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The Wellness Advantage 25.01.2021

Are you lacking the patience for long term results? Do you want results NOW?! Well...unfortunately that's not the way long lasting results work. You've heard it before and I'll tell you again.... Practice. Consistency. Patience. Repeat. Want to learn to eat better? Learn what foods work for you. Learn how to cook. Fall of the wagon. Get back on. Keep working at it. For years. Want to run a half marathon? Start small. Run. Strength train. Run farther. Strength train. Run farther. Eat to nourish your body. Repeat. Over and over again. You may see me skipping here and be like...'damn, why can't I do that?'. What you DON'T see? 15 year old Paige deciding to try boxing. Fumbling over her rope week in and week out. Covered in whip marks from my rope. Watching Joey's feet as he skips for 20 minutes straight barely missing a beat. Watching the rhythm. Practicing. Week in and week out. If you're willing to put in the work and set realistic expectations for yourself, you'll do just fine. #thewellnessadvantage

The Wellness Advantage 29.12.2020

Are you waking up today feeling like you need to get your shit together? I'm not entirely sure why people wait for January 1st to do so, it's just another day. Things don't just magically change when the calendar flips.... But on that note...use it. Get at it.... I had 1 drink lastnight and the world's shittiest sleep. It took me until 3:30pm to get my ass into the basement for a strength workout...but I did it. Happy New Year! Choose your goals wisely. Think long term. Get off the quick fix wagon. Enjoy the journey. Learn something about yourself. #thewellnessadvantage #rhn #personaltrainer #nutritionist #coach

The Wellness Advantage 11.12.2020

Are you stuck in the negativity of 2020? I'm a firm believer that when bad things happen, so many doors open. Have you taken the time to reflect on this past year? What have you learned about yourself?... What have you learned about your relationships? What have you learned about your business? What can you do to move forward and be more badass? This year has been a whirlwind in my mind. January 2020, I was 14 weeks pregnant and visiting Vancouver not knowing what was ahead. Pregnant in a pandemic. Hiring a business coach, @sara.fennell to help me navigate keeping my business alive while being on mat leave - as hard as this was being in my third trimester, best decision! Having to make very difficult choices around how to handle visitors during pregnancy and once babe was born. Not being able to meet new moms the traditional way. Not being able to go to the gym by choice (I miss it like hell). The hospital opening up to allowing 2 care persons during birth, I can't express how amazing it was to have Jenel @yxe.doula beside James and I during the labour and delivery of Olivia. Navigating being a new Mom and then hearing really shitty family news on my Husband's side of the family. Driving to Vancouver with a 5 week old - I'll never forget getting to Valemount, cracking a local craft brew and having a good cry in the shower because that first day was too long and we pushed too hard (we took it slower going home). Deciding to work with @lauralarocque to help me work on myself to improve my relationship with my amazing husband (marriage has been fkn hard for me being a new Mom in a pandemic btw). Canceling original Christmas plans but enjoying the time we had as a small household. As you can see, and I'm sure you've experienced... You MUST adapt to what life throws at you. By adapting, you grow. I have seen my clients handle 2020 like rockstars. I have watched them go through their own versions of 2020 and adapt and to learn to how they can handle anything life throws at them. Keep adapting. Keep being amazing. Treat yourself with kindness. Nourish your body, mind, and soul. Constantly build the best version of YOU.

The Wellness Advantage 24.11.2020

Do you struggle to stick to your health routine during the holidays? Finding yourself working out extra hard before or after to anticipate or make up for poor food choices and lack of exercise? Try implementing the following tips this year:... 1. Focus on getting in the good stuff, rather than avoiding things! Set some rules to eat plenty of fresh fruit, have veggies with every meal, and get your water in! 2. Move your body!! Whether it's playing outside with the kids, going for walks with a friend or family member, or sticking with your usual workouts! 3. If lots of sweets are around, set an amount you will stick to each day. Save it all for dessert, or allow 1-4 small pieces of baked goods or chocolate. Another good option here, is always have fresh fruit or veggies cut up for yourself and family members to pick at! 4. Lots of families push their loved ones to eat more or give food-based gifts. Communicate with them. Share with them your goals and intentions, and shift the norm. Ask for their support. This can be a tough one for people that don't do well with confrontation, but if you can get here, it can be a game changer in the long run. 5. Control what you can. Maybe you're not in charge of cooking certain meals around the holidays; so cook nutritious food where you can. Maybe it's breakfasts, lunch, or snacks. Try not to stress around the holidays. Enjoy time with whoever you are with. Call friends or family if you're struggling emotionally this year. Try implementing as many of the above tips as possible, even if it's just one! Wishing everyone health and happiness this holiday season!

The Wellness Advantage 13.11.2020

Are you doing high intensity interval training to get the best bang for your buck in your workouts? I hate to tell you this, but... If you haven't developed a strong aerobic base, your body may not be ready for HITT training. You could be pushing your body into a stress response rather than giving your body what it needs. HITT needs to be EARNED!... Instead? Work low and slow aerobic work. Build up to be able to walk, run, row, bike, hike for 20-60 minutes at a SUSTAINABLE pace. THEN start to integrate faster work. STRENGTH TRAIN - Work on building lean muscle tissue in order to optimize your blood sugar response to your diet, and improve your metabolism. SUPERSET your workouts. Train exercises back to back to keep your heart rate up during strength training to help fuel fat loss, and cut down time in your workouts. Don't overdo it. There is no quick fix. Do the work. Over and over and over and over again. #thewellnessadvantage #rhn #personaltrainer #nutritionist #coach

The Wellness Advantage 25.10.2020

Is your mental health on the struggle bus?! With short daylight hours, a pandemic, and whatever other stressor being thrown at you, you're not alone. I like to focus on what I CAN control, rather than stressing and being sad about what I can't control. ... Ensuring that I get out for walks and get some fresh air. Go for a drive and get groceries. Book video calls with friends. Spend time Journaling and moving my body in a waythat feels good. Checking in with my community (friends, coaches, family etc.) Find what works for you! But take care of yourself, and don't ever hesitate to reach out if you need help