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Your Body Your Weigh Fitness 29.12.2020

LOVE THIS! So what’s holding you back?? Last chance to register for the 30Day Body ReBuild Challenge

Your Body Your Weigh Fitness 11.12.2020

PRIORITIES .... OR .... LIES In the dozens of people I've coached, I've noticed recurring patterns. 1. They don't prioritize their own wellness... 2. They lie to themselves Let's explore these. What I've found is when people don't prioritize their own health and wellness it's because they feel selfish and/or unworthy. It could be due to past experiences or someone telling them they have no worth. It could be because they hate what they see when they look in the mirror. It could be because they have guilt around prioritizing themselves over other obligations like family and their job. So hold up the mirror! Do you feel like you are making time for your own health and well being? Do you have guilt around self care? Then answer the big question: WHY and WHAT are you going to do to change it? You CAN'T take care of others if you DON'T take care of yourself. You will have so much more energy, grace and joy for others when you feel refreshed and energized yourself. The other side of this is that we lie to ourselves. We convince ourselves we don't have the time, money, energy, support, or resources to get what we want. We believe what we want is possible for other people but not for ourselves. We make excuses for why things are the way they are and we BELIEVE them. One thing I learned is to question WHAT I believe to be true. It's helped me to take an empowered stance over my own life. I'm certainly not perfect at it! It's a work in progress. But it's allowed me to make some pretty significant changes to my life and adjust my mindset tremendously. What lies have you told yourself that you believe as truth? I'm putting this out there to help people take back control and move toward living an exceptional life in your health and fitness. Will you PRIORITIZE your health and fitness? OR Will you LIE about why you 'can't' do health and fitness? IF you're ready - join the 30Day New Years Body Rebuild Challenge! http://yourbodyyourweigh.ca/30-day-body-rebuild/

Your Body Your Weigh Fitness 22.11.2020

Every day is a new step..... provided you’re taking the step and not sitting back having an over grown temper tantrum???... You have a CHOICE !!! Choose your health/happiness/fit Choose your sickness/pain/weight ... Is it HARD? Yes AND both are hard so CHOOSE your hard! We have ALL wasted 8 months.... will you continue to waste your health? Or make a change?

Your Body Your Weigh Fitness 21.11.2020

New Years Resolution time.....

Your Body Your Weigh Fitness 19.11.2020

Pushups body weight and with weight. The weight adds elevation Listen to your body. Work with your level

Your Body Your Weigh Fitness 19.11.2020

When you look into the history and ancient meanings of the month of January, it becomes no surprise that January symbolizes New Beginnings. So, it’s no wonder... that this is the PERFECT time of year for you to release 2020 to build the future you desire and DESERVE! However, new beginnings don’t start without serious committed and consistent action. Set your 2021 intentions and follow through on them with action! Join me for a 30Day New Years Body Rebuild Challenge!!! Investment - $189 YET you could win $200 at the end SAY WHAT..... Yes join the challenge Get fit Win Money and Swag!! Click the link to register http://yourbodyyourweigh.ca/30-day-body-rebuild/

Your Body Your Weigh Fitness 13.11.2020

HOLIDAY SEASON AANNDDD ANOTHER COVID LOCKDOWN PROTOCOL.... A the holiday season begins, we stop everything to share one common purpose: to give thanks. The concept of gratitude goes back further than we know, with its roots in ancient philosophy and all the world’s great religions.... But does it all seem like a big pain in the neck sometimes? I mean, there’s the planning, the shopping, the cooking This year, everything’s even more complicated because of the pandemic. If we’re not careful, we can lose the focus on gratitude and instead get bogged down in pressure, negativity and crushed expectations. Gratitude is good for you. Yep, it’s true. Practicing an attitude of gratitude has physical, mental, spiritual and social benefits. I know life is hard sometimes this year, maybe more than most. And that’s partly why being deliberately grateful is so helpful. When our hearts are flowing with gratitude, there’s not much room left for fear or apprehension. Grateful people tend to be happier and healthier than their grumpier counterparts. Saying thank you spreads happiness one little bit at a time. So, this year, be sure to express your gratitude on a regular basis. Write a daily gratitude list. Tell someone you appreciate him or her every day a friend, family member heck, the Amazon delivery man! LOL It doesn’t matter. Journal, meditate, or engage your spirituality with thankfulness. Here’s a bonus tip: Do this even when you don’t feel like it. I promise it will make you feel better and that’s always something to be thankful about.

Your Body Your Weigh Fitness 04.11.2020

Even as a Personal Trainer, sometimes I feel my own head spinning with the amount of meal plans, supplements, and offers on the market. It almost seems like every Facebook friend is selling a different solution. So, today I want to offer you 3 ways that you can drop body fat that cost nothing and don’t require the next crazy fad diet(Which most of you are aware, I hate these stupid fad diets)... 1 Speak kindly to yourself. I fully believe that our bodies become what we say they are. If you’re constantly telling yourself that you’re fat or out of control, your behavior will reflect those things, and ultimately, so will your body. 2 Visualize yourself creating the body you dream of. In your mind’s eye, every single day see the version of you that you desire to become moving throughout your day, practicing the habits you want to commit to, and creating the body you want. 3 Pay attention to your triggers. Notice the emotion, experiences, and/or people surrounding your choices for bad food or skipping exercise. Change the routine. Surround yourself with different people. Choose to assign different meaning or emotions to those trigger experiences. Changing patterns and habits change outcomes. Creating change is never easy, and sustaining it for a lifetime is even harder. AND I promise that if you incorporate these behavioral pieces into your daily routine, you will begin noticing a huge difference in yourself that will also show up in how your body looks. Those stupid quotes are not joking when they say to "believe in yourself".

Your Body Your Weigh Fitness 02.11.2020

Winter and I’m bored of cooking and want good food .... signed up with Goodfood for 2 meals a week!!!! All the supplies, the right portion and quick to make!! This is our last nights meal - Greek meatballs with a tomato cucumber couscous salad!!! #goodfood... Lots of other companies Great way to beat winter boredom See more

Your Body Your Weigh Fitness 16.10.2020

Seen this on Instagram had to share here!!! This is a serious problem!! THERE ARE NO QUICK FIXES. You want to lose weight? It’s SIMPLE eat less... move more That’s it!!! Didn’t say it’s EASY.... stop getting suckered onto these pills, shakes, patches. CRAP!!!

Your Body Your Weigh Fitness 26.09.2020


Your Body Your Weigh Fitness 26.09.2020

DO YOU KNOW WHAT TOMORROW IS?? A new month A new day Daylight savings The day after a candy feast... Join my 30 Day Body Rebuild!!!! And best yet you have full access whether or not it takes you 30days to complete or 60!!! No excuse! http://yourbodyyourweigh.ca/30-day-body-rebuild/

Your Body Your Weigh Fitness 13.09.2020

Did you get your plank in today??? Don’t panic tomorrow is a rest day from these strenuous 30sec of work Not denying that ‘planks’ are challenging BUT come o...n its 30sec out of your day!!! GET’ER DONE!

Your Body Your Weigh Fitness 07.09.2020

30sec today for the Planksgiving challenge!! I did mine did you do yours? Wonder why Todd calls me the cat whisper... and then poor Roxy can’t be left out. Do you count 3 cats??....

Your Body Your Weigh Fitness 23.08.2020


Your Body Your Weigh Fitness 21.08.2020


Your Body Your Weigh Fitness 18.08.2020

You want to succeed, right? You have the desire to gain health and get fit, don’t you? ## So why is it SO HARD to actually make it happen? ## When someone sta...rts out gung-ho about a program or idea about changing their body, they’re often so excited that they overlook how truly challenging it will be. ## When someone embarks on a fitness program, they always need to write down tangible goals and then send them out into the universe for accountability. ## What we believe is almost as important as setting the goals themselves is making a list of limiting factors those things that will potentially hold you back and make achieving goals more difficult. ## The ones I most often see are family and work. By identifying these limiting factors to begin with, you can come up with a plan for how to work with them so they do not hold you back. This pre-emptive work can truly make all the difference. ## Once you’ve identified limiting factors and have set a plan for how to counter them, you should be set for success, right? ## Well, again, it’s not that simple because you have to TAKE ACTION. ## At our studio we give you EVERY SINGLE TOOL you need to be successful, but it is up to you to implement them. If you lose focus or the scale is moving too slowly for your liking, I want you to know that we are here for you and to support you %. ## I want you to remember the big picture what it will mean for you to look and feel better, live longer, and to have more energy for the things that are truly important in your life? We are here to recognize and support your efforts and to celebrate your success. Not only that, but I’m pretty sure we have the best community support possible! ## If you want to really succeed, you can’t go it alone. Jump into this incredible program that we offer that encompasses all the areas you need for success: nutrition, fitness, accountability, community support, and so much more! I promise, it’s so worth it! See more

Your Body Your Weigh Fitness 05.08.2020


Your Body Your Weigh Fitness 05.08.2020

#funnyfitnessfriday this is what it will look like when we go back to the gym!

Your Body Your Weigh Fitness 19.07.2020

8 years ago I did the most destructive thing ever!!!

Your Body Your Weigh Fitness 02.07.2020

Are you still with me???.... Today’s 1:30!!! What’s the most unique place you can plank today!

Your Body Your Weigh Fitness 21.06.2020

THE ORIGIN OF YOUR PAIN Let’s face it. Half of life is awesome and half is kind of terrible.... There are two sides to everything life/death, happiness/sadness, joy/pain That list could go on forever. We experience all of those things throughout our lives! You can begin to take back a little bit of control when it comes to the not-so-fun side of life. Of course, tragic events breed sadness when we lose someone close to us, we can’t help but grieve. That’s not really what I’m talking about here. What I’m talking about is the suffering we CAUSE ourselves when things don’t go our way we lose a job, fight with a friend, break an arm, don't lose the weight The reason we suffer far more than we need to in these types of circumstances is because we can feel guilty seeing the positive, or learning something. We carry on just fine until something doesn’t go our way, then we stay awake at night, cry, feel frustration, anger, resentment Instead of saying to ourselves, what is there for me to learn here? Things are going to be awesome half the time, and they’re going to suck the other half. And all that is, is challenging you to continuing to move forward in life. If life was always awesome - we'd all be in shape, we wouldn't need doctors and hospitals, we wouldn't need school and learnings... Try this for meif you can practice releasing the expectation that things should always be good and go your way and rather say to yourself what is there for me to learn/to see/to know next time they don’t, see how much different you feel. Expectation leads to disappointment and suffering far more than the events themselves Ps... aka COVID... there’s a positive in this, we each have our own

Your Body Your Weigh Fitness 22.05.2020

This lady had all the reasons NOT to do the program AND SAID YES!!! #TestimonialTuesday Ella Lynn joined me in my initial stages of planning my NEW 30DAY BODY REBUILD PROGRAM! And she lost 10pounds in the first 2 weeks!... Are you ready to start your 30 Day Body ReBuild? https://youtu.be/94rvEKFULQI