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Locality: Longueuil, Quebec

Phone: +1 450-651-6886

Address: 2901 Chemin De Chambly Metro Customer Service Counter J4L1M7 Longueuil, QC, Canada

Website: westernunioncanada.ca/?utm_source=Facebook&utm_medium=lpm&utm_campaign=western

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Western Union 14.09.2020

Air conditioners and fans are running on high to beat the summer heat in the Northern Hemisphere. Regardless of where you are, keep a cool head when dealing with a utility scam. #BeFraudSmart

Western Union 06.09.2020

Dont let anyone ruin your special day, especially a scammer. Be wary of fraudsters who pose online as wedding planners or discounted vendors. #BeFraudSmart and always ask for references before sending any money.

Western Union 20.08.2020

Wherever in the world you are located, we have fraud awareness tips to keep you informed. Remember, legitimate immigration issues cannot be solved simply by sending a money transfer. If someone tells you otherwise, #ItsAScam. #BeFraudSmart and click to learn more.

Western Union 11.08.2020

Your perfect match might not be as perfect as you thought. Apps and websites are great ways to find companionship, but they do come with a risk. #BeFraudSmart and never send money to someone you met online.

Western Union 28.07.2020

Use extra caution as you search online for your next vacation rental. #BeFraudSmart and learn how to spot a fake listing. Always avoid ads that contain spelling or grammatical mistakes, no matter how hot of a deal.

Western Union 10.07.2020

If youre planning to surprise dad with tickets to see his favorite team, make sure you purchase from a verified site or ticket seller. #BeFraudSmart and never buy from an unfamiliar website or individual.

Western Union 07.07.2020

It is important to teach seniors the warning signs of a scam so they can defend themselves from potential fraud. Sit down with your loved ones during Elder Abuse Awareness Month and help them learn how to spot a scam. #BeFraudSmart

Western Union 04.07.2020

Make sure your charitable giving is going to a worthy cause and not into someone elses pocket. Always make contributions directly to known organizations rather than individuals who claim to be collecting donations. #BeFraudSmart

Western Union 28.06.2020

Give the recent graduate in your life the valuable gift of knowledge. Remind them that no legitimate scholarship or grant would ever require an advanced fee in order to receive their funds. #BeFraudSmart

Western Union 24.06.2020

Stop daydreaming of "get rich quick" schemes. If someone offers you a chance to make easy money by providing a small initial investment, its time to wake up. This proposal will quickly become a headache when you realize your money just flew out the window. #BeFraudSmart

Western Union 17.06.2020

If you are still shopping for the perfect gift for mom, use caution as you search for deals online. Only purchase jewelry, floral arrangements or fine items from verified eCommerce websites. Remember, if a discount seems too good to be true, it probably is. #BeFraudSmart

Western Union 04.06.2020

Did you find a few belongings to part with while spring cleaning? If you are selling items through online auctions or social media sites, beware of buyers making offers above your asking price. This is a sign of a fictitious buyer who will send you a fraudulent check and leave you empty handed. #BeFraudSmart

Western Union 31.05.2020

You do not have to be tech-savvy to #BeFraudSmart. If you receive a message saying that your device needs to be updated or repaired immediately, be skeptical. Get a second opinion from a trusty tech professional before taking any action.

Western Union 25.05.2020

Dont fall for those puppy dog eyes. A scammer could be posting photos of a dog that is not really in their possession, or for sale at all. If you are considering buying a pet online, ask the breeder for references, or try to visit in person before sending money. #BeFraudSmart

Western Union 23.05.2020

When you have the knowledge to identify scams, the tax process becomes clearer. Learn what to look for when filing your taxes so you can keep your money and information secure. #BeFraudSmart

Western Union 10.05.2020

Looking to make some memories this spring? Start your adventures off right by securely booking your trip. Offers of "free airline tickets" for liking or sharing a social media post are not only fake, but can expose your personal information. #BeFraudSmart

Western Union 07.05.2020

Abuelo Grandpa Grand-pre Opa Dedushka... No matter what you call your grandfather, call him to warn him about the common Grandparent Scam, and how he can avoid falling victim if contacted by a fraudster. #BeFraudSmart

Western Union 26.04.2020

Tax time is right around the corner. Are you prepared? Scammers do not know or care if you have already paid for the year. They still try to pressure victims into paying phony fees. Be your own hero and learn how you can fight tax scams. #BeFraudSmart

Western Union 11.04.2020

Legend says that Leprechauns are known to be cunning and clever in order to protect their treasure. Fraudsters are also sneaky and smart, but instead of defending their own money, theyre busy trying to take yours. Learn how you can identify a scammers plot and stay one step ahead. #BeFraudSmart

Western Union 24.03.2020

Comme toujours, au cours de la Semaine de la protection du consommateur (#NCPW2019), nous nous engageons vous aider prendre des dcisions claires concernant votre argent. Protgez votre famille, vos amis et votre communaut des arnaques tout au long de lanne grce nos ressources gratuites. #BeFraudSmart

Western Union 20.03.2020

During #NCPW2019 and beyond, were committed to helping you make well-informed decisions about your money. Protect your family, friends, and community from scams all year long with our free resources. #BeFraudSmart

Western Union 09.03.2020

Cest la Semaine de la protection du consommateur! Visitez @WUStopFraud sur Twitter tous les jours et dcouvrez comment Western Union aide ses clients rester informs et sensibiliss. Comment ferez-vous pour djouer la fraude cette semaine? #NCPW2019

Western Union 19.02.2020

It is Consumer Protection Week! Check out @WUStopFraud on Twitter every day and find out how Western Union is helping consumers stay informed & aware. How will you #BeFraudSmart this week? #NCPW2019

Western Union 14.02.2020

Vous emmnagez? Ou vous dmnagez? Dans les deux cas, la scurit devrait tre votre priorit. Peu importe ce que lavenir vous rserve, soyez prudent lorsque vous vous relocalisez. Souvenez-vous que vous ne devez jamais dbourser pour louer une maison avant de lavoir vue en personne. #BeFraudSmart

Western Union 28.01.2020

Moving in? Or moving out? Either way, security should be your top priority. Whatever the future has in store for you, be sure that you stay secure when relocating. Remember, you should never pay in advance of renting a new home until you have seen it in person. #BeFraudSmart

Western Union 10.01.2020

Vous sentez-vous chanceux cette anne? Si vous recevez un message affirmant que vous avez gagn la loterie, soyez prudent avant de clbrer. Les loteries lgitimes nexigent pas que les gagnants paient des frais avant quils ne reoivent leur prix. #BeFraudSmart

Western Union 23.12.2019

Feeling lucky this year? If you receive a message telling you that you won a lottery, look a little closer before celebrating. Legitimate lotteries dont require winners to pay fees before receiving their prizes. #BeFraudSmart

Western Union 21.12.2019

Avez-vous trouv votre partenaire idal? Assurez-vous quil sagit dune relation fructueuse en tant prudent. Peu importe lintensit de votre amour, nenvoyez pas dargent votre tendre moiti en ligne si vous ne lavez pas rencontre en personne.

Western Union 02.12.2019

Have you found your perfect match? Make sure its a fruitful relationship by exercising caution. No matter how head-over-heels you are, do not send money to your online love if you have not met them in person. #BeFraudSmart

Western Union 24.11.2019

Protgez-vous pendant la saison des impts. Noubliez pas que les organismes gouvernementaux ne communiqueront pas de faon non sollicite avec vous par courriel, par message texte ou par les mdias sociaux pour exiger un paiement. #BeFraudSmart