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Kelly Newman 27.05.2021

Anyone interested in practicing handstands??

Kelly Newman 22.05.2021

Have you ever wondered what the best diet is for lasting weight and lasting transformation? I will be speaking to this at Movement Expo at Active Sports Therapy on Sunday at 4:30. There are lots of great presentations, live demos, sample treatments and door prizes happening all day. Please message me if you are interested. I have extra tickets...

Kelly Newman 17.05.2021

Too all the Moms grinding it out

Kelly Newman 03.05.2021

There is no app for human connection..... There is a lot more grit and grace in marriages than most people are willing to admit. If we knew what a fine line both partners walked, perhaps we could learn to be a little more compassionate with each other. Between the fanstasies and addiction, reactions and actions, it is hard to be a good partner/parent day in day out, month after month, year after year. Growth and greatness are forged in the daily grind. If the micro component...s of the daily grind ignore your partner, the macros won't fill the void. Small things daily, for our children and for our partners. I'm not sure whose words they are, but wow...how poetic:)

Kelly Newman 17.04.2021

Are you still committed?

Kelly Newman 04.04.2021

Learn my best practices for staying committed to your wellbeing and yourself.

Kelly Newman 29.03.2021

Instead of Counting Calories, Focus on New Habits Most of us have a long history of restricting certain foods to get immediate weight loss results. Remember the fat free fad? How about the zero carb diets? Gluten free anyone? Before starting another new eating plan or program, I invite you to consider whether or not it is possible to eat like this for the long term. Is it balanced? Is it healthy? Is it realistic? If not, you need a different solution. Small, sustainable ch...anges to your eating habits will always produce better long term results than extreme short term interventions. Instead of tracking your calories, I ask my clients to start celebrating small changes in behaviour that are steering them towards their goals. The changes may be more gradual, but they are lasting.. My Top three healthy eating habits that create lasting results: 1. The habit of planning your meals weekly. It is so important to plan balanced meals and to have the groceries you will need to prepare your meals available when you need them. 2. The habit of listening to your body and eating until no longer hungry. There is a big difference between no longer hungry and full, or over full. If you are too uncomfortable to take a fast walk after dinner, you have eaten too much. 3. The habit of enjoying the food you are eating. If you don’t love the food you are eating you will never stick with it for the long term. Find healthy alternatives that you love, or make small changes to existing recipes to make them more balanced. See more

Kelly Newman 25.03.2021

It’s Never Too Late for Self Care Introducing The Power Hour For those of you who missed the beginning of September to start, or stick with your self-care routine and rituals, you are not alone. So many women struggle to make time for themselves, and they put their needs at the bottom of their never ending to do list. One of my biggest A-ha’s was the realization that I am always going to feel like I have too many balls in the air. The never ending chore list is never... going to be done. So why wait until everything else is done, before I start taking better care of myself? Life is not going to get easier. My responsibilities are not going to go away, so how can I learn to manage my life experience without constantly feeling like I am barely able to keep my head above the water? The only way we make our experience of our lives better is by becoming curators of our own wellness. We make taking care of ourselves a priority within our lives and we practice self-care. I am not talking about lavish self-care. Manicures, pedicures, shopping.all of those things are fantastic and fun and but what I am really referring to when I speak of self-care is daily rituals and routines that promote the nourishment of our bodies, minds and spirits. They are the practices that help us tune into and put us in touch with ourselves, our needs, our wants and our dreams and our desires. Most women are very in tune with what the people they care for in their lives need, but at times they are so focused on everyone else that they lose touch with themselves. For myself and my clients, one of my favorite exercises is what I refer to it as the Power Hour. 20 minutes of moving your body, 20 minutes relaxing or meditating and 20 minutes doing something you love. A daily practice like this restores your reserves and puts you back in touch with your own experience. When we are more connected to ourselves, we are less reactive. We have more clarity about our priorities and values. We are more focused on what really needs to get done and what can wait. When we create a time and space to breathe, to be ourselves, to be with ourselves every single day, we learn to care for ourselves. And when women practice excellent self-care, thriving becomes the life experience instead of surviving. The more we learn to fill our own buckets, the more our overflowing buckets fill others buckets. Starting this week, I challenge you to practice excellent self-care and start your own Power Hour rituals, and become a curator of your own wellness! See more

Kelly Newman 19.03.2021

The 5 Wellness Factors That Affect Your Ability to Lose Weight When most people think of weight loss, they think of working out more or eating lessand both of those can help. But at some point, most people stall out in their results. More is not always better when it comes to working out and less is not always better when it comes to eating. I invite you to consider some of the other lifestyle factors that may contributing to your ability to shed the weight physically, ...emotionally and spiritually. The five pillars of Well Being are 1. Exercise 2. Nutrition 3. Sleep 4. Meditation 5. Stress Management Which one is most important for you to integrate into your lifestyle for you to reach your next level of success? Whatever one you are not currently doing... Grab your calendars, the next 30 day Wellness, Working Out and Weight Loss Challenge starts November 1st! Start Wherever You Are!

Kelly Newman 12.03.2021

Know Your IT factor. True self confidence. Where does it come from? Not self-confidence based on your marital status, your job title, your bank account balance or your body image. All of those things can come and go and are external. True self confidence can never be taken away and comes from a deep knowing or self-trust that no matter what happens in your life you will figure it out. Self-trust stems from knowing what makes you, you. And from knowing that you have th...e ability to tap into your true gifts, potential and strengths at your will. We have all had different life experiences that have cultivated unique and special qualities that make us different from others. Understanding what your gifts are and being able to identify them and name them allows you to rest assured, with the knowledge that no matter what, you can depend on you. A lot of people struggle with identifying their gifts, because most of the time, our best gifts come packaged with our passions. And our gifts have become so inherent to us that we don’t recognize them because they are the things we love, the things we have always loved and the things that we do without effort. As an example, I am not a visual person and when I first went to get my website developed, I was blown away by the images the website designer put together for me based on the three questions I answered to describe what I wanted. I thought OMG she nailed it and how did she do that? I had no idea how to portray the essence of who I was with a visual image. But, she did. It was one of her inherent gifts. It was second nature for her and hence she created an amazing business out of it. However when it comes to body languageI have always had an internal sense of people based on how they move. It is one of the qualities that made me an excellent personal trainer. From my years of being a gymnast, and later a coach, I developed an inner knowing of what would challenge a person based on their body type, how they move, their level of fitness and their personality. And for most of my life, I thought everybody had this sense. The more we tune into and recognize our own gifts as gifts, the less time we need to spend seeking validation and recognition from the outside world. That means we get to spend more time in the flow honing and developing our potential instead of wasting time and energy trying to convince or prove ourselves to other people. Knowing your it factor is essential to your success. Especially if your definition of success includes a sense of peace and happiness that only comes from within. Anyone interested in discovering their emotional gifts or strengths? Message me, I have a complimentary 5-8 minute assessment that will highlight your gifts and potential!

Kelly Newman 08.03.2021

Distracted Driving vs Distracted Intimacy Last week my husband got a $368.00 dollar distracted driving ticket for checking an email on his phone while his car was stopped at a red light. It seemed to me that this way a pretty hefty fine for taking a moment to check an email. Like most people, texting and driving scares me. Especially when I am on the deerfoot driving 100km an hour and the person in front of me is reading or typing while driving. We all know how fast accid...ents can happen and how risky and dangerous it is to take our eyes off the road even for a split second. But idling at a stop light, it seemed like a pretty harmless action. The officer explained that if he was checking his messages and the light turned green, and the car behind him honks, he may start to drive without first looking up to make sure that the crosswalk was clear and he may accidentally injure a pedestrian. Possible, of course. Likely, I don’t know. But as I pondered the situation I started to think about the habit of checking our phones, and the habit of being distracted on a regular basis. Being distracted, or not being present, is quite often a bigger problem than we like to admit. Even though it may seem innocent, we make far more mistakes when we are distracted. Busy. Not paying attention. Not giving our full attention. And not just driving mistakes. Parenting mistakes. Love mistakes. Relationship mistakes. When we are distracted we become reactive instead of responsive. Impulsive instead of thoughtful. We jump to conclusions without seeking to understand, and we may take sides before we take the time to hear the full story. Of course there is no fine or ticket for distracted intimacy.but I think we all know the price. We have all felt the heartache of being wrongly accused, or misunderstood. And we have all felt the guilt and disconnection of being harsh and judgemental. Perhaps a $378 dollar ticket isn’t such a bad thing. Perhaps it is a great reminder to become more present to what is right in front of us, to keep our eyes on the road, and our hearts wide open See more

Kelly Newman 02.03.2021

Time to grab your calendars..... Here is the 30 day - Work out, Weight Loss and Wellness Challenge Step One - Print off a 30 day calendar Step Two - Schedule 20 - 30 minute work outs within the next 30 days... Step Three - Commit to changing one habit for the next 30 days Step Four - Post a picture or send me an email with your completed calendar! [email protected] See more