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Website: www.regenesiswellness.ca

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Regenesis Wellness 28.09.2020

Just finished up this spiffy new brochure for Nutrigenomix Genetic Testing for Athletes. Look for it in your gym! Eat smarter. Train Harder. Recover Faster. ... UNLEASH YOUR GENETIC POTENTIAL. More info: https://www.regenesiswellness.ca/nutrigenomix or just get to it and book now: https://p.bttr.to/2DHKXsI

Regenesis Wellness 22.09.2020

The Coronavirus. (DUN, DUN, DUUUN) What's your best defense against any illness? Your immune system. Protect Wellness has come up with a no-nonsense formula for immune system support. The formula they have come up with is 100% backed by science. I have numerous (I mean A LOT) of scientific studies that support quercetin being used with positive results against numerous viruses. Let me explain to you why Im excited about this product:... It contains the nutrients a healthy immune system needs, in clinically beneficial doses. So many of the supplements I see have great ingredients on the label theres just not enough of each ingredient to meet the effective doses. The nutrients are highly bioavailable. That means theyre easy for the body to digest and use youre not flushing all those good, expensive nutrients away. They are physician-formulated and backed with real science. The ingredients have been carefully structured to provide comprehensive immune support, from zinc to inhibit viral cells from reproducing to melatonin to help you take advantage of your bodys greatest healing power: rest. Its a three-step kit of supplements that not only help you maintain good health, but there are additional, targeted solutions to help you fight off illness and recover more quickly if you do start to feel unwell. I feel this is a good choice for you, especially now as we all slowly start to emerge and return to our normal lives. A robust immune system, plus smart precautions, are your best chance to stay healthy. Recommended by The American Nutrition Association https://theana.org/COVID-19 and The Institute of Functional Medicine https://p.widencdn.net//COVID-19_Nutraceutical-and-Botanic There are also numerous scientific studies happening now which I mentioned above. Check out this one: https://www.macleans.ca//a-made-in-canada-solution-to-the/ There are plenty of finalized studies as well I'd be happy to share with you upon request. Please check out what Protect Wellness has to offer by following this link: https://www.protectwellness.com?aff=rJsBRqkzD Stay well my friends!

Regenesis Wellness 14.09.2020

A little extra info regarding services at Regenesis Wellness for you to peruse at your leisure!

Regenesis Wellness 10.09.2020

BOOK ONLINE: https://my.practicebetter.io/

Regenesis Wellness 31.08.2020

This guy Id love to point you in the right direction, but ultimately its up to YOU! https://www.facebook.com/teammshope/videos/758271458050402/

Regenesis Wellness 16.08.2020

Regenesis Wellness will be accepting appointments beginning Tuesday, August 4! Here's the link to get you in: https://my.practicebetter.io/

Regenesis Wellness 31.07.2020

This stuff is gold RW carries a great locally sourced humic/fulvic acid product! PM me for more for more info!

Regenesis Wellness 16.07.2020

Hi guys! I'm super pumped to announce I have just completed the Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis Expert Course! UUUrrrch. The who what in where test? You ask. This test is pretty nifty so let me tell you more. Hair mineral analysis has been the standard method of mineral testing for over 75 years!... But seriously, hair? Yes, a very non-invasive test that uses strands of your hair as a window into the body's mineral activity. I'm sure you've heard a lot about minerals. But do you even know what they do? Minerals are the spark plugs that keep your body running. They are needed for millions of enzymes as co-factors, facilitators, inhibitors and as part of the enzymes themselves. Their availability and usability have a lot to do with the health of the body. If you have to much of one and not enough of another things can get out of whack in a hurry. Hair can also indicate heavy metal toxicity. We have all heard about how bad aluminum, mercury, arsenic and lead can be for our brains and body systems. Have you ever wondered what your toxic load is? Are your minerals balanced? Sounds technical. Don't panic. That's what I'm here for. I already took the expert level nerd class so I can do all the interpreting for you. Some specific areas of interest that this test covers are: - Blood sugar imbalance - Thyroid imbalance - Adrenal function - Vitality (energy and - Hormone imbalance - Infection tendencies (bacterial/viral) - Chemical sensitivity BUT WAIT! There's more! This test can also determine whether your body is a sloooow oxidizer or a >fast< oxidizer. Here's some examples of each so you can guess which one you are: Sllloooow oxidizer symptoms: fatigue, sugar cravings, low blood sugar, depression constipation, thyroid symptoms, dry skin, brain fog, joint pain, insomnia, cold sensitivity, social withdrawal, negative thoughts, poor ability to sweat. Fast oxidizer: Anxiety, type 'A', wired, irritable, aggressive, oily hair and skin, racing mind, high blood pressure, belly fat, short-tempered, water retention, sweats easily, panic attacks, emotionally sensitive. Determining which one you are helps guide how much your body can handle. Slow oxidizers can't handle as much as fast oxidizers. This is a great measuring tool to determine how fast we should detox and/or re-balance your minerals at YOUR pace. Not everyone is the same. Not everyone has the same imbalance or toxic load. This really allows us to personalize your plan. The bummer part. Unfortunately, due to COVID, I am unable to meet clients at the Regenesis Wellness office , but don't let that stop you if this is something that interests you. Send me a message and I can add you to the wait list for appointments upon opening OR I can even mail you a test kit and we can do this online. Whatever tickles your fancy! Stay well! #testsyourdoctordoesnthavetimefor #getwellstaywell #nerdalert #nutritionjunky

Regenesis Wellness 14.07.2020

SO CLOSE! Regenesis was literally days away from opening but due to the current circumstances opening will be postponed until further notice. I am taking this time to work on the website and backside of the business. Thank you all for your patience. More updates will follow as we all work through this difficult time.

Regenesis Wellness 27.06.2020

There seems to be a nasty two week cold going around. Here's a great article on natural products that are proven to prevent sickness and also shorten the duration of a cold or flu should you catch it. Take a look and stock up! https://www.greenmedinfo.com/blog/five-best-ways-beat-cold

Regenesis Wellness 15.06.2020

These all look delicious!

Regenesis Wellness 05.06.2020

I think it's safe to say that every human understands that fresh, whole foods are better for you than processed convenience foods. If this is true for humans than why is it not true for your pet? Has anyone ever watched "Supersized" the documentary? You know the one where the guy eats nothing but McDonald's for one month. You watch how quickly his health and mood deteriorate. It's really disturbing. Anyways, back to your pet. Let's consider kibble and what it's made of: meat-...like products, grains, GMOs, fillers, fortified with vitamins and minerals because there's none to be found in any of the above. It fills the hole, makes your dog feel full, kinda like McDonald's. But have you considered it's long term effects on health? Consider this: It wasn't until the late 1800s that pet food began to scrutinized. Prior to this dogs ate raw meat, stews, grains, and vegetables - or what we call "human food" today. These dogs were considered working dogs more so than pets. It wasn't until the Industrial Revolution that a growing middle class started taking dogs as pets. This is where the transition from work dog to pet happened and with that the belief that domesticated dogs shouldn't eat raw meat like wild dogs because they should be "civilized". The first kibble was introduced around 1860. The first canned dog food in the 1920s. These products were created because they were cheap and easy and marketed for "domesticated, civilized dogs". In 1964 the Pet Food Institute began a campaign to get people to stop feeding their dogs anything but packaged dog food. They funded reports and advertising geared towards conditioning people to end people feeding their dog real food instead of the diet dogs have been eating since the beginning of their creation - RAW "human" food. So I encourage you to watch the below video and also Pet Fooled which is available on Netflix. Educate yourself. Knowledge is a power that can't be rescinded.

Regenesis Wellness 29.05.2020

Pretty excited about this! I just brought some in from a local Kelowna source! Amazing stuff!

Regenesis Wellness 12.05.2020

Dear friends. Please stay away from the antibiotic Cipro or fluoroquinolone. I already have a strong distaste for antibiotics but this one, in particular, is insidious. Please do yourself a favor and read the FDA's published warning. https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/326020.php#about Cipro toxicity is a thing. Message me for more info if you need it. ... Cipro is commonly used for urinary tract infections, bronchitis and sinusitis just to name a few, but could be used for numerous other bacterial infections. Please share.

Regenesis Wellness 10.05.2020

Super excited that my first shipment of hormone correcting supplements came in! These are going to help so many people with hormone imbalance. Im SO excited! Ive already completed a few 5 panel hormone test kits for some eager clients who couldnt wait. They measure your estrogen, progesterone, DHEA, testosterone and cortisol. It really does provide huge insight into the underlying cause of uncomfortable symptoms related to hormone imbalance. Once you you know where the problem is the answer is so much easier to find! I just cant wait until my office is open and I can do this everyday!!

Regenesis Wellness 23.04.2020

And this folks is why Im opening an office here in Chilliwack. I can guarantee you will leave feeling heard and empowered whether your a man or woman. It may cost you a few extra dollars but some things are worth it! People are starting to realize that in order to get well you have to take control of your own health plan and participate in it. Im so excited that I will get to help people on that journey! #regenesiswellnesscomingsoon

Regenesis Wellness 09.04.2020

HORMONES IMBALANCED? Read on friends... read on! What do your hormones say about your health? Learning how to balance hormones can dramatically improve your overall health. An imbalance in hormones is likely related to estrogen dominance. How do we become estrogen dominant? ... Our food chain is laced with toxic pesticides, herbicides and growth hormones - a sea of endocrine-disrupting chemicals that mimic estrogen in the body. If we are overweight, our body's store of excess fat can be converted into estrogen. Insulin resistance too can lead to estrogen dominance. Did you know estrogen dominance can also affect men? As men age, weight gain causes estrogen to gradually rise, while levels of progesterone and testosterone gradually fall. We often find men over fifty have higher estrogen levels than women over fifty! A clear sign of estrogen dominance in men is the tendency to develop breasts. This indicates that these men may be low in progesterone and testosterone and often be experiencing elevated estrogen. TEST! DON'T GUESS! Estrogen Dominance can be detected by taking a saliva test. Rarely available from medical doctors, this simple very accurate test can reveal hormone levels. Bring balance back to your hormones by having them tested and correct them with safe NATURAL solutions. I am ordering more tests this week if you are interested in testing your own hormones. $300 - includes the test, your laboratory results, a professional overview of the results and a plan for correction using high-quality NATURAL products. An additional cost of product will depend on your results. PM me if this interests you! I'd be happy to send you more information.

Regenesis Wellness 30.03.2020

Today's mission: finding LOCALLY sourced products that I can recommend in my practice! I'm finding some great stuff, right here in our own back yard! Does anyone know of any quality health products that I may want to carry or recommend? Please like, share or comment below! Thanks peeps!

Regenesis Wellness 15.03.2020

Ever wonder how what you eat affects YOUR body? Everyone is different. What is good for you may not be good for the next person. Some differences that determine whether or not your body can handle any particular food or substance can include blood type, toxic load, enzyme availability, digestive disruptions, food intolerances, inflammation response, nutrient metabolism, and the list goes on and on. This guessing game of not knowing what is influencing your health can go on fo...rever! I'd like to take the guessing out of the equation with NUTRIGENOMIX - Genetic testing for your genes. Let's make it simple. Nutrigenomix testing is a safe and non-invasive saliva collection kit developed for use by healthcare practitioners to provide clients with comprehensive, reliable, genomic information with the ultimate goal of improving the client's health through the provision of personalized nutrition and physical activity recommendations. The Nutrigenomix test analyzes the client's DNA for specific nutrition related markers and the generation of a personalized nutrition and fitness report. The test analyzes variations in 45 genes that impact nutrient metabolism, eating habits, weight management and body composition, food intolerances and physical activity. The accuracy of the genetic test results is between 99.7 - 100%. Take the guessing out of what makes your body tick, or not tick in some cases. Keep it simple. Be informed. Be empowered. Check out the Nutrigenomix website: www.nutrigenomix.com Or watch this short video: https://youtu.be/eesSwaAq_ws Please share this message with a loved one or someone who you think could benefit from genetic testing! Coming soon to REGENESIS WELLNESS in February 2020! (Hopefully sooner, cross your fingers for fast permits and a quick build-out of our space!)

Regenesis Wellness 06.03.2020

So many people have asked me... "So, what the heck is Live Blood Analysis?" Let me tell you. Live Blood Analysis is the study of one's blood via the smallest, least ouchiest (technical term), tiniest finger poke. I put a droplet of your blood on a microscope slide and crank up the magnification so much that you can actually see each of your cells doin' their thang. I can tell so much from the shape, size, consistency, and content of your blood cells. Here's a more specific l...ist: - The condition of red blood cells - Immune system function - - Liver, kidney, heart, lung, prostate, uterine and other organ stress - Free radical damage to the blood cell and the need for antioxidants - Dehydration - The pH balance in the body - Blood coagulation - Parasites, Fungal forms or Bacteria - Excess proteins and undigested fats - Hormonal imbalances - Vitamin and mineral deficiencies - Low oxygen levels and poor circulation - Inflammation It's really quite amazing to see your own red and white blood cells in their environment on a screen in front of you! What makes me qualified to do this? Well, a few things. First, I found the best school out there and signed up for their course. It happened to be in Ontario, so off I went for a five-day intensive training session. I learned from some of the most esteemed leaders in the field. Original students of Michael Coyle - the founding scientist of Live Blood Microscopy. The introduction to live cell microscopy was invaluable, however, 5 days to soak it all in... hardly enough. So upon my return from Ontario, I found the best person in the field currently practicing in the lower mainland (personal opinion) and asked her to mentor me. Tatjana from Bakerview Wellness in Mission has been a significant teacher and coach for me in the last 3 months. She is amazing at what she does and I can't recommend her enough! So after taking the introductory course and completing an extra 3 months of hands-on work, I can say with confidence I am ready and prepared to take your blood and analyze the crap out of it!