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Website: www.lmwcoaching.ca

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L.M.W Consultation 06.05.2021

Great reminder! How are you spending your time? Is it serving you? If it’s not, time to do some spring cleaning.... Since this video I left one more board. Business picked up and I had to step away so that I was not stretched too thin doing a mediocre job at everything.

L.M.W Consultation 28.04.2021

Where are you focussed? Sometimes we get so focussed on where we are going we forget to look at where we have been. As a leader it's important to look at how far you have come. To remind your team of the wins you have already have. Especially when it's a long term project that is particularly difficult. ... It's hard to look back when there are so many tasks left to bring a project to completion. Your team will be grateful for the reminder and it will help to keep everyone motivated. #coach #leadership #LeadingWithEase #HumanResources #focus

L.M.W Consultation 13.04.2021

I had so much fun recording this podcast with Val Low. She is an amazing woman and having listened to some of her previous shows I knew we would be a great fit. Plus we have so much fun it's hard to keep the podcasts to her 20 minute plan. Listen to the full podcast here https://buff.ly/3fyjBG9... #Coach #Leadership #HumanResouces #LeadingWithEase

L.M.W Consultation 02.04.2021

Sometimes we focus so much on our goals we forget to look back at how far we have come. Especially in the last year. We may not have reached our goals exactly but we need to celebrate what we did accomplish considering how much we had to deal with. #coach #leadership #LeadingwithEase #HumanResources

L.M.W Consultation 31.03.2021

Not every great leader was born that way. Some of the best ones are made. Leadership is a skill that can be developed. ... Sometimes, leaders are placed in the position without the necessary skills and experience they need to succeed. If you need to take the next step and become the great leader you’re capable of, join us. https://buff.ly/36qXmNr #coach #Leadership #LeadingWithEase #HumanResources

L.M.W Consultation 13.01.2021

2021 you are not any easier than 2020! I came back to the office after a nice holiday break to the exact same feeling of overwhelm. It took a couple of days but I managed to get caught up and felt a little better. Then the US had a coup and my Province declared a state of Emergency with a stay at home order. Monday I decided not to check my email in the hopes of being more productive and I was. That allowed me to have a slower day yesterday. I took a long lunch, watched a sh...ow that made me cry and I felt so much better afterwards. I can't control what's happening in the word, I can only control, what's happening inside of me. So that's what I'm doing. Organizing my home, office and businesses processes so that I have space to feel all my emotions when the world throws all the interesting things it has been throwing recently. Give yourself time right now. We are all affected by what's happening but if we give ourselves some space to let the emotions pass, we can come back to feeling good again. #coach #Leadership #LeadingWithEase #HumanResources

L.M.W Consultation 08.01.2021

Happy New Year! We just went through a tough one, take some time to celebrate all you have come through. All the best in 2021!

L.M.W Consultation 04.01.2021

2020 has taught us the importance of good leadership. Companies that had a culture that was adaptable to change have thrived this year. Those less adaptable had a more difficult time succeeding. The difference in those cultures comes from how the team is led. The leader sets the tone on whether ideas are shared openly or whether their team holds back. ... Start 2021 by becoming the best leader you can be. Join us for "Leading with Ease" Beginning January 2021. https://buff.ly/36qXmNr Link in profile. #coach #HumanResources #Leadership #LeadingWithEase

L.M.W Consultation 01.01.2021

If you are in Ontario, you can't go shopping today. Why not buy a book? Support a group of amazing people who have shared their inspiring stories. (I'm in book 3 but I suggest buying all three) I have the first book already and am inspired with every chapter. ... https://buff.ly/3aFMHAN #BLUtalks

L.M.W Consultation 23.12.2020

Happy Holidays! While this one is a little different I hope you found a way to find some joy in the season.

L.M.W Consultation 14.12.2020

Last video of 2020! Take a break, give yourself a big pay on the back and don’t compare yourself to others. Happy Holidays!... #coach #LeadingWithEase #HumanResources #Leadership

L.M.W Consultation 09.12.2020

I did it again. Joined with an amazing group of people to author an inspirational book. @CoreyPoirier has brought together a wonderful group of leaders under the blu (Business Life Universe) brand. Each of us has shared our story of growth and learning to inspire you to do the same. Pre-orders are on sale now. (link in picture/comments)... Got a reader on Your Christmas list? This is a great gift idea. Buy 1, 2 or all 3! #blutalks #coach #author #leadership #HumanResources

L.M.W Consultation 02.12.2020

As a leader, what is the foundation you’re working from? Are you motivating, inspiring, encouraging, supporting, and guiding your team? To be effective, a leader must have a solid foundation built on a clear mission, a steady vision, and an environment that encourages success. ... Are you on terra firma or do you need help? Join us for "Leading with Ease" Beginning January 2021 (Early bird pricing until December 15, 2020) https://buff.ly/36qXmNr #Coach #leadership #LeadingWithEase #HumanResources

L.M.W Consultation 28.11.2020

Are you not as effective a leader as you want to be? Successful leaders realize they can’t do it alone. They are realistic about their own strengths and delegate responsibilities to their assembled team that has the skills and experience necessary. Are you the doer or do you have the support network you need?... Join us for Leading with Ease Beginning in January 2021. (Early bird pricing to December 15, 2020) https://buff.ly/36qXmNr #Leadership #coach #HumanResources #LeadingWithEase

L.M.W Consultation 10.11.2020

Time does not heal all wounds. If you have team members not getting along you need to deal with it. #humanresources #leadership #coach #leadingwithease

L.M.W Consultation 30.10.2020

Not every great leader was born that way. Some of the best ones are made. Leadership is a skill that can be developed. Sometimes, leaders are placed in the position without the necessary skills and experience they need to succeed. ... If you need to take the next step and become the great leader you’re capable of, join us for Leading with ease starting January 2021. (Early bird pricing to December 15, 2020) #coach #LeadingWithEase #Leadership #HumanResources

L.M.W Consultation 18.10.2020

When's the last time you had a good belly laugh? This year has been so tough. So many BIG issues. COVID, Black Lives Matter, a big election in the US that affects us all. Not to mention all the things that we have all had to deal with. Working from home, some of us on our own, some of us also trying to be teacher at the same time. Distancing ourselves from friends and family that we would normally see on a regular basis. So many things out of our control. I'm seeing the tole... it's taking in my friends, family and clients alike. I'm also feeling it myself. On the weekend I connected with some friends and we had some laughs. Those really great belly laughs, where the tears start running down your face and you can't stop. I came into this week feeling so much better. I am ready to take on the week. #coach #leadership #laughter #HumanResources #LeadingWithEase

L.M.W Consultation 02.10.2020

Competitive advantage takes a team. With all the changes in artificial intelligence it’s hard to keep a competitive advantage for long. The best way to stay ahead is to have a team that adapts to change quickly. That takes a different type of leadership.... #coach #leadership #LeadingWithEase #HumanResources

L.M.W Consultation 27.09.2020

Supervisor/Managers roles have been evolving for years. With all of the Artificial Intelligence that has been created, jobs have changed and there is a much bigger focus on connection between team members than ever before. Gone are the days of the "Boss" who barks orders. We now need leaders who create an environment that supports adapting to change quickly. ... Join me on November 25, 2020 for "Using a Coach Approach to Management" to become that kind of leader. https://buff.ly/2UJTnUx

L.M.W Consultation 11.09.2020

Are you listening to your team? I mean really listening. Where you totally understand where they are coming from, what their concerns are and why they are feeling what they are feeling. Or Are you listening to respond and get through the conversation as quickly as possible. ... 2020 has been a crazy year, now more than ever we need to use all the tools we have at our disposal to connect with out teams. Join me and Gina tomorrow for a workshop on communication with a focus on really Listening to your team. https://buff.ly/3jP83fZ #coach #leadingwithease #HumanResources #Leadership #listening

L.M.W Consultation 26.08.2020

It’s been a long year. We aren’t done yet so stopping isn’t an option for us but we can take a step back and review what needs doing and slow down. The more you slow down the faster things get done because you are doing the most important things first. #coach #leadership #LeadingWithEase #HumanResources

L.M.W Consultation 16.08.2020

Love this video... Calm assertive leadership is so important and it takes a lot of self-care.

L.M.W Consultation 07.08.2020

Have you ever left a conversation with someone and realized later you ad a completely different understanding of what was decided than they did? You both leave and work on the task agreed to but then you discover that person is going in a very different direction than you are? Join Gina Weatherup and myself on Tuesday November 17, 2020 for a presentation that will leave you with the skills and tools to avoid this in the future.

L.M.W Consultation 26.07.2020

For the first year in some time I'm not able to attend the Cenotaph. For the past few years I have been able to attend and really think about those who have served for us. Their lives, their deaths and the horrors they saw. The families who will never have a grave to grieve at. Thank you for all you sacrificed, I am blessed to live in a free country because of all you have done and continue to do.

L.M.W Consultation 23.07.2020

Are you really listening? Have someone on your team shared something and you chose not to hear it? Have you ever had a leader listen to you and choose not to believe what you said?... As human beings we want to be seen heard and understood. When someone chooses not to believe our viewpoint that relationship became very strained. In Listen, Talk, Lead we will review how human’s come to conclusions so that you understand how to get yourself and others out of this situation. https://buff.ly/3jP83fZ