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White Butterfly YOGA Papillon Blanc 29.12.2020

Hey little yogis! What is an activity that you can replace with a healthier version? Mario loves video games but he is also very physically active. ... Bonjour les petits yogis! Quelle est une activité que vous pouvez remplacer avec une version plus nourrissante? Mario aime les jeux vidéo mais il est aussi très actif physiquement.

White Butterfly YOGA Papillon Blanc 03.12.2020

Des fois on a plein de trucs de yoga et autres mais c’est correct de demander de l’aide!!

White Butterfly YOGA Papillon Blanc 30.11.2020

A free yoga channel! I am blessed to have started working in a school during this pandemic and will continue to share family yoga resources and my relevant activities on this page.

White Butterfly YOGA Papillon Blanc 24.09.2020

Voici ma traduction du chant "May the Long Time Sun" pour mes cours de yoga jeunesse en français.

White Butterfly YOGA Papillon Blanc 04.09.2020

I would just like to put this out there. If your children are not around special needs children at school, and have never been taught that not everyone is the s...ame, then maybe you could take 10 minutes tonight to explain this to them. Because even though they may not be around these children at school, they will encounter them in their lives, as it should be. In the light of recent events on the exclusion of a child who has autism from participating in a school trip, and a child with Down Syndrome being kicked out of dance class because she couldn't keep up, I feel the need to share this. There are boys and girls that nobody invites to birthday parties. There are special kids who want to belong to a team but don't get selected because it is more important to win than to include these children. Children with special needs are not rare or strange; they only want what everyone else wantsto be accepted !! For all the wonderful children out there. Can I ask a question? Is there anyone willing to copy and paste this post to their wall without sharing it, like I did for those special children out there? Please teach your children to be kind to these beautiful children!

White Butterfly YOGA Papillon Blanc 10.07.2020

pour le dodo :)

White Butterfly YOGA Papillon Blanc 20.06.2020

Ma petite à 6 ans ma dit: C'est ça la vie : lécole puis le travail de 9h à 17h, toujours écouter et faire ce quon nous dit? Pourtant la vie, c'est créer..., imaginer, penser par soi-même, apprendre, s'émerveiller, diffuser son amour, apporter sa lumière, se connecter à la Source de vie... Disons-le à nos enfants et mettons-le en pratique.Les enfants ont besoin de le savoir. Outils: les livres de la petite âme ici editionsatoutcoeur.com #vie #lamissiondelapetiteâme #editionsatoutcoeur #education See more

White Butterfly YOGA Papillon Blanc 24.05.2020

On va donner notre premier cours de yoga famille dans la région ce matin! Getting ready to teach our first family yoga class in the area today!

White Butterfly YOGA Papillon Blanc 22.05.2020

Il y a un changement à la programmation de l'activité du jeudi 6 août. La danse sera changée pour une séance de yoga dans le parc avec White Butterfly YOGA Papillon Blanc. Les inscriptions ferment le mercredi 5 août à 20 h : https://forms.gle/qsZ2teWzGQLPuCLT8

White Butterfly YOGA Papillon Blanc 08.05.2020

Knowledge is power

White Butterfly YOGA Papillon Blanc 19.04.2020

As many of you know. Meka keeps us crazy busy. I often cant believe this amazing girl is my daughter. Im beyond grateful to be part of this amazing journey.... If you can help share this post. It would mean a ton to us. Meka has received amazing donations for the class and has been busy writing emails. But, definitely can still use more donations. Meka at the age 11 stared a Sacred Moon Empowerment Circle. Shes the youngest certified yoga teacher in the USA, Certified sound healer and reiki master. (And, my husband and I dont do any of that) This has been all of her her visions and dreams. She writes and designs all her own classes. Shes been teaching a year now! She teaches several different classes from full moon, healing circles, sound journeys, yoga and empowerment classes. She started this period positivity class. To normalize menstruation. To be honored of the blood from their sacred bodies. Not be scared if she sees red in her seat when she stands up. Not to try or hide the sound of unwrapping a pad. To love their bodies just the way they are. Which as her mom I definitely need this class. Its a 2 hour class with yoga, meditation, crafts, journaling, and a menstrual cycle talking circle. Its for girls who do or dont have their cycle. She writes a 25 page book each month with tips, affirmations, common period questions, mudras, journal prompts, and she reached out in a yoga class and received 100s of powerful quotes form women around the world. She gives each girl a goodie bag filled with products. She picks one girl each month to be the secretary and writes down and questions they cant answer among themselves. And, she has an adult volunteer come in the last 10 minutes and answer them. This is her passion. I see the fire in her eyes. She says shes on a mission To change her generation. Heres Mekas mission statement Im on a mission to change as many generations as possible, one person at a time. To change the way my peers think of menstruation. To know without our periods life would not exist. To teach boys and girls that its sacred. To learn to go back to our lost deep roots. To learn to love who we truly are. That our flaws is what makes us beautiful. To be mindful with our words thinking before we speak. And to start making changing to take care of the beautiful Mother Earth. Shes written over 100 emails asking for samples of products and coupon. She received amazing items too. But, a few companies said she would receive more if she had more followers. She also can use donations from businesses. Samples, coupons, left over anything. So if youre into yoga, meditation, Positive period talk please go and follow her page Mindfulness With Meka on FB and IG Thank you!

White Butterfly YOGA Papillon Blanc 14.04.2020

Maintenant on sait

White Butterfly YOGA Papillon Blanc 08.04.2020

The world is a bit chaotic but heres some cute baby animals.

White Butterfly YOGA Papillon Blanc 28.03.2020

Je suis heureuse d'avoir été choisie pour présenter au mois d'août un cours de yoga famille exterieur, au très beau parc Riverside à Pembroke, dans le cadre du camp Soleil! Youpii!!

White Butterfly YOGA Papillon Blanc 08.03.2020

Hi dear educators, primary teachers and parents, Heres an entertaining educational video for you. What kind of game could you play with many kids during pandemic? This video Natadity was made in #Aylmer , please enjoy and have fun with kids!!

White Butterfly YOGA Papillon Blanc 19.02.2020

Je suis allée en canoe avec mon papa. C'etait merveilleux d'aller observer une famille d'aigles à tête blanche!!

White Butterfly YOGA Papillon Blanc 04.02.2020

Here is a relaxation video for you and the kids to enjoy together at the end of the day or after your yoga together. This is the third part of the Sunflower Dance Yoga Flow. The first two parts are explained in French. This series can be a wonderful activity to include to French as a second language courses. Enjoy and Please like, subscribe, and share! ... Guitar music by Eric Soucie.

White Butterfly YOGA Papillon Blanc 31.01.2020

Notre première chrysalide de monarque de l'année !!! Ci tout vas bien nous pourrons vous offrir , pas par pas sous peux un petit ( kit ) pour vivre cette grande et merveilleuse aventure ! Restez connecter à nous car ci nous réussissons à offrir ces ( kiT ) ils s'envoleront rapidement

White Butterfly YOGA Papillon Blanc 14.01.2020

En ce jour de pluie, on joue avec notre dé de yoga!

White Butterfly YOGA Papillon Blanc 27.12.2019

Happy Summer Solstice Weekend everyone...

White Butterfly YOGA Papillon Blanc 16.12.2019

Ce nest pas un temps pour se rabaisser les uns les autres mais pour sunir et sentraider entre nous les etres lumineux pour briller encore plus fort! N.D. Une magnifique journée à tous. Ce nest pas un temps pour se rabaisser les uns les autres mais pour sunir et sentraider entre nous les etres lumineux pour briller encore plus fort! N.D. Une magnifique journée à tous.

White Butterfly YOGA Papillon Blanc 01.12.2019

The sun shines on everyone! My great grandmother on mom's side was Irish. She married a German. Dad's dad side is from Brittany/France. God knows what/who else is in the mix. I've been asked often if I am Native, Italian or Spanish, based on my physicality. So in my picture I wanted to show Irish traits and underline the red dress movement for missing and murdered Indigenous women and girls. Her multicolored headband represents unity in all flags and all colors. As it sits on her head, to me, it also represents freedom of thought.

White Butterfly YOGA Papillon Blanc 20.11.2019


White Butterfly YOGA Papillon Blanc 08.11.2019

Tu as déjà rêvé de réaliser une exposition? Crée ta propre expo en jouant le rôle dun conservateur ou dune conservatrice. #BricoMonExpo https://www.museedelhistoire.ca//concevoir-dune-exposition/

White Butterfly YOGA Papillon Blanc 06.11.2019

Il fera tres beau en fin de semaine, pourquoi ne pas vous fabriquer un dé avec des idées d'activités à faire dehors incluant quelques poses de yoga et un autrepour des jeux d'intérieur pour vous amuser lorsqu'il y aura des jours de pluie, incluant encore une fois, des poses de yoga, bien sûr! http://printables.atozteacherstuff.com/435/cube-pattern/

White Butterfly YOGA Papillon Blanc 06.10.2019

Cette meditation viens d'une chaine youtube pleine de beaux outils !

White Butterfly YOGA Papillon Blanc 26.09.2019

Je n'ai personellement pas eu la chance de faire des videos de yoga depuis longtemps mail il y a tellement d'autres belles ressources a decouvrir! J'ai demanagee recemment et j'ai commence a travailler dans un restaurant. Je fais un peu de yoga quand j'ai le temps. On verra ce que l'avenir ammenera pour mon service de yoga jeunesse papillon blanc. Je vous embrasse tous tres fort de facon virtuelle.... Namaste, Nathalie

White Butterfly YOGA Papillon Blanc 11.09.2019

Le papillon, la fleur et le syndrome du sauveur... Prendre ce qui nous appartient... Laisser la vie suivre son cours... Vivre et laisser vivre... Une superbe soirée à tous