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Village Naturopathy 08.10.2020

Blood sugar-friendly breaky . . . Blood sugar stability is something I talk about A LOT. It is paramount for hormonal health - not only sex hormones but when we talk about out stress hormone, cortisol too. When blood sugar drops (typically after a spike from a high glycemic index meal), cortisol is released to help liberate stored sugars. This. Doesn't. Feel. Good. It can aggravate anxiety and stress so if that's already on your plate, you'll want to pay attention to what's... on your plate. . . . This is a easy, delish recipe to help stabilize blood sugar with protein, fat and fiber. . . . Chia pudding - 1 tbsp chia seeds - 1 tbsp ground flax - 2 tbsp hemp hearts - 1/2 tsp cinnamon - 1 tsp sweetener (I use a pure cherry 'jam' or apple butter) - About 3/4 cup alternative mylk (depending on the consistency you want) - Berries (fiber and low glycemic index) - Optional: Cashew Cream - if you're feeling fancy, soak raw cashews in water for at least 2 hours and then blend with a bit of water until creamy and drizzle on top Mix and let sit for at least an hour or so. . . . This perfect to make in batches and keep in the fridge for on-the-go breakfast or snack. . . . Let's keep you feeling nourished and in control of overwhelm. If you wanna chat about how to personalize your stress plan, reach out

Village Naturopathy 05.10.2020

What are you doing with intention these days? Our bodies and minds like habits. We're designed to operate as much on autopilot as possible because it conserves energy, and evolutionarily, that promotes survival. But that doesn't really work for us anymore.... It can be hard to even recognize what we do out of habit. To me, habits are insidious; done without thinking (why I don't believe smoking is a habit - a routine, an addiction, yes. Not a habit). Yes, there are the obvious ones like brushing our teeth, making our bed which we physically do and therefore are easier to recognize. The habits that are difficult to recognize are mental. How we're raised (what environment, the people, the stressors) form much of our mental habits. Usually these mental habits are passed on from the people in that environment and we accept that as truth. But often those who raised us were also living out of habit - so who is it serving? When I talk about these habits, I'm talking about what your mind automatically does. How it automatically processes the situation, conversation or world in that moment. What you tell yourself constantly. Your perception. These are all mental habits that can create a system of non-stop stress OR it can ease your spirit so you feel calm and in control. The external environment doesn't change. Just the processing system internally. That's why there's a handful of modules in The Holistic Stress Solution that start recognizing and changing those mental habits to support your stress, not exacerbate it. It's an INTEGRAL part of conquering stress. That cannot be done while on autopilot. So, I want to know from you what are you doing with intention these days to nourish and make yourself happier? See more

Village Naturopathy 19.09.2020

Naturopaths have health stuff too I think there's an expectation, at least from me, that I need to be the example of health (mentally and physically). And it's a conversation I have with patients too - that I'm also human and am not 'perfect' in the way I eat (which is problematic language in itself), or taking my supplements or self care. But I do my best. And that's good enough. . . . I still have acne and stress/overwhelm get to me. Those are parts of me and my health I...'m continuing to discover. But I thought it was important to have a chat, be transparent and remind anyone who needs it that there is no such thing as 'perfect health'. We can all strive to feel better - again, mentally and physically - but expectation is an important part of the healing journey. . . . What are you expecting your health to look like? What are you expecting healing to look like? If the expectation is feeling 100% all the time, it'll feel like a failure. What are the small wins day by day that are adding up over time? * . . . Be easier on yourself (half just writing this as a reminder for myself) . . . My skin isn't perfect but it's WAY better and I am helping others figure out their acne. I still get stressed but it's WAY WAY better and I am helping other conquer their stress. (PS - my phone smooths out skin texture...don't know how to change that - but trust, it ain't perfect!) Anyway, count your small wins with your health journey and have grave with yo beautiful self

Village Naturopathy 30.08.2020

Hair loss I've been seeing A TON of this during COVID. People tend to think stress is just something we feel. But it comes up in so many other ways in our body. One of these ways is hair loss. Sure, there are other reasons that someone can lose hair - iron, thyroid issues, sex hormones - but I’m gonna show you how your stress can actually impact those things. ... Stress isn’t just happening in our mind. Our mind tells our body we are stressed and there are REAL, hormonal changes that happen as a result. Remember my lil friend cortisol from last week? (go back and check out that post if not) Well cortisol is our stress hormone and she likes to impact our other hormones. Super cute, right? Lol, it’s really not. So one thing I really want everyone to understand is stress and anxiety aren’t JUST in your mind (restless mind, racing, negative thoughts, what-ifs) - it is also very much in your physical body. And that’s where a lot of people get stuck. They think ‘if I can’ just change how I’m thinking’. Sure, that’s a big part of it - but not ALL of it. You continue to struggle because only one part of your stress picture is being addressed. Okay, okay, rant over - back to hair loss. If our pesky lil friend cortisol is produced too much (aka we stressin’), if interferes with thyroid hormones doing it’s thing which means our metabolism slows wayyyyyy down. I’ll go into thyroid more in another post, but part of this means, hair falls out. Similarly, if cortisol is too high, it leads to stealing from other sex hormones (progesterone, estrogen) leading to a bunch of issues with your period (stay tuned for an email coming up) and guess what - hair loss. Unmanaged stress can lead directly, hormonally to hair loss, Something to consider if you’ve been struggling with hair falling out - I’ve been there and it can affect your confidence for sure. Important to also rule out other causes: low Vit D, hormonal imbalances (particularly testosterone, DHT), low iron/B12, blood sugar issues. See more

Village Naturopathy 19.08.2020

HANGRY Yes, food has A LOT to do with the anxiety and stress you’re feeling. When someone tells me they don’t have time to eat and they have patterns of chronic stress and anxiety, I’m actually happy to hear those stories. Because they knew what they knew. And now know what NOT to do. ... If you’re a busy, driven woman, then you’ll want to know this so you can save yourself a lot of time, frustration, and headaches. There are too many busy, stressed out women out there who have a hard time managing their stress and overwhelm. Because of lack of time, feeling exhausted when you DO have time, and an overwhelming amount of information to sift through out there on how to manage how you’re feeling. And when you’re constantly bombarded with these challenges in your life, it’s hard to get your head out of the weeds and realize you’re making the same mistake that’s not helping you. So instead of continuing with skipping meals unintentionally and having to live with feeling irritable, tired and anxious, here’s what you can do to finally feel calm, energized and just happy. 1) focus on making food a priority - plan for it. This will keep you from making game-time decisions about food that’s around you that are probably not supporting your stress and anxiety. 2) focus on eating whole foods. This will maximize nourishment, giving you all of those glorious vitamins and minerals you NEED to manage your stress (remember cortisol?) and anxiety. 3) focus on having a protein rich snack mid-afternoon. This will help to avoid that 2pm slump and keep your blood sugar balanced until dinner so you don’t get home grumpy and hungry (my poor husband has dealt with many of those evenings). YOU’RE in control of your health. Remember that So simple and at the same time, really not. For a lot of people, women in particular, we tend to others before ourselves. But let me ask you, who is that serving? If your cup is empty (metaphorically) how are you able to support the ones your love around you? Taking care of yourself is possibly the least selfish thing you could do for your loves ones. If you'd like help with that, reach out :) See more

Village Naturopathy 11.08.2020

You’re told your labs are ‘normal’. Now what? A very common situation I see is patients coming in with hormonal issues, low energy and just feeling off and when they had labs done, they were told they were ‘normal’. Usually, they don’t actually get to see those labs first hand - it’s a ‘no news is good news’ situation and then they’re off the radar at their doctor’s. ... So, I ask to see those labs. We go through those labs, what they mean and how it could be impacting how they feel. If you’ve ever seen your labs, you’ll see there is a reference range beside your value for that lab test. As long as you’re within the reference range, nothing is flagged at your doctors. And I think it’s important to understand that that’s fine - that is the way the medical system is set up in Canada for the most part. Your doctor is there to make sure you’re not in any danger. So, as long as you’re not in immediate medical danger, those labs will usually go untouched. Here’s the thing; just because those labs are within ‘normal ranges’ doesn’t make them optimal for you feeling your best. That’s where Naturopathic Medicine really thrives. Not only knowing where the optimal ranges lie for certain lab values, but putting all of your labs together in addition to your symptoms, physical exams and history to more fully understand what could be causing your concern. As NDs in Ontario, we can also run labs. If I feel there are some gaps in the labs we have, we can communicate with your MD to see if that’s something they are open to running/see fit or we can just run them together. NDs are not covered by OHIP, therefore you do pay, however many insurance companies are covering them through benefits and we can work together to make it doable for you. Ultimately, we want to get down to what’s at the root of your concern. Sometimes I am able to detect that through your symptoms and story and sometimes it requires more investigation to get started on the right foot. But if you’ve recently had blood work done and not sure what to do next, bring them in and we can go through it thoroughly together and create a plan that works for you! See more

Village Naturopathy 26.07.2020

Happy birthday to my pal, my love, my partner aka @worldsbaddestboy I hope this next year brings even longer hair, even more adventure and more snacks (duh). I couldn't ask for a better person to do life with.

Village Naturopathy 16.07.2020

A common thread I notice with the women I work with is they are showing up to their jobs 100% and leaving no room for themselves. And I WANT women to be able to show up to work and be the badasses they are because the world needs more feminine energy in the mainstream. I also want you to strive and be driven and get that promotion (or not if that’s what you want!) and essentially just accomplish whatever you want to accomplish. I truly want that for you. What I also w...ant for you is to have the energy to do all of that while also living your life OUTSIDE of work. I want you to be able to ‘turn off’ (not only because it’s ESSENTIAL for your long term physical and emotional health) so you can enjoy your life with family, friends, partners, children or just for your dang self. Because that’s reason enough. And a common misconception is that you have to sacrifice your success if you choose to work on your stress and anxiety. Nope. It’s not either or; it’s an AND. Furthermore, let’s pretend it was either or. I want you to take a moment and reflect very deeply about what you’d choose: success (pleasing others) or happiness (freedom and pleasing yourself)? I’m not here to tell you the right answer. I’m here to help enlighten you to what’s going on for you and make you aware of your options. You CAN be less stressed/more mentally free AND still be driven and badass at work. The worst thing to feel is trapped. Trapped by your job, by people’s expectations or even your own understanding of who you are and what that’s worth. I promise you - you’re not trapped. You can feel differently and show up to work, to your loved ones and most importantly for yourself as the best, sharpest, happiest version. We need to change the narrative of women in work. I’d love to help - comment below, send me a message or book a complimentary 30 minute stress breakthrough meet and greet (link in bio*). See more

Village Naturopathy 08.07.2020

I use acupuncture a lot in my Kitchener practice @thesageclinic and it always amazes me what it can do @drnaika says it better than I can Reposted from @drnaika In its simplicity, Acupuncture regulates qi (life force energy). In its complexity, Acupuncture honors the connection between our physical, mental, emotional, and energetic bodies.... I recently came across this quote that highlights the impact our emotions have on our qi. Anger causes the qi to rise up; joy causes it to move slowly; grief drastically consumes it; fear causes it to decline; fright causes it to be deranged; and worry causes it to stagnate. Although I know this information inside/out, it just felt like the perfect reminder that all things are connected in healing and in disease. As long as we can honor the intersectionality of our being, we can heal on so many levels. And that’s a beautiful thing. I truly am so grateful to study/practice/live a healing modality that honors this. See more

Village Naturopathy 26.06.2020

This weekend, I indulged . . . We popped over to Ottawa for the weekend - I hadn't been back since undergrad pretty much and it was SOO nice to be somewhere familiar but a change in scenery. . . . And as we do while away, I ate a lot of food I don't eat on the reg and drank alcohol more... consistently, we'll say, than I have in a while! ... . . . For those of you who don't know, I've had a long history of acne that is very sensitive to certain foods. Dairy is just a straight up no-go. But there are other foods that also tend to trigger an inflammatory response that comes up on my skin. Wine being one, sadly. . . . With patients, we often have to investigate foods as an aggravator of their concern (not necessarily the root cause of it) and then address the gut accordingly. I'm not about restriction. If we can avoid restricting food as much as possible, I will. But sometimes it's necessary to identify triggers to give your body a bit of a rest in order to do the appropriate gut healing. . . . I don't do restrictions with patients for the sake of it, it is short term (with few exceptions) and therapeutic (often for identification). . . . I'd also like to add that if you've identified your food(s), it can be tough to feel like you can enjoy food (aka life) as much when you're in fear of the symptoms they'll produce - whether that's skin, digestion, mood etc - but there's lots you can do to strengthen the gut so it doesn't effect you as much AND sometimes you just gotta say 'screw it' and enjoy yourself. This is obviously case-by-case. But this weekend I did just that and yeah, I broke out but I loved the wine, the bread and everything in between along the way. . . . If you'd like support either identifying triggering foods or how to move on, let's chat! c/o @sketchymandyy (follow for lots of beauty)

Village Naturopathy 14.06.2020

4 botanicals to help regulate the nervous system (aka adaptogenic herbs) I LOVE using plants in practice. There is a certain magic that happens when the right person takes the right plant. There’s also A LOT of information out there about supplements, so please proceed with caution. I’d always recommend chatting with a health professional trained specifically with these modalities (Naturopath, Herbalist) to make sure it’s 1) safe based on your current health, supplements ...or medications 2) actually effective for you. Okay, so now that that’s out of the way, on to the plants! When I’m working with women who have a dysregulated nervous system (often that looks like being fight or flight too frequently = anxious, overwhelmed, trouble sleeping, digestive upset, hormonal imbalances), I want to get a sense of what cortisol (stress hormone) is doing and understand specifically how that’s manifesting in their life. Here are a couple that I use on the reg and *little* blurb about how they work: Ashwagandha AKA Withania: This is like a herbal hug - particularly for women. It helps the brain communicate with endocrine glands (thyroid, adrenals, ovaries) which can often be impaired when talking about nervous system dysregulation. Schisandra Berry: A main staple of Traditional Chinese Medicine, it benefits all the yin organs (heart, kidneys, liver, spleen, lung). I use it often as a female tonic, particularly when sex hormones are out of whack because (or as well as) stress. Rhodiola: Rhodiola is a slightly more stimulating herb. I’ll use it when there are elements of mental/cognitive fatigue in particular. It has also been shown to have serotonergic effects (feel good hormone often implicated in depression). Licorice root: Sorry, Twizzlers don’t count. Licorice root is unreal because it increases the half life of cortisol. If someone is in burnout and chronically exhausted, licorice is one of my go-to’s (increase blood pressure, so, again, work with a pro). If you’re curious about what could be right for you, feel free to message me and I can help point you in the right direction of someone (or myself) who can help! See more

Village Naturopathy 08.06.2020

If you don’t talk to yourself, your self will talk to you. Maybe my new fav quote? I was listening to SuperSoul Conversations Podcast with @oprah (duh) and she was chatting with @joelosteen and he came up with this gem. What is your inner dialogue? This isn’t talked about/taught (generally). We internalize things from a young age that we are exposed to because...well, that’s what children do: absorb without a filter of whether or not it is worth absorbing. And then ...those internalized experiences become thoughts and those thoughts create our identity. The thoughts we think - particularly the ones that go unnoticed - are what make up how we perceive ourselves which have a bearing on virtually everything (who we have around us as friends, partners, what jobs we have or don’t have, having dreams realized etc). But for the purpose of why I’m here (on this platform and on this Earth if we are gonna go there), it has a massive impact on our stress and anxiety. Again, what is your inner dialogue? How are you talking to yourself? ARE you talking to yourself? You can decide what that self-talk is. It’s not easy and it takes time/repetition, but ultimately, if you’re constantly thinking/saying ‘I’m not good enough, I’m not worthy, I’m unloveable’ etc., the stress and anxiety you feel isn’t going to change. It will keep you in the same reality despite changing circumstance. That’s why that positive self-talk DAILY (consciously until it becomes habit) is imperative to changing chronic stress and anxiety. If you want more info, feel free to DM me :) See more

Village Naturopathy 29.05.2020

Hormone rant coming your way Stop giving teen the oral contraceptive pill (OCP) before their cycles regulate. Obviously the caveat to this is unless it is actually for contraception (and potentially endometriosis to reduce scar tissue, but that's a topic for a different day). But if it is because 1) they don't have a period/it's irregular 2) they have acne 3) they have painful heavy periods, ***investigate*** and explore other options. ... I have so many patients who have been on birth control for 10+ years, starting just after they got their period before it had time to regulate. Then coming off the pill is a nightmare and their period is nowhere to be seen. Well, the body never had a chance to establish a hormonal connection between the brain and ovaries. And now they're paying the price with an absent period/ tough post-pill symptoms. Much harder than women who started years after their first period. The part that really makes me angry about this is the absolute lack of informed consent. If OCP is offered in those years (or ever), the discussion MUST be had about potential long-term impacts on hormones. Not once has that been done with a patient that I've seen. It definitely was not done with me. And I'm tired of seeing women discouraged and caught off-guard coming off of the pill and in hormonal hell. Since I can't change the pill is being prescribed, I can hopefully inform as many women as possible to seek the support of a Naturopathic Doctor for hormone health, going on or coming off the pill to mitigate side effects and to have these conversations with their doctors. This is your health, your life, your fertility(if you choose) and it matters. See more

Village Naturopathy 18.05.2020

Have you ever thought to yourself ‘will the cycle of feeling okay and feeling super stressed and anxious stop’? That feeling of waking up anxious and overwhelmed - not sure why, and even though you wish it wasn’t bothering you any more it still is. And some days you feel like you’ve tried meditating or yoga or a therapy session here or there, so it doesn’t matter, because even if you wanted to feel more calm and in control, you feel like you couldn’t.... Well, my purpose in life is to help you see that it IS possible for you. And I want to share with you HOW you can do this without giving up your ambition and without sacrificing your role at home. I hear a lot of women say 'well, everyone is stressed - it's a part of life'. It is. But it doesn't have to impact your happiness daily. So if you’re ready to make a change, here’s how Join me on the free Masterclass this Monday if you want to know: - How to conquer the cycle of overwhelm and burnout so you can gain control of your life while still being a driven high performer, ditch the constant anxiety and exhaustion so you can take on what life gives. - A systematic and customized way of taking control of your stress, without having to sacrifice your drive and ambition or give up who are. - The secret to being able to raise your stress threshold, so you’re not feeling overwhelmed constantly and you can take what life brings - The secrets to nutrition and exercise for chronically stressed women Plus a lot more While I have the replay available, I wanted to interact with you guys and give you an opportunity to ask questions, share your experiences and get the amazing show-up bonus for those of you who come. This is an opportunity you don’t want to miss! ' 4 . Save your spot by going to link in my bio! Pumped to see you there Photo by Toan Nguyen on Unsplash See more

Village Naturopathy 14.05.2020

Happy father's day To my dad: concert pal, forest guru, deer whisperer and amazing support system. And to all the dads, dad figures and everything in between.... Thank you

Village Naturopathy 26.04.2020

New daily delight The perfect summer smoothie and the colour is even more beautiful irl. : I buy frozen, chopped cauli and add a handful. Amazing for texture (super creamy), and to detox excess estrogens that can contribute to hormonal headaches, PMS etc. ... : Again, I get frozen. Little.impact on blood sugar, antioxidants, blood building and yummy! x: 1 tbsp for liver, gut and therefore hormone health. : I put 1/4 of a lime in (rind and all!). It gives it a summary tang with TONS of polyphenols which are amazing for modulating gut bacteria. : Fill for desired thickness. x: Mango flavoured protein from @metagenics which is like an anti-inflammatory, multivitamin and protein powder in one. The mango is soooo delish with this combo and the protein helps to stabilize blood sugar, fuel liver detox, tissue repair and hormone health...so protein is a MUST at every meal. Blend'er up and enjoy in a fun glass in the Sun food is legit medicine

Village Naturopathy 11.04.2020


Village Naturopathy 07.04.2020

I understand I will never understand. However, I stand. -unknown (comment below if you know who to credit) I think by now everyone knows the tragedy that is going on (not just in America, but particularly America). This tragedy that HAS been going on for hundreds of years of deeply rooted racial inequality. So deeply rooted that we sometimes don't even recognize it's there. ... It's in the school systems. It's in housing. It's in employment. And damn, is it ever in health care. But healthcare is not the point of this message. The point of this message is a call to a community that I've fostered who has members who are BIPOC to let you know 1) where I stand - as an imperfect, evolving ally to the black community - I'm here to fight for you and 2) as a call to anyone who this applies to: use your privilege as leverage to push for racial equality. I'm deeply saddened and disappointed - both with myself and society at large - that it has taken THIS to cause the widespread push-back and awakening that is long overdue. This isn't about how I feel, though. This is about doing the work. The hard work of looking within at the really uncomfortable truth that racism pervades more than we think. Then the work of doing. The past few days (should have been my whole life) of reading, listening and watching people in the black community speak their experience and their ask of white people has helped me form these words and thoughts. And I've been trying to piece it together the best I can - but at the end of the day, not saying anything isn't acceptable. If I can say it better, let me know. If I can do better, let me know. If I can act better, let me know. In my bubble of privileged healthcare, I'm committing to learning more about how to support diversity in practice. Learn more deeply and specifically about the different challenges that the black community face (mostly due to a history of systemic racism). So that I can help better. Outside of that bubble, there's a Black Lives Matter Solidarity march at Victoria Park in Kitchener on Wednesday at 5pm. I'd love to see you there

Village Naturopathy 19.03.2020

Reposted from @unclexstudios Silence cannot be an option; it is a privilege to ignore and not actively speak out about what is happening to the black community on a daily basis. We have compiled the list of resources, people, and articles that we’ve been referring to in order to better educate ourselves and those around us. #blacklivesmatter... Couldn't repost the whole thing but head over to @unclexstudios for the full post. Look at the tags, read, watch, engage, speak up. I'd highly recommend @rachel.cargle - click the link in her bio and check out The Great Unlearn.

Village Naturopathy 10.03.2020

I N T R O We've got some new people around here, so I thought I'd (re)introduce myself (why do I feel like I'm channeling Eminem right now ?) I'm Dr. Heather, I'm a Naturopathic Doctor practicing in Kitchener at the amazing @thesageclinic . I've also created and am running an online course, The Holistic Stress Solution that helps take women get a handle on their stress and anxiety in the most essential ways. ... My own experience with health and wellness lead me to see an ND as a teen which - obviously - changed the course of my life and wanted to dedicate my life to helping other women achieve their greatest health. I am so passionate about empowerment through education (and opportunity for action) when it comes to health, so I'm here as a resource for you . While I focus on how to conquer chronic stress with my content, that extends into sooooo many different areas of life, so if there's something you want to learn about let me know! Aside from being lucky enough to have my passion be my work, I love love love being outdoors, particularly by bodies of water or forests. I love walking biking, running - just moving outside. I love food (eating it, duh), but I don't always love cooking. There's a puppy in our fam, so you'll probably be spammed from time to time. Okay, that is all for now, thanks for staying tuned reach out with questions

Village Naturopathy 03.03.2020

On our Holistic Stress Solution tribe call this week, we had an amazing, open conversation about the saying/belief "everything happens for a reason". We chatted about how that saying can be triggering or invalidating for people who've undergone trauma (which, of course, is the opposite of what the aim of this message is). So, we discussed other ways to look at it, still keeping the same sentiment. 'every experience is a learning experience'... 'there's an opportunity to take something meaningful from it' 'every disappointment is for your own good' Ultimately the message I'm trying to convey here, is that on my journey with stress and overwhelm, this message has been transformational. It takes the burden of the perception of control off of me and reminds me to trust. Trust that I can take something positive out of an experience even when it's not what I'd planned or wanted. Trust there is something I can learn. Trust that it's where I'm supposed to be. It's hard to remember that in the moments where emotions are high. I'm not saying that's an easy process. But it's definitely one that's been worth pursuing. This is important because a great deal of our stress comes from our perception. So, if we can shift our perception, we can shift our stress. Disclaimer: there are, of course, other reasons why stress comes up that are rooted in very real hormonal and physiological circumstance. Also, please understand this is meant to be aimed at day to day stressors and not necessarily life-altering traumas and if you're need some additional support, feel free to reach out and I can put you in contact with the right people. See more