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Website: www.bekmacintosh.com/

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Bek MacIntosh Intuitive Healing Energy Medicine CBP RRP 23.12.2020

This virus has directly impacted my family in more ways than most can imagine... My father is an essential worker, on the front line... when I say I know too much about this outbreak, I’m not exaggerating But the opinion pieces, some government decisions, and main stream media aren’t consistently following SCIENCE So let’s talk about that ... Everything shared here is from data, not conspiracy theorists, not out of thin air, but actual scientific journals, reports from scientists and facts that were accepted until this pandemic threw common sense and foundational knowledge out the window (Note: carbon dioxide, NOT carbon monoxide! We had a furnace issue last week and clearly that was still on my brain!) . . . . . #scienceinfo #informationsharing #yourbodyiskncredible #sunshinetherapy #biome #nonewnormal

Bek MacIntosh Intuitive Healing Energy Medicine CBP RRP 10.12.2020

With the current global situation, now more than ever why isn’t there a top-down shift towards education on food that heals and food that harms... Some awesome people are putting out info on eating for your health, supplementation, etc... Yet not everyone will go looking for these resources on their own... If death stats are to be published daily, my belief is there should also be daily information in the news, media and from HEALTH officials teaching what could be done imm...ediately to strengthen the population in order to see a reduction in serious infection. And healthy food shouldn’t be out of reach in communities where finances are lacking (so much to say on how this shouldn’t even be legal in this first world). Our health officials focus on emergency care, but what about preventative care? And I’m not talking about the national food guide. I mean real gritty talks like: how many times a day do you have bowel movements, what quality of sleep is needed, what air are you breathing in, what supplements are you using, are you regulating sugar consumption, is alcohol intake in excess....? Most people are body unaware. Which means they don’t even know where there liver is or even a few of the 5000 functions it serves. The don’t know that your lymphatic needs you to physically move your body to support the draining of toxicity at its optimal level. Oh I could go on. We have billboards telling us to stay apart and stay home. Show me a billboard that states Vitamin D3 is a life requirement and if you don’t get sun exposure, be sure to take a supplement or your immune system goes to shit. Anyone else on this bandwagon with me? I’ve been sitting on it for years, and I’m thinking that I need company. . . . . . #natureheals #foodmatters #breatheyourbiome #sunshineforlife #energymedicine #educateonhealth #nonewnormal #holdthemaccountable #foodthatheals #plantbased #livewell #holisticliving

Bek MacIntosh Intuitive Healing Energy Medicine CBP RRP 07.12.2020

Take me seriously. I know there’s a hedgehog involved in this video, but I promise it’s good information... this is what it’s come to... join me for Saturday morning coffee and bowel chats. . . . .... . . #holisticpractitioner #healthadvice #healthinthetimeofcorona #intuitiveliving #energymedicine #safesupplements #guthealth #healingthegut See more

Bek MacIntosh Intuitive Healing Energy Medicine CBP RRP 28.11.2020

Bringing balance to the right and left hemisphere of your body, this simple Cortices Technique is highly effective in increasing calm and ease. And you can do it on yourself and others. . . . .... . #bodytalksystem #energyhealing #cortices #energymedicine #tapping #intuitivehealing #healyourself #mentalcalm #beherenow See more

Bek MacIntosh Intuitive Healing Energy Medicine CBP RRP 15.11.2020

Nothing today is the same as it was just a few days ago. Everyone is impacted by the chaos and panic, everyone has challenges to face because of this pandemic. But in the midst of it all you have breath. This is an invitation to return to your breath again, and again, and again. And Sessions are a gift in this time... energy doesn’t care if you’re isolated... link in bio for more info. . .... . . . #calmincrisis #breathwork #healthyliving #intuitivehealing #reikimaster #healingsessions #calmyourenergy #liveinhighvibration #crystalwork #healthcoaching #holisticpractitioner #bodytalksystem See more