lights your heart. This year has brou...ght us pain, fear and uncertainty, all so that now, at the end we know our truth about what brings us joy. Do not lie to yourself. Do not doubt what your heart whispers to you. The Universe wants to support, so trust your aim and tell the cosmos what you need, want and desire. The energy of the eclipse will magnify your aim over the next six months. The new starts here! Our world has gone through and will continue to go through change like you have never seen at a speed you never imagined. This is our new truth. So with that knowledge, you can see how you have been broken down, FOR the purpose of rebuilding new. So today ask yourself, if Joy is my target, where will I shoot my arrow? As support and for guidance I have pulled two cards for this post. My guide tells me that these are themes that underlined our year’s ‘undoing’. He tells me we are supported and we will begin to see a major shift towards light and love as we end our year. He thanks the celebrations of Hannukkah for this tremendous energy. The celebration of light is bringing with it pause, reflection and understanding. So let’s see what the cards say From the Archangel Metatron Deck we have card #20, which is perfect for our year. It is the card of the Cosmos and it’s message ‘ What you feel as random, chaotic and disjointed in your world is a result of your scattered thoughts, words and feelings that have sent out into the greater universe either consciously or unconsciously’. And from The Keepers of the Light Deck, we have Archangel Michael. He asks you to truth Spirit and the unseen energies of light. He brings a message that ‘you are safe. Angels stand close. Surrender your concerns and allow a miracle to occur’. So feel the light. Fill your being with it and share it with others. Trust that the Cosmos and Spirit is supporting you, feel it’s compassion and joy. Let the light in as we are about to begin again! Next up The Age of Aquarius

Village Mystic 29.11.2020

Welcome to the 11th day of the 11th month. Today is a big one for spirit and in terms of our frequency. Leading up to today many of you may have had headaches, ringing in the ears or dizziness because of this. Your anxiety may also be at an all-time high or you may just feel more spinny than usual. Having dealt with whiplash and vertigo for the last three weeks, I can tell you, you are not alone. I feel your pain So the way we perceive reality is a consciousness program, cr...eated by codes, patterns and waves of energy. Numeric codes define our existence. Human DNA, our genetic memory, shapes and even the movement of planets is all based in numbers. Each number holds their own specific level of vibration and 11 is seen as the Master Number. Many people worldwide have experienced repetitive patterns of the number 11:11 on clocks, tickets, etc. Those codes awaken the mind to the evolution of consciousness. The 11 pattern acts as a catalyst for spiritual awakening. There is no such thing as a coincidence and these signs and synchronicities are a reflection from the Universe. A sign from your Spirit that you have activated a new code within your being. The activation of 11 most often leads to a quest for the truth. Your truth. Who are you? What is your purpose? In other words it is an acknowledgement to you that you are on the right path and ready for the next step. 11/11 specifically, is the most powerful of Master Numbers and is known as a DNA ACTIVATION code for ascension or termed "The Gates of Metatron". Archangel Metatron is known as the angel of activation, spiritual awakening and ascension; amongst other things. You can thank Archangel Metatron, Great Spirit or the Universe for showing you 11:11 as a sign that you are awakening to a new reality. The pattern will usually stop for a time, and then recur when you are making a large leap forward spiritually. Metatron himself can also appear in your dreams or through visions. Sometimes he will express his presence in human form, speaking through a person or manifesting himself in a human body. He is a powerful Source to call upon for help with spiritual development and learning. Today as we step through the gate of 11/11, we activate freedom of choice. Before we step into the cold months of hibernation, are you where you wish to be? It’s time to reflect and the Universe supports. Much love, Sarah The Village Mystic

Village Mystic 26.11.2020

We’ve almost made it! The end of 2020 is in sight! 2020 was the year of the Great Disruption. Whether health related, political or financial, we have all had our lives disrupted in one way or another. Why? Because we asked for it. Energy follows intent and for the last decade we have put out, we need to take care of our land better, we need to stop eating processed foods, we need to stop giving everything to work, we need better leadership, we need to stop judging others and... so on Well you can’t put this stuff out and not expect change. We called this in and we must TRUST that it will lead us to where we want to be. So where do you want to be? I bet you now have a pretty good idea of where you would like to go but not too sure on how it will come about. And that’s perfect! That’s exactly where you should be. At this point, the world has broken up, started to expose itself and before we start to put it back together in a way that best supports us, we must first CHOOSE OURSELVES. The disruption this year was primarily based in the area of lifestyles, meaning how you live from day to day has changed. This is step one and is meant to open our eyes to choice. By this time, you’ve probably felt the pull to review and maybe even redefine your boundaries, your limits and priorities, because suddenly you had to choose. 2020 is not about action. That’s next year. 2020 is about everything coming apart, so that you can no longer claim ignorance, you can no longer put things off. The time has come it is time to CHOOSE YOU. That means you choose your health, you choose your peace of mind and you choose the boundaries you need to support yourself. Next year we will all come out into our new world and start to action the change we want to see. We will gather in communities and redefine how we live. We will come out of hiding to tackle the bigger systems that need addressing. Politics, Finances, Religions and Corporate Industries. Next year we step out. This year, you just had to CHOOSE YOU. Once you choose yourself, you feed yourself respect and acceptance. Then you will demand those around you do the same. If each one of us chose ourselves, choose our health and happiness, and respected our hearts, minds and bodies oh lord can you imagine what type of world this would be? Exactly. That’s where we are headed. Our value is inherent. It is NOT based on our production. Choosing yourself, is rejecting this idea. And this is step one of the Great Reset taking place. No more tearing ourselves down. No more giving until empty. If we are going to build a New World, then let’s build one in which happiness is a reality. It all starts with you. Much love, The Village Mystic Sarah Foo

Village Mystic 18.11.2020

For the Times they are a Changing The role of Covid is simple To Disrupt the Old Order We as a collective, for years have been building towards this. We’ve watched cultures all over the world voice concerns, turn on authority and began to demand different. ... So what is this ‘Old Order’ we are changing? Listen in the back! OUR VALUE IS NOT BASED ON WHAT WE PRODUCE Currently our economies, our healthcare systems, our schools and institutions are based on these old ways of thinking. How many of us had fathers who worked themselves to the bone for their jobs? How many of us still have spouses who make money the priority? This mindset is killing us and our world. We have become a disconnected, unhealthy and overwhelmed populace. We feel alone, scared and hopeless. Covid was called for to destabilize everything. Finally we are pushing back. NO I won’t work under these conditions. NO I won’t accept family dying alone. NO I won’t give ALL of me to an institution We say NO now, so that we can clear the way for new and YES down the road. Yes in ways that fill us at the deepest levels of the heart. For the next decade you will see patterns shift in drastic ways. We are creating a New World and Covid is just the beginning. The disruption of the Old World thinking, the idea that you serve me no purpose unless you produce something for me, must end so that we can truly find balance, freedom and health. The energies of 2020 tackled our lifestyles. We are learning new ways to eat, play, celebrate, work and live. Next up, we come back into Community. In 2021 you will see people unite and you will hear their voices loud. You will see communities gather to live, feed one another, parent together, teach and work together. We are taking the power away from the Institutions and Authorities that be. In the end we strive for a balance. In the end we will all understand and embrace that our value is not based on our production, our VALUE IS INHERENT. Much love, Sarah The Village Mystic

Village Mystic 06.11.2020

MYSTIC MONDAYS - COVID-19 Did I see it coming? What I could see... Two years ago I started to see in readings that certain industries would be changed drastically by the end of 2020. I could see unexplained shifts in real estate, teaching and the number of people who would go into business for themselves. At the same time, I also started to receive more and more clients in my practice that were trying to leave situations of trauma and addiction. It became a at one point, and I was so down that I turned to my main guide Peter for reasoning. He told me simply that everyone was preparing for the change and getting things in line for 2020. Last year I begin to see a ‘blind spot’ of sorts when I did readings. In my readings I would never see any action for Spring 2020. That means I saw no marriages, no one meeting the love of their life, no new jobs or new homes being bought. Lives were literally being stopped in place. As I often do when I can’t find a reason, I look to the planets for explanation. I found it. I thought 2019 was intense astrologically, but I saw that 2020 was simply a year like no other. I saw that something of a social nature would become apparent by mid-January and that same social upset would come down harder in March to put a stop to our lives. To be honest I thought it would be war. By mid-January we were watching bombs in the skies as America and Iran set their sights on each other. I was scared. I was human. But it didn’t take long to realize the social upset I was seeing was a virus slowly making it’s way across the world. I remember doing a party the first weekend in March and hearing myself tell the beautiful ladies gathered that by the end of the month ALL of their lives would be drastically altered. I don’t think anyone thought it would all be because of a virus. So did I see Covid coming? No not specifically, but yes I saw the world stop. So moving forward, do I see it again? Sadly, the answer is yes. In my next posts this week I will go into the reasons for Covid as I have heard from my guides and what has surfaced while doing readings with clients. I will also go into what I am now seeing in people’s lives for the short term and long term. We are united in the land we stand on, the air we breathe and the blood that runs through us all. We will get through this together. The most important work we will do this year, is within the walls of our own homes. Much love, Sarah Foo The Village Mystic

Village Mystic 20.10.2020

SIGNS on a SUNDAY Virgo Season In the sign of Leo, we were in the fires of creation, strong emotions and bold thinking. Now, just before we reach the midpoint of the Zodiac Calendar Year, the Sun moves into the sign of the Virgo and crashes us all back down to earth.... Pragmatic perfectionists and hard workers who focus on detail to the point of obsession, the stereotype of the Virgo is true to a point. The energy of the Virgo virgin, encourages reality over fantasy. It holds space for calm, for wisdom and a strong sense of self-reliance. The virgin who stands alone holds strength in her quiet ways. Her decisions are well thought out, organised and respectful of others. She attunes herself to everyday living. She focuses on her health and the routines that best support her growth. While the Sun illuminates the stars of the Virgo, we are asked to come in from the escape we created and to ground ourselves into our daily reality. It is time to focus on what we need to support ourselves for optimal living, which includes mind, body and spirit. In Virgo season you can give yourself permission to care about the small stuff and the details you only notice when you look with care, patience and commitment. Ask yourself, what do you NEED to live a balanced and healthy life? And what do you WANT your reality to look like? Go into the details And I suggest you take advantage of the frequencies that flow because in only a few weeks, the current will shift and we will be asked to look at our relationships. So right now OWN YOUR ENERGY! And direct it! Because it shines damn bright!!! Much love, Sarah The Village Mystic *** Today's post is dedicated to my favourite Virgo, who today celebrates her birthday. We love you in our lives ***