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Vince Del Monte Fitness Business Coach 31.12.2020

SEND ME A MESSAGE WITH THE WORD "LEVEL UP" IF YOU QUALIFY... 1 You’re an online fitness coach, expert or influencer between 20-45 years old and want to grow or scale your online fitness business towards 10 20...40...and even 80k months. ... 2 You’re not looking to ‘get a piece of the pie’ but desire to carve out and dominate your niche. 3 You understand that the right mentor will buy you knowledge, speed, relationships and accountability. 4 You aren’t looking for babysitting and ready to trust in a process that will get you outside your comfort zone. 5 You’re able to dedicate at least 15 hours a week (no excuses, no exceptions) to building your dream business. This is NOT a cheap opportunity I’ll personally coach you step-by-step and plan to teach how I built multiple seven figure generating online fitness businesses. It's a 12-month long program, I guide you every step of the way, arm you with crystal clear marching orders and help you launch your business to the next level. Everything you need! Level 1: The ATM Instagram Machine (exactly how to get to your first 50K) Level 2: The High Volume High Ticket Application Funnel (exactly how to get to 100K) Level 3: The Influencer Infiltration System (exactly how to get to 300K) Level 4: The Run to 7 Paid Traffic Roadmap (exactly how to get to your first mil) This is the same system that’s produced multiple millionaires and dozens of multi 6 figure earners and countless students over 10K a month. This mentorship opportunity is for someone ready right now to take action so please don’t send a message if you... Are an ‘opportunity hopper’ You’re not coachable Need to get rich overnight Aren’t ready to go ALL IN I PERSONALLY promise, if you meet the qualifications above in 90 days from now you will double your profits and be on pace for changing your life forever. SEND ME THE MESSAGE LEVEL UP FOR MORE INFORMATION to Carve Out & Dominate Your Niche & Build A Consistent Profit-Rich Business Living A Life On Your Terms! See more

Vince Del Monte Fitness Business Coach 21.12.2020

And tag someone below who needs to hear this fire .

Vince Del Monte Fitness Business Coach 16.12.2020

You can either make money or make excuses, but you can’t make both. Drop a if you agree and tag someone who needs to hear this.

Vince Del Monte Fitness Business Coach 11.12.2020

Drop an if you agree. When we face trials, it's easy to get discouraged, right? It takes a lot of maturity to reframe trials as training. Instead we feel disappointed, defeated or lost, and sometimes even quit.... During these moments, it's crucial to remember that God isn't surprised. Long before you faced the problems you are facing today, He already had a plan for your life. Even though I walk through the darkest valley, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me. Psalm 23: 4 Drop an AMEN if you agree and tag someone who needs to hear this.

Vince Del Monte Fitness Business Coach 20.11.2020

Drop an if you have experienced any of those things at one time or another. As you go after your dreams you will lose people because they don’t understand the way you live. People will talk poorly behind your back and people overtly or secretly want you to fail. ... There will be many periods of loneliness and grinding and the early morning and late nights will test you every single day. You will doubt yourself daily and wonder if you’re missing out on life and be tempted to quit. . The price for ambition is high, the sacrifices don’t disappear, but if you’re willing to take it on it will pay you back 100 times over. Tag a friend who needs to hear this and please share. See more

Vince Del Monte Fitness Business Coach 11.11.2020

Drop a triple if those are words to live by!

Vince Del Monte Fitness Business Coach 26.10.2020

Jeff Bezos is now worth $ 178,000,000,000 as of July 2020. What you have to say about that?

Vince Del Monte Fitness Business Coach 06.10.2020

Drop a if you agree! It boggles my mind how so many people downgrade their dreams to fit someone else's reality. PLEASE! ... Don't let someone else's limiting-beliefs become yours. Don't let other people's influences and fears become yours. Don't let someone else's small time thinking become yours How about, instead, upgrade your conviction, actions and environment to match your destiny? Comment below if you needed to hear this! See more

Vince Del Monte Fitness Business Coach 18.09.2020

Drop a if you feel this! I still remember when I used to compare myself to these super ripped and muscular guys during my bodybuilding days. Only to find out many, not all, were spending a fortune on steroids, ageing their face, ruining their liver and shoving needles in their ass on a regular basis.... No thanks, maybe Il’l just keep building muscle the natural route. That was the day that I discovered that if you’re going to compare, you first need context or else you won’t have clarity. Don’t covet something if you don’t have the full context of their situation. Run your race!

Vince Del Monte Fitness Business Coach 12.09.2020

Drop two if you agree! It’s insane how many single guys I meet in their 40’s who play the victim and say stuff like: There’s no more quality girls out there. ... Dude! If that’s your track record with relationships, I hate to break it to you but guess what the common denominator was in ALL those failed relationships? YOU! If you can’t make this relationship work, there’s a pretty good chance you’re not going to make the next one work either. Thank goodness I figured this out in my late 20’s or else I’d still be single today ha Who needed to hear this? See more

Vince Del Monte Fitness Business Coach 07.09.2020

This goes for romantic relationships and even attracting your dream clients. If you’re not attracting your dream clients it’s because you’re not their dream coach!! Step up your game and you’ll start attracting all sorts of better people in your world.... Join my 6 Figure Coach Secrets webclass to start attracting your dream clients. 6figurecoach.ca See more

Vince Del Monte Fitness Business Coach 20.08.2020

Drop a If you agree!

Vince Del Monte Fitness Business Coach 06.08.2020

Recent sales call went like this PROSPECT: Vince, why do I need to come to the mastermind events if I join your coaching program? I just need a coach? VINCE: What would you tell your fitness client if he said, 'Joe, I just need a workout and a meal plan. I don't need to see you in person.'... PROSPECT: What are you exactly saying? VINCE: If all you need were some tactics and strategy, well, you can find those for free on a lot of great podcasts and YouTube videos. The reason your business isn't growing is because no one is PUSHING you. Let me ask you Who is TRULY pushing you to get to the next level? If you're like 98.9% of the population you likely have ZERO friends or family members PUSHING you to make more money. Am I right? Like Just like a meal plan and workout program can only take you so far on your own - eventually you actually need to go the gym where all the big guys train and move some real weights. THEN you'll mentally and physically get pushed to step up. Joel Marion (@joelmarion) told me the same thing prior to joining The 100 Million Dollar Mastermind with my great friends here Mike Westerdal (@mikewesterdal) and Dan Long (@killmodedanlong). We needed to get into an environment where we are the small players and we're sitting beside guys spending $ 200,000 to $ 300,000 a DAY on Facebook ads! Thanks Joel for constantly pushing me back to what matters - gaining clarity on my numbers and not getting caught up in activities that limit our ability to scale. Who's pushing you? Mention your business mentor or accountability partners below and drop them your favorite emoji. See more

Vince Del Monte Fitness Business Coach 25.07.2020

What advice would you give your younger self. In 3 words... In the comments below what would you say?

Vince Del Monte Fitness Business Coach 10.07.2020

Before you compare you need context or else you won’t have clarity!! How often do you compare your behind the scenes with someone else’s highlight reel? Or how often ha e you been jealous of someone else’s progress when you have no clue if the good or bad sacrifices they even made?? ... Although comparing sometimes be a healthy dose of motivation it can also derail YOUR vision and path so be careful. Tag someone who needs to watch this See more

Vince Del Monte Fitness Business Coach 26.06.2020

Garbage in, garbage out. Drop a if you agree! Overwhelmed with all the crap the world is feeding you?... Newsflash! No one is shoving it down your throat. How did my buddy Ryan Obernesser@ryanobernesserbuild a new 6 figure online fitness coaching business in 2 months? He doesn't watch television. He says a positive affirmation each day, I'm strong, calm, powerful and confident. When he struggles with comparison he asks, Why not me? And he puts himself through gruelling events like SealFit 20X Challenge. He invests tens of thousands of dollars into his skills and personal development. Don't let the media pollute your mind and protect the most dangerous weapon you have which is the 6 inches between your ears! Comment below if you needed to hear this!

Vince Del Monte Fitness Business Coach 07.06.2020

Your time is coming! Type YES in the comments below if you are ready!

Vince Del Monte Fitness Business Coach 28.05.2020

The opposition is the opportunity! The best time to start your online fitness business is when you DON’T have a program yet to sell. ...Because you can offer a ‘Case Study Program, Pilot Program or Test Group where you invite a small group of clients to get in shape with you, while receiving a huge discount. ... If you’re ready to start a THRIVING online fitness business and want some help then DM me ALL IN right now! You’ve got this! See more

Vince Del Monte Fitness Business Coach 16.05.2020

! Now look at who’s on your team. This @magicjohnson quote really inspired me to challenge my team to exceed expectations, make positive change and commit to being the best at what they do. ... See more

Vince Del Monte Fitness Business Coach 07.05.2020

I'm a huge believer in trials because trials help our perseverance. Here are 3 of my first bible verses on trials developing perseverance. God blesses those who patiently endure testing and temptation. Afterward they will receive the crown of life that God has promised to those who love him. - James 1:12 ... Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up. - Galatians 6: 9 So do not throw away your confidence; it will be richly rewarded. You need to persevere so that when you have done the will of God, you will receive what he has promised. - Hebrews 10: 35-36 Start believing you have the ability to stand up against trials. Drop three if you're ready to be a tough individual that sees trails as an opportunity to be built, not broken. See more

Vince Del Monte Fitness Business Coach 23.04.2020

That's right, the online fitness coaching space IS saturated. With lots of crappy coaches making 1-2k a month and offering a terrible product and learning from 'overnight business coaches'. Industry The industry is NOT saturated with great expert coaches consistently earning 15-20K a month with superior programs and growing to new levels. ... There is NOT a lot of room for people at the bottom but there is heaps of room for those coaches offering a great service. Do you agree the fitness industry is too saturated? Yes? No? Why or why not? Let me know in the comments below. See more

Vince Del Monte Fitness Business Coach 20.04.2020

Business Truth: You cannot increase the TOP LINE of your financial statement if you don't increase EVERY line! In other words, you can't expand and contract at the same time! Attempting to grow your TOP LINE in business without your advertising costs, product suite and payroll expanding is like trying to Build muscle and Lose fat at the same time!... All you fitness pros know that's impossible! Right ?? I used to think you could EXPLODE your business without your expenses also exploding. It's taken WAY to long to figure this out. It's impossible. It's impossible to conserve and survive! If you stay in conservation mode, you'll lose it all. You NEED to expand! Comment below with EXPANSION BABY !!! if you're in business to grow !! Do you agree? HOW BELOW

Vince Del Monte Fitness Business Coach 18.04.2020

10 Ways to Sabotage Your Online Fitness Business 1. Going it alone, without a hired mentor aka having skin in the game. 2. Failing to build a team to take on 95% of the tasks outside your 5% wheelhouse.... 3. Not focusing on testing your way to ONE high-converting flagship program that brings in a steady stream of customers. 4. Building a brand around attacking people you don't agree with. 5. Scared to polarize and not staying strong in your beliefs. 6. Being another me too coach / product with no clear points of differentiation. 7. Underutilizing social proof and epic case studies (preferably via video). 8. Not committing to becoming the # 1 (or at least) # 2 leader in your space. 9. Underestimating how dang hard it is to scale a successful and profitable online business with all the competition now. 10. Not building a network of friends and colleagues moving in the same direction. BONUS Not building your entire business around recurring revenue! Without that, you're chasing new customers every month. Many more but those ones all race to the front of my mind! Which one spoke to you? What did I miss? Comment below ...

Vince Del Monte Fitness Business Coach 05.04.2020

Reality check! When you launch your program, expect it to fail. When you set out to smash it, expect to grow slowly. ... When you get on the phone, expect to get rejected. @loshustleand I are sick and tired of hearing people whine about slow growth Being in this online world 30+ years combined here's the truth 1. You need massive intention and ambition to survive. 2. Get ready for a painful amount of trial and error. 3. If there is one 'magical' ingredient for success it's patience. It's about TRUST-ing the process! Don't give up on the process and you will succeed, friend. Drop three if you needed to hear this! See more

Vince Del Monte Fitness Business Coach 30.03.2020

We live in a world that worships status, favor and possessions. . You don't need to venture far to get love to validate these achievements. . But what if your vision is rooted in service, fulfillment and purpose?... . Your vision will be ruined if you fail to understand that not everyone's acceptance is a blessing. Do you agree? Comment below. See more

Vince Del Monte Fitness Business Coach 24.03.2020

10 Comparison Insights I've Learned this past year 1. Did you know that comparison was why Lucifer got kicked out of heaven? 2. Comparison will kill your joy and suffocate your mind to the point you'll become dumb and unwise. ... 3. Did you know that God has a specific call on YOUR life that is unique to you and that only you can do? Comparison will consistently cloud the clarity of God's call on your life. 4. Build your life around pursuing a calling, not a career. A calling is what you were made to do and a career is what you're paid to do. 5. No one wants or needs you to become the 2nd best version of someone else. 6. Comparison requires context. Would you still want all that guys money if you found out he sells a shady service? Do you really want that guys massive muscles if it came along with sticking thousands of dollars worth of needles in your ass every week? 7. Awareness drives discontentment. - Pastor Robert Madu You'd be much happier if you just unfollowed 90% of the people you're following. 8. Stop using the screens on your phone and computer as a mirror to see if you measure up. Use the Word of God as your mirror. 9. If you teach from your weaknesses you'll never run out of content to share. 10. This is YOUR year, YOUR lane, YOUR race that's been marked out before you. Stop running someone else's race, run your race my friend! TAG SOMEONE WHO NEEDS THIS - SHARE IT - COMMENT YOUR FAVORITE LESSON BELOW See more

Vince Del Monte Fitness Business Coach 12.03.2020

Don’t listen to anyone who tells you otherwise. I should know. I built four different 7-figure online fitness businesses WITHOUT paid ads. ... I have nothing against paid ads but you need to earn them. Why would you run paid ads if you haven’t figured out what works organically, yet? Once you’re CONSISTENTLY over 20K per month we can look at ads. Until then, we need to dial in your marketplace, offer and messaging. Who needs to hear this? See more

Vince Del Monte Fitness Business Coach 01.03.2020

Don't expect status, possessions, money, trophy girlfriends and follower counts to give you peace. These things are the influencers you look up to, and APPEAR to have it all together, Pursue to fill a void ... In Their Own Life It's called a Shell Game.... I believe the majority of anxiety and depression in our world is rooted in ... ... Working FOR an identity rather than living FROM an identity. Another way to say this? We, unfortunately, find our identity in what we DO rather than WHO we are. I used to find my identity in the trips I Took, size of my home, income status and my "work ethic" ... Now I value identities rooted in WHO I am ... 1. A follower, not just a fan, of Jesus 2. A husband and father who won't give up on being better for them 3. A business coach that is committed to seeing his students win I'm at peace with the rate of success I experience because WHO I become in the process of WHAT I do is more important. Do you resonate with this message? How below.

Vince Del Monte Fitness Business Coach 15.02.2020

Do You Agree That You Sell The Same Way You Buy? HOW BELOW This discovery transformed my ability to sell on another level of authenticity, conviction and enthusiasm the past 2-years. READ THIS VERY CAREFULLY.... Another way to say this, You create your own objections. Any of these sound familiar during a consultation? I need to think about it. I want to shop around first. I don't have the money. Need to talk to my spouse. Is there a guarantee? I don't have the time. That's expensive. If these objections show up when YOU buy, guess what? They will show up when you sell and you'll lose the deal. THE SOLUTION? Buy the Same Way you want your prospects to buy: 1. Decisively 2. Urgently 3. Resourcefully 4. With their Spouses TRUST 5. Knowing Success is YOUR Responsibility 6. NO Excuses Allowed 7. Obsessing on what it'll cause, not cost. YOU are the bottle neck of your own growth. This may be a tough pill to swallow but working at overcoming these objections in your own life will take your earning and impact to an all new height. Was this valuable and eye-opening? TAG SOMEONE WHO NEEDS TO READ SHARE THIS COMMENT BELOW

Vince Del Monte Fitness Business Coach 05.02.2020

7 REASONS NOT TO GET HUNG UP OVER LONG-TERM PLANNING PLANS CREATE AN ILLUSION OF CONTROL PLANS ARE JUST GUESSES... PLANS ARE AN EXCUSE TO DO NOTHING PLANS CAUSE UNNECESSARY STRESS NEVER END PLANS PLANS CAUSE MISSED OPPORTUNITIES PLANS FAIL TO ACKNOWLEDGE THE CALENDAR OF GOD Here's a personal example Last year I had a vision to rebuild my YouTube channel starting September but that isn't happening at the moment. It's got to get pushed back Why? Because this project is NOT the one thing constraining my growth at the moment. Currently we're dialing in our sales systems and processes that is taking much more time and energy anyone on our team anticipated, and if we stuck to the plan, we'd not be able to scale this one critical area of our business . If you're like the majority of people overwhelmed with TOO MANY ideas and responsibilities then those feeling turn into, I'm NOT enough to get the job done. DO THIS INSTEAD: Get a strong idea of your 1-year vision. Then zone in on exactly where you need to be 90-days from now and then write down the Most Important Tasks that must be done before Friday. That's all. STOP fixating on the future. STOP wasting energy on tomorrow's battles. STOP resisting resources God's sending you right now. STOP being a victim of The Spirit of TOO MUCH and know that you are enough and have enough to make today matter! TAG SOMEONE WHO NEEDS THIS COMMENT BELOW IF YOU AGREE

Vince Del Monte Fitness Business Coach 01.02.2020

Drop a if you feel this! You don't suddenly learn how to handle money by amassing more of it. This is why a lot of lottery winners lose it all.... Financial literacy is not a side effect of wealth. Wealth is a side effect of financial literacy. Tag someone in the comments who needs to hear this.

Vince Del Monte Fitness Business Coach 30.01.2020

So... How Transparent Should You Be? Reveal everything? Nothing? In between? Comment below with your take on how transparent leaders should be. I find the vast majority misunderstand this.... You can’t share everything it’s not practical or wise. You can’t share nothing it’s not authentic or real. Transparency is not all or nothing. Let this guide you... Always tell the truth. And what that means is that everything you say is true but it doesn’t mean that everything that is true needs to be said. There’s not a playbook on this subject so I trust that’ll lead you to discerning decision making. Helpful? Drop a Love it Vinny if that’s a simple but helpful take on guiding transparent leadership. See more

Vince Del Monte Fitness Business Coach 18.01.2020

Think about your dreams. Right now you have a small paycheck, but you have big dreams. So you have 2 options.... Option 1 is to decrease the size of your dreams to meet the size of your paycheck. Option 2 is to increase the size of your income to meet the size of your dreams. Which one is it going to be for you? Start making different decisions that won’t require you to decrease the size of your dreams. Tag a friend who needs to hear this!

Vince Del Monte Fitness Business Coach 08.01.2020

WORRYING ABOUT WHAT MAY HAPPEN IS A WASTE OF TIME!! Even if it’s a frightening diagnosis, financial setback, or global pandemic disrupting every area of life. The result of worry is always the same you become paralyzed when you need clear thinking and decisive action. ... And guess what?? As long as you strive to keep growing, you will ALWAYS have worries that test your abilities and faith!! Instead of worrying about what might happen, take positive action to make things happen! If you put just 10% of the amount of energy you put into worrying towards MASSIVE ACTION TAKING instead, you’ll build your faith! STOP TORMENTING YOURSELF WITH WORRY YOU ARE LITERALLY DOING THE DEVILS JOB FOR HIM!! Trust God! Trust in your abilities and remember first Peter 5:6-7: Humble yourselves, therefore, under the mighty hand of God so at the proper time he may exalt you, casting all your anxieties on him, because he cares for you. If you’re FED UP with worrying drop a in the comments, pay this forward and keep taking massive action making things happen! See more

Vince Del Monte Fitness Business Coach 28.12.2019

I'm curious Do you work for an employer or an entrepreneur? Share with me below. MajorityThe majority of Americans are employed and told when to work, how much to make and when they can spend time with family. They have little control over their schedule.... Entrepreneurs live by a different set of rules. They decide when to wake up, go to work, how much they can earn and when they spend time with family. DoneHaving done hundreds of sales calls, I've discovered the # 1 reason people don't start their own business is fear. And crazy enough, too many of my fellow Christians seem to be the most paralyzed by fear despite 2 Timothy 1: 7 stating, For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind. This is one of my favorite verses I'd love to break down What does it mean to have a spirit of power in business? You are powerful. You have the opportunity to start something new in your life. With the guidance of the Holy Spirit, you have the ability to make business decisions and use your money to make more money. Many people worry that they do not have the resources needed to start a business, but you do not need much money to start a business. You just need to find a Trusted Mentor, have faith and take massive action. What does it mean to have a spirit of love in business? Love is the choice to take your God-given gifts and create or provide something for others in the form of quality product or service and rooted in your passion and credibility. When you have a spirit of love in business, you seek to serve not to take. What does it mean to have a spirit of self control in business? If you want some of the best money making advice in the world, read the book of Proverbs. Read 1 chapter a day and arm yourself with the discernment principles from the richest man who ever lived, King Solomon (who's peak net worth was 2.2 TRILLION dollars in today's money) If you're interested in learning how to build a successful and profitable online fitness business, even if you're starting out tight on funds, register here https://www.6figurecoach.ca/ for a free masterclass I'm doing to help you ONLY attract high paying clients and pursue your calling.

Vince Del Monte Fitness Business Coach 24.12.2019

I still remember my first hater who ripped me a new one because he said, You're an embarrassment to the muscle building community Who are you to teach anyone with your scrawny 15 inch arms about building muscle? You're not qualified! It was a blow to the gut and it took me a few years later to discover The reason I'm qualified was because I'm NOT qualified.... You see the dude was right .. I didn't have 'respectable' 17 inch arms, I couldn't bench 315 for reps, I was still an average looking guy, and I wasn't teaching anything new under the sun. I'm here to tell you that feeling unqualified is what makes you qualified! No one can relate to the juiced up, genetically gifted, Ph.D smart 'experts' out there. Me being 'unqualified' is what qualified me to connect to my following which maximizes likeability and trust. People want to follow REAL, RAW and RELATABLE coaches. . If you feel unqualified to start an online fitness business GOOD! Use that to connect, relate and build trust and as long as you keep evolving you'll reach more people than you can imagine! Never stop growing! Always be evolving and you'll have more impact than you ever imagine!

Vince Del Monte Fitness Business Coach 19.12.2019

Online Entrepreneurs Owners ONLY5 Reasons Why You DON'T Want To Start An Online Business 1. You panic when there is FEAR in your gut. If you don't deal with fear well, keep your job. Starting and scaling a business requires risk - sometimes what you do will work, many times it does not. 2. You don't get ENTREPRENEURSHIP. Do you know the definition? Entrepreneur = VALUE CREATOR.... You must be prepared to put others problems before your own, even when the cash isn't coming in or audience isn't growing. Ready for that? 3. It takes a LONG TIME. For awhile, when you do videos and posts, there will be crickets.That can plague many with self doubt and make a pay check every 2 weeks enticing. 4. You lack DECISIVENESS. Thank God I've had coaches who pushed me to not only make a decision, but make it FAST and FIRM. This business is full of a hundreds of decisions each day! If you're a procrastinator, embrace your 9-5, nothing wrong with that. 5. HOPE is your strategy. This is NOT something you can test out and see how it goes. You're either IN or OUT! I tell prospective coaching clients, Before you give me your money to coach you, are YOU committed to doing this with or without me? Because the truth is, you need me more than I need your money. THAT, I'm doing this with or without you Vince! mentality is a winners mindset. If you think I'm trying to scare you, I AM! Mentally being prepared for this lonely and scary world is what you need to go for 0-6 figures a year or 6 to 7 figures a year. On a hopeful note, if you can get mentoring, take massive action, and stay the course, it's only a matter of time YOU will become one of the great ones !! Tag a business buddy who needs to read this.

Vince Del Monte Fitness Business Coach 17.12.2019

Commitment comes before anything else in a leader's life. Complete leaders must have at least four characteristics: A compelling purpose: They make a great commitment to a great cause.... A clear perspective: They don't let fear cloud their view of the future. A continual prayer: They pray about everything and gain God's favor. Courage: A courageous persistence: They move ahead despite the odds. My hope is that you COMMIT to your goals, being interested in your goals is not enough. No more being a Task Starter, become a Task Completer. You got this!

Vince Del Monte Fitness Business Coach 13.12.2019

Want to know my biggest annoyance? When people say: Well, I guess it wasn't meant to be. I did all I could. Gimme a break!... You did ALL you could? REALLY ?? We both know that's NOT true. Let's be honest and at least admitted: I did all I wanted. If you TRULY did all you could, you would have had a better outcome. Lots of lessons here: 1. You get what you give. 2. Choose your words carefully, your brain believes whatever you tell it. 3. Don't blame God / Fate on your lack of results. 4. Give your own abilities and actions more credit. 5. There is room for improvement next time! We take extreme ownership for everything in our lives. We look in the mirror and if we don't like what we see, we say. It's because of ME! We're not victims. We take responsibility. Who's taking extreme ownership this week? . Tag someone who needs to hear this!

Vince Del Monte Fitness Business Coach 08.12.2019

"Vince, as an online business owner, how much should I learn and how much should I delegate?" Awesome question! What tasks should you never do? What do you think?... What should you be doing? I'll give you my reply ... THE BETTER YOU BECOME AT TECHNICAL THINGS THE LESS MONEY YOU WILL MAKE !! In 15 years I have never ... * Edited one of my own videos * Designed graphic * Designed a PDF * Engineered a podcast episode * Run FB ad * Run YT ad * Do customer support * and I would not even know how to change a comma to a period on my website if my life depended on it YOU SHOULD NOT BE YOUR OWN EDITING VIDEOS PEOPLE !! I do not care how good you are at it. There's someone way better! Now, there ARE a number of things I do and ONLY do. Reviews the most IMPORTANT questions you can ask yourself today is this: WHAT DO I NEED TO STOP DOING? WHAT DO I NEED TO STOP DOING? WHAT DO I NEED TO STOP DOING? It's a powerful alignment question on focusing on what actually will move the needle! What things do YOU need to stop doing to improve your growth and profits?! Let me know in the comments below.

Vince Del Monte Fitness Business Coach 06.12.2019

For an audience to gather around your message, you need to advertise the results you can produce. . In this episode I’m joined by the talented @stefjoanne who is going to share how she has created her online empire with a few simple strategies. As a former fitness coach turned business coach, Stephanie has found out how to be successful and teach others to do the same.... Stephanie has made appearances on media like eTalk, Huffington Post, and Entrepreneur.com. You’ll Learn why you need to take control of your PR and how Public Relations can get you to 6-figures. You can get rid of all the guesswork in getting your business to the next level. Start creating your excellent content and getting your brand massive exposure. Listen to this episode, take Stephanie and My advice and develop your online marketing empire. . You have to be comfortable demanding that attention and saying that you’re good because you know that you’re good. -Stephanie Joanne https://the-vince-del-monte-podcast-show.simplecast.com//t

Vince Del Monte Fitness Business Coach 22.11.2019

Part 2/2 of the Mindset Shift Series. If you haven’t checked out part one, go back and read that one first Then come back here, and let me know which one of these is your favorite in the comments below 1Don’t take money advice from a millionaire. I learned this one from @grantcardone. It struck me like a ton of bricks and you may think, "So, I can't take advice from you anymore Vinny? If you wanted to unfollow me, no problem. But I will say this truth helped me realize I ...was playing on defense with my money (for many years), instead of offense and chasing new growth. We're on our way up... so don't go 2Give as much as you can without expectation of return. Giving isn’t an obligation but rather an opportunity to redistribute the gifts you don't own in the first place. 3Our Pastor @stevenfurtick challenged us at our year end Game changer tithe at Elevation Church, "Are you willing to trust God on the next level?" He challenged us to Pray for a meaningful number that you can't cover but will require a commitment to God to come through on." This is very scary and requires major faith. 4Focus on quality over vanity metrics. In business, not all leads are created equal. This past year I’ve built a new 7-figure, recurring revenue generating business primarily through Instagram. It’s much more valuable to pay twice as much for leads that are your ideal customer. Don't waste your time and money trying to boost your following count. It's the WRONG game to win. 5Haters are really just quitters. This was another Uncle G learning. This year I had another round of haters come out and attack me. Initially I got caught up in it, but thankfully one of my mentors privately kicked my butt and told me to, Rise up, man up, and just block them. Don't let quitters derail your mission! Which of these 1-5 is your favorite? Let me know in the comments below!

Vince Del Monte Fitness Business Coach 07.11.2019

Entrepreneurship is 95% mindset and over the last few years, some of the smallest shifts in my thinking and habits have made the BIGGEST impact in my life and business... Let me know which one of these is your favorite in the comments below... 1I get a haircut and beard trim every 2 weeks. Good music, conversation and a scotch or two with my good friends keeps me feeling young and refreshed.... 2I quit waiting for the man on the white horse to save the day. No one is going to build your dream life for you. 3Stop Chasing attention and start attracting attention. 4Stop being afraid to sound salesy. It’s a selfish attitude. If you’re prioritizing the needs of your prospect, you’ll never come off as salesy. 5Understand that people don’t cost you money. Recently I brought on a full time project manager and a ton of other additions to my team, by no coincidence, last year was my biggest to date. So which one of these shifts resonates with you the most?? More importantly, let me know which one of these you can start using tomorrow to help reprogram your mind into wealth building mode

Vince Del Monte Fitness Business Coach 03.11.2019

What’s your #1 sales tip We’ve turned so many of my coaching students into CLOSING machines, doubling and tripling incomes in a matter of weeks and even days and in only 30-minutes I bet I can add an extra Zero to your income with a few magical lines :-) Here’s a few more of my favorites...... 1. Everyone buysif they are shown the right product. 2. Zero interest is interest. 3. Always agree. 4. No one thing can blow a deal. 5. Show everyone a proposal. 6. Never confuse a complaint as an objection. 7. You’re a closer, not a counselor. 8. Pressure is a good thing. 9. Commit to closing before the call starts. 10. If they don’t buy, it’s ALWAYS your fault. When you learn the rules of selling, it becomes FUN! Drop your favorite sales tip below

Vince Del Monte Fitness Business Coach 17.10.2019

Want to hear some crazy stuff? - I don't think I even finished my first e-book, No-Nonsense Muscle Building, but it went on to sell tens of thousands of copies in 118 different countries - My first fitness model show I didn't even crack the top 30 out of 37 guys on stage! ... - My first 200 YouTube videos ALL sucked (don't believe me, go check them out) - I don't think I've sent out a single email in 15 years without at least half a dozen grammatical errors - I have supposedly posted a ton of 'bro-science' over the years according to the 'scientific-community' - The day I launched my pre-workout, Preload, we had a gazillion issues with the checkout page that created a million customer service issues Long story short, I didn't build a successful online fitness business perfecting anything. I simply stacked a ton of mistakes upon mistakes, lessons on lessons and beat my competition because I took bigger and faster action than my competitors. You can do this! Focus on progress take imperfect action and put in the dirty reps and you'll go on to become one of the Great Ones! SHARE-TAG SOMEONE WHO NEEDS TO READ THIS See more

Vince Del Monte Fitness Business Coach 09.10.2019

@realcraigballantyne and I are SICK AND TIRED of whiners and complainers. Who here can give the BEST reason for why you do not earn the right to complain? Craig and I will get you started ... 1. NO ONE CARES! 2. You SIGNED UP for this! 3. You can COMPLAIN or you can get RESULTS but you can’t get both. 4. Where has complaining got ANYONE, even once, in the history of existence? 5. Life was NOT meant to be easy or fair or ‘happy’. Who SOLD you that belief? Life is designed to TEST, GROW and MATURE you. How is complaining helping you do ANY of that? What’s your best reason for why we all need to STOP complaining (and if it’s possible, can we keep this conversation around the theme of entrepreneurship and having IMPACT ON THE WORLD and not politics please?!) See more

Vince Del Monte Fitness Business Coach 20.09.2019

Whether you think this pandemic is a hoax, overblown or a legit threat, it doesn't matter. The coronavirus isn't going anywhere, and we are all going to be forced to make a living with more lockdowns, business restrictions, masks and social distancing protocols. Unless the entire world stands up against this ridiculous situation (highly unlikely) because our world is full of scared little sheep), your future is not safe in the hands of the government, health experts or thos...e we rely on to make wise decisions for us. Will you be ready for the second wave that is coming sooner than later ?? Love to hear your thoughts in the comments!

Vince Del Monte Fitness Business Coach 02.09.2019

Have the faith to believe you will achieve your goals and keep persevering no matter how deep the valley .

Vince Del Monte Fitness Business Coach 18.08.2019

No such thing as The One my friends. The grass is not greener on the other side either. That's Hollywood. The grass is green where you water it. I still know dudes in their 40's thinking it's the girl with issues. No bro. It's YOU. If your grass is looking brown, water it. Love is not a feeling. It's a decision. Finding the the right one definitely helps but at the end of the day it's what you make of your relationship that matters. Thanks Flavilicious for teaching me this.

Vince Del Monte Fitness Business Coach 13.08.2019

A Lie Can’t Teach A Truth! Let me get us started... You can’t teach muscle building if you’re a fake natural.... You can’t tell your kids to stay off their cell phone if you live on your phone. You can’t teach business building if you’re struggling yourself... You can’t be a teacher if you refuse to learn... Your turn! Got a good example? Post below!! As Nelson Mandela said, You have to be the change that you want to see in the world. #truth

Vince Del Monte Fitness Business Coach 27.07.2019

Drop a if you agree! Yesterday I celebrated my 10 year wedding anniversary and I love telling the story that I knew Flavia was the one on our first date. 6 months later we were engaged and 6 months later we were married. ... 10 years later we’ve got 3 beautiful kids and we’re venturing through the vineyards of Oakanagen valley. I’m so grateful that I trusted my gut and leaned all in on the relationship. I think a lot of us believe that there’s this ‘one magic person’ for us out there but that’s not true because true love is a COMMITMENT and a commitment is a decision. TAG A FRIEND WHO NEEDS TO HEAR THIS! See more

Vince Del Monte Fitness Business Coach 14.07.2019

Drop a if you agree! What do you have the faith to STAY with?! Comment below.

Vince Del Monte Fitness Business Coach 29.06.2019

Wow!! It’s our 10 Year Anniversary today... ... and it’s been the best 10 years of her life That one never gets old. In Vinny fashion, here are 10 things that have helped us the last 10 years......Continue reading

Vince Del Monte Fitness Business Coach 20.06.2019

This applies equally to daughters. My father shared this with me. He memorized this poem 35 years ago.... I’m sharing it with you today. It’s a great reminder that your attitudes and actions set an example for many. It’s called Little Eyes Upon You -- author unknown ' . . ; ' ' . ' ' , ' . . , ; , ' . ' - ' ; , . ; ' . Share this please See more

Vince Del Monte Fitness Business Coach 08.06.2019

Success comes from ONE THING: Leadership of self. What is your best tip or lesson on leading yourself?... I’ll go first: Stay close to people who are on the front lines and in the heat of the action! Lets get an awesome lesson for everyone!

Vince Del Monte Fitness Business Coach 25.05.2019

Want to know a little secret to how I built a 7-figure online muscle-building business? I figured out, early, I wasn’t that good. Seriously, I wasn’t that good. ... Most of you already know that so stop laughing :-) While I had many strengths, let’s look at my weaknesses I built a ‘decent’ body I contradicted myself I always struggled to stay lean I am a hype man I never did any crazy feats of strength But I became good because I KNEW I was not that good. So I compensated where my competition didn’t ...Surrounding myself with talented, gifted and strong leaders and coaches like Ian King, the late Charles Poliquin, John Berardi, Ben Pakulski, Ryan Faehnle, Eric Seifert, Greg Roskopf, and Tom Purvis. I invested into business mentors like Craig Ballantyne, Bedros Keuilian, Dean Jackson, and Ryan Levesque. And THAT is how I beat out smarter, bigger and leaner guys than me. I saw my weaknesses as OPPORTUNITIES to compensate in areas my competition was (maybe) too prideful to get help in and where are they now? The strength and growth of my organization was a product of the people I surrounded myself with. All of us want to be great, but are you willing to invest into great people who can arm you with the tools, skills, system, mindsets and energy you need to break into new heights? So let me hear you in the comments WHO are you going to invest into, so you can get the success you want? Comment below. See more

Vince Del Monte Fitness Business Coach 14.05.2019

When this virus hit and Everything went into lockdown Almost 4 months ago my Dad called Expired Warned me and my wife and I: This thing is not going to kill you but it will reveal your true character. I took that as a challenge. ... You see, my dad taught me a long time ago, Character is who you are when no one is looking! Isn't that true? While my own personal business ... exploded But that was to be expected as my line of work was perfectly positioned for a crisis like COVID. I was most impressed with how my wife leveled up and I got to see WHY I married the most resilient, willinging and selfless women in the world. She ... got our kids schedules in order took over my books on the weekends planned a ton of trips for the fam researched a ton of little-known immune boosting protocols (she actually found someone who made a natural 'remedy' to combat covid-19) got in her workouts every single morning and demanded that I keep working smarter and not longer when my business experienced A LOT of new pressure from the sea of growth. Yes, I married a BOSS !! How did you do during COVID-19? Were you proud of how you responded? What were you most proud of? What would you have done differently?

Vince Del Monte Fitness Business Coach 27.04.2019

TRUST YOURSELF. DECIDED! Most people go through life making suggestions, waiting to hear everyone's input so they can say, It was just a suggestion. They don't decide because if something goes wrong, they'll have to take responsibility.... Meanwhile someone else is making a tone of bad decisions but getting credit for being successful because they are learning, pivoting and growing. Do you know people who are winning simply because they take charge? What do you think of people who are paralyzed by overthinking? I make decisions fast and firm because there is no chance in the world I'm letting someone make a decision for me. I might ask for some opinions but I push myself, every single minute, hour and day, to trust my own instincts. I take PRIDE in screwing up and beating guys who are always analyzing the perfect move and terrified of making a mistake because some critic may put them on blast. Internalize these words today. Trust yourself, decide and dominate today! Who's with me?

Vince Del Monte Fitness Business Coach 25.04.2019

Watch first if you’re sick and tired of hearing I can’t afford it. Comment YES if you agree that I can’t afford it is a SMOKE SCREEN 95% of the time and if that video was helpful!

Vince Del Monte Fitness Business Coach 19.04.2019

Steven Pressfield says the number one difference between professionals and amateurs is habits. Here are 3 ways to help you improve your habits so you get paid like a pro. Which one is your favorite? Did I miss any? Comment below. 1. Amateurs wait for motivation. Professionals stick to the schedule. Rain or shine, a pro is in the gym or office. They don’t need permission or a pep talk. Pro’s don’t let their feelings dictate actions. They intentionally create a schedule... and execute day and night. 2. Amateurs focus on goals. Professionals focus on habits. Amateurs are obsessed with the outcome. They need constant dopamine hits. Instant gratification. Recognition from the crowd. These are the procrastinators because of their intense focus on the end result and the same people struck by The Good Idea Fairy. Pros treat success like Kawhi Leonard, knowing the NBA Finals series is a marathon, not a sprint and stay in the zone. They commit to the habits that will help them win in the end. 3. Amateurs stall after failure. Professionals grow after failure. Amateurs try to avoid failure at all costs. They fear critics, work for the applause of man, and care too much about what others think. When the going gets tough they hit the panic button. Just a small dose of adversity and challenges and they tap out. Amateurs lack mental toughness to push and succeed. Professionals expect failure, roadblocks and have already mentally prepared to resolve and battle through. They welcome the failure because they know it’s a necessary part of growth. What’s holding you back from going Pro? Are you committed to being a professional in any area of your life? If so, Type, I’m going Pro in the comments below See more

Vince Del Monte Fitness Business Coach 04.04.2019

[START HERE] You May Be Thinking... Who The Heck Is Vince Del Monte & Why Should You Listen To Him? Watch This Video First!! STEP #1 Schedule Your 7 Figure Mastermind (SERIOUS FIT PROS READY TO START, GROW OR SCALE A SUCCESSFUL & PROFITABLE ONLINE FITNESS BUSINESS)... I'm the only online fitness business coach who's built multiple 6 and 7 figure online fitness business's and my mission is to help you carve out and dominate your niche; build a profit rich high ticket coaching business; all while doing it without sacrificing your faith, family and fitness during the journey. And our students results do the talking... I've produced more 6 and 7 figure students in the online fitness space than anyone else I know and you see proof here... https://www.CallWithVince.ca STEP #2 Discover The 5 Little Known Secrets To Start A Thriving Online Fitness Business WITHOUT Phone Closing, Paid Ads, Or Even A Huge Social Media Following https://www.6FigureCoach.ca << 100% FREE! TALK TO ME ON MY SOCIAL MEDIA! Instagram https://www.instagram.com/vincedelmonte Facebook https://www.facebook.com/vincedelmonte Youtube https://www.youtube.com/user/vincedelmonte

Vince Del Monte Fitness Business Coach 19.03.2019

DONT’ PANIC! HERE’S YOUR #1 ANCIENT PRESCRIPTION TO FIGHT ANXIETY WITHOUT DRUGS Anxiety is a meteor shower of what-ifs. What if I don’t close the sale? What if this product launch flops? What if my engagement keeps going down? What if I’m not cut out for entrepreneurship?... Is your life weighed down with worry? Could you use some more calm? If so, you’re not alone. Conquering anxiety and worry requires some work on your part, and be sure of this--it is not God’s will that you lead a life of perpetual anxiety. Do you believe that God loves his children? Do you believe He oversees your world? Do you believe He monitors your life? In Philippians 4:4, Paul offers a prescription for anxiety and worries and it’s unusual: Rejoice in the Lord always. Again, I say, rejoice. A few lessons from this 1. Rejoice reminds us to remember what He has already accomplished in your life. 2. Don’t get lost in your troubles. Dare to believe good things will happen unless you don’t believe God is sovereign. 3. Examine what sustains your beliefs and make sure it’s rooted in the fact He’s in control. I can’t imagine going through life believing everything is up to me. The ONLY people who should be stressed out are control freaks. Why? Because they more they try to control the world, they more they realize they cannot. Life looks like this: Anxiety, failure, anxiety, failure, anxiety, failure. QUESTIONS FOR YOU: What does rejoicing look like for you? How would you describe your confidence in God’s control over your life? What are some ways you’ve seen God’s sovereign hand at work in your life? . SAVE & SHARE THISTAG A FRIEND-COMMENT BELOW WITH YOUR TOP PRESCRIPTION FOR ANXIETY.

Vince Del Monte Fitness Business Coach 27.02.2019

'I’ll be honest. I probably annoy a lot of people around me because I’m TOO POSITIVE. You can thank the girl who dumped me 2 weeks after I told my Mom I found my future wife. Vince, I’d like to stop dating. - Kathy ... What? I just told my Mom I was going to marry you! - 20 year old Vince Silence. Vince, are you crying? - Kathy I can’t believe this is happening to me. - Vince Vince, don’t look at this as a negative, look at this as a positive. If you thought I was good, imagine who you’ll meet next. God will never give you second best! Wherever you are in the world Kathy THANK YOU for that lesson to reframe negatives as positives. Seems obvious now but that’s how I’m processing this entire situation. I’m THANKFUL that I can take advantage of this time to educate my students and myself on how to build an even stronger financial wall around myself and their families. I’m THANKFUL for all the hardships in my past that have positioned me to confront and conquer. I’m THANKFUL for YOUR inspiring persistence to battle forward and upward. What is the BEST thing coming out of this PANIC-demic for you right now? ’ ! See more

Vince Del Monte Fitness Business Coach 25.02.2019

Thoughts? Drop a if you agree!

Vince Del Monte Fitness Business Coach 08.02.2019

Comment below with your best way to make your first million dollars. Whether you’ve done it or not, what do you think or know it takes? Best answer wins 3 free samples of Preload, my all-day energy pre-workout!

Vince Del Monte Fitness Business Coach 25.01.2019

In This Episode: How John went from constant partying to killing it in the gym, and eventually being a prolific content creator with ... How the internet created an entirely new way to be successful and how John utilized it to reach millions of people without having to leave his family John's process for creating margin in his life and keeping his commitments at only % of his time Three exercises you have to start with if you want to stack the deck of success in your favor Hear John's purpose, unique abilities, and values that drive his work and family life The business and personal lessons that taught John he needed to actually practice being calm and thoughtful How to take stock and fill yourself up to avoid the neverending death march to success Why connecting with people often, and getting counseling before you need it, are so important - plus, hear the two questions John asks his kids to be the best dad possible Are you enjoying your kids, or just enduring them? Hear John's advice for showing up as a father, building attachment, and fully appreciating the time you have with your children @drjohnberardi ! Listen to the full episodes on iTunes and make sure you subscribe to to keep up with the newest episodes! Leave A Comment Tag Someone Who Needs This-- Please Support By Sharing See more

Vince Del Monte Fitness Business Coach 05.01.2019

Do you agree? Are privileges an advantage or disadvantage when it comes to success? Here is my opinion and it's pretty strong ( : . I check the news, but I don't watch the news because when you watch too much news, you lose.) ... In the world of building muscle, disadvantages are the fastest way to produce tension in the muscle which leads to maximum fatigue and growth. I spent years teaching this concept. If you're a bodybuilder, you do NOT want advantages like momentum because momentum is not a muscle. A disadvantage would be locking down all surrounding muscles so that you can isolate and maximally contract the muscle you're trying to build. So to summarize: DISADVANTAGES, not advantages, build a better body. Make sense? Same The same is in the world of relationships, business and life overall. And I know it's EASY for to sit here and preach this, but I truly believe success comes to those with a growth mindset perspective. Having the privilege of being born into a rich family CAN be a disadvantage because you live a lazy, spoiled, and entitled upbringing. Is that REALLY an advantage ???? Depend on your perspective. If people don't need to FIGHT and overcome adversity to achieve success, they won't KEEP the success because they didn't EARN IT. Anyways, what do you think? Life is always about perspective and making choices with how you're going to deal with your environment, upbringing, resources and opportunities. You can make excuses or you can make a life, but you can't make both. Do you agree? SHARE THIS WITH A FRIEND & TAG SOMEONE WHO NEEDS TO HEAR THIS! See more

Vince Del Monte Fitness Business Coach 02.01.2019

Doubt. We all struggle with it. Especially me. People don't show too much of this on social media, because there's always this superficial Look How Perfect I am look that is trending, but that's not what I'm about. I have doubts about my business. About my ability as an entrepreneur. ... There are bad days when things go wrong. A loyal team member leaves. Our lead-generation system breaks. The list will go on, and on, and on. Here's the thing. Your doubts are the reason why you aren't moving forward in your business. Because doubts lead to fear, and fear paralyzes you. The way to overcome this is to first acknowledge your doubts. You don't have to lie to yourself and say, Everything is fine and dandy. No, simply acknowledge the doubt. Then you have to realize that the doubt is just a figment of your imagination. Our thoughts lead to our actions, and our actions result in our outcome. So you have to eliminate yourself of these negative thoughts, or eventually your actions will follow. Eliminate the thought by acknowledging the fact that it's not a reality, just a burdensome idea. So take ownership of your mind and kick those doubts to the curb. See more