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Locality: Surrey, British Columbia

Phone: +1 604-531-2344

Address: 1657 140 St V4A 4H1 Surrey, BC, Canada

Website: www.whiterockbaptist.ca

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White Rock Baptist Church 10.12.2020

Looking for some joy? Join us NOW for our Advent service on JOY! There's wonderful Christmas carols, cute kids singing, Advent reading and candle lighting and a great message! #advent #joy #Christmas #carols #kids #music #candles #Jesus #Godisgood... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7C2hBINgD0M

White Rock Baptist Church 28.11.2020

What a beautiful day for the Christmas Drive-Thru! For some Christmas cheer, please drop by 1657 - 140 St, Surrey, from 5:30-7:30pm! Lights, characters, music, and small gifts for all those with kids (while they last). Everyone is welcome! Hope to see you there!... #Christmas #Drivethru #kids #community #free #gifts #music #lights

White Rock Baptist Church 19.11.2020

Are you looking for some Christmas cheer? Feeling low and would like something to brighten your day? Please drop by our Christmas Drive-Thru! Everyone is welcome (but the small gifts for the kids). We'd love to see you TOMORROW, Saturday, December 12 from 5:30-7:30pm! (1657 - 140 St, Surrey) #Christmas #cheer #joy #Drivethru #lights #music #characters

White Rock Baptist Church 14.11.2020

Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who according to His great mercy has caused us to be born again to a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead. 1 Peter 1:3 #Jesus #Hope #salvation #mercy

White Rock Baptist Church 12.11.2020

Peace is not the absence of trouble, it is the presence of Christ! May Jesus fill you with His indescribable peace, today and always. Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. Philippians 4:6-7... #peace #Advent #Christmas #Jesus

White Rock Baptist Church 08.11.2020

Do you feel like you're carrying the weight of the world on your shoulders? Are you in need of peace? Learn how to receive the peace that passes all understanding by checking out our recent Sunday service. #stressed #peace #Jesus #Advent #Christmas #youcanhavepeace... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q67iNoJfMJE

White Rock Baptist Church 31.10.2020

We praise You Lord! You are our hope and truth. You guide us and set all fear to flight! You give us wisdom when we ask, and bless us when we obey! We learned more about that on Sunday. If you missed our service, or would like to watch it again, check it out at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oyZePyCWs-A... #God #wisdom #blessings #hope #truth #fear #proverbs

White Rock Baptist Church 23.10.2020

Jesus gives us peace! #Jesus #peace #Advent #Christmas

White Rock Baptist Church 17.10.2020

Some WRBC volunteers helped put this together. Keep an eye out, as you watch the videos, to see them in action! Enjoy choirs and the true story of Christmas! Jesus was born to be the Savior of the world. He came to save us from our sins by His death and resurrection. #Christmas #ChristmasStory #Jesus #choirs #storyreadings #carolers

White Rock Baptist Church 12.10.2020

Hope, Peace, Joy, Love. All that we need is found in Jesus! Join us for the next 4 Sundays as we focus on these!... #Jesus #Hope #Peace #Joy #Love

White Rock Baptist Church 01.10.2020

Do not neglect the tithe. Matthew 23:23 Money is an extremely divisive topic, because how you spend your money shows the condition of your heart. Jesus said, For where your treasure is, there you heart is also. But there’s a second reason we don’t like to talk about money. Money is the number one idol in our lives and it is difficult to separate people from something they love. There is nothing wrong with money in itself. It’s not money that is the root of all evil..., but the love of money. Jesus talked a lot about giving, but not much about tithing. Therefore, some pastors don’t want to talk about tithing. But the practice of tithing goes all the way back to Abraham. From the beginning, God’s people have returned the first 10% to Him as an offering to show that we fully trust Him to provide for us. If someone were to look into your bank account, would they know you are a follower of Jesus? You cannot truly go all in for God if you cannot trust God with your money. Challenge: Tithe for the next 6 months to your local church and watch how God works in big ways. #redletterchallenge #give #tithe #Godfirst #Jesus #money

White Rock Baptist Church 22.09.2020

I was naked and you gave me clothing. Matthew 25:36 Jesus talks in His Sermon on the Mount in Matthew 5 about making sure we don’t store up treasures on earth, but instead store up treasures in heaven. He mentions not worrying about clothes, and this is something most of us have never had to worry about in our lives. In fact, we could probably ask ourselves, Do we have too much? Can someone else benefit from the stuff that’s just sitting in our closets and dressers? I...magine Jesus on the side of the road with no clothes. If you knew it was Jesus what would you do? Of course you would clothe Him. You would give Him whatever He needed. If your dressers or closets are full and you don’t have to worry about whether or not you’ll have clothes tomorrow, you can be a big part in completing today’s challenge. Challenge: Go through your dressers and closets and give all the clothes you don’t need to charity. #redletterchallenge #giving #Jesus #treasure #heaven

White Rock Baptist Church 16.09.2020

The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these my brothers and sisters of mine, you did it unto me.’ Matthew 25:40 We’ve learned in this challenge that one of the ways people will see God in us is when we actually do what He says we should do. Jesus told his disciples that what we do for the least of those, His brothers and sisters, the least privileged and less fortunate, we’ve done it for Him! Jesus isn’t saying giving to others is so...mething we HAVE to do to go to heaven. He is saying that the very people who believe in Him and love Him will be the ones who help those who are needy because of who we are in Him! The closer we are to Jesus, the more we will want to do for others. Jesus was not asking the disciples to change the entire world, but He was asking them to change their world, by seeing and meeting the needs of those they came in contact with. God designed us to make a difference in this world and to make an impact with our lives. He loves to bless us so we can in turn, bless others. When we give to those who are in need, whether it’s by giving food, or helping someone move a couch, we find fulfillment and receive God’s blessings in our lives. As we step out in obedience and are generous with what God has given us, God always gives us back more - more than we need, more than we anticipate, more than we can imagine. DAY 29 CHALLENGE Give food to the needy. Whether it’s giving to a local food bank, or bringing non-perishable food to the church (M-F, (9am-4pm) or dropping off non-perishable food or monetary donations at our outdoor "Trunk or Treat" event, Saturday, Oct. 31 from 6-8pm, be generous to the least of these. #redletterchallenge #givetotheleastofthese #generous #give #obey #Jesus

White Rock Baptist Church 01.09.2020

We worship a God who gave up the best He had! For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life. John 3:16 All of us have something to offer. The God of the Universe, the one who has access to everything, invites us to be part of a miracle with Him. God doesn't need us to participate in His miracles with Him, but He wants us to.... One boy offered his lunch, 5 loaves of bread and 2 fish, and Jesus used them to feed over 5,000 people! For whatever reason, God has chosen to work through us, to speak and act on His behalf. God believes you can make a difference. That's why He's chosen you. 1 Corinthians 3:10 calls us "co-workers" or "co-laborers" with God. We have been called by God and given the tools to do the works God has prepared for us. God has given us everything we need to make a difference in this world. You may feel like you don't have a lot to offer, but I want you to know that the same God that multiplied a boy's lunch into food for over 5000 can do the same with whatever you offer to Him. #redletterchallenge #giving #Jesus #multiply #whatwillyougive

White Rock Baptist Church 26.08.2020

Lend, expecting nothing in return. Luke 6:35 How many times have you truly given something and not received anything in return? The reality is it’s actually hard to give without getting something in return. We worship a God who gave up His most prized possession for us, His very own Son, Jesus, to die for us. Through His death and resurrection, He paid the entire price for all the sin we’ve ever committed and ever will commit. How disappointing it must be for God to look ...at us and see that we still fail Him. If God sent Jesus expecting that after His death and resurrection we would be eternally grateful and therefore live lives of complete holiness, then He must be very disappointed. However, God sent Jesus not because He expected perfection from us, but simply because He loves us. God sent Jesus knowing that even after His death and resurrection we would fail Him. This is what it means to lend, or give, without expecting in return. We do not give because we have to, we give because we want to be like Jesus. Challenge: As we start our week of giving, lend or give to someone and don’t ask for or expect anything in return. Pastor Brian spoke about giving, this week's focus in the Red Letter Challenge, on Sunday. If you missed the message, or would like to watch it again, check it out here: www.whiterockbaptist.ca/church-online. #redletterchallenge #giving #Jesus #death #eternallife #love #give #expectnothinginreturn #belikeJesus

White Rock Baptist Church 11.08.2020

Happy Thanksgiving! Perhaps you feel that there is not much cause for happiness or gratitude this year. It certainly has been a challenge. 2020 has brought us fear and anxiety regarding our health, isolation from friends and family, added stress with every outing, not to mention political upheaval and natural disasters. In the midst of all these difficulties, how can we celebrate Thanksgiving? In 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 it says, Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks ...in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus. This does not mean that we should give thanks for the bad things that happen. But even in the midst of those trying times, there is always something that we can thank God for. His love for us endures forever! He has provided forgiveness and eternal life for us through the death of Jesus Christ on the cross! He has preserved his words for us in the Bible, which we have the freedom to read at any time! He has given us the air in our lungs, the food on our tables, and the safe homes we live in. He has given us so many great and precious promises: Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you. Hebrews 13:5 And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you to be with me that you also may be where I am. John 14:3 But the Advocate, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you all things and will remind you of everything I have said to you. John 14:26 being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus. Philippians 1:6 Celebrate Thanksgiving this year by rejoicing in God’s love for you. Jesus is with you, he has prepared a place for you in heaven, and the Holy Spirit will continue to draw you closer to God and will complete his good work in you if you trust in Him. We can choose to rejoice in his goodness, even when times are hard. May God bless you with a joyful and thankful heart today!

White Rock Baptist Church 09.08.2020

We are so thankful for YOU! Praying you and your family have a happy Thanksgiving! God bless you!

White Rock Baptist Church 23.07.2020

You are the salt of the earth. Matthew 5:13 Salt is a preservative that works only when it penetrates the food it is added to and when it remains pure. If it becomes contaminated, it loses its’ flavor and it is completely useless! Like the salt that must remain pure to be useful, we as Christians must be in the world around us while keeping ourselves from being influenced by sin in the world. When we do this, we are able to show the people we come in contact with how great o...ur God is! When we serve others, it’s not about looking good in front of others. It’s all about sharing the goodness of God through our love and actions. Jesus also compared us to light. Light penetrates darkness and Jesus said we are to be the light in the dark places that surround us. Far too often, we only shine our light in places that are already bright. God wants us to be salt and light wherever we g - to actively live out our faith outside the church walls. Just like the Good Samaritan, we are to see the needs of others and meet them in love. And remember, when we serve those who don’t know Jesus, we can be the salt and light that leads them to Jesus, bringing glory to God! DAY 26 CHALLENGE Serve God today in one of the following ways: Follow God’s prompting and do something for someone else. Visit an elderly person. Clean a neighbor’s yard or do a chore for your neighbor. Encourage someone who needs a friend. Volunteer at a local food pantry, soup kitchen or non-profit organization. And we hope you join us today as we worship the Lord at www.whiterockbaptist.ca/church-online. #RedLetterChallenge #serve #light #salt #Jesus

White Rock Baptist Church 07.07.2020

I was sick and you took care of me. Matthew 25:35 There is a story in the Bible about a man who was paralyzed. The man had four friends who carried him on a mat to see Jesus. When they got to the house where Jesus was, they saw the whole house was full of people. Rather than give up, they took their friend all the way to the top of the roof and lowered him through a hole so he could Jesus. When Jesus saw the faith of the friends He forgave the paralyzed man and healed... him. I don’t know how or why God heals some and not others. It seems like He heals some who have faith and others who have no faith. But the friends of the paralyzed man had faith in Jesus and their friend was rewarded because of their faith. This means that God honors your faith and your commitment to those in need. Who do you know who is sick? Who do you know who needs our encouragement? Being sick is not what we were meant for, so we are looking forward to a time when Jesus promises us no more sickness, disease, death, or even tears. Jesus promises that all who follow Him will experience this sort of life. Challenge: If you know someone who is sick, then visit that person. Encourage, support, or call him/her. If you can’t do that, then send a gift or message to someone you know who is sick. And we hope you'll join us this Sunday at www.whiterockbaptist.ca/church-online as we continue our Red Letter Challenge series. #RedLetterChallenge #serving #sick #Jesus #saves #heals #serve #encourage

White Rock Baptist Church 24.06.2020

Let the little children come to me. Matthew 19:14 Matthew 5 contains Jesus’ famous Sermon on the Mount and in that sermon He said, Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. The poor in spirit recognize they aren’t perfect, feel genuinely sorry for it, and receive the grace of Jesus to make them perfect. Children are really good examples of how to be poor in spirit and so in this way they are a model for us. Time and time again Jesus mentions... how important children are in His ministry. It’s important that as we are doing the Red Letter Challenge, we invite our children or grandchildren to come along with us. The principles we are learning and the themes we are putting into practice are things every child should know. We have a responsibility to model to our children what God’s love looks like on a daily basis. Challenge: Serve a child who is in your life today and let this child know how important he or she is to you. #redletterchallenge #serving #serve #imperfect #children #love #perfect #Jesus

White Rock Baptist Church 11.06.2020

Love your neighbor as yourself. Matthew 22:39 We may complain about our neighbors and sometimes it may be hard to love them, but God can look down on us and say the same thing. Sometimes He must think, Why do these people act this way? They are messy, they don’t listen, they have no regard for me, and they are not taking care of the stuff I’ve given them. It has to be hard for Him to love us. God could have looked down at us and said, I’m done with them. Instead,... God looked down upon us and said, They need my help. God loves us so much that He sent Jesus to die on the cross for us and to pay the price for the sins we commit. Through His death and resurrection all who believe in Him are given eternal life when they die, and eternal life now as we participate in the work He has prepared for us to do! Challenge: Do something for one of your neighbors. Show them you care with no strings attached. #redletterchallenge #serving #love #neighbor #Jesus #eternallife #salvation