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Beacon of Light 08.10.2020

Wowza has April been intense or what! Full of energy, shifting, and much awakening! What are we awakening to exactly? The frequency of unconditional love. For so long we've been asleep, many of you are still asleep (and that's okay). In fact, you can be awakened and still fall back to sleep. All of it is perfect. We are beginning to recognize our infinite connection to everything!! How our actions affect our community, our loved ones, the environment, and so on. As well, how ...Continue reading

Beacon of Light 04.10.2020

Hello beautiful souls, I hope you are all feeling an abundance of self-love and inner peace throughout this period of isolation. I have a few things to share regarding this new cycle we've entered. It is rebirth season, as the Spring Equinox passed this Thursday. We've had much death in the past months, spiritually and physically. As of now, life is starting to creep in (WOOHOO!!). The Sun is shining, the birds are singing and the snow is melting. On a spiritual level, we've ...been forced to face some mental constructs that have been blocking our truest freedom. If you allowed the death within, you should be feeling the new dawn that is waking. More specifically in regards to the COVID-19, what a major test!! All of the chaos, fear and anxiety that has conspired in our media and communities has forced us to face our biggest fear: the UNKNOWN. The virus is an element out of our control, we don't know what will develop from it and how much death it will cause. Thus, we are all awakening to the Truth that our life is out of our control. This can either lead you to darkness or light. If you are living in darkness, rest assured that this is an illusion your mind has created. Any fear that you are experiencing is just the survival mechanism of your ego holding on to the false perception that you are in control. There is nothing you can do to control when and how you will die. The attachment we've grown to our life is so out of proportion!! There is so much fear of losing our life that we stop experiencing and enjoying it. In case you haven't realized the death of humanity doesn't mean complete death, life still goes on, the birds still sing. In fact, the virus has shown us how much the world thrives and lives on when we are gone. All this to say, that we can only control our actions and inner state of being, as the Universe and Earth are stronger than any of us. And that is the beauty! Once you accept the Higher Power (God/Universe/whatever you believe) and surrender to Its plan no matter the outcome (life, death, illness), you will all live in light. Therefore, I encourage you all to sit with the feeling of surrender (which you are being forced to do already with self-isolation). Surrender to the process and trust that everything is working out for the highest good, no matter the outcome and the perceptions of what you think is good or bad. Everything created on this Earth is a work of God, it all serves a purpose. With this, I hope you can find some inner peace and tranquillity within the chaos, like a Buddhist Monk in a zombie apocalypse. May love and light surround you, Neve

Beacon of Light 30.09.2020

Hello beautiful souls, I will not be taking any appointments in Quebec until further notice, as I am on my way to Mexico. Thank you for your patience. My hopes for you all is to receive plenty of beauty and love in the upcoming months. May love and light surround you.... Namaste, Neve

Beacon of Light 20.09.2020

The first Full Moon of the decade is now active!! In Her ruling sign, Cancer, this Full Moon brings forward a healing frequency for the heart chakra. Therefore, now is a great time to heal any old wounds or heartaches that are still lingering. The Sun in Capricorn has a tendency to shift our attention to the material and base our actions from a mental/practical perspective. However, Cancer forces us to feel and face our emotions. These two opposing energies are being pushed ...together, especially with this Lunar Eclipse. This may cause an internal battle bringing up anxiety and stress!! Your thoughts may be blocking your heart, blocking the healing that is trying to happen. If you continue to act and think from the mind, you will start to feel drained and crippled. Thus, I am encouraging you all to release your old mental patterns (let them be, let them float in your mind) as you centre your energy into your heart space. Once in your heart space, allow yourself to balance your emotions, recognize that the good comes with the bad and the bad comes with the good. If you can accept the bad feelings through gratitude, you will heal. Following, I encourage you all to start taking part in the world. Come into yourself, come into your power. YOU ARE AND ALWAYS HAVE BEEN A CREATION OF THE COSMOS, A STAR!! Recognize that you have something to contribute. If your life has been feeling stagnant, if you aren't seeing the growth, if you are just waiting for something, put yourself out there! The moment you seize the day (live in the present), is the moment your life will take off again and move. Change is uncomfortable, but necessary for growth and new opportunities. Believe in yourself and love yourself enough to experience what you’ve been longing for. May love and light surround you always, Neve

Beacon of Light 03.09.2020

Ten years of karmic cycling coming to an end. We've been shown the parts of ourselves that no longer belong through destruction and death in our external reality. This means that things (jobs, relationships, homes, etc.) have ended or been forced out of our lives for a higher purpose. I encourage you to surrender to these endings. Acknowledge the cycles that are completing: surrender and release expectations and negative thoughts to make room for the flow. Release it all so y...our feelings may rise and you may heal, allowing yourself to reach serenity and trust the Universe and its divine plan. Take care of yourself, be the observer of your emotions (don't hold on to them, don't fall into being the victim; just observe how you're feeling with love and compassion for yourself) then release. We are making space for resolutions!! There will be a New Moon on the 26th of December. She is in Capricorn; a great way to start off the year! We are planning for our future as we release the past decade, karma and accumulated trauma. This New Moon will bring insight concerning what actions to take next. Capricorn will help us establish these new blueprints with His divine focus, discipline and commitment. By the end of January, your plans will be called to action and the time will align to initiate our new future.

Beacon of Light 29.08.2020

Hello beautiful souls!! December is a busy month with many celebrations. Often, we can get lost in the hustle and bustle. However, it is important to be grounded and centred as we enter the new year of 2020. A tarot reading offers the perfect opportunity to take a moment for yourself to check in, release the old, and prepare your energy for a beautiful New Year. It also makes the perfect gift; a great way to share your love with friends and family I will be in Knowlton, Queb...ec from the 25th to the 29th. Afterwards, I will be in Newmarket, Ontario from the 29th to the 3rd. Please send me a message to book an appointment or for further inquiries. May love and light surround you Neve

Beacon of Light 21.08.2020

Yesterday's New Moon launched us into Saggitarius season! We've been through a lot these past months, being forced to acknowledge the parts of ourselves that we've neglected since childhood. You might have even embodied a victim mentality (what about me?), further putting the blame on others and external events. I'm here to clarify that everything which has unfolded in front of you these past few months was to bring forward those lost and unloved aspects of yourself. I'm enco...uraging you all to embrace those personality traits with love and acceptance. Allow yourself to come to terms with the illusions you've formed to avoid recognizing the truths that are resurfacing (unresolved childhood issues) because now that all the distractions in our lives have abruptly come to an end, we are left to face ourselves. Therefore, now is the perfect time to re-explore who you truly are. We are approaching death~a total transformation within ourselves. The cycles of self-doubt, insecurities, rejection and fears caused by past traumas are coming to an end! It is our job to transform our inner suffering into inner fulfilment; we can no longer pretend to feel fully satisfied by others, things and events. Thus, it is your choice whether you want to accept and acknowledge the parts of yourself you've avoided for so long and rebirth into the beautiful butterfly you were destined to be. The Sun and Moon in Saggitarius will help us rediscover ourselves with excitement and optimism. This is important, as 2020 approaches, we will be able to reconstruct our lives on a more solid foundation as our old lives were built on fear and rejection. We are approaching a new life, will you do the inner work and chose the portal/door to love and light? Come into your own and flourish! May love and light surround you, Neve

Beacon of Light 11.08.2020

We have a Full Moon in Taurus rising tomorrow morning. This is a very beautiful energy opposing in union with our Sun in Scorpio. It is a perfect time to take a moment and sit with yourself. I encourage you all to take tonight or tomorrow to reflect inward. Get in touch with yourself. Feel the warm and loving energy of Taurus that is enveloping your aura, like a hugging blanket. She is the Mother of Earth, the Divine Feminine, the Empress. Get in alignment with that energy an...d allow yourself to naturally observe your bodies cycles. I encourage you all to embrace this motherly energy and feel it towards yourself. Feel Her protection and feel your inner knowing that your soul is always perfect. You are always protected by the angels of the sky. Allow the love you have for your divine light (soul) to flow outward into your entire physical body, so you may appreciate and heal yourself with love. She is present within us all, let her out and let her flow. LOVE. May love and light surround you, Neve

Beacon of Light 30.07.2020

Beautifully said!!

Beacon of Light 12.07.2020

Today we embark into Scorpio Season with the New Moon. October disrupted our relationships as we fought for our own justice, shedding away any toxicity that no longer served our highest good. This month of November will continue the battle of power dynamics as we make our way into December. The old dramas from our past-lives are continuing to rise to the surface and it is our choice to respond or suppress. However, Scorpio's energy is all about deep diving!! Looking beneath t...he surface into our subconscious. This is what we call shadow work: exploring the uncomfortable. What disrupts your being, what triggers you, what are you afraid of? Take this time to ask yourself why. Allow yourself to reflect and see what others are reflecting back towards you. Dive deep with passion, love and forgiveness. And get uncomfortable! May love and light surround you.

Beacon of Light 03.07.2020

Self-love is being in tune with yourself. Trusting your instincts and recognizing what feels right to you and what does not. Often societal standards and even the pressures we place upon ourselves encourage us to be and act in a specific way. Often we lie to ourselves by convincing our mind and heart that we enjoy a particular activity or situation which ultimately results in a feeling of emptiness or unsatisfaction. Self-love is living and acting upon your truth. Self-love ...is listening to yourself when a situation feels toxic, unsatisfying or destructive. Self-love is setting the boundaries within your life that allow you to feel safe and loved. Self-love is trusting what you know and feel to be right or wrong for yourself. Self-love is listening to yourself without judgment. May you all live in as much self-love you can act upon in each present moment. May you be blessed in love and light, always. Neve

Beacon of Light 20.06.2020

As this month comes to an end, I encourage you all to remain hopeful and present. We can't foresee the future and we can't read minds. All we know is our present state. If we shift our focus to how we are feeling right now, we can send our energy towards inner fulfilment. In other words, to live presently within yourself means to seek, do and say what makes YOU feel happy. Constantly striving for your happiness (without expectations) will bring you towards inner bliss. You ca...n only control your reactions, your thoughts, your words, and your actions; if those don't feel good, shift it! Work towards a better life, a life that brings YOU peace and joy. Speak up for what you need and want, through compassion and love because nobody's perfect. Life has a way of playing this fun game that makes you think you are receiving abundance, love, etc. and then takes it all back! That's a test of your strength and your perseverance for growth and desires. How badly do you want it? While working towards bettering your relationships or acquiring your dream job, it is important to do it with enjoyment. Once you allow yourself to release the expectations and needs for the result/completion of a task, you will be able to fully enjoy your present moment and trust that the Universe will send you what you need when you are ready. The circle is never-ending, meaning, you accomplish one goal then you wish for another; that's life. Therefore, once you let go of the result/success of your task/growth, you will find success in the journey, and THAT will lead you to pure bliss. See more

Beacon of Light 14.06.2020

Last night's Full Moon in Aries brought up a lot of energy. You may have been feeling like a victim of your own reality. Almost like a wounded warrior, fighting, fighting, fighting and not getting what you want. This is Aries: strong, determined, confident, courageous, yet short-tempered, moody, aggressive, and impatient (!!!). Does this sound like you lately? It sure does sound like me. All I can do in this moment is pray and trust that everything is working out in perfect a...lignment and in perfect timing. In these times, remind yourself that everything is working out best-case scenario and just let go!! Let go of the worry, let go of the doubt. Have fun and enjoy life. Everything we are blessed to have and receive, it is for our enjoyment. Let go, enjoy, and trust that the Universe will supply you with what you need to continue living joyfully. As well, ask yourself "What is currently not satisfying my soul's deepest longings?" and do the opposite. Are you feeling anger towards the people in your life, dissatisfied in your relationships? Why, what have you been doing that's causing conflict? Do the opposite. I wish you all peace in your mind and love in your heart through these transitional journeys. May love and light surround you, Neve

Beacon of Light 08.06.2020

Searching for peace? My studio is officially in place, welcoming individuals from all walks of life to experience a serene and blissful state of being. Allow the Divine Universe to heal and balance your mind, body, and spirit through me, by booking an hour session of Chakra Rebalancing (Energy Work). Let me realign you towards the perfect path, so you may live in beauty and abundance. Thank you. May love and light surround you, Neve

Beacon of Light 28.05.2020

We are entering Libra season with tonights New Moon. Libra allows us to see both sides of the coin, furthering our ability to be understanding, loving and compassionate. This enables us to share unconditional love within our surroundings. However, it is important to keep your inner peace and not overextend yourself. Therefore, I encourage you all to set your boundaries and express what you need and want out of life/home/career/relationships, so you may continue to come from a... place of pure love for yourself and All. This is a great time to figure out what is missing? Where do you feel at home? Allow yourself to get clear on your purpose and your intention in all aspects. Be open to receiving the channels of love and purpose from the Universe. As well, this month will challenge the stability of your relationships. If you do not have a solid foundation within a particular relationship, it will crumble and collapse to ashes. With all that said, this is a New Moon-the perfect time to plant new seeds based on what makes you feel whole and warm inside. Surrender to the power of the Moon and plant your soul's deepest desires tonight. Thank you. May love and light surround you, Neve

Beacon of Light 24.05.2020

Tomorrow morning/tonights Pisces Full Moon is pushing us to wrap up our loose ends. What has come up in your life since March 2019? What has challenged you? How have you learned from it? Any remaining challenges in your being left undealt with have been rising to the surface over the past few days. The watery Pisces is extremely sensitive and in touch with Her feelings. Let go of the Virgo control to be perfect and allow yourself to feel any unresolved issues. Honour yourself... and the feeling of being challenged by claiming the blessings, lessons, and power lower energy has to offer. We can't always see the big picture of why life throws obstacles our way or why we have to better ourselves, all we can do right now is accept it, forgive it, and trust that everything happens for the greatest good. Pisces rules disillusionment and creates confusion/instability of our reality. Accept the unknown. Accept that you can't know the whole truth. Bring in the Pisces energy of water and balance to let go, flow and surrender to what is. Surrender to the suppressed emotions and feelings that are coming up, She wants you to learn something so you can release that energetic cord and be free of old burdens. Emotional endings to make room for the New. If you are feeling lost in your own mind, foggy or feeling a cloudy sense of judgment, not to worry! Pisces is all about connecting to a higher realm, She is your Crown link. Often She sends herself shooting into a fantasy world because her feelings are so powerful and difficult to acknowledge. This isn't ideal. Thankfully, we have a Sun in Virgo as the opposing energy. A perfect match, as Virgo can help ground the Pisces energy, sending Her straight back down to Earth bringing clarity to Her thoughts and practical solutions. This goes both ways, therefore, if you are feeling overly confident in your judgment with a perfectionist attitude, allow yourself to bring in the intuitive and psychic energy Pisces has to offer. In all, Pisces is about balancing the yin and yang of life. Tonight is an amazing time to connect yourself into an altered state of being while being grounded: to connect to your spirituality and intuition and to connect with your emotions. Let it all flow, in and out (out and in). Remember that all moments are fleeting states of being, however, your inner light/being is infinitely perfect. I wish you all peace in these moments of being. May light and love surround you, Neve