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Web of Words 01.02.2021

Is your business in lockdown limbo? First off: Remember, you’ve been here before. Better days are coming. Before you know it, you’ll be dealing with an influx of clients who can’t wait to work with you again. But this in between time is not wasted.... In fact, it could be exactly what your business needs in order to fast-track your goals for the rest of the year. Hear me out. As business owners, it’s so easy for us to get caught up working ON the business. You’re constantly looking for better ways to serve your clients, to improve your customer experience and to go above and beyond for your community. But guess what? Now is the time to be selfish. You’ve more than earned it. It’s time to invest your time and energy back INTO the business you’ve worked so hard to build. This might look like: Taking a good, hard look at your customer journey and looking for ways you can improve it. Seeking out ways to automate your processes and take more work OFF of your plate. Updating your website to ensure it’s effectively working as a sales tool and converting new leads into buyers. Mapping out your marketing calendar for the entire year ahead. Taking time to rest and recharge, to sit in silence, and to let new big ideas and creative solutions come to you. Is there anything else you’d add to the list? How are you spending this time? See more

Web of Words 30.01.2021

Why are you selling what you’re selling? This question comes up in every single client discovery call and often it’s not a straightforward answer at first. The reality is, we’re easily distracted by the WHAT and HOW of what we do, we often neglect the WHY.... And yet, it’s the most important piece of your brand puzzle. Your why is your purpose, cause or belief. It’s not simply to choose my own hours or to make more money. Those are results. Your why explains why you exist. It’s as much a reflection of your value at work as it is why your best friends adore you. It’s part of who you are, and it was likely defined much sooner than you even realize. (Time to dust off the childhood memories, peeps). Your WHY is what guides the decisions you make, the tasks you perform and the products you sell. Ultimately, it creates the impact you envision. And when it comes to your marketing strategy, as the guru himself, Simon Sinek says: People don’t buy WHAT you do; they buy WHY you do it. Unless you’ve actually done the work to find your why, chances are you probably don’t really understand it. Or maybe you think you know your why, but you can’t really articulate WHY it is your why. Still with me? I’m working on something really exciting to help you get clear on your WHY and make a bigger impact with your business. Want to be the first to know what it is? Hit the link: http://webofwords.ca/create-eye-catching-visuals-for-socia/ to sign up, and grab a free resource while you’re at it.

Web of Words 20.01.2021

I’m a recovering perfectionist. I used to hoard posts in draft mode because I was too afraid to hit publish. Afraid of what people would think. Afraid of looking like a fraud. Afraid of sharing vulnerable sides of myself.... Then came the day when I realized I’m not here to please everyone. And if I really want to make an impact with my work, I have to show up for the ONE. The one person who needs to hear my message today. The one client who needs my help. The one follower who believes in what I have to say. So, here’s to another week of embracing imperfections. Posting imperfect posts, sending imperfect emails (including the one I’m finalizing for my email list now). If you want to join me on this journey, I’d love to have you. Sign up here to get more free tips (http://webofwords.ca/create-eye-catching-visuals-for-socia/) and I’ll add you to the list so you can read my imperfect words straight from your inbox. See more

Web of Words 03.01.2021

OUR BABY IS SIX! Web of Words turned SIX years old this week, and to be honest, I’m still digesting this milestone. I saw a stat earlier this month stating most small businesses don’t make it past the three year mark. Add a worldwide pandemic into the equation and the entrepreneurial path suddenly looks even more daunting.... This week also marks five years since Luke and I officially partnered up and went all in on the family biz. We’ve made a lot of difficult decisions over the last six years. We’ve been pushed so far beyond the comfort zone, it’s just a blip on the radar. Together, Luke and I have taken some massive risks. We put it all on the line without having a clue what the future would bring. From the beginning, we set out to build our business around our lifestyle. In the process, we’ve unlocked parts of ourselves we didn’t even know existed. We’ve grown closer in our marriage and our partnership. We’ve carved our own path. Looking back, I wouldn’t trade a single experience. Every step we took led us to where we are now, which is exactly where we need to be. Here are six lessons we’ve learned over the last six years: 1. Your business needs room to grow and evolve just as you do. If it’s getting too comfortable, then it’s time for a change. 2. Surround yourself with people who believe in you and want the best for you. If they’re not in the arena, their feedback is just noise. Tune it out. 3. You don’t have to do it all by yourself. The sooner you learn to trust in others and let go of control, the better. 4. You’re capable of so much more than you give yourself credit for. You can do hard things. Embrace every challenge: it only makes you stronger. 5. You can grow your business AND your family. You don’t have to sacrifice your career to have a baby. In fact, when you invest in yourself and the ones you love, your business thrives. 6. When you stand firm in your boundaries, other people will too. The only person who gets to decide how you live your life and run your business is you. Do any of these resonate with you? Which one(s) are you focusing on in the year ahead? See more

Web of Words 15.12.2020

Ready to finally get that website launched? Let’s make this the year you: Stop trying to do it all yourself (and taking 10x longer to get the results you’re looking for).... Prioritize the tasks that fall within your zone of genius (and outsource the rest). Invest in your brand experience (because if you won’t invest in it, how can you expect your clients to?). If a new website is on your to-do list for 2021, why not get the ball rolling now? Send us a DM with the words NEW WEBSITE to set up a complimentary consultation. We’ll go over your goals, while walking you through our recommendations and letting you know what we can do for you in terms of cost. It never hurts to plan ahead, right? See more

Web of Words 26.11.2020

I’m not going to tell you, This is your year. Because, well that’s so pre-pandemic. Instead, let’s go with, This year is what you make it.... You get to choose who you show up as. You get to choose how you react to challenging situations. You get to choose what boundaries you set. The rest is out of your control. And one lesson I’ve learned in my experience being both an entrepreneur and a mom is: the more you surrender control, the more the universe delivers. Let’s do this, 2021. Drop a in the comments if you’re with me. See more