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copybykristen 18.10.2020

ROLLING INTO YOUR LAUNCH WILL BE A BREEZE As a new coach, do you feel like you’re spinning your wheels? Continuously falling on your ass and getting nowhere? That was me. ... Both learning how to roller skate and learning how to launch an offer that made sense for my ideal client. Both rough. Both a pain my butt. I bought my first pair of rollerskates for my 23rd birthday. Before this day, I was afraid of riding a bike, afraid of skating, afraid of failing and looking like a complete idiot. Did I fall? Abso-freakin-lutely! Did I get back up each time I bruised myself? YASSS! Did I never give up? Fuck yeah! The moral of the story is you will fall, you will fail, you will try, try, and try a few hundred times more. BUT, to help me lessen the failures I took roller skating lessons, I practiced riding my bike everyday, and I hired a coach to help me move forward in my business. At one point I was scared shitless about all of these things but I did them and it was the best decision EVER. PERIODT. @laura_zinck and I were once scared to leave our 9-5s and jump into the online space. We know how much courage it takes to do something that scares you (Rollercoasters, hehe) We also know how AWESOME you are for wanting to move your business forward. The Launch Club, an 8 week program to help you turn ideas into successful launches begins on July 13th and there are still seats left in our classroom reserved for COMMITTED NEW COACHES who want to learn how to create irresistible offers, sell them effortlessly, and launch with CONFIDENCE! Are you ready to challenge yourself? Are you ready to do what scares you? Are you ready to roll into your launch without the overwhelm, stress, or uncertainty? Grab your spot in The Launch Club with the LINK IN MY BIO SEE YOU THERE, ROCKSTAR!

copybykristen 12.10.2020

, ? Are you busy scrolling through insta feeling like seeing others live your dream when they say they launched and made $150k in one week? Are you overwhelmed thinking a successful launch isn’t possible for you?... Are you feeling stuck in the same spot you were months ago, simply afraid to take the plunge? It’s totes ok, we’ve all been there, done that. I, too, felt like SHIT seeing everyone kill their launches and brag about these amazzinnggg numbers that seemed unrealistic so let’s take it down a notch. ’ !!! @laura_zinck and I created . !!!! ’ , -, -, - Want all of this and MORE? ENROLL NOW through the link in my bio ( @copybykristen) .. ! BONUSES $500 off enrollment Bonus Trainings on EMAIL SEQUENCES, LANDING PAGES & LEAD MAGNET CREATION ($497 value) If you’re on the fence about your decision, pleas See more

copybykristen 30.09.2020

? Why haven’t you launched your offer yet? Because you THINK:... No one wants to learn from me My following isn’t big enough for me to launch It sounds so stressful, I don’t want to do it by myself The reality is, you have to: Create a spectacular offer to help your ideal client solve a BIG problem. PRICE your offer properly. Prepare MARKET RESEARCH questions. Decide how you’re going to SELL it. Write several launch EMAIL SEQUENCES. Curate CONTENT to shift the focus on your offer. ONBOARD your new students. RETAIN them! HIT ‘EM WITH A TON OF VALUE. Phew! What a list. I promise it’s no biggy! This is what I don’t want you to do Sit in front of your computer screen thinking it’s the end of the world if it’s not PERFECT. If anything is going to set you back from making your first launch happen, it’s your crappy mindset, your lack of confidence and trashy assumptions. Nothing comes easy, right? Would you rather continue lying to yourself for another who knows how long or do you wanna break a five figure launch for the first time and change the game for your business? My friend @laura_zinck & I will help you every step of the way because we’ve created this EPIC for new coaches who’ve been hiding around Instagram posts for too long, afraid to LAUNCH. If that’s you, you need to STOP collecting dust with your freebies, advice from 100 different people and START focusing on putting together your LAUNCH. - ! We’re going to answer ALL of your launch questions and debunk some launch myths everyday next week in the private FB group. LINK IN BIO to register @copybykristen Don’t forget to join the facebook group if you’ve registered! See you Monday! - ’ ! See more

copybykristen 25.09.2020

We need to talk about your headlines and how they’re killing your sales. Every time I come across a juicy headline it gives me a watermelon sugar high (Thank you Harry Styles for being stuck in my head all day). Headlines are the most delicious part of your copy. They’re like tingling taste buds after you bite down on a savory treat on a hot summer day. ... Headlines are like first impressions; You fail to impress me in the first sentence, good luck keeping me interested. Headlines will make or break your copy so investing a little TLC into it is a MUST. Your headline’s job is to: Grab attention Expose your prospects problem + introduce your solution Entice your prospect to want to continue reading Sound as irresistible as your actual offer I hate to break it to you but no matter how good your offer is, if the copy can’t convey its awesomeness you’re running into trouble. Here are some ways you can start writing headlines hotter than the California sun. Use the 4 u’s: -: This headline should be specific enough to tell your prospect what your copy is about. If they’re left wondering about WTF it is, you’ll lose a sale right away. : Stop using common phrasing and words to sound like everyone else. You are a special human. Use your unique point-of-view and wording to create a headline that stands out and makes your prospect go WOW, that really resonated with me. : No one has time for content that doesn’t apply to them.Convey a benefit, we all love what benefits us the most! If it’s not useful, it’s gotta go! : Put a timestamp on your headline to create a sense of FOMO! You could say Waitlist ends tonight, You have 24 hours until this offer is gone forever, Quick! This offer will only be 50% off until [date]. Lastly Keep ‘em short: Your headlines should not surpass 8 words max! Make a promise: Promise that your solution to their problem is the only thing they need. If you’re a multiple 6-figure coach looking to have a successful launch without having to write your sales page, the BLASTOFF BOOSTER is for you! DM me for details!

copybykristen 05.09.2020

When was the last time you got a haircut? Maybe you tried DIY-ing at home and ended up with a lop-sided bob or electric blue hair. What does hair have to do with copywriting?... It actually has more to do with the editing process! I created the Clip, Cut, Comb Method to help you easily edit any copy to make it short, sweet and sell! away at your sentences. Copy works best when sentences are short. The more you can say in less words will help you more than writing a novel about your offer. Snip away at those pesky little words like That, That are/is, Really, Very, Just and so on. any words without value. I like to call them Dead Ends. No one wants them and they make your copy read much worse. Big words have no business lounging around in your copy, especially if YOU don’t even know the meaning. Don’t sit and write 50 sentences to get your point across - it’s pointless. through your sentences to ensure they sound clean, they connect with your reader, and they’re concise. Brush out all of the fluff to get to the root of your goal. Spend time re-reading your copy to ensure you nailed the purpose. It’s really simple! You better start chopping your launch copy for max results! Launch copy isn’t always the fun-est thing to do if it’s crunch time and you’re panicking about your sales page. I’ve got a little something special for you called the Blastoff Booster! Receive your launch’s sales page in 72 hours! WHAT!? HOW??? Yep. I dedicate an entire 3 days of writing FOR YOU! In a time crunch? I gotchu. No idea what to write? I gotchu. Hate writing and need it done asap? I gotchu. DM me and let’s start making magic happen! P.S. I’m only accepting 3 lucky launcher’s this month for this offer! Get it while it’s HOT. See more

copybykristen 21.08.2020

The SECRET to selling out your first launch. NEW COACHES THIS ONE’S FOR YOU. You figured out who your ideal client is.... You decided what type of offer you want to produce. You lay out all the content needed. You have all of your snazzy graphics ready to go. You have everything under control until it comes time to actually sell the fucker. BOOM, you suddenly forget how to sell, how to market yourself and advertise this new awesome offer, the best thing since the last influencer conference you attended. Cake. But no. You’re not selling it because you don’t know how to present the offer to your audience. Without persuasive copy, who TF wants to buy your new program? Noooooo one. Let’s fix that right now with a method you can use RIGHT NOW in your copy that will make a huge difference. The 4 P’s to the rescue! PICTURE: Paint a clear, vivid scene where your prospect can envision themselves in. Maybe it’s where they currently are or where they dream of being. Use visualization and sensory words to add to the overall feeling. PROMISE: Introduce your magical solution that will change their life for the better. This is your opportunity to bust out the benefits of your offer and what your offer promises to help your prospect achieve. Think big picture; end goal. PROOF: The proof is in the words of your former clients. If you’re just starting out in coaching, YOU are your first testimonial. It’s up to you to use storytelling and PROVE that your solution 100% works and will work for your prospect, too. PUSH: It all comes down to your CTA. Have you convinced your prospect enough to make them want to buy? If you were able to persuade them into buying it in the first 3 steps, the push part is a no-brainer for them! This is the action part, make sure you’re evoking a response from them right away. I promise you this: If you use the 4 P’s, you’re gonna make some killer sales. Remember, it’s all about connecting with your prospects. Comment if you use this method to write your copy, too!

copybykristen 02.08.2020

As a child do you remember? . When you tried to hardcore convince your mom you wanted to buy something and you tried to list all the reasons why it’s a good idea to make the purchase? . Maybe you went as far as getting her to imagine what it would be like to have that shiny new toy.... . How INCREDIBLE it would feel to have the coolest new Bratz doll like all your friends or the newest kicks to impress someone you liked at school (You know, the light up sneakers). . Low and behold, she ended up buying it. . She saw the value of the object. How amazing it would make you feel, how your face would light up, how cute it would be to watch you play with your friends and use your imagination. . This is taking me back to the giant My Little Pony collection I had. You’re damn right I had the castle to go with it. . Tap into that child mentality when you sit down to write that email sequence for your new launch. . Let’s break down your 5 email launch sequence so you can write it quickly and effectively so you can funnel your ideal client from the lead magnet to the email sequence and through to your sales page or whatever your final destination is. . Thank you + welcome. Thank your subscriber for downloading your freebie and welcome them into your community. Give them the down low on what to expect going forward and information about who you are. . Introduce the problem. Let’s get into what their pain points are. Slowly introduce them to their problem. . Use storytelling. Use your personal story to show how you overcame the same obstacle and what led you to finding a solution. Talk about the benefits of this solution. . Social proof. This is where you’ll add in testimonials that show your expertise, knowledge, and overall awesomeness. This will show off the benefits of working with you, you talented Boss B*tch. . More social proof + hard pitch. Go all in here. Add in more rockin’ testimonials that touch on your subscriber’s pain points leading them to the pleasure points and benefits of working with you. Now is the time to pitch them on your big offer. . Need help writing a killer email sequence for your upcoming launch? DM me now! See more

copybykristen 27.07.2020

Does length matter? YES. Especially when you’re talking about the length of time it takes for you to get your point across to your audience.... Let's take a look at how long your sales page should be. Ask yourself: Am I offering a low or high-ticket offer? How much information do I need to include to get my point across? How many graphics will I include in my design to match my copy? How big is my audience? What’s my experience? Do I produce results? Before writing your sales page, look at how much market research info you have and then come to a conclusion. Low Ticket = Short Sales Page length Low-Medium Ticket = Medium Sales Page Length High-Ticket = Long-form Sales Page But how many words distinguishes the length? There isn’t a SET number per se. Clearly there’s a difference between 900 and 2500. These are real word counts from two sales pages I wrote this year. Which one performed better? The answer is both! Both sales pages were selling completely different products and for completely different prices. Both had amazing conversions rates. If you’re wondering what a GOOD conversion rate is, it’s anything above the last one you had. It’s that simple. DM me if you’re still confused about how long your page should be!

copybykristen 19.07.2020

MAKE COPYWRITING FUN AGAIN! If writing copy makes you want to pull out your hair and cry in a ball... you’re doing it wrong. My goal is to make copywriting fun for you instead of it leaving you feeling like you just wrote the most boring piece of copy on the planet.... I see you. Staring at a blank Google Doc with a million ideas in your head and soooo much to say but you can’t quite copy and paste the ideas out of your head and onto the page. Here are 7 ways to make writing sales copy a fabulous experience: Talk to your IC! There’s no better way to come up with ideas than getting into your ideal client's head. They practically write the copy FOR YOU! It’s a no-brainer! Write in a spot where you don’t normally do your work. Changing your location helps with creativity and something awesome might spark your imagination. Write like you talk. If you’re treating it like writing an essay, you'll end up sounding like a stiff, constipated robot. All you’ll do is scare people away with that lousy language. Try using your voice-to-text feature on Google Docs or your phone’s notepad and use that as your foundation. Then edit it until it makes sense and post away! DON’T copy and paste other’s words and use them as your own. Plagiarism is against the law. Use other’s words to INSPIRE you, not make you a COPYCAT. Take an idea and make it your own by adding a fun spin to it. Use your story as much as possible! Stories sell. It serves as a testimonial and a way to persuade your audience into doing something. There's no need to drag on from beginning, middle, and end you can totally infuse a little sentence or two and leave your audience wanting more! Write like you’re talking to your BFF. You don’t talk like you’re reading a textbook so why would you write that way? Have fun with it. Include sentence fragments. Here, I just wrote one! Pretty easy, huh? Use slang because ain’t nobody gonna listen to ya if you’re not getting jiggy with it. Play with your natural language! It helps keep your brand voice consistent and recognizable for others! Now you try! COMMENT a sentence of copy using one of these techniques and let’s see how easy it reads!

copybykristen 01.07.2020

QUICK! YOU HAVE THREE SECONDS!!! Yup. A whole THREE SECONDS to grab my attention. In writing, we use the acronym AIDA to describe the customer journey. This is the sister of the sales funnel!... A - : Grab your reader’s attention with a quick-witted line, a crazy statement, startling stats, or ask them a question that relates to their pain point, feeling, or desire! I - : Intrigue your reader with interesting information that makes them want MORE. Use facts that spark curiosity and language that tells a story to reel them into your writing. The more invested they are in what you have to say the longer they read your copy. Remember, the better your writing, the more likely they’ll come back to read more. You can also show interest by telling your story! D -: Pssst! Remember the BFD formula from the other day? This applies here! Once they’ve shown interest, it’s time to introduce your solution to their problem. What do they desire right now in life to help them solve their problem? This is where you tie in your exciting offer and present them with the benefits of signing up! Make your reader desire what you have to offer by keying in on their dream TRANSFORMATION. A - : Tell your audience what to do. Make good use of your Call-To-Action here. Give them a map of where you want them to go. This could be asking them to comment on your post, asking them to purchase your offer, or asking them to book a call with you. Make it simple and easy for them! You can use this formula to write anything from social media captions to blog posts (with the intention of selling), sales pages, and emails! Happy writing Rockets! May the fourth be with you while you write! Would you like a sales page audit to make sure your copy is clean, crisp, and tight? DM me to grab your audit today!

copybykristen 19.06.2020

Before writing your sales page copy, complete this helpful BFD exercise! . This is meant to help you get a better grasp on your ideal client’s , , so you can write emotionally-driven copy that sells! . ... . What does your ideal client believe to be true about your offer topic? . Do they believe it could help them in the long-run? . Do they believe it’s too expensive? . Do they believe it’s not truly for them? . . What are their current feelings about their situation? . What are the emotions associated with their situation? . What do they want to feel after purchasing your product/service? . . What does your ideal client truly desire? . What transformation do they want? . What does their life look like after making the decision to purchase? . What is possible for them? . Doing this exercise is great for any copy where you intend to sell something. . To curate a message to your audience, this exercise will help you write the transformational outcome for them. . Let’s face it, we’re all emotional buyers! Let’s focus on the positive feelings of our ideal client rather than hurt their feelings. . Put yourself in your reader’s mind. Think how they think. . The best way to complete this exercise is to do deep market research and ask them these specific questions. . I promise you, this will make your writing process simple and accurate AF. . Got questions about writing exercises? Feel free to DM me anytime!! See more

copybykristen 10.06.2020

The One With The Birthday Giveaway!!! We’ve made it to 24 y’all I wanted to celebrate with a GIVEAWAY with my besties/entrepreneur babes!!!... One lucky winner will receive: A Loom video sales page copy audit from yours truly @copybykristen 60 minute writing coaching intensive call with @theholisticwarriorlife 90 min intensive personal brand coaching session with @wavewyld 45 minute business systems intensive call with @virtuallysimona 60 minute mindset coaching call with @misskaayle Biz coaching call with @laura_zinck Website or IG Audit with @courtneymarie.me Your job... LIKE this post COMMENT SHARE to your story + TAG me! The giveaway closes on April 30, 2020 at 11:59 PM. The winner will be announced on May 1, 2020 at 10:00 am. (Design by @greyfishproductions) GOOD LUCK!!!! xo

copybykristen 27.05.2020

What makes your offer so much better than the competition? . What makes your signature program stand out? . What are the benefits of your offer and why should your ideal client care?... . SAVE THIS POST . Coach, to make your life easier, I’ve given you the features/benefit chart. This will help you distinguish all of the cool features of your offer while also writing out the benefit of each. . Everyone loves a good visual, right? . Be as specific as possible with your bullet points. This exercise will help you see the differences and what the most important parts are to include in your copy! . Many make the mistake of writing out a laundry list of the features but will manage to never explain how it benefits their ideal customer. . : . Write the feature and next to it write how it benefits your ideal client Write your copy like you’re writing a story about the challenge your ideal client is going through Write how the solution will emotionally benefit your ideal client . ': . Write your offer’s 100 different features Write without giving any attention to your ideal client’s pain points Write your copy using too many technical terms - Sorry Doc . If you really want to convince your ideal client to buy your program, 1:1 coaching, mastermind or whatever you poured your heart into for months, you’re going to want to explain the transformation and feeling over the features. . Snag my Rocket Launch Copy Workbook if you haven’t already so you can start implementing these tips. DM me for yours! @ Toronto, Ontario See more