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Jawaid LAW Associates 24.05.2021

Pearly words from the page / brain picking.mariapopova!

Jawaid LAW Associates 20.05.2021

A mind blowing article if one can digest even some parts of the writer,............ read on Praised be the fathomless universe, for life and joy, and for objects and knowledge curious, Walt Whitman wrote as he stood discomposed and delirious before a universe filled with forms, qualities, lives, humanity, language, thoughts, the ones known, and the ones unknown, the ones on the stars, the stars themselves, some shaped, others unshaped. And yet the central animating forc...e of our species, the wellspring of our joy and curiosity, the restlessness that gave us Whitman and Wheeler, Keats and Curie, is the very fathoming of this fathomless universe an impulse itself a marvel in light of our own improbability. Somehow, we went from bacteria to Bach; somehow, we learned to make fire and music and mathematics. And here we are now, walking wildernesses of mossy feelings and brambled thoughts beneath an overstory of one hundred trillion synapses, coruscating with the ultimate question: What is all this?" See more

Jawaid LAW Associates 14.05.2021

From Brain Pickings Facebook. It attracts to senses!

Jawaid LAW Associates 11.05.2021

Very absorbing and interesting article, 'Thomas Carlyle, in ‘Heroes, Hero-worship and the Heroic in History,’ divided heroes into six categories in order of human greatness as he conceived it: the hero as divinity, as prophet, as poet, as priest, as man of letters and as king, the heroic ruler of men who in Carlyle’s own description is the actual philosopher-king. In the modern world, kings have been replaced by prime ministers, presidents, strongmen and dictators; that is to... say, by politicians of one sort or another. No one with the qualifying virtues of such a man would descend to the moral level of a tyrant, while no mere politician is endowed with the wisdom, gifts and virtues either of a kingly philosopher or a philosophic king, whom no democratic electorate would elevate to the office anyway. Thus modern men, in need as all men are of heroes, real or imagined, will nearly always take them from among their politicians. The reasons are obvious. One, politicians, even more than celebrities, are the most prominent people in society; two, because they have society’s license and with it the opportunity to perform its largest and most dramatic public actions. These circumstances, alas, do not justify the hero-worship of politicians, who as a class are almost without exception second- or third-rate people: hollow, shallow, vain, grasping, desperate for admiration (of women especially, as most of them are still male), but lusting above all else after power, Mammon and the adoration of the masses.' See more

Jawaid LAW Associates 07.05.2021

"The crime of the century. Did the Saudi state plan the assassination of Jamal Khashoggi? Was Khashoggi so much of a threat to the Saudi regime that it was prepared to commit a terrible crime to get rid of him? This documentary reconstructs Jamal Khashoggi’s personal plans and movements in his final days. It also examines records, leaks and reports related to his assassination, as well as motivations that may have led Saudi Arabia to commit such a shocking crime. The film’s key feature is exclusive testimony from Khashoggi’s close circle, including from his fiancée Hatice Cengiz. She tells of her emotional struggle in dealing with his death; hoping against hope he was still alive despite accounts of how he was killed; the struggle to discover his fate; and the pain of not knowing where his body is'........

Jawaid LAW Associates 19.02.2021

The decision in Trump's case has disappointed many as nothing substantial can be expected in future for Presidents misdemeanor or right away wrong doings! Anyway supreme Court decisions have always played beacon and guide line for future. Unfortunately such decision is sort of to give relief to wrong doers as ex-President Trump. Whatever such decision never could be light for learning in future......... "McConnell’s decision was a judgment call, not a matter of an oath-bou...nd necessity. To understand this, let’s set aside the question of whether McConnell was right that the Constitution doesn’t provide for a Senate trial for a former official. (The Congressional Research Service and dozens of conservative constitutional scholars think McConnell’s take was wrong on textual/grammatical/punctuational analysis, wrong on precedent, wrong on history, wrong according to notes from the Constitutional Convention, and wrong on logic or some combination of those factors but for this discussion, that’s immaterial.) Let’s just assume McConnell is correct that while there is no doubt this is a very close question, the best constitutional reading is that the Senate’s jurisdiction ends when an official no longer holds office. The question is, does that mean McConnell should have voted not to convict Trump? Answer: It’s an open question but not necessarily." See more

Jawaid LAW Associates 13.02.2021

It is really unfortunate that a very open case against Trump which perhaps only in history who is one mainly responsible for resurrection and a episode worst than any compared to in any third world country got free from any tentacles law. But it has damaged the reputation of USA as is supposed to be a throbbing democracy. All reputation is lost as is generally an opinion across the world but damaged. Anyway did happened as happened. President Joe Biden said on Saturday that... despite Donald Trump’s acquittal in the US Capitol insurrection trial the charges against him are not in dispute and the attack shows democracy is fragile. While the final vote did not lead to a conviction, the substance of the charge is not in dispute, Biden said after the Senate voted 57-43 to acquit Trump in his second impeachment trial. This sad chapter in our history has reminded us that democracy is fragile. That it must always be defended. That we must be ever vigilant, Biden said in a statement after Trump’s trial on charges he incited the mob that overran Congress on January 6. See more

Jawaid LAW Associates 01.02.2021

Negative History is being made by negative people but some make like Trump which is unique in its design. "The Senate voted Tuesday to proceed with the impeachment trial against former President Donald Trump, with six Republicans joining all Democrats. The 56-44 vote rejects an argument from Trump's lawyers that it is unconstitutional to try a former president. Trump's second impeachment trial kicked off earlier Tuesday afternoon with a jarring video montage of the devastati...ng events of the Capitol riots, forcing the chamber of senators to relive some of the most intense moments from Jan. 6. Following a quick procedural vote on an organizing resolution dictating the structure of the trial, Rep. Jamie Raskin, D-Md., the Democrats' lead impeachment manager, announced in his initial remarks that the case against Trump "is based on cold, hard facts." See more

Jawaid LAW Associates 21.01.2021

This IS how democracy works. Otherwise Dump Trump and allies like everywhere but it is always democratic system "By the people, of the people and for the people" works Doe not matter the ups and downs in the process. Dumb Trump incident will go a long in American history. Salute to democratic people of USA.......readon "House impeachment managers responded to the final pretrial brief from Donald Trump's legal team on Monday, saying the former president's defense that such a... trial is unconstitutional and that he quickly moved to suppress the violence during the Capitol riot last month is "wholly without merit." "The House denies each and every allegation in the answer that denies the acts, knowledge, intent, or wrongful conduct charged against President Trump," the Democratic managers wrote. "The House states that each and every allegation in the article of impeachment is true, and that any affirmative defenses and legal defenses set forth in the answer are wholly without merit." See more

Jawaid LAW Associates 01.01.2021

History of US in modern times again will be rewritten after the sad demise of Presidency of most idiotic person of US and proven that he rose from gutter to Presidency, Donald Trump by worst ever of minuscule mind and idiotic and having least IQ got elected to Presidency. This further proves that Us democracy is just rising from the cradle and quite people need many jolts of the cradle. But founding fathers brains have put the check and balances which always come to play when...ever times call for the change. The four years of longest presidency era of an idiot brought the most powerful State to knees! But appreciate the minds of founding fathers and its democracy that put the State on right path as such that any boulder in the way is finally properly dealt with. The elected President Joe Biden is the right person in the right time and to show the right direction. Time Magazine always plays its role and come out with intelligent analysis. The following article is very apt for the time and comes out real analysis to comprehend.....read on "Just before noon on Jan. 20, Joseph Robinette Biden jr. put his hand on a bible and vowed to uphold the Constitution as the 46th President of the United States. It was a first step toward restoring a semblance of normalcy to a shaken democracy. His predecessor, after two months of trying to stay in power by overturning the people’s will, told the American people to have a good life before skipping the ceremony. The National Mall was nearly empty, cleared of crowds because of the threat of violence. Biden’s words rang out over a capital under lockdown, fortified by some 25,000 National Guardsmen. It felt like a wartime Inauguration." See more

Jawaid LAW Associates 22.11.2020

'It is not only Americans who have a lot at stake in this year’s presidential election. Countries around the world are watching the race and trying to determine what the outcome will mean for them. For some, President Donald Trump has ushered in a new type of politics that they fully support. For others, a Joe Biden victory would be warmly welcomed. In Europe in particular, Trump is extremely unpopular in most countries. In Britain, just 13 percent of respondents said they wanted the president to win the election, compared to 61 percent rooting for Biden, according to a YouGov poll published in October.'

Jawaid LAW Associates 02.11.2020

Pakistan Judiciary history is very much tainted with partisan judgement and at time worst blamed for its partisan judgement where " Law of Necessity" was implemented to the worst of a judgement which changed the whole scenario top Judiciary as such in Pakistan. No other democratic State can be at such immorality in passing judgement as in the "land of Pure". But never too late the present judgement may prove of turning the page much maligned top judiciary to washing off some ...black spot on its face. Much is to be done but at least for judicious minds it is little dose to think that everything is not lost........read on "THE 174-page detailed judgement of the 10-member Supreme Court bench on the reference filed against Justice Qazi Faez Isa lays bare some severe deficiencies in the government process. The court held that President Arif Alvi did not form a considered opinion under Article 209(5) of the Constitution, hence the reference against Justice Isa suffered with multiple defects. It also said that since there was no valid authorization for the investigation, the tax records of Justice Isa were illegally accessed. In clear terms, the judgement said that although the preparation and framing of the reference were not patently motivated by malice, the scale and degree of the illegalities were such that the reference was deemed to be tainted with mala fide in law and therefore quashed." See more

Jawaid LAW Associates 25.10.2020

It is mindboggling that never before it happened that in very first term President is so much lost the dignity in the eyes of voters and otherwise as opinions world over. 'Democratic voices outside the United States will have to wait till November 3 to learn whether American voters intend to give President Donald Trump four more years in the White House. While outsiders have no say in the matter, all partisans of democracy throughout the world devoutly wish for Trump’s ouster from the Oval Office. The reason is simple: as president of the US, Trump has done more than enough to undermine the very idea of democracy and, in the process, has provided aid and comfort to illiberal pretenders around the world.'

Jawaid LAW Associates 06.10.2020


Jawaid LAW Associates 04.10.2020

Such Mind like Sartre were the real brains of western civilization......read on