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Locality: Calgary, Alberta

Phone: +1 403-803-4889

Address: 1703 10 Ave SW T3C 0K1 Calgary, AB, Canada

Website: www.yourlocalnd.com

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Your Local ND 16.01.2021

The function of your digestive system is one of the most important assessments when it comes to your health. As you can see, poor digestion function shows up in many areas of the body. Why? If you are not breaking down your food all the way and if you are not absorbing your nutrients properly it is hard for the rest of your body to function. Every cell in the body relies on vitamins, minerals, proteins, etc that you get from food to work optimally. And if the cells... don’t get the nutrients that they need - they are bound to malfunction (aka all of the signs listed above). Did you know that your digestive system was so important in your health? What is the one sign of poor digestion that surprised you the most??? Comment below #YourLocalND #ADifferentKindofDoctor #Digestion #DigestiveHealth #ItAllStartsInTheGut #HealthandWellness #BetterLivingisPossible #NaturopathYYC #YYCNaturopath

Your Local ND 29.12.2020

The one thing that changed my health for good Awareness. I started to pay attention to how crappy I really felt. ... I started noticing my behaviours and how disruptive they were to my health. I started noticing the emotions that were driving my behaviours. My AWARENESS of my physical, mental and emotional state is what MADE ME realize that I wanted something different for myself. It’s what motivated me to make a change. I stopped brushing off my symptoms and instead used them as a guide to improve myself. If my physical body wasn’t feeling or looking the way that I wanted it to, I looked deeper and I hired help. I worked with counsellors, naturopathic doctors, nutritionists, trainers...I refused to settle for living a mediocre life. I wanted more for myself and I knew I couldn’t do it alone. I know it’s easy to feel like you have tried everything and no one is able to help you with your health. But I assure you that help is out there and if you are willing to do the work, you too can experience wellness and feel in control of your health. You deserve to feel amazing. #YourLocalND #ADifferentKindofDoctor #EnergyIn #EnergyOut #Balance #HealthandWellness #BetterLivingisPossible #BecomeResilient #NaturopathYYC #YYCNaturopath

Your Local ND 11.12.2020

The second way to assess your health is the amount of energy that you have on a daily basis. Do you have enough energy to do the things that you need and want to do in a day? Or are you dragging your feet and looking for a caffeine/sugar fix to help you keep going? When my patients complain about fatigue, I often draw this diagram for them ... In order to have good, balanced energy in the day you need to have a balance between how much energy is going in vs how much energy is going out. Things that bring energy into our body include but are not limited to nourishing meals, proper hydration, plenty of sleep, spending time in nature, meditating, loving and nurturing relationships. Things that take our energy away include but are not limited to work, stress, running errands, poor nutrition, lack of water, alcohol, kids, illness, relationships that drain you. Ultimately, each individual has their own list of things that they find helps them bring energy in and things that take energy away. I encourage you to sit down and write out your own list. Having this visual may help you understand why you are always tired or why you need that cup of coffee first thing in the morning. #YourLocalND #ADifferentKindofDoctor #EnergyIn #EnergyOut #Balance #HealthandWellness #BetterLivingIsPosisble #BecomeResilient #NaturopathYYC #YYCNaturopath

Your Local ND 23.11.2020

Let’s talk about digestion! Under normal circumstances, this is how your digestive system should function. When you eat: as you prepare and smell your meal, you begin to salivate which increases the production of your digestive enzymes and stomach acid. the nutrients are broken down and absorbed throughout your digestive tract which may produce mild gurgling sounds.... your body will excrete toxins, insoluble fiber, bacteria and old cells AT LEAST once a day. you feel full and satisfied after your meal. And here is what is considered normal, when it comes to : at minimum once a day, but ideally 2-3 bowel movements a day. This will highly depend on the quantity and quality of food you eat (high fiber vs low fiber), how much water you drink and your activity level. your poop should have a consistency of a ripe banana. It should be well formed and soft. your poop should sink to the bottom of the toilet without leaving a bunch of streaks. you should feel emptied at the end of your bowel movement. Here are some causes of concern: heartburn, nausea or indigestion after eating. bloating. excessive gas (some gas is normal). straining or pain with bowel movements. loose or hard stools. not feeling emptied at the end of the bowel movement. having multiple (poops) within a short period of time. blood or mucus in stool. Later this month, we will dig into other reasons why your digestion may not be optimal and how to fix it. Like it, share it, tag a friend who needs to read this. #YourLocalND #DrJaneWisdom #GetYourPoopInAGroup #BetterDigestion #NutrientAbsorption #NaturopathYYC #KnoweledgeIsPower #GutHealth

Your Local ND 23.11.2020

The quality and quantity of your sleep is SOOOOOOOO important for your overall health. Sleeping 8-9 hours a night has been associated with more energy, better mood, sharper focus, less food cravings, stronger immune system, healthier body weight and longer life expectancy. Sleep is one of the first things I ask my patients about, because if you are not sleeping well or enough your health will suffer in the long term. ... Tomorrow I will give you some tips on how to improve your quality of sleep so you can start catching some Tag someone who needs more sleep #ADifferentKindofDoctor #sleephealth #getyoursleep #treattherootcause #naturopathicdoctor #YourLocalND #HealthisWealth #healthyliving #NaturopathYYC #Prevention #ProactiveHealthcare

Your Local ND 19.11.2020

Today, I am taking a moment to say thank you. Thank you to all those who served and continue to serve today. We would not be here without you. #alwaysgrateful #takeamoment #rememberanceday #weremember #yourlocalND

Your Local ND 15.11.2020

This was my first year on Instagram as a business. Even though I have been practicing for over 5 years, I was terrified to go on social media. I didn’t know what to share, how to share it, if people would listen or care. I was afraid of making mistakes, of being unprofessional and looking stupid. I took some courses, found some mentors and here I am learning and sharing about my life. ... One thing I knew going into this is that I wanted to create real, authentic content. I wanted to share my story - the ups and the downs - knowing that many of you out there are going through the same struggles. I wanted to educate and inspire you to get healthy, reach out for help and move past some old beliefs. So today, I just want to say THANK YOU! I am grateful for every single one of you. For your likes and you shares, your messages and stories. You inspire me to be a better doctor. I want to help you solve your stubborn health problems so you can be the best version of yourself in 2021!!! Happy New Year! #happynewyear #letsgo2021 #grateful #adifferentkindofdoctor #naturopathicdoctor #naturopathYYC #healthandwellness #healthiswealth #proactivehealthcare #bestnine2020

Your Local ND 13.11.2020

If you want to feel good in your body, get the words that’s just how I am out of your vocabulary. #LetsGo2021 #DreamBig #ADifferentKindofDoctor #treattherootcause #naturopathicdoctor #YourLocalND #HealthisWealth #healthyliving #NaturopathYYC #Prevention #ProactiveHealthcare

Your Local ND 09.11.2020

It’s one thing to eat well, but are you actually absorbing it? I spent many years frustrated with my digestion. I was diagnosed with IBS in my early 20s with very little explanation of what it is, how it happened and what I can do about it. It was my Naturopathic Doctor that helped me discover the root cause of my IBS and helped me solve it naturally.... Today, I help my patients do the same thing because digestion is the center of our health. It is how we absorb nutrients, get rid of toxins, activate hormones and much more. I want to dedicate the month of November to all things digestion what’s normal and abnormal. ab tests I run. common myths. how to support your digestion naturally. where to go for help. If you have any questions, post them below! #YourLocalND #DrJaneWisdom #GetYourPoopInAGroup #BetterDigestion #NutrientAbsorption #NaturopathYYC #KnowledgeIsPower #GutHealth

Your Local ND 21.10.2020

We had a miscarriage. This is not the news we wanted to share with all of you but this is REAL life. From the beginning of this pregnancy, I knew it was a possibility. I, like many other women, wasn’t expecting it to happen. Last Saturday afternoon I started to spot. My heart sank while my mind raced and tried to think of any possible reasons why spotting at week 9 of your pregnancy was normal.... I called my midwife, who informed me that I was having a miscarriage. I was heartbroken. I was sad, disappointed, confused. I wanted answers. How could this happen to me? Here is the ugly truth - we can’t control everything and sometimes things don’t go as planned. Everytime, I think I have it all figured out, the universe always has a way of reminding me. Here is what I learned last week Miscarriages are very common. 1 in 4 women have them. Both my mom and my grandma had miscarriages that they have never mentioned until I experienced it myself. We need to have more open and honest conversations with each other, our families, our friends, our health practitioners about what women go through so we don’t have to feel so alone and broken in the process. Here is how I got through last week Connecting with my family and friends Eating nutrient dense foods and drinking Kombucha Meditating with the headspace app Journaling Avoiding crowds I am grateful for my knowledge and this experience. I will share with you how I helped my body go through the miscarriage, my plan for recovery and trying again. #silverlining #alwayslearning #adifferentkindofdoctor

Your Local ND 11.10.2020

I’ve trained and watched so many women become stronger, more resilient and confident in their bodies. I watched these women leave jobs and relationships that were no longer serving them. I also watched these women find jobs and relationships that helped them flourish . If you are finding yourself to be stuck and unable to make decisions, find a trainer and start lifting some weights. It’s LIFE CHANGING #StrengthChangeLives #BuildResilience #YourLocalND #HealthAndFitness #ADifferentKindOfDoctor #YourLocalND #TheSweatLife #HealthyLiving #FitnessJourney #OctoberIsExerciseMonth #HealthTips #HealthGoals #WorkoutSmarterNotHarder #FitForLife

Your Local ND 22.09.2020

Once upon a time I was a competitive athlete. The peak of my athleticism was when I qualified to go to the CrossFit Games Regionals in 2016 as part of a team. This was a big accomplishment for me! I found CrossFit in 2012 and worked my ass off for 4 years just to stand on that floor. CrossFit shifted my mentality around working out.... I stopped focusing on what I looked like and instead focused on what my body could do. I stopped dieting and started fueling my body. I stopped partying and started going to bed early. These changes were hard but they were necessary to achieve my goal. The truth is that I didn’t know if I was going to make it to Regionals or not, I just enjoyed the process of being an athlete. Once I had the experience of going to Regionals, I didn’t want to be an athlete anymore. This was a hard realization and a bit of an identity crisis, but I knew that though I still enjoy working out, I was just no longer willing to: spend hours at the gym. say no to social events. worry about my nutrition, sleep, supplement routine, stress, etc. Thanks to my husband , who also happens to be my best friend and coach, for helping shift my perspective yet again. I am now training for longevity, so that I can live a long, healthy life. This is where I am today and plan to stick around here for the foreseeable future. I am still working out, but my reasons have changed. I workout because I love how it makes me feel. it’s good for me. it connects me with my body and gets me out of my head. What’s your story, why do you workout??? #YourLocalND #HealthAndFitness #ADifferentKindOfDoctor #YourLocalND #TheSweatLife #HealthyLiving #FitnessJourney #OctoberIsExerciseMonth #HealthTips #HealthGoals #WorkoutSmarterNotHarder #FitForLife