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Zac&Layla HomeDesign 14.11.2020

Host a Successful Yard Sale Instead of giving away unwanted items that have gathered dust around the house, many people turn to garage and yard sales to transform their clutter into some extra money. Yard sales may not be a ‘get rich quick’ scheme, but they present an environmentally friendly way to clean up a home. What’s more, they can be an ideal way to connect with neighbors and meet new people. Any money earned is an added bonus. For thousands of Canadians, yard sale...s and garage sales are an annual ritual. Financially, it’s a win, win situation. The seller makes some money on old and used items. The buyer gets a bargain Yard sales may seem straightforward, but there are a few strategies to ensure such sales go boom rather than bust. Choose the right date and time Plan when to hold the sale by looking at the calendar and choosing an open weekend. Many people host their yard sales on Friday, Saturday or Sunday mornings, theorizing that this is when the most people will be free to browse their wares. Begin early in the morning so that shoppers will not need to disrupt their schedules much to visit neighborhood sales. A 7 AM start time will attract the early birds and free up most of the day. Advertise the sale To reach the maximum number of shoppers, advertise your sale in various ways. Signage around the neighborhood announcing the sale is one method. Signs should be bold, simple and easily readable for passing motorists. Place ads in local newspapers, online and on grocery store bulletin boards, and use social media to spread the word of the sale even further. Be sure to give ample notice of the sale so that shoppers can mark their calendars. Make for easy browsing Arrange goods for sale into categories and pay attention to presentation. You may generate more sales if items are easy to see and browsing is made easy. Put items you expect to draw the most attention near the end of the driveway to entice passers-by. A neat and inviting appearance also may convey that you’ve taken care of your home and your belongings. Play some music and offer light refreshments to create a convivial atmosphere. Price things reasonably It’s tempting to overprice items, but a good rule of thumb is to mark things for one-half to one-third of the original value. Be open to negotiation, but try to haggle with a ‘buy one get one’ approach, rather than marking down the price considerably. After all, the goal is to get rid of as many items as possible, with financial gain a distant second. Yard sales are popular ways to make money and clear homes of unwanted items. Hosts can make their sales even more successful by employing a few simple strategies.

Zac&Layla HomeDesign 03.11.2020

How to Clean and Prepare Outdoor Furniture for the Season As temperatures rise, people increasingly venture outdoors to soak up the sun, enjoy the mild breezes and entertain under the open sky. Clean and comfortable furniture can make outdoor entertaining that much more enjoyable. After months in storage or nestled under protective tarps, outdoor furniture likely needs a good cleaning before it is put to the test once again. Mildew may have formed, insects may be hiding ou...Continue reading

Zac&Layla HomeDesign 31.10.2020

How to Think About Color Like an Interior Designer Did you know that design professionals use the color wheel when deciding how to decorate a space? Here are some color theory basics to help you think like a designer when adding color to your home. The Color Wheel The standard color wheel contains 12 colors: three primary colors, three secondary colors and six tertiary colors. Primary colors (red, yellow and blue) combine to form secondary colors (orange, violet and green). T...ertiary colors are derived from combinations of primary and secondary colors. Variations on these base colors are created by using different shades, tints and tones. Tinting means adding white to make a color lighter while shading involves adding black to make it darker. Tone refers to mixing a color with a combination of white and black. How designers use the color wheel when decorating Designers use these principles to figure out different ways to use color in a space. Here are three common color schemes: 1. Monochromatic: based on one color in various shades, tones and tints. 2. Complementary: complementary colors (orange and blue, red and green, yellow and purple) are directly across from each other on the color wheel. In a complementary scheme, one color serves as the dominant hue and the other as an accent. 3. Analogous: based on three colors found next to each other on the color wheel. It’s more subtle than using complementary colors but more colorful than a monochromatic interior. Designers also consider color temperature. In general, warm colors, which contain more red and yellow, are thought of as more vibrant and cozy while cool colors, which have more blue and violet in them, are seen as calm and relaxing.

Zac&Layla HomeDesign 26.10.2020

Choosing Materials for Decking Warm weather often gives rise to thoughts about spending time in the great outdoors. Decks can expand outdoor living spaces, making them popular home additions. However, when it comes time to map out a deck building plan, individuals may be unsure as to which deck material will meet their needs. Wood and composite decks are among the most popular choices today, and the popularity of aluminum is growing steadily. Wood: ... Wood is a versatile and attractive decking material. According to the wood resource Real Cedar, some people think that wood is too expensive and requires too much maintenance. In fact, domestic softwoods can be very cost-effective decking options. According to Remodeling Magazine’s ‘Cost vs. Value’ report, wood decks retain considerable resale value. In terms of maintenance, choosing a rot-resistant wood can result in less maintenance. Durable woods include cedar and redwood. Popular Mechanics says both species contain tannins and oils that make them naturally resistant to decay, rot and voracious insects. Periodic cleaning and inspection/repairs will be needed, but wood can be much more durable than people may think. Composite: Composite decking and its close cousin, plastic lumber, are some of the fastest-growing decking materials on the market. Many products are made from polyethylene or polyvinyl chloride. Some composites will be comprised of recycled plastic and wood fibers to create a weather and stain-resistant material that doesn’t warp, rot or splinter. Composite manufacturers continually experiment with manufacturing processes to duplicate the look of natural wood grain. Homeowners are often drawn to composite decking because such decks require little maintenance. These decks do not need to be sanded, stained or refinished. However, mold and mildew can grow in shady, damp areas, so homeowners must realize that these products are not completely maintenance-free. Aluminum: Although aluminum decks are not seen that often, there are reasons why this decking material is becoming more popular. According to LockDry, a manufacturer of aluminum decking materials, power-coated aluminum does not need to be replaced due to rotting, cracking or warped boards. Most planks have interlocking edges that create gap-free, watertight decks. Aluminum also has the advantage of being a very strong but lightweight material. Some people may think that aluminum decks would be hot underfoot, but the material actually stays cooler in the sun because of its heat-dissipation properties. For those who have green goals in mind, aluminum is totally recyclable. Various decking materials can meet the look, price point and maintenance level homeowners desire.

Zac&Layla HomeDesign 19.10.2020

Remedy Landscape Drainage Problems Homeowners who must wear rain boots to traverse their lawns could benefit from a drainage overhaul. Homeowners understand that reaping the rewards of beautiful lawns and gardens requires hard work. But sometimes even hard work will not be enough to prevent problems in a lawn or garden. Drought can be very harmful to lawns and gardens, but so, too, can excessive amounts of water and precipitation.... Soggy properties can make it difficult for lawns and gardens to thrive. According to Lowes, in addition to killing lawn and other plants, standing water on a property can be a health hazard. That is because standing water makes a prime breeding ground for mosquito larvae and other pests. While homeowners cannot control precipitation, they can affect the impact that rainwater has on their properties. Replace/repair downspouts Gutters and downspouts are designed to move rainwater away from the home. Too often, however, gutters and downspouts become clogged or do not work effectively. Overflowing gutters will transfer rainwater down the side of a home, where it can puddle at the foundation. This water can ultimately suffocate a lawn, and it may cause interior damage to the home as well. First, inspect and clean all gutters. Leaves, nests, sticks, and even dead animals can block the flow of water in a gutter. Test downspouts by running hose water from the top of the gutter. Downspouts should be pointed away from the home and may need to be extended so they direct water away from the dwelling. Plant water-loving trees or shrubs In some instances, whether it is a byproduct of poor property grade or sloping land, water can pool regardless of how well the gutter system is working. Determine where the problem is and speak with a landscaper to see if there are any plants that thrive in moist conditions. The roots of these plants can protect against soil erosion and may absorb enough water to guard against puddling. In addition, amending the soil with organic matter, pea gravel or another coarse aggregate can prevent water pooling. Consider a drainage system When confronted with drainage issues that cannot be remedied by other methods, homeowners may need to install drainage systems. Such systems often employ French drains that are built through or around the perimeter of a property. French drains are typically a trench that contains perforated plastic pipe and is backfilled with gravel. Water runs into these channels and gets swept away by the piping. Do-it-yourselfers may want to try installing drainage systems themselves. However, because excavation is necessary, it is often best to have the property inspected and marked for utilities, then have the drainage system installed by professionals. Landscaping does not need to be derailed by drainage issues. Explore the remedies that can easily fix the problems.