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Locality: Pointe-Claire, Quebec

Phone: +1 514-691-4472

Address: 57 Avenue Donegani H9R2V8 Pointe-Claire, QC, Canada

Website: www.arcrehabphysio.ca

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Andrew Roberts 19.03.2021

Calling all humans who want to learn how to get rid of muscle and joint pain. I would love to hear your thoughts below. Thank you!

Andrew Roberts 08.03.2021

Proud to say that Chris has now officially been with us at ARC Rehab for over 6 months! We are grateful for all that he has offer and look forward to many months and years to come .

Andrew Roberts 24.02.2021

When it comes to creating an optimal setup when working from home, there are a few non-negotiable elements that you need to prevent injury and minimize muscle and joint pain. Save this post as a reminder!

Andrew Roberts 15.02.2021

We are looking for a dynamic and motivated physiotherapist to join our growing team! Apply today after watching our video by clicking on the link below: https://arcrehabphysio.lpages.co/recruitment-ad/

Andrew Roberts 30.01.2021

Here’s to taking imperfect action this week . This is one of our key core values that we aim to embody each day .

Andrew Roberts 24.01.2021

Exercise is the most powerful tool when it comes to managing and overcoming chronic pain . Here are 6 reasons why the right frequency, intensity and dose of exercise can turn a setback into a future success .

Andrew Roberts 14.01.2021

No better way to end the week than with a great team meeting . Samantha showed us a new technique that she learned and we discussed how we can bring more value to each client that we see at ARC .

Andrew Roberts 19.12.2020

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays From all of us at ARC Rehab

Andrew Roberts 15.12.2020

Happy New Year! There’s no better way to start the New Year than by setting realistic and achievable goals. The key to our success is to create a detailed step by step plan that will help our team and clients achieve their personal and professional goals. We have found that we can make a bigger impact simply by spending more time discussing the plan, its key elements and strategies, as well as the big picture vision and purpose of it.

Andrew Roberts 02.12.2020

Proud to be an essential service

Andrew Roberts 30.11.2020

Why not turn a dream into reality... Leave a comment if you agree

Andrew Roberts 21.11.2020

Voici notre conseil du jour: Un simple exercise pour la mobilité des nerfs

Andrew Roberts 21.11.2020

Just wanted to take a moment to share some simple tips to help anyone who is working from home We will be giving away 2 desk assessments where we will evaluate your setup at home during our virtual one on one session If you would like to be entered into the draw for one of these assessments, comment desk setup below and we will we will let you know if you are one of our two winners on Friday December 18th. Good luck!

Andrew Roberts 14.11.2020

Self-care is so important as the holiday season approaches

Andrew Roberts 08.11.2020

Have a great end to your week! Let’s get stronger and fitter together

Andrew Roberts 03.11.2020

Avec le changement des saisons, assurez-vous de bien protéger votre dos With the change in seasons comes the responsibility of protecting your lower back

Andrew Roberts 01.11.2020

How to fix incorrect posture - Part 3 Our suggested daily habit changes can make all the difference and reduce pain that is experienced in the neck, shoulders and lower back

Andrew Roberts 16.10.2020

It is always so important to trust the process and have confidence that the small action steps we are taking will help us inch closer to our goals This applies to so many areas in our lives. We encourage our team and patients to practice patience and focus on what they can do each day to improve themselves.

Andrew Roberts 15.10.2020

In part 2 of our three part series, we highlight some key strengthening exercises that can make all the difference in your day to day life

Andrew Roberts 11.10.2020

Check out these 4 simple exercises that can help you get up and stay active during your workday A big shout out to our Athletic therapist and Physiotherapy Masters student Bianca for putting together this video

Andrew Roberts 21.09.2020

Our team is feeling energized after our weekly meeting During the month of November, we will be rolling out weekly Facebook lives where we share valuable tips and tricks pertaining to the most common issues we see in physiotherapy If there is a topic that you would like us to cover, leave us a comment below and we will be happy to cover it during our Facebook lives

Andrew Roberts 14.09.2020

Voici 4 tapes suivre immdiatement aprs une entorse la cheville!

Andrew Roberts 07.09.2020

Voici 3 exercices pour viter la douleur au genou!!!

Andrew Roberts 05.09.2020

Running evaluations are one of our favourite things to do at ARC Rehab We love doing a video analysis of each clients running technique to help them run more naturally and efficiently This will in turn lead to less injury and many more years of pain free running

Andrew Roberts 05.09.2020

Avec le beau temps quil fait ces temps-ci, nous nous retrouvons plus lextrieur pour prendre une marche, courir, etc. Cest le temps dtre actif! Noubliez pas de GRADUELLEMENT recommencer vos activits extrieurs (marcher, courir, faire du vlo, etc.) afin dviter des blessures au niveau de la musculature! Une augmentation trop rapide dactivit va mettre trop de stress sur vos muscles et par consquence, vos muscles ne pourrons pas supporter la charge.... Soyez actif et responsable! Profitez de la fin de semaine!!

Andrew Roberts 18.08.2020

Check out our top 3 stretches for a stiff neck! They can help make a big difference

Andrew Roberts 12.08.2020

La posture idale adopter au bureau

Andrew Roberts 05.08.2020

Transformation and understanding have been the two key themes this week that have led us, our patients and our physiotherapy students to better results. When it comes to our patients, many of them will reach out when they are struggling with pain and are unable to do all the activities that they enjoy. The first step is to reach out for help and trust our team to deliver sound advice and a personalized treatment plan.... At this point, it becomes our responsibility to understand each persons unique circumstances and adapt our treatment plan accordingly. When it comes to mentoring our students, we have emphasized the importance of developing a true and authentic understanding of why we carry out each element of a physiotherapy session. In recent weeks, they have learned that the key to success in helping others lies in developing a strong rapport with each patient. Once the rapport is established, the understanding comes next. Once we really understand what each person needs, we can offer the best quality personalized care. What has been the end result? We have seen a transformation amongst our students. They are carrying themselves with more confidence and they are investing more time into asking the right questions and connecting with each person that we see. We have also been witnessing more transformations amongst our patients! Their level of trust and engagement is higher than ever and they are committed to doing their part to get better. The best part of this is that the key to our success has been to simply focus on the right things

Andrew Roberts 29.07.2020

Voici 3 exercices pour la douleur au talon

Andrew Roberts 25.07.2020

Did you know that May is National Physiotherapy Month in Canada? We are ready to see any and all patients as of June 1st and we are currently seeing emergencies and specific cases in clinic We are taking all of the necessary precautions before, during and after each session! Masks and visors, extra hand washing and lots of cleaning and disinfecting throughout the day.... We are also having great success with virtual health appointments! We are looking forward to seeing you! Saviez-vous que le mois de Mai est le mois national de la physiothrapie au Canada? On est prt accueillir toutes nos patients partir du 1er juin et on est prsentement ouvert pour voir des cas urgents et des cas qui ncessitent une consultation en prsentiel la suite dun report prolong des soins en physiothrapie On fait tout pour protger nos patients ainsi que nos thrapeutes. Le port du masque et dune visire, lavage des mains plus que jamais et on nettoye et on dsinfecte la clinique avant et aprs chaque sance. Vous avez aussi loption de nous voir en consultation virtuelle. On a eu de trs bon rsultats date! Au plaisir de vous voir!

Andrew Roberts 20.07.2020

How to relieve muscle soreness at home Part 4: Neck and lower back exercises

Andrew Roberts 01.07.2020

How to relieve muscle soreness at home using everyday household items! Part 3: Lower back

Andrew Roberts 22.06.2020

NOW HIRING ARC Rehab Physiotherapy is looking for a dynamic and motivated physiotherapist to join our team! To find out more, watch this video and click on the link:... https://arcrehabphysio.lpages.co/recruitment-ad/

Andrew Roberts 20.06.2020

How to relieve muscle soreness at home! Two simple exercises to relieve neck and shoulder soreness and they only take two minutes to do!

Andrew Roberts 13.06.2020

Welcome to part 1 of our 4 part series on how to relieve muscle soreness at home using everyday household items!

Andrew Roberts 25.05.2020

Join us for our four part series on how to relieve muscle soreness at home using everyday household items

Andrew Roberts 12.05.2020

What is the easiest way to get rid of pain in 2020? Two of my colleagues shared this image with me recently and I had two initial reactions: 1. I laughed because it naturally induced a whole hearted chuckle!... 2. It brought to mind a serious challenge that each person faces when dealing with new or long lasting pain... What should be done when pain strikes first thing in the morning? What treatment is best? What is the best way to get back to normal activities... Everyday, I meet clients seeking out help and guidance to deal with new and long lasting pain. There is one valuable lesson that I have learned over the years: Exercise and active management of pain and discomfort is key! There is no magical pill to cure an injury or eliminate pain. A good therapist offers sound advice, hands on treatment and a pro active exercise based game plan to help manage and overcome pain and discomfort. To officially answer the question: What is the easiest way to get rid of pain in 2020? Seek out sound advice, establish an active exercise based game plan with a licensed therapist and follow through by doing the prescribed exercises

Andrew Roberts 04.05.2020

Un petit vido en cette jolie journe dautomne pour la douleur au talon ou au tendon dAchille. Essayez lexercice dans ce vido et si jamais vous avez dautres questions, nhsitez pas entrer en contact avec nous!

Andrew Roberts 24.04.2020

A little video on this beautiful Saturday to help with heel pain or Achilles tendon pain. Try the demonstrated exercise and let us know in the comments below if it was helpful. If you have any questions, do not hesitate to get in touch!

Andrew Roberts 06.04.2020

ARC rehab est fier de faire partie de la famille Quanta: un magnifique regroupement de professionnels (ostopathes, massothrapeutes, rflexologistes). Nous sommes entours dindividus qui sont passionns de leur mtier et qui partagent les mmes valeurs que nous: lempathie et le respect envers tous les clients/patients. Nhsitez pas nous questionner sur tous les services offerts, une approche multidisciplinaire est toujours bnfique la radaptation. ARC rehab is so g...rateful to be part of the amazing Quanta Wellness family: A wonderful team of caring professionals ranging from osteopaths, to massage therapists and reflexologists. We are lucky to be surrounded by people who truly care about their clients and share the same values as we do at ARC. Do not hesitate to ask us about the services that they offer! A multidisciplinary approach is best on your road to recovery. See more

Andrew Roberts 27.03.2020

Happy thanksgiving! What are you thankful for this year? Noter dans les commentaires ce dont vous tes reconnaissant!

Andrew Roberts 14.03.2020

Saviez vous que les tirements ne prviennent pas la DOMS (douleur musculaire dapparition retarde)? Cest--dire la douleur que nous avons jusqu 48 heures suivant un entranement de rsistance de haute intensit ou volume. Cette douleur est cause par les micro-dchirures dans les fibres musculaires et si vous essayez de vous tirer pour prvenir cette sensation, cest en vain. Il y a par contre, une alternative. Rouler les muscles peut aider diminuer cette sensation! I...l y a plusieurs muscles qui peuvent tre rouler avec un rouleau foam, les quadriceps en font parti! Cest le cool down parfait aprs un bon leg day . Did you know that stretching has not been proven to help with DOMS (delayed-onset muscle soreness)? Thats when you have muscle pain up to 48 hours after a good workout, caused by little tears in your muscles, which allows your muscles to grow and become stronger. So, if you stretch after your workout with the hopes of preventing that feeling, youre out of luck! There is however, an alternative. Foam rolling, has been proven to decrease this sensation of soreness after your workout. There are many parts of the body that can foam rolled, and the quads are definitely one of them. Great to do after an intense leg workout! References: Herbert and Gabriel, 2002 & MacDonald et al., 2014

Andrew Roberts 11.03.2020

Rouler les quadriceps Voici comment foam roll le quadriceps, avec quelques variations. Cest bien dintgrer une routine de rouleau 2-3 fois par semaine, surtout pour les athltes qui augmentent leur intensit dentranement. a peut tre fait avant ou aprs lentranement (prochain post ce sujet) ou bien lors de vos journes de repos. Nous recommandons 2-3 minutes par jambe ou bien 15-20 allez retour. Vous devriez ressentir une sensation forte, moyennement inconfortabl...e, mais pas de douleur. Bon roulage! PS: aimez vous le vido franglais? Foam rolling your quads Heres how to foam roll your quadriceps, with a few variations. Its great to integrate foam rolling into your routine 2-3 times per week, especially for athletes who are increasing their intensity or volume. It can be one before or after your workout (more on this with our next post) or on your rest day. We recommend 2-3 minutes per leg or 15-20 times back and forth. You should feel a moderately uncomfortable pressure, but no acute pain. Happy rolling! PS: how do you like the frenglish video?

Andrew Roberts 05.03.2020

Vous avez probablement dj entendu que lever des poids lorsquon est jeune peut affecter notre croissance. Cest, par contre, un mythe! Les recherches rcentes ont seulement dmontr que les poids STATIQUES peuvent rduire notre production de cellules osseuses lorsque nous sommes en croissance. Mais quand est-ce que nos enfants font a? Lorsquils transportent leur sac dos rempli de livres! Voici quelques conseils pour vous et vos enfants: encouragez votre enfant laisser... leurs gros livres lcole ou la maison, pour quils transportent seulement le minimum. Conseillez votre enfant denlever leur sac dos dans le transport en commun. Finalement, aller chercher votre enfant leur arrt sils ont une longue marche avant dentrer la maison. Gardez en tte que ceci naffecte que les enfants avant la pubert, et que ce nest pas nocif en petite dose. - Ever heard it was bad for children to perform strength training with weights because it can decrease their growth? You probably have. It is however a myth! It was only proven that HIGH STATIC LOADS could impinge matrix synthesis. What does that mean? Holding something heavy for an extended period of time, like heavy books in a backpack can hold back our bones from growing at a normal rate. What do you and your child need to do? Here are a few tips: encourage your child to leave the heavy books at home or at school, and have them carry the minimum. Let your child know to take their bag off their shoulders during their commute on the bus or train or metro. And lastly, pick your child up at the bus stop if they have a long walk to reach your house. Keep in mind this only applies to pre-pubescent children, and that it is not harmful in small doses.

Andrew Roberts 19.02.2020

Saviez-vous que luniversit McGill offre un programme pour physiothrapeutes depuis 1943? Le baccalaurat en physiothrapie a t inaugur en 1969, mais depuis 2007 tous les tudiants doivent complter une matrise en sciences appliques en physiothrapie pour pouvoir obtenir leur license de pratique de lordre. Aprs 4 ans et demi, 10 semestres, 37 cours, 152 crdits et 1000 heures de stage, nous sommes quips et duqus pour vous traiter avec qualit et lafft des plus... rcentes vidences. Did you know that McGill university has been offering a program for physical therapists since 1943? The BSc degree in Physical Therapy was created in 1969, and since 2007 all physical therapists must graduate with a Masters Applied in Physical Therapy in order to obtain their license. After 4.5 years, 10 semesters, 37 courses, 152 credits and 1000 hours of stage, we are ready to treat you with quality and evidence-based care.

Andrew Roberts 11.02.2020

Its happened to everyone to wake up with a stiff neck. Heres what you can do to help decrease the tension! #selfrelease #howtovideos

Andrew Roberts 23.01.2020


Andrew Roberts 11.01.2020

Nous clbrons cette semaine le troisime anniversaire dARC Rehab et nous voulions vous remercier pour votre support! Aimez cette publication si vous avez travaill avec nous au cours des dernires annes pour que nous puissions voir comment notre communaut a grandie! We celebrated 3 years of ARC Rehab this week and so we wanted to thank you for your support! Clients, former clients, therapists that we have worked with, like this post so we can see how much our community has grown!

Andrew Roberts 29.12.2019

On vous a dj parl du piriforme... et maintenant on vous montre comment le relcher! Tout ce que vous avez de besoin cest une balle de lacrosse ou de tennis, le squelette Charlie nest pas requis

Andrew Roberts 16.12.2019

The 3 BIGGEST MYTHS about low back pain 2/3 3 mythes au sujet des douleurs au bas du dos 2/3

Andrew Roberts 28.11.2019

1/3 The 3 BIGGEST MYTHS about low back pain 3 mythes au sujet des douleurs au bas du dos

Andrew Roberts 26.11.2019

Communication is a mandatory component in the patient-therapist relationship. It will help build trust, streamline recovery and allow us to treat every aspect of the individual. However, good communication takes time. Ever have that feeling at an appointment where you see the professional for 5 minutes and feel like they did not listen to one thing you said? The more time we have, the more we can exchange with you, the more we can optimize results. We are happy at ARC Rehab to distinguish ourselves by offering more treatment time, which allows us to truly listen, thoroughly explain and educate, and address all your concerns. So come on in and open up to us (if you want - duh), the more you share, the more we can help you!

Andrew Roberts 12.11.2019

Say hello to the ARC Rehab team!

Andrew Roberts 28.10.2019

This week, we decided to focus on one of our core values: shared accountability. As physiotherapists, we play an integral role in your rehabilitation by treating manually, providing you with exercises and educating you about your condition. But wait a second, thats not all... The patient also has a big role to play (surprised?!). Its all about teamwork where both the therapist and the patient are essential players. Our role is to provide you with the tools and knowledge to ...help you get better. We will help you choose goals and break down how we will achieve them collaboratively. We empower you with knowledge about your condition and how to manage it when you are not in the treatment room. Most importantly, we believe in keeping an open line of communication with our patients and we hope that our patients return the favour to ensure that we are all on the same page! See more

Andrew Roberts 12.10.2019

3 stretches to integrate in your cool down routine, good for runners, soccer players, and everything else, especially when you dont want to lie down in the cold, wet grass! Hold each stretch for 20-30 seconds and repeat 2-3x depending on how much time you have. Better results if combined with a good foam rolling session! #cooldown #stretch #postworkout

Andrew Roberts 05.10.2019

Voici un vido trs pertinent pour les coureurs ou pour humains qui font de lexercice (donc tout le monde!) et qui ont tendance passer de 0 100 en deux temps trois mouvements. Un chauffement dynamique aide le corps se prparer lexercice et peu rduire le risque de blessure. Cest fortement recommand Bonne coute!

Andrew Roberts 17.09.2019

ARC Rehab Physiothrapie est situ dans le Village Valois dans la ville de Pointe-Claire. Saviez-vous que ce village a t fond en 1723 par Jean-Baptiste de Valois, et a seulement fusionn avec la ville de Pointe-Claire en 1911? Nous sommes trs chanceux de faire partie de cette communaut chaleureuse qui dborde de commerants locaux.

Andrew Roberts 02.09.2019

Find out how to potentially decrease lower back pain! Like our video, tag a friend or share this post if you know someone who would benefit from it