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YEAH Ministries at Hope Chapel 03.02.2021

B I B L E B I T S & B I T E S Devotions for Families - Tuesday, February 2, 2021 Season 2: Heroes of the Bible Episode 34: Twelve Spies ... Today’s Bible Bite: Numbers 13 Video Story: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HfQ9vuXKT2k (Twelve Spies Gospel Project) Send out men to explore the land of Canaan, the land I am giving to the Israelites. Send one leader from each of the twelve ancestral tribes. (Numbers 13:2) God brought the people to the boundary of the land He had promised them, but before they entered, He told Moses to send out twelve spies so that they could see how very good it was. Moses sent a man from each of the twelve tribes and told them to look into everything: what was the land like for growing food, how many people lived there, what kind of towns and cities did they live in? So, the men traveled in the land for forty days and brought back a report. The land was truly amazing! They brought back samples of the dates and figs that grew there and a single cluster of grapes that was so big it had to be carried by two people. But that’s not all that was impressive; the people were huge and lived in towns that were well protected. Taking the land might prove to be very difficult. Two of the spies encouraged the people to remember that God was with them, and if He said He was going to help them, then they should trust that He was going to help them. The other ten spies weren’t so convinced. So, what will the people decide? Stay tuned until tomorrow. Think about it... God had promised to give the Israelites a wonderful land. Why did God tell Moses to send out the spies? They checked out the land for forty days and were amazed at all that they saw. What did they find? In order to live in the land, they would have to deal with the people who already lived there. What was the problem? Two of the spies, Joshua and Caleb, encouraged the people to go into the land; the other ten did not. Whose advice do you think you would have chosen to follow? Prayer: Thank you, God, that you always keep your promises. You had made a promise and Joshua and Caleb believed. Help me to be like them and trust that you will help me too.

YEAH Ministries at Hope Chapel 26.01.2021

God wants us to love everyone. Everyone includes our brothers and sisters. They are often the easiest people to love and the easiest people to disrespect. We need to be careful to treat our family members the way we want to be treated too...

YEAH Ministries at Hope Chapel 09.01.2021

B I B L E B I T S & B I T E S Devotions for Families - Monday, February 1, 2021 Season 2: Heroes of the Bible Episode 33: Moses Family Troubles ... Today’s Bible Bite: Numbers 12 Video Story: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xd0Wc_79GEk (0817kings Animated Bible Stories) why were you not afraid to criticize my servant Moses? (Numbers 12:8b) God provided the Israelites with everything they neededwater, food, clothes that wouldn’t wear out, a tabernacle to worship Him and a leader, Moses, who spoke directly with God and could tell them God’s messages. But as always, there was always someone complaining about something. In today’s story, the complaints were from Miriam and Aaron. They thought that Moses had made a mistake and questioned his leadership. After all, why did he think he was the only one God could use to lead His people? They were leaders, too! God heard them and chose to set things straight Himself, right away. He told Moses, Miriam and Aaron to go out to the Tabernacle and there He gave Miriam and Aaron a stern talking to. He made it clear to them that He had chosen Moses and so questioning Moses’ leadership was in fact questioning God. As punishment, God caused Miriam to become infected with leprosya terrible skin disease. Aaron pleaded with Moses, who pleaded with God, to please heal her. God agreed, but required that Miriam spend a week outside the campkind of like a timeout. He wanted to ensure that Miriam and Aaron would support Moses as he led the people and not cause problems. Think about it... Miriam and Aaron were not happy with a decision that Moses had made. What did they do? God heard their complaints against Moses and decided to deal with it right away. What did He do? God made it clear to Miriam and Aaron that they needed to support Moses. Why was this so important? Miriam and Aaron got thinking they didn’t need for follow Moses’ directionshe was just their younger brother after all. Do you ever have trouble working with your brothers and sisters? Prayer: Thank you, God, for Moses’ leadership and humility. Even though his brother and sister didn’t agree with him, he still cared about them deeply. He prayed for Miriam when she became sick even though God was punishing her. Help us to remember to care for our family members even when we disagree.

YEAH Ministries at Hope Chapel 24.12.2020

YEAH! Church - Sunday, January 31, 2021 "Fruit of the Spirit" - Being good is not just about doing good things. It’s also about saying good things, thinking good things and believing good things. When we are good, we are less likely to behave or talk badly or think bad thoughts or believe bad things! ~ Pastor Jane ... Today’s Lesson - Being Good Matters to God The Fruit of the Spirit - Kindness https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_WtPRKPJvno (Douglas Talks - Goodness) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6Ph1FWmSBeY (Douglas - Good Attitude) Lesson Overview: The Bible has a lot to say about goodness, but we often choose to be bad; that’s because we have sin living in us. We need God’s Holy Spirit to grow His fruit of goodness in us, so that we will be less likely to believe, think, say and do bad things. We need to be careful about what we believe, because what we believe often determines everything we think, say and do - Colossians 2:8 Don’t let anyone capture you with empty philosophies and high-sounding nonsense that come from human thinking and from the spiritual powers of this world, rather than from Christ. Paul tells us to think about good things - Philippians 4:8 Fix your thoughts on what is true, and honorable, and right, and pure, and lovely, and admirable. Think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise. Words can hurt and even do a lot of damage - Ephesians 4:29 Don’t use foul or abusive language. Let everything you say be good and helpful, so that your words will be an encouragement to those who hear them. Our good behaviour helps shows others that we believe in God - Matthew 5:16 ...let your good deeds shine out for all to see, so that everyone will praise your heavenly Father. Engage: Being good often doesn’t come naturally. But we often get into trouble when we aren’t good. So let’s think of some good things that we want the Holy Spirit to help us with... Things to believe Things to think Things to say Things to do Theme verses: Galatians 5:22-23- The Holy Spirit produces this kind of fruit in our lives: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. There is no law against these things! Prayer - Thank you, God, that we have your Holy Spirit to help us be good. Whether we choose to be good or not matters to you. Please help us to believe, think, speak and do good things!

YEAH Ministries at Hope Chapel 22.12.2020

God had the people of Israel make a special tent, called the Tabernacle, where He could live with them in a way that they recognized He was with them. Today, He lives in us--we can be that special 'tent' and talk to Him any time we want!

YEAH Ministries at Hope Chapel 11.12.2020

B I B L E B I T S & B I T E S Devotions for Families - Thursday, January 28, 2021 Season 2: Heroes of the Bible Episode 32: A Tabernacle to Meet with God ... Today’s Bible Bite: Exodus 26-31, 36-40 Video Story: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GEkg4JxItrY (Saddleback Kids Moses in the Tent of Meeting) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D9GHhJpjnds (Gospel Project) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ceZHlc55HCg (Messages of Christ 3D Images of The Tabernacle) The glory of the LORD filled the Tabernacle. (Exodus 40:34) Moses met regularly with God and talked with Him. Sometimes God talked to Moses on the mountain and sometimes in the Tent of Meeting. When they talked, God would tell Moses how to lead the people and to give him instructions. One of the instructions that God gave Moses was to build a Tabernacle. God wanted the people to know that He was with them, so gave instructions to Moses to build a special place where the people could worship Him. He even gave special skills to two men, Bezalel and Oholiab, to make many of the special items that would be required. Being able to have God near was serious businessthey needed a special Tabernacle, they needed assigned and trained priests and they needed to know how to apologize when they made mistakes and present gifts to Him called sacrifices. When the Tabernacle was completed, God showed the people that He intended to be with them. A cloud covered the Tabernaclethis was a sign for the people. When the cloud stayed over the Tabernacle, the people stayed put; when the cloud lifted, the people prepared to move. God was with them and showing them how they could stay close to Him too. Think about it... Moses met often with God in the Tent of Meeting. Why? God gave special directions for making a Tabernacle. What’s a Tabernacle? Once it was finished, God showed the people that He intended to stay with them. What did He do? If we believe in Jesus, God’s spirit lives in us. We’re kind of like a Tabernacle too! How should we behave knowing that God lives in us? Prayer: Thank you, God, that you want to have a close relationship with me. Sorry for the times I haven’t been careful to live in a way that is loving. Help people to see you in my life!